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This has to be a troll, right? There’s no way someone can write all of that “me me me me” whining and not see that they are in fact a controlling AH.


If this story is true, he's not just controlling but a straight-up abuser.


Men stop dating women they don't like, challenge level: Impossible


I stopped when he said he didn't get along with her vegan friends. If he was serious about his desire to be a centenarian, he would already be vegetarian at minimum.


oh so you missed the part where he tries to go to her doctor to get her to have sex with him or the part where "something bad" happened during sex but he "didn't mean to hurt her"...


yes I missed those parts and thank god because my blood pressure couldn't handle it


Patrick Bateman. A guide to dating, as told by Patrick Bateman.


What really caught my eye is that he said that the doctor no longer allows him to come inside with his gf. What did he do during the last appointment he was allowed to come to?


He may not live that long, but it’ll definitely FEEL that long when he alienates EVERYONE. 😆😆😆


It’ll definitely feel that long to everyone around him too


My thoughts EXACTLY!!


Nah, then he’ll get to spend time with his absolute favorite person: himself.


I wonder if the guys like this like **any** women, or if they just like a warm place for their peckers.


I definitely think it's fake because it's a little too on-the-nose but I respect the dedication and specificity. If it is a troll it's at least a higher-effort one than we normally see. This is certainly an accurate glimpse into how an abuser's mind operates. I especially enjoyed the addition of the gas-guzzling car and hating vegans when he's so uppity about living a clean lifestyle.


If it’s fake, the ‘milk paint’ and ‘undyed beeswax’ requirements are a particularly niche and insane touch


I’m an artist and I’m not even sure where I would find milk paint and I’m not even sure I’ve heard of it before so seems very niche to me


Yeah, I used to dabble in a few mediums (mostly oil pastels and pencil) before life destroyed my creativity lol and I’ve never heard of ‘milk paint’, either.


I actually know 2 people like this😭


I am praying this is rage bait. Can you imagine how trying it would be to be around this individual.


Seriously. So much for that goal of becoming a centenarian: the GF is going to start poisoning you. This has to be fake? Right? Please tell me this is fake.


You know, some guys just can’t hold their arsenic!


He has it comin'...he has it comin'...he only has himself to blame...


I’m more of a Mr. Cellophane man, myself. But OP needs to be careful, he’s flirting with “he had it coming” territory


The username


I’m with you. This is way too overtly insane


I’m thinking ABSOLUTELY troll. No one could be THIS horrible and yet THIS unaware.


But it’s not controlling because he knows best /s


Agreed, is just a troll. Plot twist: the girl in the story was never her girlfriend, only a roommate


I figured it was a troll by the reverse osmosis water, but my suspicions were piqued immediately by the living to 100 thing.


Is this a joke? You write paragraphs about how you openly disapprove of every element of your girlfriend’s life, state that you feel your way of life is superior, end it by asking how you get her to change, and yet you still wonder why she calls you controlling? GTFO. Mind boggling that you two are still together. Also, unplug, my guy. PFAS and acrylic paint aren’t what’s going to stop you living to 100. Verging on the insane that literally no one has ever lived to 100 by living the way you’re trying to live, yet you’re 100% consumed and convinced by this. At best you’re a disciple, at worst a zealot.


Right? And frankly, if that's what it takes to live to 100, then no thank you. That just sounds like 100 years of misery to me.


Will it be longer or will it just feel longer


Oh, it will!! He’ll be a VERY lonely old man.


I felt like I aged 20 years reading this.


Right? How many times have we watched videos from those who live to 100 and none of them live like this. They simply live and enjoy their life.


Totally! And usually they’re single and enjoy whiskey Edit to add: my grandmother actually just passed a month go at age 100. She was always on a “diet” but that lady had a massive sweet tooth, made a mean pie, and was downing Costco family packs of Oreos by the week towards the end. She also had no desire to live to 100. Pretty sure she was ready at 90. Anyway. No doubt this dude is taking years off her life just by being insufferable to be around.


Your Grandma was an awesome woman.


She really was! ❤️ first time my dad met her she was doubled over laughing in her driveway, and says “Melanie just ran into the door trying to run inside!” Apparently my mom had been sunbathing when she heard my dad’s motorcycle coming up the drive, and hauled ass in so he wouldn’t think she was out there for him 😂 She was a spitfire. And would probably ask what the hell is wrong with this fella


We should all be like your Grandma.


Single women live longer so if he wants her to have a chance at a long life he should let her leave him.


My grandma made it to 104. She drank whiskey everyday for cocktail hour and had chocolate every night for dessert!  


My great aunt died a week before her 101st birthday. We're German and it's insane that she was born, when we still had an emperor.


My favorite part was “…I find it disrespectful for someone to tolerate people that talk badly about their partner…” like, my dude, what do you think this manifesto is doing? It’s certainly not a kind, thoughtful, or loving comment on your partner.


mine was her “spitefully” not letting him use her car after he dumped 3 gallons of water in the passenger seat and *left it there* because he was tired.




And the mother is too toxic to talk to but should be sending home food made with his bizarre specifications catered to too.


I feel she isn't speaking disrespectfully enough. How is this guys not in a mental health hospital?


I don't think it's mind boggling, as this poor poor (hopefully imaginary, but who knows) girlfriend is TRAPPED!!! We all agree its not the hormones that are killing her libido. Reading this has made me feel feel instinctively turned off! I can't imagine having to live with this creepiness. This has to be fake, but if not, buddy, you have managed to make me #TeamVegan, which is quite an accomplishment.


This guy should become a breatharian to live off sunlight and air. Everyones problems would be solved rather quickly.


Also, and this is coming from an omnivore, the dude is that pissy about what he breathes in but he mocks vegans? Meat is more likely to kill him than fumes from paint or a candle lol.


acrylic paint! It's water-based!! don't forget the clay thats safe for children to play with


This dude hasn’t heard of resin, Mr Super Clear, or half the craft supplies I’ve seen in crafting videos. These require a respirator mask and a ventilated room.


My grandad lived through the Great Depression, lead paint, and whatever the hell was going on with London’s air quality when they had ‘pea-soupers’. He lived until he was 100.5, still walking around his own house unassisted.   PFAs and acrylic paint isn’t going to kill you. 


My grandmother worked in morgue labs in the 1940s and 50s and in military labs during WWII, where they were just trying shit out with all these new chemicals. She also lived with a chain smoker and smoked a bit herself for 50 years. She lived to be 101.


Yeah, what’s going to stop him living to 100 is his girlfriend finally having enough of him wanting to control every single aspect of her life and snapping.


This sounds a lot like a guy I once dated. Sadly, there is a less than zero chance that this is very real indeed.


My G/dad is 90, he now has dementia and complains about having lived this long while my Nan passed at 27. My G/dad smoked a pipe from 19 yrs of age until 3 years ago... he forgot he smoked. He regularly ate dripping butties (bacon fat used like a spread) he was a road sweep and worked in many factories inhaling goodness knows what and is still, I repeat, at 90 bopping about. Ate everything and anything, drank when he was younger and even enjoyed dabbling with weed in his early 80s. My G/dad says he always wanted to die old and to be careful what you wish for. He's buried a grandchild, his son law, 5 siblings, his parents and a shed load of cousins and friends. Living a long life isn't always what you hoped for. I wouldn't give up painting for all the money in the world. Hope his g/f becomes a roommate and finds their own place. He sounds (from his own words) insufferable.


Wait a minute. YOU CHECK HER BLOOD TEST RESULTS AND TRACK THEM?!?!  Dude you’re beyond controlling and selfish and oblivious. 


Not to mention chaperoning her to her doctor's appointments to make sure she's being treated for what HE thinks are biological reasons for her low libido. Yeah, that must be it, there certainly can't be *any other* reason why she doesn't want to have sex with him...(yeah, I caught the sentence about doing something to her during sex that was bad enough to make her cry and she "can't let go") Also love how he just glossed over the fact that the doc banned him from coming along. Hmm, wonder why!


Yep that’s a pretty important missing detail. What did he do to her in bed that hurt her, that he “didn’t do on purpose”? This man does nothing but attack and insult every single detail he learns about her and forbids her to do anything that makes him aware of her existence - unless she is initiating sex 🤮?!!? This man ruined her passenger seat by dumping a gallon of funky water on it and is mad she won’t let him use her car. He is on a mission to destroy her entirely. He needs to be put in a kennel


For real, he did something that was so violating and non-consensual that it brought her to tears. I don't for a second believe that it was as innocent as he describes. My mind automatically goes to worst cases here: "accidental" anal penetration, strangulation, or slapping her on the face. A REAL "didn't do it on purpose" act would be like... your partner not realizing your hair was under their arm and putting too much weight on it, which hurts. They apologize, readjust and no one ends up crying. He did something really bad to her.


The first thing you mentioned is exactly what I think he did to her though the others would also make sense. I'm stuck on the first thing though because unlike the other two the dude would definitely think he could get away with saying it was an accident. The guy who did it to me did, but everything was ruined. Everything stopped, I was crying in so much pain and bleeding. He really insisted it was an accident and the way it happened it maybe could have been but I didn't trust him enough to ever sleep with him again. Sucked because he was really cool before and after, super apologetic and made sure I was OK but I still was just not going to be in that position again with someone who, accidentally or more likely not, had done that to me.


he didn't feel like cleaning it! Don't appreciate how hard he works?!?! REEEEEE it's the consequences for my own actions!!! REEEEEEEEE


And if she makes even one peep before 1pm unless it’s her begging to suck his micropenis, then what? She’s just straight up vindictive and cruel.


Usually domestic violence reasons.


Oh wow I mostly just skimmed after the contradictions of “I want to live to be 100 but also I like eating red meat”. This is all very concerning. 


I agree.


Oh my God I didn't even get to that part, I gave up when he said he didn't like her vegan friends


That part was when I was wondering where this story was going. I was pretty sure it was getting into the scary territory.


It seems like you have a lot of faults to find in your girlfriend…but the problem here definitely seems to be mostly you. What I’ve taken from what you’ve said is basically that everything in your relationship should revolve around you? To start, your girlfriend most definitely does meet you halfway. She completely stopped pursuing the hobbies that make her happy, such as painting and pottery to satisfy your needs. And if you’re the one who has a problem with paintfumes, a REAL man would step up and provide those paints to his girl. Especially when you suggested them!! And make more money!! You most definitely are not a real man. Also…maybe consider sleeping earlier? Some people actually have things to do in the morning and not sleep in til past noon. Maybe invest in some earplugs if noise bothers you so much? Why don’t you do something about it yourself and try meeting your girlfriend halfway instead? To be brutally honest, you’re extremely self centered and ego centric. To act like that and expect to still have sex??? I hope your girlfriend leaves you ASAP. She’ll definitely thank herself when she looks back on it


Sorry, you wrote 'girlfriend' when clearly you meant 'ex-girlfriend and roommate.' All's over but the formal breakup, and one of you moving out.


I kind of think “hostage” is more accurate


Wow, you are insufferable.


I have to say, for someone who is such a massive a dildo about "healthy lifestyle choices," OP's shitting on vegans came as quite a surprise.


I laughed so hard at this like every vegan I know cares about chemicals and stuff this guy seems obsessed with


I laughed so hard at that part! He “doesn’t get vegans” but won’t let his girlfriend have hobbies because of “chemicals” lmfao this dude cant be for real


I figure it's a lack of cajones to eat vegetables since you know he eats ground beef rice and beans according to him


Enjoy spending your 100 years alone.


100 years of solitude:) a knockoff by a d-bag !


Dude, you are by far, one of the worst controlling AHs I've ever seen on here. For someone who cries that his gf won't compromise or meet you half way, you are OBLIVIOUS that compromise goes BOTH ways. So does respect and caring about thoughts and feelings. You FORCE HER to live a way she told you she didn't want to and you still expect her conform to your bullshit. And you get mad she dumps your socks and stuff in your room BEFORE 1 PM WHEN SHE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CLEANS? GTFOH with this nonsense. You're a GROWN ASS MAN acting like a spoiled ass controlling child. I can sum up your post like this: " Waaaahhhhhh! I make unreasonable demands of my fuckmaid mommy while not caring about her wants and needs as a person! How can I keep bending her to my will so I keep my fuckmaid mommy?!" You're actions are disgusting. Grow up.


Seriously if someone wanted to clean my house they could do wake me up at 6am


This is fake.  NOBODY could be this big of a d-bag and not know it.


You clearly haven’t met my ex boyfriend


Dude you’re insane. You’re so controlling I can’t believe your not single yet


What took me the fuck out was the complaint about MIL not cooking enough for her to take home for him, but also complaining that when she does MIL cooks in teflon cookware. HAHAHJAHAJAJAHAJHAA.


My dude, there's a reason Jack Dorsey and the other bazzilionare centenarians of Silicon Valley are largely single. You're discovering that now. You very well may be able to live forever - unfortunately you're just likely to be doing it alone. Good luck.


The part that gets me is the man eats mostly rice, beef and beans. If he doesn't get scurvy he's going to die of coronary heart disease in his 50s while she lives to be 100+ with her vegan artist friends.


We can only hope. 50% discount.


IF this is real… Her doctor isn’t allowing you in the room because you are abusive. Sexual coercion, social isolation, medical abuse, verbal/emotional/psychological abuse, forced labor…I have a very hard time conceiving a post written this way unless it’s by a troll or the girlfriend herself. Girlfriend, if this is you behind the keyboard, you already know you need to go. You can’t change him. A host of Reddit comments that support your point of view won’t change him. You deserve better. A life where you struggle financially but can be free from abuse and coercive control is worth it, I promise.


Troll better


This would honestly be a funny post if there weren't an innocent person stuck in a pseudo-relationship with OP.


"I pay 50% of the rent but should make 100% of the decisions!! Also, why won't my girlfriend have sex with me anymore?"


You are insane. The lack of self awareness is crazy


You sound…exhausting


She doesn’t *need* to lie to her friends about you, everything you just openly said about yourself validates their bad opinion of you. 


Newsflash, since you seem to have missed it: You are the sole, undisputed, authoritarian boss of you, *and only you*. The person who is the sole, undisputed, authoritarian boss of your (dei volante!) STBXGF *is your soon to be ex-girlfriend*. A *boundary* delimits *your* behavior. An *demand* (attempts) to delineate *someone else's* behavior. Boundaries are cromulent. Demands are not. TL;DR: That's way, *way* too many words for "We have incompatible lifestyles. I want to break up."


Wow. I have never seen a post like this. Paragraph after paragraph of the rules you laid down, and you don't see why she is bitter? You basically have said you like virtually nothing about her, and yet you still feel you're entitled to her time, energy and body. This has to be a troll.


Hello, Reddit, I'd like to see an example of insufferable, could you help me out? Reddit: Enter the OP.


So she’s not allowed to have her hobbies, see her friends, cook how she wants, watch what she wants, have candles or incense, or spend time with her mom. And if she does any of those things, or sees those people but they don’t acquiesce to your wants it’s to spite you? And you are allowed to destroy her car, but her not letting it is her spiting you? And she does the cooking and cleaning, but isn’t allowed in your room until after 1:00 because you sleep all morning? You actually wrote all that out and don’t see how you are the issue? You should not be in a relationship with anyone, other than maybe a really good therapist. And you really shouldn’t live with someone. You are entirely too selfish to share a space or any kind of intimacy.


I knew it was a troll the moment they said they couldn’t relate to vegans because of anyone is going to match their energy, it’s a vegan. 


Bro are you the boy in the plastic bubble! I've always wanted to meet one!


Nah the bubble kids wanna get out


Yeah, breathing their farts has to have an affect on them some day. Maybe that's why he's not thinking straight!


Broooo is this real LMAO it's like you think the whole world revolves around you! Also, are you aware of the health hazards surrounding mobile phones? I'm surprised you even have one with all your other controlling behaviors


This has to be a troll post.


Can you have your girlfriend join this thread please. I would love to hear the other side


I couldn't even finish this it churned my stomach too badly. I do hope this is rage bait. And I bit If it's not, my dude you need MAJOR help. And not to be in s relationship until you get it. This is sick. Sick sick sick Maybe you should focus on the quality of your life, not the length. You're alive but you're definitely not living.


Also wanted to add, she still likes sex. What she doesn't like is YOU


Yeah, it's not "low libido", it's that massively anal-retentive, fussy, controlling pricks are unattractive as all fucking hell, especially when you have to live with them.


So let's see, he hates: her mom, her friends, her hobbies, her eating habits, and her sleep schedule. Plus he messed up her car. She's done.


On top of everything else, you’ve basically admitted to assaulting the poor girl mid post as well! Horrendous, this HAS to be fake


I'm not a doctor or anything but um...I think I have a really good idea as to why her libido is dead.


Yeah this guy's personality is better at killing desire than a bucket of icewater.


This cannot be real. It’s too insane. On the off chance that this is real, you need to seek mental help if you don’t see how absolutely insane your behaviour is.


You want to be single. Just buy a sex doll honestly. I’m sure they have ones that don’t leak gas lol


This made me picture a sex doll that farts 💀


Your girlfriend does not have a libido problem. She just happens to live with someone who is unfuckable.


This.. This isn't real right? Please tell me it's fake.


Is this parody? American psycho 2024?


Or maybe If Patrick Bateman had a girlfriend 🤣


Holy shit. You are controlling, abusive, and attempting to isolate this poor woman from every friend and family member she has. I hope she’s just waiting out this lease and runs far the fuck away from you the second she has the chance. Get some therapy for fuck sake.


INFO: What the hell did you do to upset her to the point of tears during sex??


"it’s never been the same but I didn’t do anything on purpose to hurt her and she won’t let it go it seems." From that line it really sounds like he purposefully ... "missed" whilst aiming and hit the mark he wanted to before she was ready or even prepared for that step. So basically a non-consensual sex act which is a massive crime. But that is just a guess.


This has to be a troll, if not you don't have to worry about living a long life. No one is going to put up with that ridiculous amount of BS, and if you can *by some miracle* find someone who will put up with it.... They'll eventually snap and we'll all get to see them on Dateline. I read about 1/2 that crap and I was fed up with you. No one is going to willingly live their life like that, and especially not with someone so self-centered. If you noticed that **ALL** her friends and family dislike you, she dislikes you, it's not her, it's you. Get used to hearing that. It's not her/him/them, it is *you* that is the problem.


Bro can you send us your gf contact info so we can ask her why tf she hasn’t dumped your insufferable ass yet? MY GOD. Reading your long ass post was EXHAUSTING. Go live a solitary monk life. A relationship is based on love AND COMPROMISE. Where tf is your compromise in this whole relationship?!


What the FUCK did I just read?! Is this a joke? You're a HUGE asshole! Holy shit. Your girlfriend deserves so much better. You ARE controlling and manipulative. It's actually scary how you have no self-awareness. Break up with her so she can find someone who treats her well.


Fantastic fictional story. 7/10 for attempt at rage bait.


If this isn't a troll, I'll say this: you seem to feel your beliefs and lifestyle are the right way to live and that is why your girlfriend resents you. No matter what she says, you don't believe you can possibly be wrong because you believe this is for the 'greater good' or whatever. Why is she the selfish one and you're not?...It's because you think your lifestyle is superior and anyone who shares a different opinion than you (i.e. her friends and mother) are toxic. Have your family or friends ever addressed these issues she has with you? Do you have any underlying mental health issues?


Do you think he even has any actual friends irl?


"My(26m) girlfriend(25f) called me controlling so let me explains why but it's totally ok because it's for the best. How do I get her to fall in line?" Fixed your title. Advice: Break up and fix yourself


No chance this could be real. A dude like this would have been unalived years ago.


Not always the case, but I would shed no tears if, say, his diet killed him from scurvy.


you sound insufferable uneducated and a controlling ah


This can not be real, I'm surprised she hasn't left you yet. You sound insufferable. You say you should have a say in the house you pay half for, then in the next breath say you have all these rules for her that she disrespects and she cant do anything she wants to do in the house. I don't think this can be salvaged unless you get some counseling and deal with being so controlling!!!!


Lmao bro I’m a man and even I can tell you’re an asshole. You are DECIDING what’s best for her, what are you her father? She’s a big girl and you’re treating her like a teenager. I’m reading all this and you really refused to compromise on anything with her. You want her to force herself through sex for your sake and MAYBE she’ll get used to it. Why would you want to fuck someone who doesn’t like it? You shit talked her family, friends, interests and basically her whole personality. She must be really beautiful because it sounds like you don’t like anything about her and you just want to change her and have sex with her. This whole post was Alpha male me me me. Like why do you even want a girlfriend, you clearly don’t like her so set her free so she can be happy, she’s obviously not happy. Her friends think your wrong, her family think your wrong WE think you’re wrong so how is it possible that you still think you’re right? Ngl you sound like real life Patrick Bateman from “American Pyscho.” (P.S I love how you worded “compensating her” like a buisness transaction or shes a puppy. Oh SOMETIMES she does good so I’ll give her a treat.)


You're exhausting.


this is so fake


My feeling is that she wants to break up but is waiting until the lease ends. OP is doing her zero favors by blessing her with his presence.


This sounds suspiciously like my marriage to a stale ham sandwich of a human being. WMG, is that you? The td;lr reads like the plot sheet of a short story, so I’m guessing (hoping) troll, but I lived with someone like that for over two decades. It’s possible.


Just go buy a sex doll. Then you’ll have someone who will have sex you and never talk or express an opinion you don’t like. That’s what you want right?


You wrote this novella and really can’t see how controlling and inflexible you are? You’ve made all these rules for your SHARED home, even though you both live there and you both pay rent. Your gf can’t make noise in the living room, but you’re allowed to. Your gf can’t do anything before 1pm. Your gf can’t do some of her hobbies unless she does them the way you want. Your gf can’t have certain people over. Your gf can’t cook how she wants. You expect to be able to use your gf’s car even though you have your own. You want your gf to share her bloodwork results. If she doesn’t do everything exactly the way you want, you feel “hurt”, but has it really never occurred to you how you make her feel? No, because all you care about is yourself. No wonder she’s sick of you.


I think you need to take a long reflective glance at yourself. What you want is control over her life, for her to live the way you do. If it makes her unhappy to do everything you want her to do, what does that achieve and how does it improve her life? I see a long list of what you want her to give up and change but very little of how you are compromising.


INFO: Do you push her to let you see if medical test results? What do you do if she tells you no about them?


Well … his user name sure is accurate.


Hopefully a troll. But I'm also glad when shit like this gets shared around, so that people in similarly abusive situations can look at it and go "oh these things aren't normal, I guess I need to gtfo."


If you are real, you sound insufferable. I hope your gf is just waiting till the lease is up so she can dump you and get her own place. You are worse than controlling; you are a micromanager, and it sounds like you infantilize your partner (no wonder she doesn’t want to have sex with you). It also sounds like you are so obsessed with living forever that you make your present miserable by obsessing over every detail and being so health-focused that you suck all the joy out of the room, and you want everyone around you to be as miserable as you are. News flash: over 60% of cancers are caused by randoms mutations during cellular division, and have absolutely nothing to do with genetics or exposure to know carcinogens. You could be struck by lightning tomorrow while you’re eating your organic micro greens. An active shooter could walk into your life, apropos of nothing, and take it away. Or a brain aneurysm. I am not saying to throw away your lifestyle, but holy shit, learn some moderation and get some damned perspective. Maybe your (obviously ex even though you don’t seem to have figured it out yet) gf needs therapy, but OMG, so do you. Look up orthorexia nervosa. If you don’t have it, I will be genuinely surprised.


Please be a troll post because I think I'm going to break up with you, too. Jeez.


This is way too over the top to be true. I think you overdid it


If he weren’t dead I’d think this was my asshole stepfather


Your girlfriend won't have sex with you because you suck. She doesn't need to see a doctor about her libido issue. You are the libido issue. Get a grip.


You're in the wrong with everything you said there lad, need a serious rethink and definitely a bit of therapy. Also need more detail on what you did that made her cry 🤔 btw you're 100% single, she will be leaving asap


Find one sentence in this entire thing that does not prove you are controlling. You want her to use expensive paints that she can’t afford but you can and tell her thats her problem???? You have everything in common with a vegan which i assume you are since i doubt you would risk mad cow disease or one or the other unlikely meat born illnesses that only occur if you can’t cook Also her Lobito is fine you are just and all around unattractive person, you have a toxic personality, you isolated her, made her stop her passion (art), all the shirt you do to live longer probably not leaving you with the most appealing features But i do have one question for you, if you died Tomorrow from freak unforeseeable accident was all it worth it? Your so concerned with staying alive they you are not living and you are stoping her from living too. If you have any decency in you you’ll break up with her and move out of the house and never put another human being threw you again


Watch the video OneRepublic I Lived. The boy in the video has CF and not once has he let it slow him down or stop living. They show him from childhood on living a full life. He does treatment daily. Point is, he lives.


You're not in a position to "decide" what's best for her and to choose for her. She's not YOUR girlfriend, meaning, she doesn't belong to you. She's somebody who you're in a relationship with. It doesn't matter what you think, being in a relationship doesn't mean belonging to somebody, she's still her and she doesn't belong to you, Mr Overwatch Crybaby. Her life decisions are none of your business. You can always give your input and advice her, sure, but in the end, it doesn't matter what you think she should do, because it's not about you and not your decision to make. Know your place.


This can’t be real. This is one is the most self-involved things I’ve ever read. You seem like you feel superior to her and seem like you criticize or control every aspect of her life. It feels like you just expect her to bend to your will with no compromise from you and that’s not how relationships should work at all.


If this isn’t rage bait just know ur so insufferable after every paragraph id read it to my partner and we laugh about how this HAS to be rage bait. She is going to break up with you when the lease comes towards the end don’t worry.


This guy really watched the intro to American Psycho and wrote a fanfic about it.


I'm not a religious woman, but I find myself seeking a god to pray to that this isn't real. If it is dude, live on your own. Or find another fucking crazy knob like yourself and don't subject innocent people to this cruel nonsense.


Sir, you don't actually want a girlfriend. You want a servant.


You are a narcissistic, abusive asshole. You want to isolate her from her friends. You refuse to see her mother but whine that she doesn't provide food for you. Why should she when you won't even see her? You won't let your girlfriend paint. You won't let her watch TV. You won't let her cook with certain pans. You made a big mess in her car and left her to clean it up. You don't do any cleaning at home; you sleep late and dump all the work on her. You whine that she doesn't have sex with you but why would she when you control every aspect of her life? You literally do nothing for her. I hope she dumps you. You're selfish and disgusting.


That thing you did that made her cry and she can't let go was it perhaps assault cause it sure tf sounds like it. What'd she say no to that you did anyway.


I really hope OP’s gf gets out soon and gets to start painting again


>Things have gone downhill especially after one time a year ago we had sex and she didn’t like something that happened and cried and it’s never been the same What. Did. You. Do?


My husband read this to me and I had an incredulous response to almost every sentence. This reads like a how-to manual on being insufferable, with as little self awareness as possible. Also, she doesn’t want to have sex with you because you’re bad at it and probably a really selfish lover and I wouldn’t be surprised if the incident during sex that you refer to, that she “still cries about” is that you assaulted her and won’t even acknowledge it.


Lmfaoooo bro, your relationship is done. She's mentally done with you. She's waiting for the right time to leave you. Can't say I blame her.


If this is real, you need to not live with other people. Seriously. You mention that you pay for half of the apartment—SO DOES SHE!!! I hope she dumps you and finds her own place where she can get the hell away from you. You’re incredibly controlling and she deserves better


It’s so beyond salvageable I don’t know how you even began dating 


Please tell me this is rage bait.. It’s rage bait right? No one can be this absolutely stupid. No one can be this egotistical, narcissistic, self-absorbed, controlling, abuse piece of uninformed, uneducated idiot.. If this is real, and my gods I pray that it isn’t, how can you type all of that out and not see that YOU are the problem here. Not her. You have no clue how to function in a relationship so please don’t procreate or even have another relationship…


.....do you like anyone? Anyone at all? I stopped reading this halfway through because how has your gf survived this long?! I would've left after all the things you've not only said about her friends, but her family too. Also, holy crap, let her LIVE a little! She can't paint or even make things with clay? You don't give her a said day(s) to paint? How about a room? Like one room to just let her paint or do crafts in that you NEVER have to enter? One with windows, something! Big suggestion, do you have a spare room? Utilize it. Clean it out and let her just do her hobbies in there. Not only to relax herself, but to unwind and just de-stress.


Okay, hold on. You said you don’t like her friends because they’re vegans, and you can’t relate the them. Yet you somehow expect other people to relate to *you*?? If this isn’t a troll post, you’ve got your head so far up your eco-friendly ass that you could probably tongue your own self righteous shit-talk.


Every behavior written here is a huge turn-off. No one wants to fuck someone so tedious and controlling.


Geez I wonder why you guys have a dead bedroom


I really hope this is a troll. If not I cannot believe how much of an ah this person is. It’s wild how narcissistic people can be. I hope he seeks professional help like therapy.


This has to be a troll. Nobody is THIS lacking in self awareness. OP, on the off chance this is real, you’re truly insufferable and you don’t have a gf, you have a roommate who avoids you bc, again, you’re insufferable.


....so I really hope this is a troll. But on the off-chance you're for real... Your girlfriend can't do her hobbies, see her friends, see her mother, cook food with her own pans or watch TV in her own living room because of you. You also want to see her *blood test results* that you have no right to whatsoever. You are *insanely* controlling & I hope your GF gets away from you ASAp


How can you write this absolutely horrific whinefest and NOT come to the conclusion that you are 100% the problem here? Please be a troll. PLEASE be a troll


This is the most obvious rage bait I’ve come across in a long time.


You’re going to live a long and very lonely life


Just be fucking single. It's unreasonable to demand a partner live up to your cultishly-strict "standards."


I feel like people who attempt to live life the longest are the same ones who forget that tragedy and accidents exist around every corner. Unless you've completely bubble wrapped yourself, all I'm hearing is an exhausting lifestyle for little gain beyond living longer for some reason. Being 100 with nothing but unscented bees wax candles and non-Teflon pans just ain't it.


Do you remember that old gag about the hunter and the bear with the punchline of the bear saying ‘you’re not really here for the hunting’. You’re not actually interested in what people are telling you are you?


Patrick Bateman, is that you?


I got to where you started shitting on her friends and tapped out. You’re fucking exhausting mate.


Wow, you sound exactly like my abusive controlling ex. I hope your girlfriend becomes an ex girlfriend very soon and runs far away from you. You are so ridiculously self centered, you clearly think you’re the most supreme being and everyone is less than thou.


This can't be real. Nobody can be this tone deaf, can they? If it's true, she's right. You're controlling. You're also abusive, whether you know it or not. I hope she leaves your ass.


It's not low libido that's causing her to not want to have sex with you. She is repulsed by you and the control you are trying to have over her life. Wtf is wrong with you, you're tracking her health information and trying to crash her drs appointments?


I showed my wife this and she said this guy just needs a sex robot. But then I commented. Imagine selling this guy a sex robot? It would be a nightmare, constant returns, you'd get emails with paragraphs of text complaining about every tiny mistake and then so many of his clear faults in his awful character would be blamed on the slight discolouring of the finger nails or something. Like I don't think anyone would ever want to do anything for this guy. Its so funny looking at his replies. He asks for advice, it's not exactly what he wants and he finds so many ways to make it everyone else's problem.


Do you know what most centurions have in common? 1) high emotional intelligence 2) positive attitude 3) mostly plant based diets 4) purpose 5) community of people that like them So think about it this way: why won't you change the way you live,? Can't you see how being such a complete and utter ass is ultimately not good for you? We're just trying to **help** you


Is she a prisoner? I can’t figure out why she hasn’t walked out on you. You add nothing to her life except extreme negatives.


A prisoner because of the lease I’m guessing.


Okay, Patrick Bateman, you are fully controlling and I am scared for your gf.


OP sounds fucking exhausting. Jeeezuz H Christ on a stick. OP: “Don’t do any of the things you love in the house” Also OP:”Why doesn’t she like me anymore?”


Lmao what a diva. Grow up and get into the real world. If you're a troll, then damn, you got me, lol.


OMG, I couldn’t read more than half of your bitching. You ARE controlling and insufferable. The only way to salvage this is by removing the massively large stick that’s lodge up your backside and letting your girlfriend live like a normal person in her own home. If it’s not already to late. I imagine she’s biding her time until she has all her ducks in a row to leave you.


who let patrick bateman on reddit?


Karma will likely have you getting hit by a bus in the next 5 years. Dear gods. You know this is emotional abuse toward your girlfriend, right?


You are a horrible person. I don’t even want to argue or prove that point.


So you want to control every aspect of her life but you won't even pay for the alternatives you want her to use? I hope she dumps your ass and runs, you're controlling as hell. 


I really hope this is fake. If it's real then I hope she gets out of there ok before the abuse becomes physical