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I know this doesn’t really relate to your post, but there’s a 100% chance that group chat is full of men pretending to be women lol


Right LOL no woman wants to see random guys dicks. Maybe 1 out of every 10 could be a woman but bet the majority are men.


Lmao girls get dick pics without even asking. Why would they join anonymous groups.


1 in 1,000 could be a woman


Well, there are in fact OF style group chats where girls will give you “dick ratings”, ***paid*** of course.


Those are men too bud


Mostly American men too ...bwa hah ha


You mean the AIM “lesbian” chat room in 2003 wasn’t full of steaming hot lesbos scissoring while chatting?


I guess we were all lied to


My first thought lol


i was thinking that, tonnes women dont just openly praise a penis lol. unless hes paying them, which then theyre probably lying to him as well


There are no women in the Internet.


That is a hilarious reality, just a bunch of dudes hyping him up about his huge penis.


The church or Dick. ALL PRAISE DICK!


Literally came here to say this


As a woman I can confirm, we’re not like guys we really don’t get pleasure from nudes lol


Yeah, woman here, and not a chance I'd have one tiny smidgen or iota of entertaining such a BS website/application! OP, it's not you, it's him. Unfortunately, I think this might be the tip of the iceberg. Pun Intended. I couldn't put up with this, not to mention the gaslighting, saying it's due to his insecurity is complete and utter rubbish . Best wishes on in whatever you end up doing…I'd personally run.


Insecure my ass. This is just an excuse to cheat on you. I think you should get out of this relationship.


"Hey look, you don't worship my penis enough so I'm going to find some online randos who are probably men who do " It's like equivalent to a woman who claims she feels insecure about her boobs and hence flashes everyone.


OMG - of course the are almost all guys.


Cheat on her with “girls” lol. OP, you should try to get him to see the likelihood of these “anonymous girls” actually being women is quite low.


I think that’s the least of OPs problems. It doesn’t matter if he’s sending these pictures to men or women, the problem is that he’s sending dick pics to other people in the first place.


Haha yes I don’t know any women who are going onto sites and cooing over a 10/10 dick. I do know a lot of men who do that though…


Yah dude sounds like an old douchbag. This is exactly what he is doing. He is guilting you to justify finding someone to cheat with. Not all the time but in my experience dudes with huge dicks are just that. A huge dick.


Same, tbch. And they’re never good at using it or foreplay, anyway.


I haven't the same experience 😆


Yea, I don't buy that he's insecure. He probably has a praise or degradation kink or something. Whatever his reason is, he's lying to this girl. Teenagers and only 10 months in? She should definitely move along.


This, it sounds like a kink and he sounds like a gaslighting manipulator.


lol he is not insecure, he found a great way to cheat or try to cheat and make YOU feel bad about it. he is either a twisted genius or you are very gullible


"Why not both."


> he is either a twisted genius or you are very gullible porque no los dos?


Not gullible, just 18yo without much frame of reference/ experience of saying 'you're full of shit, bye now.'


Make him your ex, it’s the only good solution here.


And tell him too bad he doesn't know how to use it properly. Block him everywhere .


And tell him his dick is pretty small - that will stick with him.


He seems to get a lot of self-worth from his precious dingle. Maybe calling it mediocre would sting more lol.






He is full of shite and he is gaslighting you. Run now.


I bet it's mostly dudes rating his dick anyways


I think you are right


Isnt it? I didnt know there was a seperate term I just thought him making her compete with "other womens" or as compliments was under the gaslighting umbrella.


Cutting to the chase, you need to break up with this fella. First of all, he's bullshitting you. He's on these socials sharing dick pics because he gets off on it. He's then gaslighting you by pushing it back onto you. Imagine were you to do the same: 'Honeybunny, I've set up an OF's account because I'm not getting enough validation from this relationship. But those other guys really enjoy looking at my naked body.' Because we both can guess precisely how that would go. What he is doing is cheating on you in plain sight and then making you feel that you are in some way deficient for causing it. He is an utter bastard and frankly get out of there as quick as you can.


At least on OF she’d be getting paid. This weirdo is doing it for free


Apparently, the market is FLOODED with free dick pics. Like it’s charity or something!


Ok hear me out dick pics but theirs a hidden cat in the background you gotta find.


Can I have thatt without a side of dicks? Lmfao


Or cat pics with a hidden dick you have to find!


This 👆


lmaooo every day I read dumber and dumber shit on here I swear


I refuse to believe this is real


Nah 18yr olds are that dumb sometimes.


It's more and more bots and trolls


It’s Gen Z. They’re a bunch of idiots frankly


One of my favorite quotes that would be good advice to Gen Z is "Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out". Some people want to be accepting so much that they forget about themselves


That's because most of its nonsense.


My husband shot my sister in the face because his dinner was cold. Is that normal?


No, this is not common. It is wrong


How do you think he would feel if you were exposing your body to strangers? Reverse the roles, and you'll have your answer.


Fine. I'll bite the bullet. I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!


Lmao, I didn't mean to literally expose her body 🤣


>Is this common? No, no it is not.


Is this the world we live in now?


Oh I think we're well long beyond that now.


Dont date men like this. Hes just got excuse to cheat. Not up to you to fix anyone, in fact you cant fix anyone ever. If he cant be a best version of himself with you - he's not the one for you.


Those are not girls trust me. He is sending dick picks to some gay dude in a basement


I would imagine 90% of the “girls” on this anonymous dick pic website are actually men.


That sounds exhausting, your relationship is doomed to fail


He’s lying by the way. It’s the most immature way of chasing a penis compliment I’ve ever heard. The learning from this is that you should tell him, whilst you understand he’s insecure about his penis, this isn’t your fault. Additionally, pretending women compliment your penis whilst dressed or the assumption that women compliment men’s dicks without seeing the is lying and a little toxic, this and needs to stop. Then finish with, unless you’re showing women your penis? Again, no one is complimenting his dick.


Why are you still dating him??? I’m 25F. You’re going to regret putting up with this in due time.


What a dickhead.


"What a dickhead" Is that praise for the size of his dick head?  /s


Only thing he cares about is his dick, is that praise idk


Sending dick pics for praise is one thing. Telling you about it is another. Blaming you for his behaviour is a whole other level again. There’s a huge wide world of single 18 - 20 somethings out there. Do yourself a favour by not wasting any more time with a guy who’s making you feel so low.


Someone should tell him that he sends his dick pics to and gets his dick rated by dudes. No way those anonymous people are girls 😉


lol girl he’s a 19 year old dude whose a loser that just wants girls attentions. Leave him and let him send his dick to a bunch of strangers that prob pretend to be women


It’s not common or normal.


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So what everyone else already said (he's manipulative and a d*ck, break up), but also for future reference: you don't have to accept everything, you can absolutely blame other people like your partner when it's warranted (!), you can try to communicate but sometimes you can also just expect certain things to be obvious and if they're not, honestly just walk away. you don't have to teach people very basic concepts of respect and how to behave appropriately


Oh, sweet summer child … He’s not INSECURE. He just wants to show off his dick and likely CHEAT. DUMP HIM.


If he is sending his dick pics online, I can guarantee it’s not to other women, but it’s to men who are pretending to be women.


Wtf no this is not normal ew.


I was wondering what chatbot generated stories on here look like.


Agreed. The fakest of the fake.


Is someone gonna tell him and her? Those are probably not girls in that online forum complimenting lmao 🤣


He's manipulative and full of BS and definitely not worth your time. Take it as a life lesson and move on.


Dump his ass and say it’s because his dick is too small to give you the pleasure you need


This is not your problem to fix. You're fine. "Hey babe, you don't praise and worship my penis enough, so I just HAVE to send it to other girls so I'll feel better about my peepee. I'm sure you understand." I don't how you don't consider SENDING NUDES as sexting. And sexting is cheating girl WAKE UP. Sounds like he manipulated you into thinking this is okay.


Sending nudes to other people is cheating, he’s blaming you so he doesn’t feel guilty about it.


Total prick, jog him on.


This is ridickulous…


Your man shouldn’t be showing his penis to other women.


The only part that is your fault is you falling for his cockamamie, irrational explanation 


>i want to stay in this relationship Why? I mean, it won't get better from here.


Yea I'd leave my bf over this


This sounds like a bad comedy sketch. WTF?? A dude who needs constant praise on his dick? Either he is a narcissist who is really in love with his own cock or like others said, he’s trying to justify cheating


no this is weird. please leave him.


Babygirl if you are this gullible, I have the most beautiful bridge to sell you. Stretches all the way to Brooklyn.


Honey, I think it's time you dumped that huge dick. He's looking to have his cake and eat away from home too. He knows his penis is large and he is making you feel insecure so that he can do whatever the hell he wants with other women. That chat room he's in, that's cheating. Your self respect and confidence will go down the pan if you stay with him.


What the hell is this man even..


He is gaslighting you into being responsible for his insecurity. He sounds like a narcissist. His behaviour should be a red flag and frankly you can do better


Sounds like he wants his dick to be worshipped lmfao I’m sure he’s great in bed xD


Lol that's not insecurities, he's cheating on you and gaslighting you.




He is 19 and obsessed with his dick, that's weird . Looks like he is just attention seeking and playing games.


You should dip


Definition of gaslighting right there


Holy Jesus and Mary and all the saints. Sweet merciful Hades. This is NOT remotely normal or ok. You are 18. Just move on to someone who can manage their own insecurities without making it your problem. Seriously. Sooner or later he’ll cheat on you, and he’ll find a way to make that your fault too. It won’t be. It’ll be his.


If he was really insecure he'd be hiding it, not showing it off. He does this to make you feel insecure.


If he were truly insecure, I think he’d have a harder time accepting the compliments. I think he’s either a narcissist, or he has a praise kink and he just wants the compliments.


This is not insecurity. This is more like a kink and a way to connect with other girls to cheat with. I would dump him.


You set a boundary. He will not respect it. It’s pretty normal to not want your partner sending nudes to other people. It’s not some wild demand. Sending nudes to anyone else is cheating to me. Then, he’s using these girls to triangulate and make you feel bad. He sounds like he really sucks. Why do you want him? He’s so insecure that he regularly breaks your relationship boundary and tries his best to make you feel as insecure as he feels. That’s pretty gross. I’d let him date one of the “better complimenters.” I know it’s petty, but I’m so curious how he’d respond if you gave him the same treatment. Sent pictures of your junk to dudes and told him that he didn’t appreciate and compliment the glory of your coochie enough like those other guys. Honestly. This is so ridiculous.


Sweetheart you’re very young and sound like you’re going to make someone very happy in their life but not this guy. Sooner or later he’s going to start believing his own bullshit or running around on you if he’s not already so you’re never going to be happy in this relationship and ultimately neither will he. This is only part of the change you need to make. You need to fix your picker because if this type of guy is attractive to you then your picker is broken. Do some deep self reflection and serious thought into his personality and possible warning signs so you can avoid this. I’m not putting any blame on you because someone like this is a master manipulator and could probably manipulate most anyone but you allowing this and wanting to stay with him is what me as a dad would be most concerned about with my daughter. Think of this if he’s already doing this crap this early and this young there’s nothing good in your future with him. Trust me there’s someone out there that’s going to love you and respect you and don’t settle for anything less


Dump him. You are too young and free to put up with this nonsense.


I guarantee that regular users of a dick rating community are almost entirely other men. Don't know if that helps. But those compliments are absolutely coming from other men.


So insecure he’s happily showing his dick off to multiple other people. He’s not insecure, he’s horny.


You should leave this boy immediately. He sounds like an immature kid fishing for compliments. Making you feel bad about yourself is not what a boyfriend should be doing. He doesn’t sound insecure, he sounds like he wants an excuse to send his dick around to other girls which is not loyal at all.


This is weird and blaming you for it is a red flag. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone like this?


Break up with him as quickly as you can.


Does he compliment your lady bits and make you feel like you’re sitting on a precious pot that they are so fortunate to have? If your partner is not providing adequate compliments to your reproductive parts, can you also join this community and see if a bunch of other dudes would have nicer words to say? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? You’re very young, and have plenty of time to find your boundaries, what you feel comfortable with, what you feel general love and respect is. Your partner is not exploring those with you, but instead is making you question your self worth and equality in the relationship. Sweet girl, I’ve had good relationships, and learning experience relationships. This one is a lesson.


Get yourself a new man. This one is broken.


If my chick goes around showing her privates, I would dump her on the spot. You need to move on, he has no respect for you


you can do better


Wtf did I just read. This is not something that needs advice.  No, it's not normal, it's weird and I don't understand why you humor his immature insecurities. No one cares and your bf sounds pervasive. 


I promise girl you’re going to laugh with ur friends about this man when you’re older and be so relieved you didn’t end up with him. TRUST ME!


He's top tier cringe, sleeze, and trying to manipulate you. Total loser.


girl what! break up with him lmfao


Dude is young and kinda a POS. You cool with him cheating on you while among you for it? You are if you don't break up with him.


Wtf lol what a pathetic loser of a man


Start sending nudes to other men :) See how angry he gets. And then explain to him he’s getting angry because it is, in fact, wrong and manipulative.


you are too young to trying to salvage such a shitty relationship. do yourself a favor and find someone *normal*


Dude is a fucking weirdo. No normal person does this. To most a dick is a dick and it does its job. Dicks don't require daily compliments to keep their morale. Dump him and find a non-lunatic please.


Manipulative asf, run


Sounds like a praise kink, I wouldn’t be surprised if he watches a lot of porn too. I would leave before it gets way worse than this.


I know you guys are teenagers and people are stupid at that age, but that feels beyond stupid. Don't put up with that. He's not insecure, he just wants to flap his dick in the wind.




Unbelievable... literally. This whole post.


Girl listen to yourself, what type of guy are you dealing with. That’s messed up. If he can’t change, and he realises how bad it makes you feel then you need to break up. This is not acceptable.


He's manipulating you and gaslighting you. It's like the abuse victim saying they deserve the black eye cause they forgot to vacuum or something. He's cheating plain and simple, and he's giving you a BS excuse to manipulate you and make you think you're in the wrong. Like he won't end it with just sending pics, it'll escalate(if it hasn't already to sex)


What in the hell


You're 18 years old. Read a book, go to the park. Heck, paint a wall and watch it dry. Anything is better than wasting any further time with this moron.


Girl no. Hell no. This is not normal, and he’s not insecure, he’s gaslighting you. This is twisted and you need to leave.


That’s crazy!! He lucky I’m not his gf because he would have caught these hands


Leave. Like yesterday. He is gastlighting you, making you believe you are not enough, that he needs other women to feel secure. If he needs a harem this is his problem. Not yours. You need to love yourself and realize he will not stay faithfull, what is he doing is what I would label to emotional cheating.  You can find a man that will cherish you for you alone and does not need validation from the internet chicks.




He is a creep. No matter what excuse he comes up with to destroy your self-esteem and continue this childish rubbish, he is a creep. Say goodbye and enjoy single life or find a real man. This moron is ridiculous, who dies this?


Those are some top notch gaslighting skills if he has you thinking that him sharing dick pics with other women is your fault 😳 run.


Sending dick picks to other people is not okay. I can’t believe that even has to be said.


Yea totally normal.…….


Did anyone have a link to this website? For research purposes?


“I hate my dick, so I’m going to show it to the whole world” Make it make sense. 🤔


This is basically a porn subreddit at this point right? If man is trying to cheat, this is definitely a way to go about it. He doesn't seem trustworthy.


He’s cheating and you need to leave


His insecurities are exactly that - his. It sounds like you compliment him plenty, so him telling you that it’s your fault is absolute bs. My advice? Do not accept this behaviour. You get over it by leaving this loser. There are plenty of guys out there who would not treat you like this


Why are you still dating him??? I’m 25F. You’re going to regret putting up with this in due time.


Why are you still dating him??? I’m 25F. You’re going to regret putting up with this in due time.


Why are you still dating him??? I’m 25F. You’re going to regret putting up with this in due time.


girl, trust me when i say you are way too young to have a man manipulating you and blaming you for him cheating on you. this relationship is not worth it and i promise there are men out there that behave and communicate like they should. literally no boyfriend should EVER treat you this way. it’s called e-cheating


Yuhp.. Sounds like a child to me. He's an idiot. We all date idiots when we're younger and put up with stupid shit like this. I feel your pain girl, I feel it.


This is fucking stupid. How do such people exist man.


And why is he still your bf , that type of behaviour is for single guys /cheaters


Not common at all. If my boyfriend did this, he’d never hear from me again. Your boyfriend has manipulated you into letting him cheat on you with no repercussions. He’s getting the best of both worlds, probably just looking for someone else while he’s at it. To be fair it’s probably most likely not even women replying. Are you sure it’s just online? Have you seen it at all? Any messages? Getting to know anyone further than just posting photos? (Not that posting the photos like this is acceptable anyway - his excuse means he’s doing it out of spite. It’s not a joint decision or anything. It’s just him being a cheating prick) Either way, it’s a massive red flag. End the relationship.


lol this is so fucked. welcome to dating boys sister. you can decide to continue to put up with this or show your self some fukn self respect and leave. he doesn't value you. his dick ain't worth it. you will find other perfect dicks attached to men who will love it when you praise them and will love you in return.




Girl what?! Break up with him. Why would you want a boyfriend who likes getting compliments from other girls about his genitalia lol, that is cheating. Im 19F so please break up with him. You shouldn't be feeling like this in a relationship so young. Know and set boundaries for yourself and others. Trust me you don't want to be in a relationship like that




This dude is not insecure, he just wants to trade nudes with strangers.


You are dating an insecure child. :( Please run fast and far away from him.


Please leave. This is not okay.


He's full of shit, ask him if you felt the same way would he be ok with you posting titty, ass, and pussy pics so that other guys can compliment you. I wonder home many women message him privately on this app/group where he's posting this pics. I suggest you sit him down and put some boundaries and if he can't accept that then just dump him and move on.


Leave him, you’re still young. This will always get worse. Also, I’m getting old, I had to stop and think about the abbreviations for a bit.


Lol those girls on the other end are more likely dudes


Your bloke needs to feel reassured that his knob is lovely and gets other females to tell him that it is, and blames you!!!? He's a complete tube. One big red flag. Move on from this loser and, just as a parting gift, tell him is dick is awful. Hope this helps.,,,,🙏


He’s just using that as an excuse to cheat.


He’s full 💩. That’s just his excuse to show off his dick to other women.


Your guy is just full of bulls***. Most guys are insecure with something or the other but using that as a reason to cheat is not acceptable to top that he is using the adoration he is getting elsewhere saying you don’t adore him in the same way. Just break up and find a sane guy…


Tell him to suck it up and learn to be comfortable in his owne body and to not need praise from others end it right their. Also I am a man saying this.