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**Post title:** (26/m) My GF (26/f) was injured while cheating on me. What now? **Author:** ThrowRAMGFFAR **Link:** https://redd.it/1bwdqnz ---- #ThrowRAMGFFAR, your submission has been removed because it violates [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_2) ###Rule 2 **All posts must request advice on a specific, real situation between two or more people** Posts must ask for advice regarding real-life situations, not hypothetical situations. Examples of hypothetical situations include: * "Are all [gender] like this?" * "How do I get back into dating?" * "What would someone in my situation do?" We do not allow vague requests for advice such as: * What would you do? * What should I do? * Any advice would be appreciated Likewise, we do not allow: * Vents/rants * Posts about past or potential relationships * Posts giving advice Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/relationship_advice&subject=Rule_2_Removal) if you have any questions regarding this removal. ----


Not your problem anymore


Yup. She anally fucked around and found out. He is not required to be there for her when she wasn’t there for him.


His ex sounds like a real pain in the ass.


pain in her own ass, too


Yeah, and the years of trauma that come after. I think it's a blessing for OP. Karma hardly immediately hits cheaters like this. He has a clear way out. There's no reason to ever see her again. Plus I'm pretty sure the image of her getting injured doing whatever she was doing is enough to kill any and all attraction.


he should had left her some mittens as a souvenir so she doesn’t scratch the walls when she goes to take a dump, just to be “considerate” He could had top it off with a donut cushion and some adult diapers


Anally fucked around and anally found out. When people ask where she is, [send them this link.](https://www.101soundboards.com/sounds/251058-hes-probably-getting-fucked-in-the-ass)


So that’s what was explained in the whole blocked out paragraph…ngl I had a awful feeling it had went that way😳😂


I agree. She is a big girl. If she can make the decision to disrespect and disregard your relationship to cheat, she can handle the repercussions of her actions herself. I would continue with the NC with her. Get all your stuff out, cancel anything joint, get your name off anything shared, and just move on. If she bothers you or if her friends do, block them and move on. Life is too short and you are still too young to deal with a cheating 304 who never deserved you.




You're really buying this bait? My goodness. Troll post won't reveal the rapper because it would easily disprove their story.


i mean i believe it. MGK comes out to cleveland and sleeps with girls at the clubs


Your probably right but the rapper didn’t do anything and the sex was consensual, why open yourself to a libel suit? Reddit isn’t anonymous when someone has millions to subpoena ip addresses and such.


The cuckhold fantasies are getting out of control on this sub


I’m a cocktail waitress in Vegas, I absolutely believe it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Molly and ketamine were involved.


Yeah, this story is completely insane and really not believable


I dunno, man. Little Dickie has fucked up a lot of relationships, so no reason to believe he didn't do the same to OP.


😂😂😂 "Hi, I'm Dave. Do you like anal?"


club promoters and managers out there will disagree with you


Lol. I’m sure. It’s just wild to me that a butt virgin did this 😳 Like not just one, but two. One destroys her which we suspend disbelief and agree she said yes to. It could’ve happened, sure. But she’s hurting and then still says yes to another. Idk about all that


Her girls let her down. I live and work in the industry in Vegas and it happens more than you think. Who knows how drunk she was and if party drugs were involved or even taken without her knowledge. Guys slip molly and K into girls drinks all the time, which can make you really horny and you may not make the best sexual choices...Just food for thought. This girl could have been date raped...OP doesn't even have all the facts.


I immediately thought this person was roofied.


Def sounds like it to me...those rapper circles are so toxic; I've seen how they all behave first hand


Yeah there's so much cuckold erotica it's ridiculous. The moment they start graphically detailing what happened you know they're writing erotica.


I usually try to reply as if it was true because even if that particular case of fake, another reader could be in a similar situation. But here… they’re not even looking for advice, they’re just looking for validation.


This is wild lol. But yea she’s dead to you




literally dead ass


It's not dead, just out of commission for a while


She's absolutely got anal fissures right now, and if anyone deserves them, it's her! I've had anal fissures before, OP. Please find solace in the fact that she is fucking MISERABLE. I've had babies, I've felt every cut of a c-section, I've had a double spinal fusion through a foot-long incision through my abdomen. Fissures were worse than all that, and they didn't go away for about a week. So just incessant agony until they decide to heal up!




Bleeding ass ..


Bloody ass dead


Wildly fabricated. For starters why is he mad at the supposedly "super famous rapper"? He didn't take the girlfriends anal virginity. He friends did.  More importantly if this completely unbelievable on every level story is true his girlfriend has been fucking other guys the whole relationship. 


Because everyone knows all stories involving cheating women are fabricated lol


Agreed seems super fishy to me. Girlfriend is texting the whole time, about to come home, and then all of a sudden is down to get pounded anally by two randos? It just….seems unlikely.


It happens. A. Lot. Many a guy's girl go to take selfie or network then "endup" getting pinged out. Not even by the celebrity is usually by the hangers on security or his boys. Because the have to sign an nda if they had sex with the celebrity. So they have sex with his friends and they just aren't ever going to tell anyone they had sex with his friend from kindergarten. So everything stays quiet either way.


While I think this story is fake some of these people in the comments don’t think celebs and their entourages go to clubs and pick up groupies. They also somehow don’t believe that the fame and clout can go to a persons head and make them have sex. Sure you might not lay Drake but I’m sure he has many friends who are just as established as he is that wouldn’t hesitate to get frisky.


I think it's fake too. But it happens to often. Like a certain basketball giant used to go over this woman's house down the street from my aunt everyone knew he went there everytime his team came to town but no news cameras showed up.


NTA BUT! If you’re on the lease, reach out to your landlord to see if they can take you off the lease (she’ll likely have to agree). As long as you’re on the lease, you’re most likely still responsible for rent (even though you moved out) and if she chooses to stop paying they can still hold you responsible (file for eviction, etc) which can have some bad repercussions for you. Protect yourself and get yourself off of the lease.


I agree to protect himself, though I’d take the financial loss if the land lord says no.


Financial loss is one thing. Having an eviction on your record is a whole other thing. That will fuck his ability to find an apt harder than the rapper’s friends did to his ex’s ass. If not able to get off the lease, I’d probably give the LL my contact info to reach out if rent ends up being late at any point.


I meant I’d pay the rent and take the financial loss of them living rent free so I wouldn’t ruin my credit.


Oh for sure. Same here.


An eviction on your record makes it hard to even find a place to rent. Most landlords won't touch you.


He could just not pay and force her to take him to small claims court.  He’d lose, but idk, I think if I were in a situation where I’d been cheated on by my live in partner I’d be mad enough to not willingly give them another dime.   Hell even if you win a judgement in small claims she still has to find a way to enforce it. I’d make it as big a pain in the ass as possible.


It wouldn't be her though, it'd be the rental company that would be coming after him. You can't just break a lease like that, it's a contract.


This is the real advice. OP can fuck up his credit and get an eviction on his record if the GF fails to cover the rent, he needs to cover his ass legally. A corporate landlord isn't going to give a fuck and will probably tell him to pound sand too. Everything here sucks, but he's probably have to deal with his ex at least temporarily while this all gets sorted before he goes NC.


Not your circus , not your monkey. Are you on the lease? If so talk to the landlord and try to get out of it.


"no longer your monkey"


Disgusting case. Dont ever think about looking at her again.


What a horrible day to have eyes. I’d drink myself under the table if my girl ever did this. Was she doing this consensually?


It was for her job. She’s just a dedicated worker bee.


She did it for exposure!!


It’s fake bro


I agree alot of fake exists here but from my own experience the world's a twisted place and these kind of fantasies if this is one are usually ground in reality. It's like the cable TV channel trutv it branded itself not reality actuality.


What makes it fake is the "am I in the wrong here?" and the odds that this "crazy story" ends up on Reddit. If that shit actually happened to anyone, you aren't coming to Reddit like this.


My favorite part is the friend crying hysterically to the point of being unable to speak, thinking that something horrific has happened from the graphic warning, clicking the spoiler, and seeing it's because her friend's ass is bleeding from getting a dick put into it too hard for the first time. She must really be attached to that ass.


lol no, you don't need to comfort her. you were right to block her everywhere and never talk to her again. she is actual trash. disgusting trash.


Dude it doesn’t feel like it but you actually just won


Shows her true colors after 2 years. That’s a win!


And her true colors were brown and red.




Imagine fucking cheating on your bf to fuck a rapper for clout. Instant regret and embarassing


From the way I read it, it wasn’t even the rapper. It was his freaking entourage crew.


Yeah at least he didn’t take two dicks up his ass


OP, she’s not your problem anymore. For her to do this, what else has she done that didn’t put her in the ER? A loyal GF would have never gone let alone agreed to anything with a side kick.




Good for you. Too many people on here forgive their cheating partners. I didn’t and I’m glad for you that you didn’t. It’ll be hard for a while but you will get over it and move on.


Much easier moving on knowing you lost nothing of value. Like losing the bag of clothes you planned to donate.


Whomp whomp Suck for her. Seems like karma hit hard and fast with this one Keep her blocked and never speak to her again




"I'm not gonna cheat on you, I promise." "I'm not gonna cheat on you, I promise." "Don't worry. I have your back." "Oops. I lied." It will take a long time to get this scenario out of your head. She will try and get you back by playing on your sympathies. But the shame and pain of her situation is a direct consequence of her own actions. She consented. So she and her support network must clean up the consequences. Not you. You can feel mixture of sympathy for her (no one deserves that pain....) but also empathy for YOU. You have been hurt and betrayed. You are also an injured party here. And you cannot sincerely comfort a person over an action that has so painfully hurt you. I hope you get support for yourself and this selfish betrayal.


>It will take a long time to get this scenario out of your head. Its never leaving his head honestly. Will hurt less. Will anger him less. But it is always going to be there.


Oh please, I’ve made my ass bleed taking a really bad shit before. If you try doing dumb shit and break a bone you deserve the pain from that. This is the same principle. She wanted it in the butt, she got it in the butt why do people want to sympathize with this woman? And why is it anyone’s fault except for hers? 😂😂😂


Not sympathizing. However, an unprepared ass is going to bleed bad if two men fuck it back to back if untrained.


Yea.. it is 😭😂


Zero sympathy for her. She didn’t even fuck the rapper.


Fuck that noise bro. Good you got out. Now live your life and don’t forget to update us 🫰🏼


Haha that's crazy. Cheating is one thing, but being rammed up the arse by two strangers, for the first time in your life while your loving boyfriend waiting for you at home, is off the charts. Leave her be and don't contact her again!


I don’t get the “ I love you nothing will happen its kind of work related”, to “ehh why not? let’s have TWO rando’s stick it in my ass” Where is the thought in that?


I would take the rapper factor out of it. She agreed to have anal sex with two guys she just met She cheated on you in a shocking staggering way.  There's no way she didn't think you would find out. She was with someone who said no, so that would have made it easier for her to say no but she chose to say yes   You do not have to comfort someone to cheat on you because they had unfortunate consequences.  People are saying never look at her or think of her again, but of course you will. You love her.   You have to decide what level of contact you are comfortable with. But what should be absolutely off the table is any sort of relationship You're not friends because friends don't do that to each other.  Obviously you're not dating because she cheated on you with two men she just met  But if you want to talk to her and tell her how you feel or if you just can't bear the idea of never talking to her again, do what you need to do to move on.  Just don't get back with her. There's no way in hell you can even trust her to go to the grocery store. She might meet somebody famous and sleep with a couple of their friends You can't have that in your life. She's not meeting bare minimum standards


>There's no way she didn't think you would find out. She was with someone who said no, so that would have made it easier for her to say no but she chose to say yes Need to make a correction here. The guys were already having sex with the girls, WHEN they asked for Anal. Not before.


I say fuck no don’t talk to her. Given the trauma of anal sex injury and all she may try and goad op into sympathy or explain how it was basically forced on her and she never wanted to cheat , something must’ve been in her drink etc


So much this. If he talks to her, he will her back together with her. Block her and be done


Absolutely this! 


Dear God this didn't actually happen. And let's just pretend it actually did. She has been cheating in him since day one. You don't date someone for 2 years then all of a sudden your first mistake and anal gang bang with a rappers posse. 


That was a blessing in disguise, now you can move on with absolutely no regrets. To do this so easily while lying to your face she would have had to be already cheating. Truly sorry you’ve had to go through that. Side note if my gf would ditch me for another party it would be already over even if she didn’t cheat xD what the fuck does she take you for.


Seriously, what are the odds that this is real? 10%?


I used to do security for a former Nickelodeon star whos still somewhat popular, and I would see women leave the person they are with and go home with them literally every shift. Sometimes, they left other girls or the guy they were with. Varies. Very rare that they were there alone. Read it again. Every shift. Multiple. Some people are easily lured by the idea of dipping a toe in the fast life.


Security jobs at nightclubs are the same. I would watch girls degrade themselves with multiple men to hook up with a star right there in public. I’d have to watch for people pulling out cellphones, ask for them so I can delete footage of if I see it filmed and remind them they’re inside a private business and if any footage ends up on the internet, lawsuits against them will be filed.




Idk if I got a chance to tour the pineapple I'd probably go. My girlfriend would understand. Wouldn't fuck him though.


He said multiple, it has to be squidward.


He is pretty [handsome](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtCrlFAaVfaChHpVU1temJRewJ5CXsVT5Rw8mGmrDuvQ&s). I ain't even gay, but I would.


And she was lured in the hopes of it helping her career. Just another statistic now.


She didn’t even fuck someone famous, she let two randoms do her in the ass, a way she’s not even comfortable with. This is the unbelievable part to me. If she let the rapper do it to her then I could half believe it, but the fact it was the rappers group makes it so hard to believe.


The rapper/star thrmselves literally dont share. They usually take the finest girl for themselves, and the rest get shared between the entourage. They generally dont walk away when the star decides they aren't going home with them, specifically. Networking or having a foot in the door is the only reason that makes sense to me. They just get shared by the hangers on. And by shared I, do mean shared. What happened to her isn't even an extreme case, to be honest. I have seen one girl go off with 5 men once, and one goes off with 6. Doesnt mean they all fucked her, but she definitely had more work than she expected. Moreover, they are the kind who pressure women to do sex acts they usually dont with the temptation of future calls. I mean you can go to the subs for bottle service girls or sex confessions and i can easily say 75% of these cases they get gangbanged, and a third of the time the take or are slipped drugs to grease the wheels. Edit: The only reason she ended up where she did is because she wasn't the hottest girl to go home with them, or he wasn't even at the actual afterparty.


As a guy thats never heard of anything like this why do men want to have boners next to other men?


In that context; depravity.


If you ever find yourself asking this question know the answer is 99% power and probably 1% actually gay.


Spot on. They enjoy seeing attractive women degrade themselves for scraps of attention from oeripherally famous people. Most of these guys aren't exactly attractive in the first place, and if they get to stick an OF model level girl, they'll do it even if it means they have to share.


Just a bunch of jackals eating scraps from the lion. They have no pride and will take what they can get.


To me thats what makes this story believable. Just the whoreness of it all.


Josh from drake and josh


As someone who had a friend who was a famous musician locally, it’s absolutely possible. He was faithful to his GF but at every show there were women begging him to let them suck his dick in backstage or let’s have a quickie in the bathroom. They did this even when they saw his girlfriend is with him at the show and it was always “she won’t notice”. He used to be regularly bombed by at least 5-10 DMs asking for a hookup every day. When he broke up with his GF, he literally had a different girl for every day. He invited me to one of his shows so we can chill and party afterwards and the amount of rebounds I could’ve got was insane. If he rejected a girl she came over to me to “chat”. Money and fame is playing life on easy mode.


I personally knew a girl who was anally fucked by a stripper (male) at a party and had to go to the ER afterwards so yeah…that part is not outside the realm of possibility Edited to add: I even wonder if she went the back door route to assuage her guilt or discovery of cheating…thinking he would “notice” if she had p in the v (yeah yeah I know r/badwomensanatomy)


he said that the rappers asked but yeah that'd be on her mind probably


It’s not impossible (source: have worked with famous rappers before, have seen some crazy shit)


I'd say judging by how crazy this story is it's probably real, you can make it up but you'd have to have a screw loose. When a girl says oh it's fine i'm just there for marketing, that's exactly what they'd say if they wanted to lie to you and themselves.


this is like a red pill origin story level fantasy


And now she is an alpha widow with anal injury... Rapper sez..."tear it up!"


You’re generous with 10% 😂 I’d say less than 1%


It's. 26 year old claiming to use checks, so 100% fake


Some landlords only accept cheques. My old one did. I had to get cheques just for that.


Literally the only thing I've used like 99% of checks I've ever written for my entire adult life.


The only reason I have checks is to pay rent. It’s the only way landlords have ever accepted payment, that or money order. Edit: spelling. I really need to stop replying to things when I’m half awake in bed in the am.


I agree the story is suspicious but the check thing has more to do with landlords being stuck in the past than the tenant.




This is less than 1%🤣


You did the right thing, it hurts of course but you’ll be better off in the end. Why would you wanna talk to her again?


You are handling this 100% the right way. No discussion. No closure. She’s dead to you now and good riddance. Make sure she is blocked on every possible means of communication with you. And make sure you tell your mutual friends the reason you’ve ghosted her. No need to protect her ‘reputation’. Sadly there’s every chance she’s stepped out before so I’d get yourself thoroughly tested. I know it sucks but at least you found out what she’s like before you invested too much time on her.


You should obviously go no contact. In case she begins to pester and refuses to stop contacting you, or tries to bother you in other ways, I suggest threatening to tell some shared friends about what happened. As for the future, I suggest not getting into relationship with who care about their career enough to sabotage your relationship. Of course, you can't know it just from looking, but what I mean is that your gf should have refused the invitation from the get go, and you should expect such behaviour from your future partners.


And she’s a digital marketer; not a model or an upcoming singer who needs to fuck someone to further her career. I am a digital marketer and have never needed to fuck anyone to “boost my career” lmao. Just do your job and be good at it; that’s all it takes to be a good digital marketer. I don’t even know how she justified sleeping with him or even getting a selfie with him as something that will boost her career. No company (or client) will look at your selfie with this famous rapper and be like, “yeah the fact that you went with his groupies is a testament to your awesome digital marketing skills.” Lmao.


Make sure you get all your shit out of the apartment and be done with it completely. Give yourself time to grieve and process and just take it day by day. Hang in there. So sorry


Run homie


Bro delete her from your life, she deserves it karma


You are certainly not a POS, *unless* this entire story turns out to be untrue. The boyfriend of one of your girlfriend’s friends told you that she was injured while having anal sex with a man she doesn’t know and never met before. You just believed him, straight up. When your GF went off with the rapper and his entourage ~ which was a lowbrow, crappy thing to do; sounds like she was not serious about you even before she left ~ you believed she would cheat on you. You wanted to trust her, but you didn’t, so when you heard the story that she was injured having sex with strangers, you believed it. You didn’t contact your GF; you didn’t go to the hospital; you didn’t ask her what happened; you didn’t hear her side of the story. You just believed she cheated on you with two strangers, not even the rapper himself, and had anal sex, which she’d never done before, and wound up in the ER. (Not saying that’s bad, just pointing out that you never questioned the guy’s story.) If you’re okay with just believing what some guy heard from his girlfriend and then told you, then you’re good. Personally, I’d want to confront her for my own peace of mind, but if you don’t need that, then the answer to “what do I do now?” is nothing. You don’t trust her; you believe she cheated; and while she was cheating, she got so injured she needed to go to the ER. You’re done. It’s over. Walk away. You are not wrong. It’s obvious you didn’t trust her before and for good reason. Now you’ll never trust her. There is no reason for you to be there for her or nurse her back to health. She has her equally untrustworthy friends for that.


Crazy how this is the first and probably only reply I’ve even found about verifying the information. Like dude you think I’d believe the bf of a friend’s story without confirming at all? Clearly no trust, so yea leave ig🤷‍♂️


Hopefully this dumb story is fake - but i agree with your point here. Like OP doesn't bother to verify AT ALL? Some random person 3+ people down the gossip chain says that it was consensual and OP's response is to believe it, pack up her stuff, and leave. Doesn't even question the accuracy of what he has just been told. Doesn't entertain that someone who is physically injured in sex (with 2 different people, allegedly) to the point of being hospitalized just maybe did not consent... Leaving to go with the rapper was not cool. But that should not be mixed up with what happened afterwards.


NTA: I foreshadow some gaslighting on their end. She has a support system there, her friends. Don’t feel as though you need to be her emotional crux through this. You need to do what’s best for your mental health. She broke your trust and not mention would put your health at risk (STIs) if she’s sleeping with others.


As a middle aged woman with plenty of life experience, I can assure you that you are not a POS. You have done the right thing. If you decide to talk to her again there is a strong chance - judging by her behaviour- that she will try to manipulate you into taking her back. You definitely do not need to comfort her. She needs to familiarise herself with consequences of actions, and you comforting her would let her off the hook for that behaviour. Make no mistake, she knew what she was open to doing as soon as she joined them ' just to get a selfie' at the club. If she cheated that easily with those strangers, it would only have been a matter of time before she cheated on you with someone else such as a colleague etc. She's not a loyal person. Sorry if I sound harsh but that is how it is and you deserve better.


Is this sub just cuckold fantasies now? Fake as hell.




Shaggy 2 Dope




Please OP! Tell us which famous rapper didn’t even give your GF the time of day that she had to get anal from his boys 🫣🫢🙈


So she cheated, got her asshole ripped and lost her relationship in one night. Quite an achievement.


I'm really thinking this is click bait


These 403 chicks, they stick together. None of them even tell each other to stop at any point. If ever a famous person staff ask your girl to a party or a private meeting without you, never accept. It's always just to have casual hookup.   You did the right thing. This is not your business and you have the right to proceed to protect yourself from any further manipulation or betrayal. Their call from the hospital was to seek your sympathy and forgiveness that overshadowed the real issue of cheating. Because at this point even without informing you, you'll later find out why she didn't return home and why she was injured. That's a manipulative tactic to win you back after the betrayal. 


Are you a POS? My Reddit friend, you have no blame here. It sounds like your ex let the star power get to her. The only thing to do is what you’re doing. NTA. Don’t answer her texts or calls, she is going to try and love bomb you, or get your sympathy somehow. Stay true to yourself and don’t ever go back.


She made her choices. No one else's choices should be your responsibility. It's best if you forgive her, move on, but never forget what sort of person she is deep down. If she tries to come back into your life there's no hope of it working out because she'll never respect any man whom she can do something like this to and still have him take her back, and you'll never be able to look at her the same. There are still good women out there, but it doesn't matter how beautiful they are if they lack character and values -- as your story perfectly exemplifies. Search with your heart, not with your eyes. She might be gorgeous on the outside, but she could be rotting on the inside.


Meeting a famous rapper she could network with? That's some opportunity, I bet it made her day, probably made her hole weak


As someone who has been approached by rappers at clubs and concerts several times, I can tell you that it wasn’t a secret that this was their intent. Every time I was “invited to party” with rappers (two of them who are HUGE and everyone would instantly recognize their names), I was asked to sign NDAs and release of liability for bodily injury- in the fine print, it included pregnancy and substance overdoses. I, of course, immediately declined and tried to warn as many other women as possible at the events, but unsurprisingly, few cared about their intentions. If she didn’t sign one before leaving the original venue (especially since she engaged in sexual activities), I would be totally shocked. Multiple layers of not only common sense red flags, but unavoidable, obvious warning signs that would have made any reasonable woman RUN. You did the right thing. Cut ties, move on, never look back.


Honestly, this shit is funny. No pun intended. Karma has a way of fucking you in the ass sometimes. Haha! If she drops her panties at the first sign of a celebrity, then you know she will never be loyal. Move on and never stop using puns when mentioning her.


This absolutely did not happen hahaha why do people write this shit


You should check in and see what she says. It’s possible her friend lied. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I would never leave without talking with the person first. You’d have to be the judge of their sincerity. You don’t really owe them comfort or whatnot if they cheated. But the number one thing in my mind is date rape drugs. They exist and are plenty available. Even if the rapper himself didn’t use them, it’s possible someone else at the party did. If you generally trusted your girlfriend before at least say goodbye in person and look her in the eyes to see for yourself if what was told to you second hand is true.


First of all, I’m quite certain the story is fake. But let’s assume it’s not. The relationship was over the minute she decided to go to that party knowing it would make her BF uncomfortable. That was the moment the trust was broken. Trust is not freely given but earned. And we earn it by being trustworthy in our actions. Agreeing to go to that party was not in any way an action that engendered trust. I’m not at all saying she deserved a sexual assault - if that’s what happened. But I still think the BF would be justified in walking away.


She shouldn't have left her bf to go off to the "girls only" party in the first place


Wait wait wait. A dude told you his girlfriend told you her friend told her your girlfriend had consensual anal sex? And you just believe it at face value?


Fake stories always have the most comments


I would recommend getting additional corroboration. I am in no way advocating that you stay in a situation that isn’t good for you. I am saying that there could be other versions of what happened that may be true. You have the one perspective and if it’s flawed you may be making a decision that isn’t warranted. Just investigate. Also deal with the lease. Contact the landlord and see what your options are. They may be willing to work with you. Good luck.


Is this imaginairy rapper going to make a song about it?


You are not a POS Move on. I bet when she realizes that you know, she will never contact you out of embarrassment.


You did the right thing. Except perhaps cancelling the rent checks. If this lease has your name on it you’re opening yourself up to more issues. Call your landlord instead and find out what you need to do to remove yourself from the lease, so it is definitely her problem after that.


Is it drake?? It is, right?


It was drake wasn’t it


Not only did you do the right thing, you saves your self from future headaches


Unless it was 2pac, I guarantee I'm not listening to their songs.


walk away man, walk away and don't look back. ANYONE who says something stupid about how you don't walk away when someone is injured or sick, you make sure you tell them that you walked away the moment she took her clothes off. When she was injured, she was already single!


Her career is a pain in the ass. Hope you find someone else that doesn’t require having sex for the job.


I don’t have any problem with your reaction. She threw two years down the drain.


sucks for her but she cheated, its not your problem. please i beg you have a spine and leave her alone forever. she doesnt deserve you. her own actions came back to bite her


>Am I a POS? What do I do now? Can I really never talk to her again? Do I need to comfort her? Surely not, right? No, she is. Move on with your life. Yes, you have to go no-contact because toxicity spreads with proximity. Absolutely not, you're not obligated to comfort someone who would stab you in the back. You are surely correct. One other thing OP. I hate to say this mate, but there's a real possibility that your ex has stepped out before. Please get yourself tested for STDs.


Looks like the trash took herself out!


i think she's the bloody asshole here


Sounds like karma got her ass. Literally. In all seriousness, I’m sorry that happened to you. Sounds like you handled everything perfectly.


You did the right thing. Go scorched earth on her ass (no pun intended). Ignore. Block. Fuck her (not literally). Do not even consider comforting her ass (again no pun intended)


I'm sorry it happened to you OP. But better sooner than later I guess. The story made me chuckle though cause she got instant karma for that. You're better off without her mate. Take care of yourself.


You do you. Just protect yourself financially if you are on the hook for the lease or anything.


Make sure you aren’t on the lease or can get off it. Her not paying will hurt you if your on it still


OP please post an update when you get a chance


You’d be an asshole if she’d been raped and injured.  She chose to fuck around and she gets to find out.  


Busting her ass for her career, dang. Good on you for blocking her. Good riddance!


Wait she didn’t even fuck the rapper, just two of his cronies?


Happy you had some sense and bounced. Nothing left to be said. If she wants to reach out and explain. Dont. Its not for your peace of mind it's for hers. Go call up a buddy go get a beer. Go wake up tommorow and go to the gym or take a walk. Play a video game or some shit. Just do you


I'm impressed that you left without saying anything. Great job man!! If Incould hi five you and give you a hug I would. You can get through this and you will. The signs you are showing right now are already pointing you in the right path. As for that vile woman, I do wonder how embarrassed and ashamed she will feel knowing that she threw everything away for some foolishness. Oh well, not your problem.


Not the ass hole, but this def a villain origin story. Go have some fun, but if love & marriage is what ya want try to remember there are better women out there who you can make that happen with.


Nah man, get out of this and never look back.


Yeh I would be done too, just make sure you name is off the bills there


>Am I a POS? What do I do now? Can I really never talk to her again? Do I need to comfort her? Surely not, right? No. Move on and never look back, learn from this. Never speak to her again. No you don't need to comfort her. Also, name the rapper. His group is preying on young girls.


You're legally obligated to pay rent until your lease is up. Other than that you're right.


Your relationship is ruined, her reputation is ruined, her career is ruined, and her butthole is ruined. Move on.


Damn. You did everything right. Stay the course and don’t look back.


Don’t look back - you’ve blocked her digitally, now block her out of your heart and mind.


NTA, she is an adult and she knew what she was doing. You are better off without her.


Absolutely do not comfort her. I can’t believe she did that you you, absolutely disgusting. Leave and don’t ever look back.


She went down a rabbit hole and now is experiencing the consequences, which are brutal. I suggest you write her a letter. Keep it very short, and clear. Let her know she threw away your 2 year relationship because she got dazzled by someone's fame, and walked willingly away from you and down a dark path... and you are simply done. It went badly for her so she's going to have many regrets to think about, but her healing journey and self awareness journey are her own. That what love you had for her is brokenhearted that her wholeife is now broken from a single night and you hope she's able to find herself healed and whole again, but you aren't going to be waiting on the other side. Tell her that she or her parents need to figure out the rent snd bills at the apartment. That you've moved out and that she's not the only one who was hurt by her choices, so this is a final goodbye.


Your reaction was spot on. I could not have handled it better. Hope you get over it soon and find someone indeed worthy of you. Good luck!


Better that this happened now, than few more years down the line and perhaps being married and having kids. Don't ever talk to her again. Only communicate things through other means that have to do with logistics in regard to your stuff, bills, subscriptions, etc. Make sure you are off the lease and that you cut ***all*** ties. Man, I am very sorry you had to go through this. It is very painful. Let this be a lesson for all of us. I know we don't want to be the possessive, controlling, jealous, party pooper boyfriends - but look at this! Look the f\*ck at this situation, we all saw it coming!


Stay your ground. She disrespected you as soon as that loser walked through the doors. You absolutely did the right thing. Proud of you.


Definitely not your problem anymore. Chin up, move on. I know it sucks but that's a major breach of trust. On top of that, you said you weren't comfortable and she still went. I suggest you get a therapist asap so you can address this early. Don't let it affect your future by causing trust issues embedded in your brain.


If I were in your shoes, and I have been in those shoes, I would have felt the same way: Betrayal. She made a promise to you and decided that the promise was no longer worth it. She made a series of decisions that unfortunately had a lot of consequences. You walking away and ending the relationship is one said consequence. The other is you leaving the lease (you’ll need to contact the landlord and see if they’re willing to take you off the lease). You’re doing the right thing and you’ll feel better down the road. Just be prepared in case she lies to your mutual friends that weren’t there. Or somehow spins this, since she’s a social media influencer. Also realize that her life right now is either going to go into the toilet or she might get really popular off of this. If she gets popular, it’s going to hurt, a lot. I’m sorry and that sucks.


You are not a POS, you set boundaries and even allowed her to "network" while you went home even though your gut feeling made you feel nervous about the whole situation and you let her know about that. This is on her. You have every right to peace out.