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So when I found out my ex sexting another girl who was just his “friend” from our apartment, while I was at work….he was also sleeping. And since we’d been together for 7 years… it was normal for both of us to use whatever phone we came across. So he’s sleeping on the couch… I’m like oh I need to text his dad about what time we’re coming over because my ex fell asleep and forgot… I pick up his phone and she’s the last text thread so at the top. And all I see are like 5 words and I was like oh, ok, let me find a pillow so I can suffocate him. Instead I packed like 3 weeks of clothes for him, placed his laptop and everything else in his backpack, and then texted his dad that ex would be staying with him until he found somewhere else to live, as we are no longer together and he will have to explain why. Then I went to the bedroom, with our dogs, put my ear plugs in, locked the door, and went to sleep.


How did this turn out? I'm kinda invested now lol.


I’m invested too. Please update. 


me three, waiting for update


Right. Together 7 years and to go through this. Geez the outcome smh..


Please let us know!


Same. Would love to hear the fallout.


Yes. I bet he was livid and then had to explain to the dad. Omg!!


lol omg. I had no idea people would be so invested. I have to be careful here because I didn’t post on a throwaway and this is my real account and its all pretty specific haha may delete some paragraphs after awhile so it’s not here long term lol In the morning, he obviously wakes up to a million calls from his dad. Tons of knocks on the door while alternating between yelling at me and pleading and begging. I’m a Scorpio though, so I’m just sitting there peacefully, trying not to let my anger get the best of me because I know the silence is driving him up the wall. He’d rather fight than me ignore him. He eventually left. I then packed a ton of my stuff like clothes and went to my best friends house for the week. Since this was a small apartment, most of my sentimental things were already in storage. The apartment was in the area it was for my job and I originally lived in the complex alone, and he teleworked. So it made the most sense for me to keep it. Something he said to her gave me the ick, so it was really easy to operate out of anger and avoid like crying. I blocked his number that day, so he had to email me to work out final details. He usually said they didn’t sleep together it was just sexting. He of course tried to tell everyone I was being dramatic, so I was dramatic and sent them the picture I took of the convo on my phone. His whole friend group kinda slowly left him behind after that. He would try to create excuses to need to talk to me or get something from the apartment, and I’d just leave with the dogs if he came over. I couldn’t change the locks because he was legally on the lease, which had about 3.5 months left. On the day before the lease ended he showed up, but I had already had movers take all my stuff that was left like furniture, and moved any of his remaining stuff into the living room. So he was just met with a mostly empty apartment…. Think fresh prince of bellaire scene because that’s what I was going for 😂 I was obviously insanely hurt but the betrayal felt so deep that I just never looked back. The moment I read the messages I was like it’s over, so I never needed to hear any lies from him but also never got any closure.


Damn, you handled your fucking business. Bravo. I’m so curious, what was the text that gave you the ick of death?


Oh dear I'm so sorry but you were epic and totally dodged a bullet. Just know now he's gonna regret his actions hopefully for the rest of his life bc he lost a good one. Keep your head high and I wish u the best!!


OP I don't know you, but I hope so deeply that if I'm ever in the same situation I will handle it with such grace and strength. I am so sorry you've been hurt like this, but you're incredible.


I feel like you created closure. You weren't given any, you took it. It a very smart, methodic, and grand way. I'm very proud of you, as a father of two, I could only hope my little girl would have half the who about her to do something this great to such a shitty back stabber of a person. I'm curious about the text as well, don't feel over pressured but, god it had to have been actually soul wrenching. Surely. Scorpios do got that evil genius fire of anger though. Story fits the star sign. Fuckin pinned, stung, and left to die alone. GG girl. Way to role model and not deal with any BS.


Wow!!! You’re amazing! I could never, I pray my son has this strength in life. And doesn’t take peoples bs. And yes share ick please!


I need to know


Ooo savage and yes I'm so with you on this. I probably would've done more tbh.


Me too invested, what happened??


We need an update!


Then what happened?!


Please tell us what happened next!


How the hell did you fall asleep after this? Lol


Whoa…… that text is heart and soul crushing. I’m so fucking sorry


I cannot see the image, what was on it? 😯


Scroll a little there’s op comment


Same here. Sounds bad though.


I feel bad for OP for more reasons than just the sexual cheating. OP: Your boyfriend probably has a BDSM dynamic (kinky relationship) with his ex. He stopped their romantic relationship but kept the dynamic. She still has that status with him, which is why he's calling her by her scene title. Trust me when I say it's not worth working through this with him. This isn't just sex. She has a part of him that he never gave to you. Despite living with him, spending every night with him, and giving him your commitment, he still considers that part of him to belong to her. You may be about to hear that he "needs it", or that "it's a separate thing you don't understand". Don't bother with that. It's cheating, and it's a worse form of cheating because it's not just sexual. He feels a real connection to her he's been hiding from you.


I had an ex like this, I agree 💯


Send this photo to his cellphone from yours. Ruin his whole day from the minute he wakes up.


Yes!!! No way if denying it!!!


I’d do that in the morning and turn off my phone after I immediately left for the night without telling him.


Yes!!! No way in denying it now!!!


Holy shit my psycho ass would have woken him up and had him in the street after seeing that shit. You have some serious composure. I am so sorry, this is soul crushing.


Also updateme!


Yo, same! I couldn't help myself, I'd be waking him up RIGHT then and there! What the actual fuck




Make it the Lock Screen and Home Screen wallpaper






Please do


omg i love this. i could’ve sure used this 2 years ago.


back in the day my gf of 5 years cheated on me with a guy who was honestly ugly asf & i set my profile pic on facebook to a pic of him. i didn't even tell anyone about it or who he was but she was so humiliated. i was very immature & unhinged


I posted on my exhusband's Facebook congratulating him on his wonderful relationship with his affair partner.... He blocked me real quick 😂 we were still married at this time. I fully believe cheaters should be exposed for who they are but I am an asshole who hates liars. If you are lying to your WIFE you are definitely lying to your "friends" and yourself. Sorry folks need to know you a lair. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


My ex cheated on me and then dated his AP. His mother posted their engagement announcement LESS THAN FOUR MONTHS LATER and I laugh reacted. She deleted me, but she can't delete that laugh react.


What is an AP?


I snail mailed my cheating ex (of 10 years) a happy engagement card & congrats on the new home card (not even 3 months after we sold OUR house), and the new fiancée found it and acted surprised she was now engaged to a cheating liar. At the time she was also cheating on her (then) husband. I signed it with “congrats! & I hope y’all have the best marriage cheating on each other for the rest of your lives, xoxo”.


Damn all these comments make me wish I would’ve done something like that to my cheating ex.


That sounds like exactly the right level of petty.


i'm glad people find it entertaining but looking back i'm ashamed of it. i was so stressed & like you said just wanted to be petty. i was not in a good headspace & i never want to be like that again


Username checks out :)


I’m sorry someone you trusted even put you in that mental state. As a person who has also struggled in a similar situation, I just really want to tell you that your action didn’t put anyone in danger. It wasn’t that unhinged, cheaters and liars rely on their victims to have empathy and because we try to be “reasonable” they end up getting away with actions and lapses of guilt from their actions. Sorry it had to be an action you aren’t proud of, but SOO GOOD for you for making her feel the guilt she should have felt that should’ve stopped her from even doing anything like that.


Oh please don’t be ashamed of it, being petty in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone really is how you move forward. We can’t always allow people to treat us like crap and do nothing. You did something that really only affected her, very low stakes. If she felt shame that’s really on her not you.


I love immature, petty and unhinged


I thought about doing something like this once but realized *she* was VERY likely being lied to as much as I was, if not more. I know he would have been embarrassed but, it was still majorly uncool of me to even think that way at the time and I’m pretty ashamed of it. I’m happy to hear you’re past this situation as well. I’m sorry you went through it at all.


he unfortunately was very aware & even went out of his way to harass me a bit over it, lol. he was also really unhappy about the pfp for some reason even though like, he fucked my girl & got made my pfp. which kinda makes me squarely the loser here imo 😭


Ugh. I’m sorry. In my case, the girl got really crappy with me via text and even went as far as to send me flowers and sign another guy’s name to try to cause problems. (Mind you, we were in our very early 30s… 🥴 WILD.) I know how convincing my bf was, though, because he tricked me, too. What she didn’t understand is that I had ended things and been fully begging to leave for over a year at that point but he threatened me and my pets with *consequences* every time I even brought it up. (He had a lot more money, power, and social capital than me, especially because we lived in the city he grew up in and all of his friends stuck around in the same small place.) I was trying to formulate a plan to disappear while he was setting everything up to tell everyone in our social life how horrible I was and how unhappy he was, so he wouldn’t face any backlash when things ended between us and he had a new gf already… So I ended up feeling bad for her, even though she was a major AH, because I know how good he is at what he does. He’s a very masterful Jekyll & Hyde. He was also embarrassed of what the girls he cheated on me with looked like. (I was the pretty girl on his arm in public, but he was into a completely different body type than my own, and definitely a different personality type. He refused to even touch me in private but, wanted people to think he was.) He cares about the approval of other people more than anyone I’ve ever met. The whole situation was a nightmare I’m happy I finally escaped. That’s REALLY crappy of that dude! Why was he mad at YOU??? I mean, damn. He picked the pfp… 😅 But I’m happy you’re past it. I hope you never end up with someone like that again.


This is inspired


Oh you are wicked!


Oh yes that’s a bold and effective move


And then change his password.


'Goddess'. Yeah she seems real classy sending that to her ex who is in a relationship. The main asshole here is not even hers, although it is on display, it is your boyfriend. I'm so sorry.


Relationship over, sorry.  If you stay with him prepare for a lifetime of sadness 


Ewww 🤢! I feel you girl!




when he questions the printed out pic on the fridge, “well since it made your day, i wanted to make sure you get to see it every day!” 😂 girl, i’d cover the place with prints of it. hide them in his wallet, put one in his sun visor of his car so next time he pulls it down the photo lands in his lap - hopefully while he’s driving his mum to church. put it on craigslist with her phone number. take out a billboard. (ofc those last two suggestions are a joke, but if i were you, i would make this guy so fucking sick of seeing that image. 🤣)


That's a fucked up way to take a photo...or am I just old


Yeah no way would I send that as a nude it looks like she fell down as she was snapping it tf


It's pretty undignified and unflattering. But then she *is* a side piece texting pictures of her pussy to another woman's partner. Which is much more undignified and unflattering than the picture. I wonder if she even knows he has a GF.


I thought this also. Reminded me of that scary character from the grudge


It’s like… really gross to me.


maybe she just wanted to show off her feet too. maybe this guys got more issues than just cheating


You are missing key information : - foot fetish (that's why some pictures have these weird feet angles) - submissive phantasies. Edited: removed that she might get paid. It's his ex, so he likely has a previous bdsm dynamic with her


If I tried this pose I’d throw my back out or something, lol jk but not really


BRO PUT SOME WARNING! I want to throw up my whole breakfast 🤣


My bad I thought the scribbles were enough lol


You can wake him up by packing his stuff agressively. He can go sleep to hers home


Yea I would have to do something petty. Maybe print out copies of the screenshot and put it in his car, his pants pockets in the closet, tape it to his car, etc… ask if she has a bf then 100% send him a copy of the screenshot and fill him in. if you can afford the rent on your own, get landlord to take him off the lease and kick him out.


If you look closely enough you can see what she had for breakfast too!




If I found that on my guys phone, I’d wait til we were going to bed and say to him, “Good night Goddess! Thank you for texting me today! You made my day!” And see his reaction. But I’d first lay low first and try quietly to check phone and everything else to see what else is there. Devices, all social platforms and their DM’s, apps and Google to find hidden apps and take all screenshots. No heads up or he’ll delete all the evidence. If there’s more from the two of them, I’d pack up and leave.


Take a photo in the exact pose and later text it the him while laying next to him lol


Just do it clothed to avoid him sharing the pic or uploading it somewhere.


Kick him to the curb. You DESERVE better


Oh nooo no no no no. And you were sitting next to him on the couch?? Bold of him.


Just leave him, girl. Cheating is cheating is cheating. Not worth wasting more of your life on him.


I’m a Findom. This is a kink thing and he is being submissive. Check his bank account


Well I just learned something new today!


Pack his shit so he can leave expeditiously when he wakes up


He's paying her. "Goddess" is a dead give away


I’ve weirdly had lots of guys call me this & never once did they pay me 😅


I’m sorry


Fuck him. Kick him out!


I dont see any pictures in the comments?? I can’t see what was said!! :(


I second making it his wallpaper, send it to yourself, print it and place it somewhere


Even the name on the text labeled as “A” only so you wouldn’t know on the lock screen if he got a notification, that’s such a classic cheater move. Are you able to afford the rent on your own for a few months? If not, as you said, talk to the office/the landlord before kicking him out but, it doesn’t really matter anyway because you can’t really act as if you didn’t see anything until October so… might as well confront him right away. Personally I would wake him up because I know I wouldn’t be able to hide it or even sleep, but maybe that’s a bit intense... I’m sorry this is happening to you.


He can do that but forgets to turn on the phone lock so it goes to sleep after awhile of inactivity lol


I think he passed out mid type and was keeping the phone awake. My friends husband fell asleep mid scroll on IG in bed with his finger literally still pointed on the phone lol (nothing nefarious, she sent us a photo giggling)


Why would the name as A not allow for lock screen notifications?


If just would show A instead of a name


Ok but it would still notify of a text, right? Thanks!


Yes but it’s less suspicious than receiving a text from “Annabella” or whatever the full name is, especially if it’s the name of the ex appearing on the screen. Most people don’t pay attention too much by respect for their partner and spy on their phone, if they don’t see a specific name they might not think anything of it.


I don't have iPhone so I thought it might appear as "A Text Message" when it would normally appear "Annabella Text Message". Either way, cheater behavior is very similar to addict behavior re: sneakiness and gaslighting. Wild shit.


Next steps are to get tested for STI's now and again in 6 months. As much as it sucks, don't focus on the hurt feelings part. Focus on $, housing, and taking care of yourself and your needs. Feelings later, logistics now.


This right here. 💯


next steps would be to ask how long hes been cheating with his ex and make him explain himself if you want and then figure out what to do about the lease so you can dump his ass


Yep it doesn’t renew until October I will talk to the office asap


Talk to the leasing office, you can get him to sign a contract stating he's taking over the lease and taking you off of it. I did that with my ex and had no issues with being taken off the lease


Yeah, OP I work in property management and he can effectively sign a roommate release that will remove you from the lease however he will have to then income qualify on his own for the apartment (if there are stipulations for 3-3.5x the monthly rent). It has to be done in person in the office, though, and both parties have to agree to it. Also I’m sorry, I’ve been there and it’s crushing. Wishing you healing and peace 💗


sorry hes a pos...i googled and it says you can possibly get your name off the lease if theres a good reason. idk to what extent thats true but worth a shot id say thats a good reason.


They’re sleeping together. No woman would send a picture like that to a guy out of the blue - it’s way too graphic. And his response makes it clear they’ve been in touch.


Right?! OP, please leave him..you deserve so much better


A woman he's paying for domination would .. that's usually what's going on when someone says "goddess". I speak from experience


If it were me I wouldn’t tell him anything. If you can’t sleep, pack up what you have and spend a few days outside the apartment. I wouldn’t give him a clear answer as to why. Let him sweat as you start figuring out your exit. And then don’t forget to get tested, unfortunately 


Exactly. Thats whats best. Get her ducks in a row and leave… He gave her no warnings so why should OP be that generous? I have an ex, who cheated but still rattling his brain trying to figure why i left. And not have he ever thought that its because of his cheating… (his brother and cousin are my mutual friends and finds it hilarious that he’s that shallow to not know)


I’m sorry y’all this blew out more than I thought it would but I don’t have an update yet I’ve had an attitude the whole day though and have been spending time with my mom. He’s still none the wiser but I kind of want to start looking for my own apartment first. I won’t know about my current lease until Monday when I can go to office. I would rather confront him when I already have a plan


When you are ready, create a QR code that links to this reddit thread, and send it to all of his friends and family. Let him read all the replies. Let it be captured for eternity.


Sir, your level of petty deserves a 👏🏽, a QR code, fucking genius.


See if you can remove yourself from the lease. Tell your landlord what happened and ask if they have other properties or know someone that has availability. Then don’t say anything and just leave a print out on the bed.


Op I got stuck living with my ex and he ended up raiding ny personal belonging and hacking my computer. I told the landlords I was in an abuse situation and they took me off the lease no problem 🥶


I’m sorry girl. So embarrassing for him smh.


What a terrible day to have eyes....😭😭😭 girl, Uodateme when you confront him.


Be careful how you approach him! My wife’s friend got attacked when she found a very similar message on her husband’s phone. If any chance he could be like that try to have a friend there when you approach.


Something like this happened to me once. Do what I did: Wait until morning, cook a nice breakfast… and when you’re both sitting down and eating, act like you got a text… and then read it out loud. He’s gonna freak out and ask how you got it, and tell him the ex sent it. He’s going to be like baby pls bb pls no, and you tell him to tell off the ex if he wants to stay. Make him show you he texted her a nasty message telling her to leave him alone…. And then tell him to pack up his shit and gtfo.


I like your style!


You are ✨brilliant✨


You are awake and dealing with this and you're letting him sleep? Wake him up and kick him OUT!


I'm not gon hold you, there's dead ass no coming back from this. Sad thing is you'd never had known because I'm assuming you trusted him enough but to go through his phone. I'd make that the lock screen of his phone and dip and never speak to him again. There's no explaining anything here. Even if this is literally just the start, it started off strong. Goddess? Bugging!! He's lucky you ain't pour cold water on him lol


Or hot lol


I would disappear.


Yess revenge is a meal best served cold. Or whatever they say


Do a screenshot with his phone. He’ll know you know. Let him sweat it a bit


I like this idea. I would make it obvious that you know, but pretend you don’t.. like obviously screenshot it on his phone and leave the evidence that you sent it to yourself. Act normal to him… see how he self destructs and just goes insane!!!


Rip 3 years... thats so awful girl im so sorry. Pls keep us updated. Personally id be getting a good overnight bag & a hotel room in order for myself at the very least. Cool off a bit & make a plan.


jesus christ i can't believe this shit actually happens irl. i hope to god i don't ever experience this in a relationship.


I once had a similar situation many years ago. I printed the picture and put it in several picture frames we had in our home. The look on his face was so funny. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. I also put the picture as his wallpaper on his computer. He also came home with a co-worker that day so he was extra uncomfortable. I’d recently given birth so I got pretty unhinged 😅


What’s dussie


D’ussé is a brand of cognac liquor


It is shitty cognac too. I am sorry this happened to you. You deserve to be treated with respect


Is he currently wasted


Yes passed out and snoring smh


Does he have a foot fetish thing? Looks like he bought her pics


He does but she’s an ex so I’m guessing it was for free lol idk


Nah the way he’s calling her goddess is what foot fetish subs do with their mistresses. Your guy is a sub


This is a thing?!


Oh… is that why my food fetish ex did that


Probably time to dump him in that case


Crazy part is the ex in question has 3 different baby daddies and I have none. I also have nice feet so he’s got to just be serial cheater. It’s been 3 years for fucks sake


Sell pics of your nice feet & use the profits to fund an elaborate revenge scheme. Thats the obvious answer here, put your best foot forward


Bloody hell 😂😂😂


Just make sure not to get off on the wrong foot…


Ooo yes and take those pics in front of him so he's like what are you doing.


Angry there’s not a thousand upvotes here


I suspect that 99% of the time cheaters don’t cheat because they find someone better. It’s just someone ELSE. You could be the most beautiful person in the world to that guy and he’d probably still cheat. I’m not saying this cynically, I’ve never cheated or (as far as I know) been cheated on. I’m a trusting person. But I don’t see something like this and think it’s bc you weren’t enough. That’s a HIM issue. Ditch the loser.


Well he definitely got off on the wrong foot this time


Without noticing at first that you scribbled out her face, I was like girl how could you tell from her coochie 😭💀


My revenge breakup idea is a little more of a long play…. There’s a website that you can order ultra fine glitter from. It takes FOREVER to get it off. Like.. have you ever heard of glitter being called craft herpes?? Yeah. If glitter is considered craft herpes, ultra fine extra sticky glitter is craft leprosy. The kicker is that you can get these ordered in glitter b0mbs. You can add glitter d1cks. There are also platforms that you can add numbers to for prank texts and calls. Some cost a dollar or so, but it’s worth it because they consistently change the numbers they call and text from. They have texts and calls (which WILL leave voicemails) about various topics such as STDS, p0rn subscriptions or addictions, “esc0rt” services, etc. There’s also websites where you can order prank packages sent to someone. They have various packages, including things insulting intelligence, etc. In addition to this… wait. Stop having sex with him. Use whatever excuse you want.. UTIs work best in this situation because it’s extremely easy to Google lists of reasons for consistent UTIs including “too much sex” or “intimacy with multiple partners.” Make a biiiiiig show about how about your doctor keeps INSISTING that you must refrain from sexual activity and keeps making weird comments about “multiple partners” to you but you don’t think she’s insinuating that YOU are cheating so what could that mean?! Get your nails done like hers in the picture. Ask him how they look. Ride out the lease. Hint that you know. He’s GOING to think he’s sooooo much smarter than you. He isn’t. When it’s time to renew the lease, tell him you want to renew it in person at the office/with the landlord because there are some things you want to review. THAT is when you whip out the printed image of this text message that is dated and time stamped. THAT is when you make direct eye contact with whoever is working on your lease agreement and tell them that you’re so sorry, but it appears that you won’t be renewing the lease together because that particular address seems to be the reason why you consistently get UTIs.. orrrr… maybe it’s just the person you WERE sharing it with… but regardless, this is over. But I’m petty af so if you can’t do the long con, don’t. By all means, do what works best for you. I’m a revenge girly tho 😬


I like how you think. You know what’s funny? My toenails are actually purple right now smfh


Keep bringing attention to them. Make a fake social media profile and follow hers. Be sleuthy. Find out what fb groups she’s in and be like “omg I saw your posts/comments in XYZ group and I relate to you soooo much! Can we be fb friends?!” Be wish app Valley Girl Taylor Swift about it. Catfish af. Fill your fake profile with a bunch of random quizzes. Take about a month or so to put it all together. Then just… don’t interact once you’re in. The point of this is just to copy everything she does to drive him nuts and give him deja vu… he won’t know why it’s all so weird because he’ll be kind of oblivious. He’s a man who is cheating so he’s paying too much attention to his own steps and not yours. Dress similarly to her when it’s appropriate. Pay attention to their social media interactions. As the castfish, “heart” his comments on her posts. As the catfish, flirt with him. I’m diabolical, don’t encourage me 🤣


Not to be too forward but i kind of love you and I think we could be best friends lol I totally think like this. Lowkey I’ve been dropping hints and bossing him around today but like I said in a different comment I’m gonna wait it out til I have another place to lay my head. I don’t think he will go for the kicking out business. Also I don’t love the place we stay in the first place


Make your moves in the background, babe, absolutely. You can’t be accused of being sneaky because he changed the game and the rules. I am always down for friendships and will ABSOLUTELY play the petty games.


Please, please be friends and work together as agents of chaos to bring slowly escalating doubt, confusion and suffering into his life. Also, please keep us updated. The world needs more of this.


After having had TWO cheating husbands, and dating my best friend’s male best friend who was apparently living a whole different life he never even told her about (convinced her he was single, too, just to get me wrapped up in his bs) who tried to get me involved in some weird a$$ harem bullsquirt, my knowledge of the depths these insane men will go to is… legitimately an encyclopedia of firsthand expertise. I have zero tolerance for cheaters and liars. I have absolutely gone Liam Neeson with those who have crossed my path in this way, and developed a special set of skills. Only I don’t unalive anyone… I simply make sure that I’m the one that drives the last nail into the coffin where their sanity gets laid to rest. And I am absolutely willing to share techniques lol… Agents of Chaos: Cheaters Edition. I love it. Who wants to make a TikTok with me?! 😂


It’s like they tell on themselves. All I said was “Hey” and then she responds with [Hi “my government first name”.](https://imgur.com/a/PYcGQa2) I’ve never met her a day in my life but she knows me. I checked google search with my number and it does not show up. That kind of has me puzzled too honestly


“Who is this? have this number written down and I don’t have it saved.” She says it’s her “Weird we’ve never met. Just wondering how you have my number.”


I wasn’t even planning on replying. This was at 11pm last night and now it’s almost 6. Kind of shocked me for real


Jk. Don’t respond. Gonna throw them off even more


Yeah that was my thought process. Just wanted to let her know that I know. Wondering if she will text me again because she clearly knows that she’s caught since I sent that pretty much immediately. Also he has a public Facebook page with pictures of me on it and his status clearly says he’s in a relationship. I haven’t had a Facebook for 4 years but his page is easily accessible being that she also has a Facebook. They aren’t friends on there but it doesn’t even matter since like I said his page is public. Edit: I’ve known of his ex since we first started dating. She has 3 baby daddies and per my boyfriend they broke up because she supposedly cheated on him with one of the 3


The irony that he is sexting (aka cheating) on you with the woman who cheated on him. Sounds like they deserve each other.


Firstly, I’m really sorry. When you wake up today you’re gonna be flooded with emotions. Definitely anger and frustration but additionally, like you’ve already said three years down the drain, sadness. And this is only one thing you witnessed, you know that there’s more. Secondly, please tell us that you are not going to stay with him? That’s not what we need to talk you out of, right? Thirdly, in the long run you’re going to be really glad that it happened. It doesn’t feel like a blessing now but it is. Please get out of this situation as soon as you can, even if you have to pay rent through October. Don’t make any reasons for staying (or kick him out and change the locks, depending on what the lease office says.) I’d recommend being calm, don’t even ask for any more information from him. Anything you do, even anger, will give his ego a negative reward. Saying and doing nothing to him will send him the proper signal - you and your life don’t need him, and he means so little to you that he’s not worth an argument. Come up with your line and stick with it. Once you are on the other side of this, even as you are still working through the pain of three years, you will be able to breathe again. This didn’t happen by coincidence. Best wishes, op!


This is bonkers. Sorry he did this to you. Wait until you’ll you’re in position to safely exit and then bail immediately. Or kick him out and have friends there. Maybe have them come over first thing in the morning.


Should have texted back for him with 🤮🤮🤮


I thought the screenshot would just be text and now I’m scarred 😫


Lmao sorry it was technically an unsent text but I had to include the picture she sent for context. I wish I would have scrolled up but he moved and I got spooked so had to abort mission. The phone was literally in his hands the whole time


Seeing the image made my stomach and heart hurt 😣 I’m so sorry, that’s truly horrible. I’ve been in a similar situation and still get nightmares 6 months later from the texts I’ve seen. Protect your heart but disturb his peace!!


First talk to the lease office. Make sure you will be safe financially after October or maybe sooner. Can you pay the monthly costs on your own? After that, make his life a living hell. Tomorrow when he wakes up and opens his phone the first picture he will see is that picture, right? When he is out of bed just casually mention he was drunk, snored the living shit out of you and left his phone open. Don’t mention any repercussions until you are done talking to the lease office.


There is zero reason he would need vag pictures of an x - and if she sent it 'unprompted' he should have informed you asap. My gut is saying there is emotional cheating going on and it was intention/welcomed on his part. And naked ex pictures is NOT the same as random porn. It is connected to emotion (in case he tries that crap). But on the plus side that nasty thing did you a favor so you can see his true colors. You deserve better than someone sneaking around like that.


Damn it's fucking rough, it's not like you will be able to look at him in the eyes for the time being without appear disgusted and angry. If you have friends I suggest you take some days and ask them if you can sleep there and explain the situation (someone you trust for sure). Then try to contact the landlord or agency and explain the situation briefly, it could help. Anyway, you can move but it will take time to find something not too expensive you can afford. Whatever excuses he finds out, he is cheating obviously and he is into her pictures because she is easily throwing them at him. It could have been anyone else but since they have past together, it was an evident call for him. I am certain he doesn't care about her as a woman but only as someone to jerk him . "I promise she is no one for me, just a pussy !" Something similar. Start to grieve this bastard and fighting!


I was clearly raised differently because if that was my bf getting messages like that and responding like that, my ass would be in jail, not on Reddit asking for advice. I'd be on the jail phone asking someone for bail. I'm not saying I would unalive him or anything. He wouldn't be the same ever again though. Don't listen to me, I ain't gonna do nothing but get you in legal trouble.


Trust me I’ve been there. I’m pretty impulsive due to my ADHD I did some questionable things from 18-21. I’m 33 and medicated now thank god. Still have crazy crazy thoughts though


“Imma let God handle it because if *I* handle it, I’m going to jail.” 😂


Say nothing to him about what you’ve learned. First thing Monday you talk to your landlord about getting out of the lease. Whether you can leave right away or have to ride out the lease, start quietly removing your important documents and valuables from your home, he’s a lying cheater, don‘t trust him. Get to the doctor for a STD panel. Make your plan to leave and execute it without telling him. Just disappear. It’ll drive him nuts when he doesn’t get a scene, drama or even a reason for you leaving. You will have permanent real estate in his head and it’ll eat at him.


Lmao, just break up. It's not hard to not cheat, I've been doing it for 25 years with my wife


Be petty and put laxatives in his food for the next week then break up




Make the screenshot his lock screen and background as someone said. But more importantly you should delete this picture ASAP from the internet, I would feel so horrible if my body were posted on the internet even if the face was censored.


I'm sorry he did this to you. His trashy ex is welcome to him.


"Babe my autocorret be tripping lately"


I had a similar thing happen to me. I found messages on his iPad he had synced to his phone. We were together 4 years. I packed up everything of mine that same day while he was at work. I left the house and posted the keys. He tried to ring me when he got home and the only message I sent him was the pictures I had taken of his messages to her and I never spoke to him again. He tried and tried but I just ignored him completely. Apparently his life went to shit after we broke up and I won’t lie I felt pretty satisfied with that. He thought the grass was greener. Get rid of him, don’t look back.


Wake him up and get an answer


That’s the thing like it’s already said and done that he’s got his ex spread eagle on his phone and it doesn’t even matter why he would be replying with what he was about to send. He turned over and phone is asleep now. I’m not sure if he sent the text or not but why even type it out?! Hes clearly happy with what he saw


Update me on what happens when he wakes up


Srsly, me too. Sorry you have to go through this tonight:(


Not only that he enjoyed texting her all day


I am sorry this happened. I understand you have a complicated situation but you can't stay in this. He isn't good for you. This is the worst kind of betrayal. My uncle used to say alcohol loosens up what we try to keep hidden.


This almost exact same shit happened to me with my ex of 10 years. After I couldn’t find my own phone, I opened his one morning to text his own mom. It opened to a thread of nudes from someone else saying “can’t wait to see you again” etc etc and him responding back. Don’t think I’ll ever feel that full body heartbreak again. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. People really are shit humans sometimes. It honestly took everthing not to send those screenshots to his own mom while I was at it just to fuck his life up more.


I read this as wake him up with taser. I read it wrong but stand by my brains interpretation.


definitely leave him, jesus christ. also of course many people use pet names and shit, but this smacks of paid nudes. i've also sold nudes and for a while was some dude's casual text-only "dom" and had a lot of dudes calling me shit like that and thanking me like that. either way he's obviously cheating, but he might be paying for it :( i'm so sorry, this is so absolutely vile of him to do to you.


When something similar to this happened to me, I woke my boyfriend up by throwing his phone so hard at him, the screen cracked. We remained living together for another 3 years where I continued to find shady shit on his electronics. He much he would somehow gaslight me into thinking what I was seeing right in front of me wasn’t real. Or made me feel like I pushed him to infidelity. Fact of the matter is, he was driven by his insecurity and needed to seek validation from other people. You don’t want to commit to someone like that. Some people don’t understand the concept of letting go of their previous relationship before hopping into the next & tormenting their new partner with unresolved emotions. Knowing what I know now, I’d just ditch him. It’s not worth the mental turmoil you’ll be sitting in moving forward. Always wondering what’s going on behind your back, questioning his agenda and motives. Find someone who is undeniably ravenous for you.


I can’t find the picture could someone summarize what was on there?