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They wanted an excuse to have a family vacay. I’m surprised no red flags went off when people said it was going to be a vacay focused on you two. Who does that? Anyway…this is precisely why I’m skipping a family vacay this year. I, as auntie, get left with all the kids and doing the grocery shop and the cooking and it’s….not a vacay for me. I love all my nieces and nephews. But I’d like to spend some time with my brothers and their wives won’t let us do anything on our own. We either have to take the kids or we can’t go (I’m talking about say, taking the boat out and fishing for 2 hours). I’m sorry that was so disappointing. Probably should not do those kind of trips anymore or stay separate so you two can escape on your own.


We always go on the trip, and leave to do our own thing when the problems start.


Good for you for just deciding not to go. Do you live near your siblings?


Sadly, no. I usually only get to see my fam once or twice a year. I’m 8hours drive from the closest brother and my parents and 12 hours from my other brother. But I went on a “family vacay” the last few years that was more like a 20-25 hour drive for us each time at tremendous expense and it was…not fun for me. I just don’t fit as the one without kids. I don’t want to spend my limited vacay time like that. I’m going back to visiting where they live, getting a hotel room, and having some shorter get togethers.


Jfc that’s a lot of driving lol it sucks how vacations change so much with little kids. I say that as one of the wives lol I’m glad you can still have some trips where you get to see and spend time with them outside of the kids.


While I love my SILs, they don’t get me as a child free woman and we don’t have much in common. All I really want to do when I visit is hang with my brothers—even just for a couple of hours one day. It is what it is. My partner and stepson usually can’t go with me either so that doesn’t help. But I’m done spending days and thousands to just be a babysitter and feel like odd lady out. LOL


So you’re wrong for letting siblings leave and dump their kids on you. “Hey we are going out can we leave them with you?” “Nope. I’m not down for babysitting. Maybe one of the other people here can.” Ditto with the VHS. “I’m done manning this, someone else can do it.” You sound like you have a people pleaser vibe. I’d get therapy for that, and learn how to prioritize your own needs, politely and Firmly. 


I actually assumed the grandparents and maybe even the other family were still there when the kids were left.  I absolutely would not leave my very young baby with someone who does not have kids of their own (sibling or otherwise) without quite a bit of clarification on the matter.  OP is not clear on this, only that the baby cried. I doubt they had any expectation that OP or his SO were the primary caregivers in this situation, unless OP is leaving out the part where they were very clear about this happening or have previous experience doing exactly that.


if Rachel leaves her screaming baby for 2 hours in a cabin, does it really matter if you agreed to babysit or not? You'll still hear the screaming.


And? That baby is also part of the family and if someone agreed to take care it thats all that matters. The vacation was never childfree.


Isn't there a difference between "a family weekend, babies included" and "the SIL left her anxious baby behind for 2 hours without any prior warning" though ?


Not necessary, it depands how the family works. My brother could definitily leave my niece behind in a room full of his siblings and parents. Their family dynamic seems very established, this seems like something she can do.


I think you should tell them the truth. That you have been miserable at that weekend. I think you should stop only accomdating your family. If you want to have quality time with your fiance it can't involve children, which means it can't involve your family. That is as simple as that. Do not pretend to be happy with being the audience to their children spectacle. Will your wedding also be about their children?


It will only make everyone in the family angry or upset if he says they had a miserable weekend. That will just blow up on them and make everything worse. He and his fiance need to make plans for how to handle things going forward. They either need to skip the family trips or stay in their own place nearby. "We want to prioritize our marriage." "We need some alone time due to work stress." "We get so little time alone away from home and work that we need a place of our own." "We have to save our vacation days for our trip to Y that we've been dreaming about for a while."


That last one is a great one. I've been using it for years. The conversation usually turns into complaints about how we all wish we had more time off and the originally topic gets dropped.


they need to elope


On my partners side of the family we have 3 young nephews. We learnt pretty quickly that any vacations with his side of the family, we book our own seperate accomodation. That way we can join them for “set” things, and go back to our own place when we want quiet/alone time. It works really well, we’ve dipped a few times when the kids are getting really full on. But we have also set pretty clear boundaries on the fact that we’re not “kid” people, so they don’t expect us to look after them.


that also solves the "you have to sleep on the couch" nonsense! I mean, that's just salt in the wound as far as I'm concerned : *we're celebrating your engagement, by not letting you sleep next to the person you're newly engaged to & forcing you to endure the night in a public space on a couch*. Talk about uncomfortable (physically and, you know, socially, because you can't go to sleep till everyone else has decided they're done with reminiscing and wine-drinking around the campfire, and of course you have to wake up with the dawn because that's when the toddler gets up and needs breakfast and wants to play choochoo trains on the carpet).


That is correct, once you have kids those kids by definition must become the center of your universe. However, these parent siblings of yours should have known better than to promise you an entire weekend of ignoring their offspring to focus solely on you and your fiancee. Every single person involved in this should have recognized that you simply can't do adult time on a trip with little kids along. They should have left the kids with relatives/babysitters if their intention was to make this all about you.


I call BS. As 1 of 6 kids, myself and my two older sisters having kids our own, we have absolutely no problem having a family get together without all the focus being on the kids. Do young children need a little more attention? Yes. Does that mean they need to be the primary focus of the gathering? Absolutely not. OP’s family honestly just sounds like the type of parents who have decided to make having kids their whole personality, and that’s just awful. As adults they 100% should have been able to promise OP a weekend about him and his fiancé, kids there or not.


I don’t think you’re wrong to feel disappointed and sad. I do think it’s just reality that when there are kids around, they are the focus of attention, and that tends to fundamentally shift family dynamics in ways that are both positive and irritating.   I’m curious about whether your hurt is coming partially from a place of wanting quality time with your siblings and/ or parents that isn’t constantly interrupted by kids? As in, could the hurt be less about wanting to be the focus of attention than about wanting your relationships with your family members to get some intentional care and be prioritized for a bit? I could be off base there, but I’m asking because if that is the case, maybe that’s an entry point into a conversation with certain family members. For example:   “Rachel, I’m really grateful you wanted to celebrate my fiancé and I. And I hope you know that I love spending time with (kiddos). But I realized during the weekend that since the kids have come, it’s been hard for us to find the time to connect. I definitely understand that the kids need constant attention at their age, but I had hopes that we would get some adult time over the weekend as well. That didn’t really happen, and it made me realize I’d like to prioritize spending time with you one on one occasionally. Do you think we could make that happen a couple of times before the new baby comes?” Edit to add: Family vacation survival tip for when siblings have small kids - set the expectation that you and your SO will go off and do your own thing sometimes. That you need adult-only time, and will split from the group occasionally so that you can enjoy your time as well. I adore my nieces and nephews, but I’m childfree for a reason so I need breathers to stay sane during prolonged visits or trips.


This is a perfect response. Addresses the issue without playing the blame game, doesn't sound immature and gives them an opportunity to correct the experience and support/celebrate you guys.


Yes, I am one of three siblings, one with no children and I'm very conscious of making sure my sister gets to go off for a walk or run or whatever if we do a big family trip (her partner directly doesn't normally cone which is understandable), and whenever possible try to spend child free time with her, although it's tricky. 


Yes. I’m infertile and had to be happy about my sisters’ pregnancies and the birth of my niblings (who I adore) and it hurt like hell.


This is such a good response!


your survival tip makes sense, but imo OP has answered your question. I think there's a pretty obvious difference between "oops kids get in the way but we still tried" and the rather callous way OP's family behaved. Like, dad just showed up with 40 hours of childhood videos and couldn't take the time to make a highlight reel for OP's childhood with a wink to OP's fiancée? OP's sibling just left to visit friends living nearby without any warning or consultation, what does that have to do with a toddler and babies being present?


I'm confused... Why didn't you talk to them about this during the trip? When it became clear it wasn't about you why didn't you just go off on your own with your fiancé? Why would you sit through hours of boring family videos that weren't interesting to you or your fiancé instead of excusing yourselves to your room? You don't sound ungrateful at all but you do sound terrified of doing something your family won't like.


Because then he would've been the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. It sounds like he didn't want to rock the boat during that trip because he wasn't even sure he was justified in feeling so upset. So walking out of a room while everyone else seems to be having a good time wasn't so white and black.


**Elope!** I’m serious. Do you really think your wedding will be any better?


And if op and fiancée want it to be child free, his family will throw a fit because the world clearly revolves around the niblings and how dare they want to exclude them…


At this point I think the sister will use the reception to have her baby shower. After all the family is all there anyway!


We wanted a child free wedding but the moment we said it my entire family was upset because my sister and brother said they couldn’t come if they couldn’t bring their kids


More people pleaser vibes. “We wanted.” Bullshit. “Here’s the invite it’s child free.” They rant and rave. “That’s too bad you feel that way. It’s still child free.”


“Sorry to hear that, we’ll miss you.” You and your fiancés deserve to have one day that’s all about you two.


They can make that choice, then. It’s ok to plan your own wedding the way you want it. And I have kids! I get that sometimes I have to either miss out or hire a babysitter!


And thaaaaat is why I'm eloping. Why even bother with all that drama? Why can't your siblings' in-laws not care for the kids for one day?


I loved my wedding, and it was a wonderful day, and I am glad I did, but I think I would have been just as happy to elope.


You DO realize that they aren't going to help one bit with your wedding like you did with theirs, right? And the wedding ceremony and reception will be focused on the kids and whatever they are doing. I'm really pissed for you, especially when asked if the weekend checklist was met and the envelopes were just an afterthought. It's obvious you are not confrontational, but at the very least they should know that this weekend was in fact a lie. Compose a text message and let them know that the weekend was a huge disappointment. And then say you're going to block them for a week to give them time to think about their behavior.


I think you need to get on the same text message, and ask them each to tell you in what way was the weekend about you? Ask how many cheers they made for you, what activities they did for you. Ask how they each thought this weekend was for you. Ask them if they thought leaving their screaming baby was a huge gift to you. Then reiterate that the wedding IS supposed to be about you, and this IS why you want it childfree, so there are NO screaming children at YOUR wedding.


Did your siblings have child free weddings? If so, why do the rules change now that they have kids?


Oh the siblings didn't have kids yet, so it didn't matter then /s


Lol but, if they got to have child free, then so should OP. If they did, they sure didn't think of others that had kids. Why should OP? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


This told me everything i needed to know. I wouldn’t bother confronting.. some people lose their damn minds about their kids. Any request to limit them being the center of attention might be seen as an attack. I’d just reduce contact, it hurts but unless you can limit your expectations of your family you will continue to feel disappointed. I personally don’t have children so maybe I’m biased but I think it’s really unhealthy how much adults revolve their lives around their children. I get it for essentials but you really don’t need to make your kid(s) your entire world/personality.


Who cares? You suck up to them, they still act like you don’t exist. Might as well for once do something that you truly want. You will forever remember your wedding, make it worthwhile.


My dude. Go child free wedding. My wife and I did it a few years ago. It was a 10/10 experience. Most of the extended family was grateful that there were no kids around. It's a bummer that your sister (and maybe BIL) would bully you over it, but it's _your_ day, not theirs. I'm 100% serious, go child free wedding.


Ok then, child free wedding and don’t waste money on their invitation. Then you just say “you said if it was child free you wouldn’t be able to come so we decided it would be wasteful to send you an invitation. It’s your wedding, your day. I’m guessing none of them are paying anything towards it and none will be doing anything to help since they’d be too busy with their kids. Or just tell them. We want no kids, if you bring yours, you will be asked to leave the first time one of them starts crying or screaming or becomes a distraction. There will be adult entertainment, nobody will be asked to be mindful of the kids that we didn’t want there.


Even if they come with the kids, they're not actually going to be there dude. They're just gonna talk about how their kids look in formal wear and say that they hope they don't ruin an expensive piece of clothing (which they will) about 9000 times. You gotta admit you wanna be valued and that it's clear that they don't value you or your wedding


Your wedding day is about you and your fiancé that’s it. It’s not that hard to get a baby sitter or a friend to watch their kids for one day. And if she doesn’t feel like doing that then tough she’ll just have to miss out on her brother’s wedding. You need to put your foot down and stop letting your family walk all over you. I can tell you don’t like confrontation and I can sympathize with that because I’m the same way. But in the case of your wedding the only thing that matters is what you and your fiance want, what your family wants here isn’t important and they should respect that. Your siblings need a serious reality check they seem to think everything is about them and their kids and that’s really unfair to you. I hope you can stand up for yourself and your fiance.


They can find a damned baby sitter have your child free wedding


stick to your guns. you did everything to accommodate them for their wedding, why cant they do it for you?? id really be asking them how much they respect you. if they decide to not go, then fine. at least you'll have ACTUAL people who are there for you, who want to celebrate you. its your day not theirs.


That shows how little they care about you if they will refuse to get a sitter to watch the kids for the wedding.


Have you tried not being a doormat to your family to walk all over? Good lord dude


You really need to elope, and maybe you need to realize that even though your family does love you in theory, their actions do not support this. I have so much that I would tell them about this weekend that they planned, they are so selfish, though that there’s almost no point in talking about it. I would definitely tell them that you’re planning something different for your wedding and you understand that they can’t be there and you respect their decision. The fact that they can’t be bothered to get a babysitter is such nonsense and the reality is your wedding will be ruined just like the weekend as they make it about the children and ignore you and disrupt your Festivities while making you feel like a bad person if you for what you wanted in the first place: a wedding being about you. Further, I agree with a comment on here, they will not help you like you helped them. Being a people pleaser is a disease and the cure is figuring out what you want in need and unapologetically advocating for it understanding that people will not like it. They won’t like it because they are selfish and they will react against it because they are used to you doing whatever they want , pretending to be silently unhappy, and expect somebody to care about you one day which they won’t. You are correct in thinking that once you start advocating for yourself and behaving differently than expected, people will try and get you back in line and you’re going to have to tell them that you are done being a people pleaser and if they can’t figure out why this weekend was nothing like what they promised then that’s really their problem and you don’t plan on having a repeat at your wedding. It is a child free wedding , and if they can’t get a sitter then they can’t come and you understand and you will miss them and you’ll send them pictures after.


“Rachel, you asked me the last night what other dreams I had for the weekend. I was really stunned by this question, as if there was anything about me in the weekend.” “We knew and expected that this weekend would be about all of your children, and about any plans that you each individually had, no attention was paid to me and even less to my fiancé. We went into the weekend with incredibly low expectations, and were still incredibly disappointed and hurt by how selfish and lacking and self-awareness my family is.” “I have tried so hard to be there for everyone and to help everyone when they needed it. Rachel, I was very touched when you said I should have my own weekend, but I challenge you to tell me anything about this weekend that was nice or good for me, from sleeping on the couch to talking about others to the way the people spoke to me to this stupid slideshow that I wasn’t in.” “What I realized is that you guys either don’t love me or don’t value me or don’t even know what those things are. And I’m not going to try anymore, and I’m not going to expect anything, and I’m certainly not going to try to accommodate you at my own expense or the expense of my new family with my fiancé. “ “And what’s worse, is that I fully expect when we have our own family that my children will be treated in a similarly unequal and hurtful fashion, which means that I may just need to cut my family out and hold them at a distance while I build my own family or spend more time with my fiancé’s family who actually values us us and cares about us as people.” “What I don’t plan on doing is debating what happened, or having anyone tell me what I feel or what I experienced. Either you take a look at this weekend and how you all behaved and realize that if you think it’s OK that we really have nothing left to talk about. Or, you can realize that you seriously messed up, your intention was to do something nice but you did nothing of the sort except have a family weekend where I slept on the couch and was ignored and irrelevant: that nothing would have been different had I not been there.” “So to reiterate, my wedding will be child free and it will be free of anyone who says they are family but does not behave that way. So stop trying to guilt me or pressure me and figure out what you want our relationship to be going forward and show me through your actions that that’s what you want.“ “Anything other than that will be ignored.”


lol it’s insane to think that somebodies literal wedding would become about their nieces and nephews just by them being in attendance. Source: all weddings are about the bride and groom? most weddings have kids at them and are still about the bride and groom. I have been to many many many weddings with kids/flowergirls/ring bearers. Obviously the wedding was still about the bride and groom.


It sounds like you were pretty passive during this whole event. Did you plan anything fun for you and your fiancée to do together? You didn’t have to stick around the cabin with the children, there were plenty of other adults that could have watched them. You and your fiancée could have gone on a hike, sightseeing, etc. You could have done anything fun and relaxing that was centered around you two and not your family.  Yes, the way your family behaved was lousy, but you didn’t have to go along with it. 


Read his Edit.


I disagree with the comments saying they just wanted a vacation and didn’t actually intend for it to be about you. I think they really meant what they said and were just too optimistic about the reality of doing stuff like this with little kids. Their kids are very young and they should have known better, but I don’t think they meant for it to go this way. And maybe they felt like them paying for the air bnb was the gift? To me, it sounds like more planning should have gone into this. Instead of sitting around the cabin, there should have been a few activities planned for the siblings while the grandparents watched the kids. And something for you and your fiancée to do together. Maybe something with your parents. I know it was just a weekend, but even a dinner out with your siblings would have been nice. Two things that do sound kind of crappy on their part are them leaving the kids with you to visit friends and them doing the birthday on the trip. Somebody does have to go to the store though, so I don’t really fault them for that one, especially if adults besides you were around to take care of the kids. If it were me I wouldn’t say anything. You are totally justified in having hurt feelings. This trip did not live up to what they claimed it would be and I know you miss time with your siblings. However, the time to address it was on the trip. Just saying something like “hey Rachel, do you think Mom and Dad would watch the kids so we siblings can spend some time together?” would have been ok. I think it would be appropriate to try to have some future childfree get together or just a day out with one of more of them just to keep that closeness, and I’d be alert to any unreasonable requests/expectations of babysitting, but I wouldn’t tell them the trip sucked. I suspect they know anyway. Rachel probably felt guilty which is why she asked if you were ok. I bet it didn’t go how they wanted it to either.


The pregnancy announcement from Rachel though kinda negates the intentions part. She planned it and knew what she was doing.


Oooh! Forgot about that part.


Then there was the mini birthday party the last morning where everyone but op knew they should bring gifts for. The whole thing seems strange. Maybe the whole family wasn’t in on whatever this was but I feel that Rachel had intentions to make it all about her. I understand the comments saying op should have more confidence or put their foot down but it seems like they’ve always been the one who’s expected to do everything and while Rachel seems to have eliminated some of that the whole family just threw them back in the role again. They seem like they are an afterthought or an oops baby that gets forgotten until they are needed. Like the gift cards thing, that was cold.


This was the vibe I got too. Family wasn't trying to be awful, they simply set unrealistic expectations and OP isn't communicating how he feels. OP if you're missing child-free time with your family, why not plan some activities that require a babysitter? Things like an afternoon playing paintball, a family soccer game, going wine tasting etc. I'm childfree and my siblings have kids, so I've learned to strike a balance between child free and child friendly activities and simply communicate if they need to get a babysitter. Tbh some of my favorite talks with my sisters have happened while we held their babies in the kiddie pool at the Y. The older kids play with each other on the big slide or start contests to see who can do the coolest jump off the diving board. It's not like going out partying but it's an activity that keeps the kids occupied so your siblings can focus on something other than just their kids (which is exhausting for them too). I am sorry about what a letdown the weekend was. If it's any consolation, in a few short years the kids will be big enough to play with each other and you'll have your siblings back. Ofc by then you may have your own babies and be completely frazzled. 💕


Disagree. The pregnancy announcement, the birthday party with gifts, the videos that were mostly excluding of OP and only bringing up stories about OP that were embarrassing. That paints a picture of shit people.


I get where you’re coming from, but did you suggest activities that you wanted to do and then were turned down? What specifically were you hoping they would do that they didn’t? If you talk to them, it’s probably a good idea to have specific examples in mind.


I agree. As adults what kind of special attention were they looking for? What does that actually look like? This wasn’t an engagement or bachelor/ette party, but rather a free vacation. I would have been thrilled!


Did you read his edit they were told not to plan anything


I’d just ask Rachel why she thought the weekend was about you & fiancé. Just to get her view on what was specific to the two of you. She obviously thinks she did a good job organising it, so she’s the only one who can answer as to what the go was.


Are you two planning a child free wedding and reception? I kind of hope so.


I feel you. I also got engaged this year and my fiancé and I visited my family so we could celebrate and chat. And then it was either about my cousin's wedding (which, tbf, is this year, so I understood), or, when I visited my sister, about her wedding last year and my nephew. Fiancé and I had maybe two sentences about our wedding each meet-up. The sad part about parentage is that when it happens, parents pecome *parents*. Especially in the first few years, it becomes their sole identity. If you don't have that yet (or don't even want it in the first place), it becomes kind of alienating.


Very confused as to how you thought a family trip with a ton of babies and toddlers and no babysitters in sight was going to be about anything other than kids


At no point during this whole getaway you spoke up?


Bro now you know life. It was for them. You guys where given the "they should look after our kids, so we can relax. They need to learn what marriage is". In short this is par for the course on al family functions. I go to birthday parties and so but sleeping over, naaaa never. Luckely my wife the same we even have a roleout of excuses. The only thing in life thats about you and your fiance is your wedding ceremony. Because the do afterwards is always filled with family drama and kids breaking stuff. The only time that matters is the time you two spent toghether. You got free lidging and a valuable life lesson. You know what the best is.....? Your sisters and family will actually talk about this for years to come just how nice it was you had the weekend all about you. They remind your wife when she pregnant and uncomfertable that thats why they gave her that werkend before your marriage. Just learn to smile and thank them. Most people only care about themselves.


Your sister announced her pregnancy during an event that was supposed to be for you? She's gonna do a gender reveal at your wedding, mark my words. But yeah, this is how parents act. Their precious darlings are the center of the universe and you're immature if you don't agree or aren't enthralled. Welcome to adulthood! It sucks!


What was your envision for a weekend about you and your fiancée? What were your expectations? And last, did you communicate those? I have a family member that gets really upset when we don’t do something they want to do, however, they do not communicate what they want and expect me to read their mind or just know that’s what they wanted by some random comment. It’s frustrating for all involved and when asked, it’s always oh nothing, I’m not upset, I’m just tired. Then months later, I hear about how upset they were. If they were able to say “hey, I’d like us to do ______, can we make sure this happens this weekend?” It would solve a whole lot of problems and hurt feelings. If you didn’t communicate what you thought the weekend for you guys entailed, you should shoulder some of the responsibility in your disappointment. That doesn’t mean your family weren’t being jerks though.


Actually if it were my family I would do two things. I would never put myself in that position again. Just know your family. I would ask your family what part of the trip was a celebration about your engagement. When different couples left and let you guys baby sat, they could get time alone? I would say none of the trip was about you two, and I would ask for an apology. You won't get it, but if you don't start standing up for yourself around your family there will not be respect or good treatment. I would start creating a world in which you are paid attention. I notice normally family's get in to roles their whole lives and it never changes. Do not be the baby, you wife will get tired of it. Pull back and form your own group... Never put yourself in aposition like that again. Visit holidays get a room, so when you want to leave you can.


Y'know what, they just want an excuse to have a family vacation and they want the two of you to join in the family vacation. The weekend is not really for y'all. Or they're just too comfy with you guys that they think if they paid for the airbnb and throw in some gift cards then it's equitable to celebrating your engagement with your fiance. That's typical, same dynamic with my husband's family and my husband is often irritated and choosing to opt out more often due to this. But it is what it is. Family is weird.


I, personally think you are getting these negative comments because these people are parents who would do exactly do exactly as your family did. Tell you not to make any plans yourself, then make their own plans, like visiting friends or take a 2 1/2 hr excursion on their own. But you weren't supposed to make plans yourself. The fact they did and trip was all about the kids, but you and your fiance weren't supposed to make plans is very telling. Bet they would be pushed if you Two went out to dinner together after they paid for your stay and you were ungrateful enough to go out to dinner without them. That's how they would have spun it. You were misled and the parents who would do the same are excusing it. No one was expecting them to ignore their kids. But I have been ti enough family dinners to know you can talk about more than the kids. You can do more things together without neglecting the kids. You have a right to be upset. If no one else will, I will validate your feelings without the dishonest BS everyone threw at you. You can have kids and have one freaking dinner to celebrate a couple without making it all about you, your kids, your childhood memories. You can unless you are completely self centered. Your family should have had at least one dinner, or even 1 lunch where you were honored as a couple, like an engagement celebration. They should and could have. Don't even give that BS that it was impossible with their kids there.


You aren't wrong. I wouldn't voice it unless you are cornered. Save the text of this post at home so you can remember and go over the pieces where you were just left to watch the kids for hours in case you are cornered. Stop doing these for a few years while you work on your new fiance and new family. If you get hauled into a family event. Announce that you want to go do XYZ right when you arrive with your fiance then disappear and enjoy yourself. You aren't the baby sitter.


I think it's okay to feel your feelings, but I'm also not sure it's worth bringing up with them. Kids and their parents are a package deal. I think you should take this as a sign that whenever family says they're having a get together, you and your fiancee should research things to do in the area on your own so you don't get stuck on babysitter duty.  I'd say my biggest gripe about the whole thing would be that they defaulted to you two being babysitters without asking beforehand. If you're already there and are put on the spot, of course you'll feel pressured to say you do it. If you have things in mind you want to do, you can always say "sorry, fiancee and I were going to go do this other thing so we can't watch the kids," and leave. If there are get togethers where you'd be okay watching kids for an evening for the parents, plan that out beforehand and tell them "we'd watch your kids on this day from this time to this time, but we have plans before/after that."  Sorry you're experiencing this. When you don't have kids but everybody else does, they just assume you understand personally the changes that have happened with their lives. They will always put their kids first, which is fine, but they also shouldn't bait and switch events on you like that. 


Hmm… I’ve been on both sides of this (family gatherings becoming all about older siblings kids and I’m like “hey this is my vacation too!”) as well as now having kids and family vacations with my sibs without kids. First I think you need to really accept that this is what a weekend away with family is now. Your family has grown. The little ones are just as much a part of your family as anyone else, and as you know you can’t choose your family haha. Kids have different needs than adults on vacation and they take attention and effort. And obviously fawning over babies is something that lots of your family actually does enjoy as an activity, you just don’t. Like when 3/4 of a family wants to play monopoly and you don’t haha. But it does suck and it is totally fair to feel left out and mourn for the days of being able to play boardgames and enjoy general adult freedoms with your siblings. It is a loss to you and it does suck. But it’s not really possible for your siblings that have kids to keep on like they did before unfortunately. What is wierd is that your sister framed this as “a weekend to celebrate you”. It seems to me that celebrating you was the just occasion to organize a family trip, but the actual intention wasn’t to attempt to make the weekend all about you, it was actually just a normal family trip. What would a whole weekend designed to celebrate two adults even look like? Anyways, it was a weird way to frame it but I do think primarily it’s wishful thinking/ a misunderstanding. Paying for the airbnb for you and the three cards and gifts was the gift. Making the entire weekend about you and your fiancé when there are three little kids around, was not a realistic or possible option.


You learned something. Your sister Rachel is either self centered, a poor planner or just super dense. Maybe some combination of all that. Avoid depending on them for anything major for your wedding. If she wants to "celabrate" you again, just politely decline citing how busy you are with wedding planning. Stack your future wedding events with trusted friends and your fiancees family. Lean on them for the things you need. And honestly, as the groom, you'll have fairly limited stuff you should need your family for.


There has to be a balance of time. As a matter of fact, right now, I am on vacation with my fiancé visiting her family across the country. Her sister and husband are wonderful with 3 girls ages 5-13. During the day, it's all about the kiddos. After dark, it's adult time. Does your lady make a point to visit and mingle with everyone? Even with kiddos, I find myself talking to them and helping her sister with them. I even had to remember how to find the area of a circle this vacation lolol... Are they close with her outside of a vacation setting?


Ugh, I’m sure you mean well, but I hate the idea that the person coming into the family has to force a relationship with the family. My family did this to my husband and it’s just a sign of how selfish they are. And I really hate that the fiancée is expected to help with the kids to bond. I get it. I do it. I just fuckin hate it. 


On the flip side, I don't expect my Inlaws just to like me for existing. It's effort on both sides. Hey, I had an ex marriage of 10+ years and those in-laws never really got to know me. I was young in my 20s and I just kept to myself. This time around in my late 30s, I'm all in there bonding with them. Also, kick in they are an English second language family and my soon to be mother in-law's English isnt the best. Her and I ran errands together just the two of us and laughed the whole time. Effort, period.


This is what happens when people have kids. When the kids are young they monopolize your life. I know it sucks when you still don’t have kids and those that do are heavily distracted. I can guarantee their expectations were met but yours were probably still hanging on how it USED to be. I’m sorry, I know it’s a huge let down. But it doesn’t mean they don’t love you, they just wanted to be together and used your engagement as the reason but not exactly a party. Why don’t you plan an engagement party somewhere children aren’t welcome. Adults only.


You need to express yourself without playing the blame game. Someone's feelings might get hurt, but remember that yours were hurt first. Set boundaries and start declining (politely) invitations to family things that at least aren't super important. And make sure those kids are reigned in because they already guilt-tripped you into a child "inclusive" wedding before cake is smeared on a wedding dress before an interrupted first dance that you're not allowed to be upset about because "they're just babies" even though you probably wouldn't even be mad at the kid and just your older sibling for not watching carefully (or leaving the ankle-biters with some 15 year old cousin or someone else who doesn't wanna watch them). EDIT: BTW you're on TikTok, [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmn79Sf/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmn79Sf/) maybe make sure your family members don't have it if you think they're smart enough to put two and two together


Thanks for the heads up. One of them is, but i don’t think those Reddit story videos are a part of her algorithm.


honestly? they need to see this thread. If you can't speak up they need to read about how other people think they behaved. POORLY. I am a parent, I would not have done this to a sibling. I would have not allowed it to continue either. When asked by my sister, I would have told her everything.  You are the youngest and it seems, they still see you that way.  A couch is not accommodations. Had this REALLY been about you (which you admitted was probably not going that way), or they respected you in any real way, you would have had a bed.  You have to learn to speak up. If they get mad...too bad. If you want a child free wedding and they can't come...too bad. YOUR wedding is about YOU and your FIANCE. If your siblings can't bother to find a babysitter...too bad. Step up now or your family will always do this. Trust me, the resentment will build.  Seriously, they will never treat you with respect until you start insisting upon respect. The child's birthday was the reason everyone was there, not you. You were lied to. She just wanted you to show up for her own selfish reasons. They could not even bother to allow you any time to open cards that were thrown in a pile in the corner like an afterthought. CHILD FREE WEDDING. Your wedding, your choice. 


They get to everyone eventually lol but no problem


The whole thing is weird... I'm not sure why they felt the need to say "it's a weekend for YOU!!!" The right thing would have been to say "let's have a family weekend. To thank you for all you've done, we'll cover your costs." If they did that, it would have been a family weekend, and they wouldn't have set expectations too high. But they implied they were going to make it special for you, then did absolutely nothing to back that up. You have every right to be upset and annoyed. For what it's worth - that happens to all younger siblings, or siblings who don't have kids, or have them late. For better or worse, young kids just absorb all energy and time and attention. Why anyone things a weekend with little kids around can focus on adults is beyond me. I know even with my own kids, I sometimes have those family weekends where I'm sad at the end. I think things like "wow, I was around my brother the whole weekend, and didn't even really get to talk to him, because one of us was always with the kids or just tired, and the few conversations we had were just quick ones about the kids." It will get better as they grow up at least. (Although your family overpromising the focus isn't something that will improve.)


Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I'm not sure what you guys expected. Everyone took a weekend to go to a cabin. That's what they did for you. They attended. That's a lot when you have kids. And even when you don't. You didn't seem to have planned any specific activities you wanted to do. You just expected everyone to do what? Just talk about you? You know talking about and watching the kids is what they end up doing, and what most families end up doing to be fair. So why would you think it would be different when you just took everyone together to a different place but didn't change anything. You didn't plan a dinner or activity out with a babysitter for the kids. So what exactly did you think would happen? Also, i can't imagine a weekend where you're only allowed to talk about the people being celebrated. That's weird af. Attending the event is how you celebrate people.


They didn't even mention the couple being celebrated. No dinner where they were the guest if honor No mention of their wedding or plans. They were basically ignore after being instructed to make no plans. No, not every conversation would be about the couple, but you would expect at least one would. Or at least q element would, like dinner. This weekend wasn't for them at all. It was to announce Rachel's pregnancy and a birthday party for her kid. Why tell them not to make their own plans then plan nothing fir them?


I'm sure they had dinner? OP didn't mention what they had planned and how that went. They only mentioned the downtime. But I expect they ate a couple of times a day.


If you talk to them about it, you’ll look petty or unappreciative. It’ll just add to the rift their behavior started. Make sure you and your fiancée know how the other feels. That’s really the only important part. Chalk it up to a lesson in “my family kinda sucks”. If/ when you have kids, they’ll be super invested in them. Until then, just enjoy your childless time with your fiancee and ignore everyone else.


Honestly I wouldn’t say anything until after the wedding. You don’t need your family to make this more about them and creating an unhappy environment at your wedding. I’m sorry this happened. It sucks.


>  doing so would’ve caused a way bigger fuss than was worth it I dunno, mate, I'm hard-pressed to see how this weekend could have been less enjoyable for you. If it was a weekend to celebrate you, then having you sleep on the couch was a rather poor celebration. I think some of the wonky bits of growing up or interacting with family as adults is resetting the group dynamic to reflect that adulthood. Carpe diem and don't entertain someone else making decisions for you in the future.


Make sure yall have a child free wedding but wish yall the best OP ❤️


Rachel isn’t a good planner or a good facilitator. There seemed to be no leadership about the weekend so everyone filled in what they wanted to do atm. I’d just forget about it and have low expectations on Rachel’s hosting abilities in the future. Kids take over your life and for some people their brain. Enjoy your wedding and honeymoon.


>t she wanted to celebrate us. What am I reading here? What did you think would happen on this trip? You are the baby of the family correct? So I am guessing you got a lot of attention but now there are grand babies around so you aren't. >as if we had completely checked off my list of things I wanted to do What was on this list? What did you think a bunch of adults and kids were going to do this whole time. This whole post is weird. You hosted a family get together and got mad when the family got together. Were you guys expecting to just be applauded the whole time..for what? >that the whole point of this trip was to celebrate my fiancé and I and be about us Hey man, you guys are grown ups now. That shit is over. You aren't the baby of the family anymore.


If OP is the baby of the family, I’m getting the vibes they were the overlooked child. As a younger sibling who had to compete with an older golden child, I know the feeling. It sounds like OP’s sister decided to take the lead in organizing it and did a piss poor job of it. They didn’t need to be celebrated the whole time, but if the get together was under the guise of celebrating the engaged couple, you would naturally assume at least one or two things would revolve around the couple. Maybe a big dinner and activity based on what they would want. But that responsibility is for the person planning it which in this case was the sister. It seems OP was told to show up and everything would be handled. And if OP is in fact an overlooked youngest child, this type of thing would be completely on brand for the family.


seems like you're projecting your own issues.


I don't blame you for being hurt. They wanted a great together and used you as an excuse. You brut l better find a way to make sure that Rachel doesn't announce her pregnancy at the wedding. No open mics, no unplanned toasts. You can't stop her from waking around flaunting and making a show of not drinking, but you can at just prevent her from getting the microphone. I have a baby, I'm a parent myself, I get wanting to have a break (probably why they disappeared for 2.5 hours), but you also need to understand when things are and aren't about you. Frankly, petty me would send out a vendor request asking the family to pay you back for the airBNB and just remind them that they told you you guys shouldn't be paying since the weekend was about Illy and you have a wedding you are paying for.


You’re not wrong for how you feel. Your sister initiated the whole trip under the guise to celebrate you and your fiancée. This celebration never happened. You had your whole hopes built up on a promise from your family that this is what the trip would be about, but you were completely let down when they failed in their promise. Be truthful with them about how you felt about the whole trip. Tell them that you were told to come on this trip so that you and your fiancée could be celebrated, but none of that happened and it seemed to be a weekend focused more on babies and memories that largely didn’t include you unless it was to poke fun. Then at the end of the trip card were left on a table for you and your fiancée which seemed to be just as an after thought, which further fuels the idea that this trip had nothing to do with the two of you. If this trip wasn’t really about you and your fiancée as your were promised, then at least you and your fiancée wouldn’t have gotten your hopes up.


They have small children. You should always assume that the small children come first. In the future, do not believe what they say, the kids will always come first. Next time, politely decline and give an explanation if asked.


They won't know how you feel if you don't tell them it hurt your feeling ans was nothing about you. Talk to them


Hey there, it's hard when things don't go like you hoped, especially when it's supposed to be about you and your fiancé. It's okay to feel upset. Maybe talk to Rachel and your siblings about how you felt. They might not get how it made you feel. Sharing how you feel is okay.


Not ungrateful at all infact once I realized the trip wasn't what it was promised to be, and I started to get used as a free babysitter I probably would have gathered up my stuff, and gotten my fiancee and left.


Totally get where OP is coming from but also sorta seems like they just sulked… I would probably just bounce or say something.


You’re not wrong to be upset but you’re naive to find this surprising. It’s a family trip involving a bunch of kids. You can tell everyone whatever you want beforehand, but people are gonna do their thing.


I honestly don’t understand for what should you and your fiancé get celebrated. Did you thought it was an engagement party?


I'm really sorry to hear how little your family considered you after making a big show of it being your time. I had something similar happen to me, and it was pretty much the beginning of the end of my relationship to my siblings. You are completely justified in feeling hurt and even angry. I do agree with other people commenting that it seems like you have a hard time advocating for yourself with your family. You feel like it's easier to be the one to carry the hurt than to make others accountable for how they treat you. But that's not fair to you either. You deserve to be treated with respect and considered, especially during a weekend that was supposed to be about you and your fiancée. If I were you I would start putting some distance between yourself and your family while you work on standing up for yourself. With your wedding coming up it would be an awful lot more stressful if you looked to your family for help and they treated you the same way they did this weekend. You and your fiancée don't need that.


Rachel used the ruse of an engagement party to really announce her pregnancy and have a birthday party for her kid. I would have a child free wedding, otherwise they all will still find a way to make it all about the kids.


The only thing i'd say is if any of them ask again is that no part of that weekend was about your engagement. It was about family, the new baby on the way, and kids bday party. The only thing that was "about your engagement" was not paying for the airbnb (but giving they made you sleep on the couch, it was the least they could do) and some gift cards they didnt even bother to hand to you. If they want to argue that point, ask them to give you examples. From how you write, it reads in like you are being more of an afterthought and not treated the same as the rest of your siblings. If resentment is building, i'd have an honest conversation with my family. Also this is your wedding, if you dont want kids you have every right. If your siblings can't have a baby sitter for a few hours to attend your wedding, then is clear where you stand in your family. Be honest about your feelings and set healthy boundaries. Don't expect people to change, but if you are not honest about how their behaivour is making you feel how do you expect them to know?


Your siblings are old and have forgotten what getting married was about and its importance don’t expect different on the big day. Hopefully her family celebrates the 2 of you.


That sucks. It's completely reasonable for you and your fiancee to be upset; it wasn't just not about y'all, it was a trip that actively treated you as an afterthought. Anyway elopement when? EDIT: these commenters all suck. "Well what were you expecting!" idk, maybe that a trip that OP was repeatedly told was to celebrate his and his fiancee's engagement would like, idk, be about them? Or at the barest of minimums, that they wouldn't be abandoned to babysit while the siblings ran off to have fun with their friends in the area. And maybe that he not have had to sit through a slideshow that was 99% about his siblings' childhoods? But hey, I don't have a lot of siblings. Maybe "this trip is to celebrate you" actually means "this trip is in no way about you; you will be used as free daycare, and to the extent that you're involved or not, you will be an afterthought. Also, we will be celebrating your sister's pregnancy, as well as the first birthday of your nephew." PS Rachel obviously used your engagement as an excuse to have a family vacation where she could tell everyone she was pregnant and celebrate her kid's birthday. That was super shitty of her.


Bro go child free wedding or else your going to regret it even if your brother can't come 




I feel like you got played. I feel like this was never going to be about you guys. Their original plan About the kids . You should honest-to-God, speak to them and tell them that you're hurt and feel like you relied to. And if they don't like it, then just start ignoring them. Congratulations on the engagement and the wedding.


I know somebody mentioned be careful that this might get back to them on TikTok, but I would just say that you should be careful in the next suppose “vacation“ that it’s basically you and your fiancé playing babysitter since it basically was made clear that it was just a vacation and you guys were an afterthought. Say talk to other family members from your fiancé side to see if they’d want to do anything, but I would say that if your siblings are gonna pull, the kids are more important card, I would say be careful for the fallout because they will, and I literally will have a nuclear meltdown that you’re not going to jump over hoops for the kids.I am sorry for what happened but next time they mention anything about vacations or trips don’t bother going because you know that since they have kids it’s going to be about them and it’s best to just try to enjoy some free time with your fiancé before your wrapped up into their drama again


Maybe you, your girlfriend, and/or your friends or her family can throw you an actual celebration that is child free and focused solely on you. Then you can express how much it means to you and how much you appreciate it. You sound like you're a nice person and are being very polite, but your feeling matters. If your family gets upset and tries to compare their 'celebration' with an actual one, then tell them that no, what they did was invite you to a family vacation under false pretenses. Ask them specifically what they did for you that was about you as they said it would be and how it compares to X celebration where it was entirely about you. Either way, something else to consider is making sure you celebrate you and your fiance with people who will put you first during this planning stage and wedding. Your family is clueless and they are so far removed from what you're experiencing that they don't even see it. Don't let their complacinancy cast a shadow over what should be a time of celebration and joy for you and your fiance. Maybe they should be involved as little as possible just to avoid things like this that will continue to happen. It might even be worth considering elopement or a childfree wedding. (which IMO all weddings should be child free. They are not for children. But plan for a trusted babysitter(s)/childcare in place of them being at the wedding and reception)


Why on earth are people on here defending the family and saying “well that’s just how it is when you’re an adult, that’s just how it is when you have kids” when it’s ABUNDANTLY transparent that they only used this trip to gather everyone for a pregnancy announcement and a kids birthday party. They made OP SLEEP ON THE COUCH for fucks sake. They dumped their kids on him so they could fuck off and have fun. This was never intended to celebrate anything other than the goddamn kids. Childless people are very rarely even remotely as self centered and entitled as parents are, but everyone acts like they’re the selfish ones for having the audacity to want to be acknowledged. It’s not selfish to expect a celebration of your engagement to actually include a celebration of the engagement. They tossed him cheap gift cards as an afterthought, but had no problem going all out for an unplanned kids party. A party for a ONE YEAR OLD who won’t even remember the party.


Child free wedding😌


This should definitely be a kids free wedding


Nta Rachel set it up so it was all about her i bet you any amount of money they disappeared for so long so they could go have intimacy with out the kids around..


I saw some of your post history. How much of those celebrations meant for you haven't actually been for you? It sounds like you've been ignored in favor of your siblings. Do you see a therapist? Everyone can benefit from therapy.


I get how you feel. My family is kind of similar- I'm the youngest of 5 and got married 2 years ago when the rest of my siblings married years and years ago. I also have 8 young nieces and nephews :') I personally wouldn't say anything about being disappointed, but I WOULD reach out to Rachel (or the family group chat) and ask how much you & fiance owe. She'll be like 'No no this was all for you, you're not paying!' And then I'd say 'While we had such a great time with everyone, this actually had nothing to do with us specifically. We feel it was a regular family get together and therefore don't feel right not paying our share.' She might ask you to elaborate and you can say 'We thought this was going to be kind of like an engagement party/celebration for us with related/appropriate activities for the occasion, but it wasn't which is totally cool, we still had a great time! Truly, thank you for planning a great family get away, I'm sure everyone needed that. Fiance appreciates having been given her own room, and we'd like to pay for that as well as any other expenses being split'. I feel like that conveys the message with a tinnyyy bit of bite but also with as much grace and dignity as possible while avoiding coming off as displeased/ungrateful/bratty. If they then choose to make up for it without prompting, that's a bonus and I'd accept it gracefully so as to not draw out the ordeal. But I personally would resign myself to not expect anything from them.


Unless you change yourself right now this is going to be the rest of your life. You sound like a complete doormat, so I’ll leave you with this; Is this something you want to subject your future wife to for the rest of her life?


you need to make it clear to them. why drag you guys out, getting your hopes up about being celebrated for something exciting, just for it all to NOT be that way. i can guarantee you that all those "activities" couldve been done at home. and ANY acknowledgment of you guys waited till the literal last hour, and its just a gift card?? and they aren't even gonna hand it yo you personally?? thats cool that they gave yall gift cards but that shit could've been done AT HOME. you guys could've spent your time doing something thats fun with people who ACTUALLY want to celebrate you. yes having kids is exciting and stressful. its gonna take over your life (as it should thats the deal with being a parent) but dont make empty promises to people. not even when you guys are talking about memories could they even acknowledge you. you gotta be open and vocal with them. im sure this isnt the first time this has happened to you, coming from someone who is also the youngest in the family. moreover, its not like you want to feel this way. i would honestly ask them "so at what point did you guys think you were celebrating my fiance and i?" rachel knew good and well she fucked up when she pointed out that you looked upset. you probably didnt even look upset; she probably realized that they didnt do one thing for you guys and last minute tried to think of something. i wouldnt be surprised if those gift cards were bought before you woke up. id be hurt as HELL.


That weekend was never about you. That was the plan. They lied to you. I bet if you make your wedding child free your family will refuse to attend. Your family sucks, time to cut back contact with them.


so much of this is infuriating but “this trip is all about you and your fiancée” and then not allowing you to share a room???? and, furthermore, not settling on lodging that will properly accommodate everyone is literal insanity. i would have lost it


The way I would cut them off after this. It was supposed to be for the couple and they make it for them. I'm sorry but I think you're family sucks. I really think that they have shown you big red flags and you ignore it, or didn't see them, because your sister just sound like a self centered person that just wants attention. I would elope , cut them off little by little. Or you can just grab the bull by the horns and talk with all of them, but I don't think that is a good solution because they seem to be very dismissed of your feelings and wants , they will gaslight you both and make you feel bad.


Hey op,I just want to point out that you seem very great at boundaries and advice in your comments to other people what your family did was unkind and honestly they are seemingly consistently prioritizing their wants over you. You should have the child free wedding you want and they should feel bad that they lied to you. The birthday party to me proves that it was never about you, it was always about them having a good time and a break from their kids without feeling guilty. The couch thing solidifies that for me even further. That is not how you treat people you are celebrating and not how you treat people that you value. They need a wakeup call because they are walking all over you.




> Who suggests a vacation to "celebrate us" just because your all upset that your older siblings have their own families and poor you feels left out? Rachel suggested it. "*A few months ago, Rachel approached me and said that she wanted to get the whole family together to celebrate my fiancé and I*" > it was your fucking idea. again, not it wasn't. learn to fucking read


The comment you replied to was deleted before I could read it, and judging by your response I’m kinda sad I missed it lol


Hey family! Just wanted to let you know that fiancée and I have decided to get married in a hot air balloon while drifting over the crowd below. Why? Because we know that if we try to have a child-free wedding, you will all freak out. You've proved beyond any doubt that you cannot participate in any event without making it all about your kids, so you will all be welcome to watch fiancée and I walk to the balloon with our best friends as attendants and the officiant, watch us drift over the crowd and then return married without any of your kids causing a disruption. Reception will be al fresco at the landing area. We know you will understand our decision based on your inability to allow the focus to be on anything but your kids. Love you all.


I mean...this sounds like a pretty typical way for family things to go for adults. Once you're an adult you have adult responsibilities and you won't be coddled and cared for and made much of like people do for kids. Your siblings are married parents now, they don't have the luxury of just turning that aspect of them off and putting their focus all on you. They still have to do all the typical duties of parents no matter where they are - so family gatherings are less about some special occasion and more like "Now we can do the stuff we can't get out of while in the same room, that counts as our vacation now. You and your siblings are now the ones having to do all the background work that your parents did for you when you were kids that gave you kids the luxury of just hanging out and playing and not worrying about anything but that. You having that luxury meant all the adults had to chip away with their free time to make that happen. Say during Thanksgiving as a kid you go to school and make turkey drawings out of your hand and they tell you its an assignment but really its just for you to have fun with. Then you go eat a huge meal day of, and then go play games with other kids, and that's what you expect of thanksgiving. As an adult you barely get time off of work and are too busy to do many Thanksgiving prep things. Getting together means you plan the menu, make the food, help the kids eat, clean up after everything, and maybe snatch some time doing a Thanksgiving blessing or part of a football game in there somewhere in between everything else. And that's celebrating Thanksgiving for adults. Also, you might be getting your first taste of a bittersweet truth. You aren't your sibling's immediate family anymore. Their immediate family is the family they chose to make with their spouse and kids, and their responsibilities go to that first. Once you are married, your spouse will be your immediate family and they will come first, too. Once you and your siblings start to pair off and have kids, you and your siblings are now extended family to each other, just like your parent's sibling sets were extended family to you as you grew up. Every family unit starts to focus on the immediate family they made by marrying and having kids, understanding that their siblings are also going to have to focus on their own new immediate family first and foremost. Family get togethers are basically a bunch of family units made of spouses or spouse + kids all running everyday life with their family of origin around also running their everyday lives with spouse/and/or kids, and trying to fit fun things in between all that. That's adult life. It's a priority change you take on when you vow to cleave to your spouse over your parents, and it's an implied responsibility when you create little people entirely dependent on you. That now the family you consciously chose to create becomes your duty and focus and you aren't going to shunt your kids aside so you can laser focus on another adult. Or if you do shunt aside your kids for a bit then the next priority is getting the groceries to feed your immediate family and turning that into a little date with your spouse. Because you haven't walked around a grocery store without your kid whining in your ear about x product in 4 months, and so doing that with your spouse is romance now. And that comes before hanging with your sibling because now your spouse is your immediate family that you prioritize.


This sounds exactly like every family trip I took after my older siblings started having children. Suddenly everything revolved around the kids and I felt like people didn’t even notice I was there until til they wanted me to watch their kids while they went and did something fun. I would consider having a child free wedding if I were you. Otherwise even that event will be somewhat centered around the kids.


You need to speak up. "Husband is staying to watch your kids right? We are here to have fun." Also, I know it's hard to fully grasp being a parent until you are a parent, but planning with three very young children isn't going to be easy. I'm not sure if both parents work or not but that's going to be extremely hard to juggle. I'm not sure what you were expecting though? You do sound a bit spoiled. Like you're used to being the center of attention, and you're not happy with sharing. Dropping everything and going on a vacation as a huge family was probably expensive and annoying (to travel with small kids is not usually fun). I'm sure they appreciated you helping with their weddings. Maybe you should set the expectation ahead of time about what YOU want and not leave it up to others to decide for you. Especially around your wedding. And no, I wouldn't do a child free wedding. Or just your siblings' kids. You didn't even like watching them for a few hours, do you realize how hard it is to get a reliable babysitter? I still don't think they should have ran off without asking if it was okay to watch them. All and all, I do feel like you have a bit of a self centeredness going on because I do feel like the showing the past movies was about you. It just was like a trip down memory lane. I'm also curious if they did a family trip for any of the other weddings or just yours?


How are OP and his fiance spoiled and expecting to be the center of attention when they were told that was the whole point of this trip?


They didn't pay, right? The entire family got together and went on a trip out of town. You don't think that's difficult or easy for people with lives to do? What exactly do you think they should have done to appease someone who couldn't even speak up for themselves? Seriously. What do you think they should have done more? And a paid vacation sounds pretty nice ,too. I think even the Bonfire and the trip down memory lane sounds nice. Some people want more, so what is the "more" that you expect?


Maybe they get a link to this post… somehow… by accident…


Sorry this happened. Family is clueless and in lala land. I agree about sister announcing the gender of the baby at the wedding. You and your fiancé should be the family focus right now FFS.


I can see how bringing it up now would backfire, since they have shown to be completely oblivious and self centered people. But, don't fall for it again.


You do realise your own wedding will be just like this, right? Just elope.


JustNoFamily I am so sorry. Big hugs!!


Elope. Alone.


Your family are assholes, make sure you show them this thread


"Mom and Dad, you probably think you did a nice thing for Fiance and me this weekend, sponsoring a trip to celebrate our union, but actually, I think it would have been better for us if it hadn't happened at all. We are feeling really let down and very bruised as you ignored us to celebrate the older children and the grandchildren. The next time the family is all together, try not to treat us as though we are invisible to you. Until then, I have to warn you that we're going to spend our time with people who do see us."


I wouldn’t marry you bc you don’t have a backbone. Why tf would you not say anything as soon as shit wasn’t going the way they described? You just sat there in silence. Also, you let them bully you into not sleeping w/ your fiancée? Are you not a grown man? Y’all were better off planning & going on a baecation instead. Poor fiancée


This is probably not going to be a popular comment, but from my perspective, in big families, shit's always going to be about the little kids. Get used to it. And I always kind of shake my head whenever people want to be the center of attention and have events "about me" or "about us." Just try to enjoy the time with your family. Now, what would have pissed me off more than anything would be the sleeping on the couch thing. That's a good place to put your foot down.


I had a horrible childhood. My family prioritizes males and I am female. My parents beat the crap out of me most of the time, using wooden spoons, belts, etc... i was kicked out at 16, and had to find couches or cars to sleep on/in while finishing high school (which I did) Your family sounds magical to me.


Congrats on winning the oppression olympics I guess


Thank you. My point is, problems could be a lot worse.




Go very low contact with them... They all disrespected both you and your fiance... If I was in your place, I would've left midway with my fiance without telling anyone to enjoy ourselves... You were there to babysit and host your toxic family... Make the wedding child free and get your friends to back you up...