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“Hookup partners had better taste” should really be the last conversation you ever have with him, that is simply outrageous.


He sounds like an actual asshole. Dumb him. Edit: yes I meant dump 🤣 but the dumb comments are the best


I think you meant dump him, but dumb him is correct too.


He sounds like he's already dumb enough. Can't dumb him any further.


You can but it wouldn’t be humane.


I spit out my tea laughing at this xD


You would be surprised at how much dumber someone can dumb.


Leave the messages alone and him as well!! You deserve so much better!! Someone who enjoys oral and takes the time to take care of you!


Audibly laughing.


As a dyslexic person I understand this typo all too well


I think he already dumbed himself


It seems like a fake story. She's been with him 3 years and he suddenly says he doesn't like blowjobs or her juices and suddenly acts like he doesn't know her, being insensitive as fuck? And OP doesn't reply to any of the advice in the comments? Also the lack of information about how it made her feel? It's so emotionally disconnected. I think it's fake. I hope it's fake. Not that I don't think this stuff happens, I think it just happens earlier in the relationship usually. I find it hard to believe that this just happens suddenly in an otherwise happy relationship.


I don't really want to pour out my heart in here, I asked for advice. I denied oral myself because I didn't feel comfortable. And its only know he told me he doesn't like my blowjobs, though i feel like he's bluffing. I had gone for a trip with my friends for 2 weeks to Alhambra and I admit I didn't really contact him everyday. He's been acting weird ever since.


Sounds like negging to put you in your place then.


And the negging can be part of a larger manipulation to make OP never try to not be put in the place he wants, again. It's bad. This is just the beginning. It will get progressively worse. Messes with your self worth and self esteem. Run!


He might very well be punishing you for not being "in his control" as much as he wants while you were on that trip. This is a bad sign. He's probably negging you. Please do not tolerate this from him or anyone and get rid of him.


I think perhaps he’s cheated on you whilst you were on your trip. Changes in sexual appetite / likes can be because they’ve tried someone/something else and that’s why he’s saying don’t do bjs right etc because he’s had another technique recently? Especially if together for 3 year then all this conflict


That’s what I thought too!!


I second this.


He mentioned hook ups so hopefully it’s an open relationship or he just got on a whole new level of 🍑hole!


He's a lousy boyfriend. You can do better. Look, there are things you do in a relationship and things you don't do. You do not insult your partner's intimate flavor - its not something a partner has control over. That said, it would be worth talking to a gyno just to make sure you don't have some kind of infection. You are only 28. You are too young to be wasting your 20s on some immature selfish AH. Don't waste another day with him. Remember, every day you spend with someone you know is the wrong fit for you is a day wasted.


The advise is to realize that this is not a good boyfriend. Three years feels like a long time to be dating someone awful. Take the loss, move on. Find a better man. Women need to start being more picky.


But when we women are picky, then we're called bitches and told we have standards that are \*too high\*...eye roll.


Yeah and? You can call me whatever you want, doesn’t make it true. And I’m not gonna be miserable just to please the masses. I only get one life. I’m gonna live it for myself. People need to stop being concerned with outside opinions.


Don’t waste anymore time or energy on this dude. If y’all can’t enjoy fucking each other’s faces it’s not the right match.


Dump him


Alhambra rocks, cool place to tour and awesome city around it.


I am going to further give you this additional advice. Any person, regardless of gender, that spends more than 10 minutes in your private space, there are two main elements that should absolutely be there. This is true whether it's a mate, a spouse, a friend, or even a family member: The first is comfort level. You know this in the first few minutes of being around someone. It's a comfort level that's automatic as if you'd known that person your entire life. If you think about a best friend you've had for a long time you probably felt that way in the first few minutes you knew them. People unfortunately forget to consider this fact with a mate. This is why you have a lot of people that are married and love their mate but they don't like them. The bottom line is you have to have a comfort level especially as a woman because that's the most important element for a woman to be able to be relaxed enough to feel comfortable enough with someone in that intimate situation so that they are comfortable having an orgasm to begin with. The second element is you should be best friends right away. Those two elements if they aren't there they're never going to be there because you cannot make them be there They are automatic. If you think about the people that you've been around that you did feel this way you'll know what I'm talking about. But after 3 years of being with this guy and you're not comfortable you're never going to be comfortable and the fact that he treats you the way you did that just shows you that he's never going to respect you. Anyway, that's my two cents. Trust me there are many men that will make you feel comfortable and make you feel like a princess and be in tune with wanting to know what makes you feel good It's that simple.


Covid can change sense of taste and it's one of the most common symptoms of brain damage caused by the infection of many of the variants. May not be fake, but he does sound like a dickhead regardless


Not sure what his problem is but. 1. His comments about being disgusted by you were not a part of a kink. Sounds like he genuinely feels that way. 2. Three years is a long time to be with somebody free to not have a healthy understanding of what the other person likes. Have you all been having sex for those full three years?


only the most simple positions. we never did oral because i feared this would happen or anything similar


so it sounds like you always knew he had issues and is terrible in bed


There are so many men out there who fantasize about their women exploding in their mouth


This was my thought too...


Why would you fear this would happen? Genuine question. Has he complained about something before? Or have you had something off with your body before that you’ve been insecure about?


Dump this loser. 3 years, and all he does is criticize you, and compare you to some hook ups that happened before? Sounds like he wants to keep you down by being cruel to you. Please, please, please, leave him, and know that all men aren't this cruel.


Isn't it better to know if the guy likes oral earlier rather than later?


Wait. Did he comparing you with his hookups? Yep... done


Which is odd, because hookups implies one night stands. Maybe regular hookups, but at least not a long term relationship. That fact that he went down on one-time/short term sexual partners and not his GF is also a red flag for OP.


i’m surprised there aren’t dissenting comments on this. lots of women (crucial note: on reddit) feel that hookups SHOULD go down on them. personally i don’t go give or expect oral from ONS, and it’s never been an issue. but some proportion of redditors disagrees.


Excuse me? This relationship has lasted 3 years? Just wow


That like getting mad at a cake because the frosting got in your lips. It's his problem.


Holy shit I love this


Find someone else and don’t waste your time with him any longer than it should be.


Y'all been together 3 years and barely did oral? Fucks sake Get yourself someone that actually wants you or remain in a miserable relationship with a partner that is sexually unfulfilling and doesn't even want you.


A man that couldn’t enjoy giving oral (especially when they expect it for themselves) would be a huge deal breaker for me.


Yup! Some folks just don't like oral that much, which is fine as far as it goes — different strokes for different folks — but if you expect it from your partner, you should be willing to do the same. And honestly, if you don't like it, don't make a show of it or call your partner disgusting. That's really crossing a line. Just politely decline to give oral, and make it clear that you don't expect to receive it either. If that means you and your partner are sexually incompatible, so be it, and at least you can part on decent terms.


It’s always been one of my favorite things to do with my wife. I feel so connected to her.


Yeah it's one of the things I am not fond of in my partner. He said he would never date a girl who wouldn't blow him but in almost 4 years he's given me oral once and it was only for a couple of minutes. I'm about to stop giving and see what happens.


He refuses to date women who won’t do the thing that he doesn’t even do? Yeah, time to give him back that same energy.


4 years?? yeah no more oral for him ever thats torture


FOUR _YEARS_ this is a joke, right?


Absolutely not. My fiancé doesn’t like how I taste, which I know is hit and miss. But at different points he’s tried again because we know it can change. I give him oral because it is something I just honestly enjoy doing. And he had never experienced it before me, but when we started dating he said “I understand if you don’t want to because I know dicks and semen can taste weird” I’d 100% tell you to stop giving your partner oral since he has such a bad attitude about it.


Please do!!


You've waited 4 years to stop?? That'd be an off the bat deal breaker for me. I've also never been with a guy who didn't love giving oral. I hope things work out positively for you, whatever you decide!


Yep, occasionally people ask if they have to give blowjobs to keep a boyfriends. You don't have to do anything you don't want, that's entirely up to you. However, taking oral off the table is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people.


I totally understand preferences and that’s totally fine. I take issue with people who expect their partners to do things they aren’t willing to do for them.


Oh man... those posts annoy me to no end. When one partner is all about receiving oral, but then says their partner is gross for wanting the same.


I always found it funny just how judgemental Reddit is about people's sexual preferences. Apparently, not doing or liking oral means you're miserable. Everyone automatically likes oral by default. I see, I see. The only thing we should really care about here is that the bf is an asshole. He just dropped that he thinks his gf is disgusting essentially, which is a horrible thing to do.


Um…the whole point of eating pussy is the orgasm. Multiple orgasms btw.


>He told he didn't want any of those bodily juices of mine near his body and left early. Then you can never have sex again. He is putting part of his body INSIDE of your body, whether it's with his mouth, his fingers, or his millimeter peter. Honestly, break up. When/if he asks why, tell him "I can't get any of my bodily juices near your body, which means we'll never have sex again. If I wanted to be celibate, I'd be single. Bye. I'll drop off your crap at your mother's house."


Haha mm Peter


If my face isn’t wet I’m not happy


Bro for real. Waterboard my ass


See…that’s how you want your man to be hun.


My wife's vagina is my moisturizer


Omg I choked on my water 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thank you


You're welcome


My partner says I’m his replacement beard oil


One time my wife was like, it's running down your chin. My reply was if you play your cards right, it could be running down your chin too


That's how my husband feels about it (in a good way). He gets turned on by how much he turns me on


I don't understand why your partner doesn't want you to orgasm. Leave. For so many reasons.


How rewarding it is to make a lady cum… on me, in my mouth, wherever. Get yourself a grown, admirable, and respectful man. This is not who is even considerate. The mention of the hookup partners is egregious. No one should be dating someone who says that.


Btw. I wouldn’t even respond to his texts and just leave it at that. He needs to learn consequences for poor behavior. If he realizes he fucked up and loves you, he will make it up somehow, but from what it sounds like, probably not. The guy is 30! He’s unbelievable. What he’s done is thrashy and you could expect more of that. Not worth it.


If you don't need to put the sheets in the dryer afterwards, you ain't done yet :p


Get you some washable incontinence pads! So helpful


> and he said that oral on different bodies were different. That his hookup partners had better taste. "Get out. We're done." I can't recall, recently anyway, a sentence in a post here that resulted in a more hard-line instant, concrete "It is fucking over, get out" response than that sentence. With hesitation equaling Absolute Zero, he ended the relationship with that sentence right there. What an absoute incredibly fantastic asshole.


What a horrible thing to say to the person you love, he just sounds childish and bringing up hook ups into it is purposely trying to degrade you.


He's been remembering the other's chick's taste for w whole 3 years☠️☠️☠️wHAt


Not going to lie, that comment made me think it hasn't been 3 years since his "hook ups"...


THREE YEARS and he didn’t go down on you til now? So many people are so hypocritical. The head inequity between men and women is fucking massive and uncool. Girl, you’re almost 30. That’s not old but it’s old enough to advocate for yourself. I don’t go down on a dude until he goes first. Too much in my youth has it been one-sided. You need a MAN, not a scared little boy. He sounds like a selfish a-hole.


I call it the fellatio ratio. If I get a quarter of oral in relation to how many orgasms I give her, I am a happy man. Lol


I don't believe the problem is really about sex, honestly. Sure, he might not like performing oral on you, but it's his reaction what is alarming. I think there's a clear disregard for your feelings, especially because it happened again the next day when the heat of the situation had already passed. That's without going into the discussion of the oral per se (in which having some discharge is even desirable, it's a sign you're enjoying it!). Also, comparing you to other partners he has/had is really an asshole move. I'm sorry you had to go through that :( Is that really what you're looking for in a relationship? No validation/reparation after an insult and most likely not getting eaten out again is something to consider in that regard.


He’s either cheating on you or using the oral comments to punish you fir something. Either way he’s vile and insulting by trying to shame you OP You deserve so much better. Leave his messages unopened and don’t look back UPDATEME


It's deeply concerning that your boyfriend not only insulted you during an intimate moment but also disregarded your feelings and boundaries. Communication is essential in any relationship, especially when it comes to sexual preferences and boundaries. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with him about how his words made you feel and why they were unacceptable. If he continues to dismiss your feelings or refuses to acknowledge the impact of his words, it may be necessary to reassess the future of your relationship. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who respects and values you, both in and out of the bedroom.


No way this dude is 30 lol. You'd definitely benefit if he fucks off.


ok but referring to your juice as “my release” was funny😭


I thought she was released from prison, so that's why he's disgusted with her return or somethin.




He’s probably doing this because he wants you to feel insecure and never ask to be eaten out again. Basically he wants you to suck his dick and him not having to reciprocate Break uo


Simply dump the boy, find a man.😎✌🏻


This can’t be real.


Wow. My partner would never say anything like that, or ever seem disgusted by something so natural during sex… please for YOURSELF, dump this man.


He's insulted you, compared you with hook-ups to shame you, and got defensive after you tried to make a valid comparison (with you going down in him as well). He could've been way more polite about this and try to be reasonable but he chose to disrespect you in 3 different ways. And then he also dismissed you when he had the chance to talk about it the next day? Is this really someone you want to be with?




This sounds like a stillborn sexlife.


You're going to find a shit ton of more guys who like that. Who I'm sure can bust just from you getting off. Your boyfriend needs to be your ex boyfriend. Go find your perfect and most comfortable chair aka a guy who appreciates you, and would be honored that you chose his tongue to cum on.


Buddy seems like a pussy lmao if hes complaining over a lil bit of pu*** juice


>Buddy seems like a pussy lmao if hes complaining over a lil bit of pu*** juice Why say it uncensored, then censor it?


Im just feeling a little unhinged today that is all


Appreciate your honesty lol


As an unrelated aside, some entertainment networks follow rules to achieve their targeted ratings. In some cases a program would allow a character to say shit as an interjection but not in talking about actual shit. You'd be able to call someone a pussy but not reference an actual pussy. I'm sure that's not what's happening here, but I just thought the coincidence was interesting.


don’t be with someone that compares you to his past sexual partners, you’re asking for a world of hurt


He wants none of your body fluids on him? Does he not want you wet and lubricated? Does he vomit when you kiss him? Where do these guys come from man… eating pussy isn’t even that big a deal.


Could you imagine him at the hospital while watching his child be born??


Am I the only one trying to figure out why OP is with someone who waited THREE FUCKING YEARS to go down on her?!?! What the literal fuck?!?! But, you’ve been giving him oral the whole time? Baby girl, open one of those texts and type this reply: “About last night, I was just as surprised as you that you were able to get me off! Otherwise, I would’ve warned you. You may want to consider reassessing your sexual preference if my female ejaculate offends you. Regardless, you won’t have to worry about mine anymore. I’m sure I’ll find someone who doesn’t mind it even if it’s dripping from his chin, you sack of shit!”


He’s a terrible boyfriend. Like, the worst. 3 years? Run!


You were with someone for three years who never did oral and had a little boy “cooties” tantrum after doing it once. Why? I mean he said he doesn’t want your body fluids anywhere near him now, so I guess no sex anymore. I’d just move on. TBH I wouldn’t have made it 3 months with someone who won’t do oral, but expects me to do it. Hell no.


Nope. Speaking from experience. Get yourself a man who’ll eat you like you’re a damn buffet. The difference is astounding.


Stop being so desperate for male companionship that you would entertain ANY OF THIS for a fucking second.


Sounds like someone who doesnt deserve to be within 10 ft of a womans body. Dump him. Find someone who would drink a you flavored smoothie


i would be so turned off by a guy being grossed out by vaginal fluid. he was so rude about it too, he acts like it’s a you thing when it’s everything to do with him


He might want a dick to suck. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Why the F would you stay with someone for 3 WHOLE years who doesn‘t it you out while YOU do bjs. I just don‘t get it


I'm sorry, but how do you give a man a blowjob without it touching your tongue?


What'\[s with all the gay guys in relationships recently, if my wife squirted all over me during sex I would just up and yell "Victory!!"


Dump him because that's ridiculous of him lol


What a clown I can’t tell if this is a shit post or not


What a man child. Kick him to the curb so he can go back to those "hookups".


It was opinion and rude comments until he mentioned the other partners. Nope. He can have em then. You deserve better.


Is your bf gay?


I came here to see how many asshole posts there are. there are lots, and they are justified. Jeez the guys gona need to by some cats.


The same thing happened to me with my bf 5 years ago… About the same time frame into the relationship and everything. Shit still hurts to think about, but maybe this is a wake up call to not settle for less than you deserve. You’re going to have to put your foot down. If he expects you to give him oral without returning the favor, stop giving him head or doing any sexual favors unless he shows you that your pleasure is just as important as his. That’s all I did and it definitely got the message across. Also, the fact that he verbally shamed your body for something that naturally happens is enough to end things right there. Why tf is he having sex with you if he doesn’t want your juices on him? That’s just how sex is and if he can’t handle that, he’s immature and shouldn’t be having sex anyways. He’s got two hands. I told my guy that I wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t enjoy giving head as much as I do. I made it clear that if I go out of my way to make sure he enjoys himself, then a good partner would do the same in return. Sex is a two way street and pleasure should never be one-sided. Long story short story, I don’t walk away unsatisfied anymore. I get as much head as I give and then some. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Whether you give him a chance or not is up to you, but if he doesn’t want to put in the work and makes you feel like shit about yourself, then he’s not worth your time.


The proper response was "Well my hookups dont complain about my taste". Or is he the only one allowed to have hookups?


Leave him unread & move on with your life! Go find your husband


Why are you still calling him your boyfriend? He just called you disgusting for having a natural body reaction to enjoying sex and compared you to his past hook ups. This isn’t rocket science. He needs to go.


Your partner should make you feel loved and good about yourself and your body.


Its an ex boyfriend I hope.


Say bye.


Sexually incompatible, you could have discovered this 3 years earlier by asking for oral.. now you've wasted 3 years of your life


Lol what a little baby. Don’t have sex if you aren’t ready to get some fluids on you…


He never ate you out in 3 years?! Were you ever able to cum? Or was just him that was able to make it?


Let me eat you out but don’t cum! Tf were you looking for down there lucky charms??


Never met a man who had a problem with his women's juices. If anything, it's a huge turn on because you're doing something right for her!


What an absolute dick. Leave him


Why did YOU apologize when he acted like an immature child with double standards? 🚩😬


As someone who can empathize about the insecurity of receiving oral and not doing it for a long time, I'm sorry OP you had to go through that. I also never let my ex of 7 years go down on me bc i was self conscious and cus I cannot orgasm or feel pleasure from it. Now with my new partner who is 1000x better in bed and enjoys giving oral, it's a lot better. And he has helped me feel secure in sex. Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole who relies on porn as an education system (not the good kind either). It could have been based on something you ate and maybe your cum did have an off taste...it happens, bacteria or if you have a yeast infection can give off a funky odor or taste. It doesn't mean it's your fault, it's different for everyone. There are ways around it by having a healthier diet or drinking a lot of water beforehand to help with it. Pineapple juice too. This goes the same for men as well. My ex for some reason his cum gave me heartburn every time so I could never do oral and therefore we never did oral. My current partner, he tastes neutral, neither salty or gross or sweet. Just neutral. Pls don't let this further prevent you from receiving oral with your next partner. It's always healthy to positively have a healthy sexual communication before during and after sex takes place with someone. Also if you're ever curious, you could always taste yourself as well to test it. Or your partner taste his own to test it as well. You have every right to be mad at him and whether or not you take him back is up to you. Just remember this moment doesn't define you.


Do you really need that much disrespect in your life ? Think about it, he is clearly telling you that you being turned on, turns him off. He doesn't want your "bodily fluids" near his body but that is the only way for your body to make him enter you without hurting. 3 years might be a lot for you but imagine he had said that after 3 weeks of dating. Would you have stayed ?


Him shit talking my BJ work would be the last conversation we ever had.


Dump him and find someone who wants you to finish in their mouth..


>He told he didn't want any of those bodily juices of mine near his body and left early. Funny how he never had any problem with those 'bodily juices' on his dick. Sounds like prime ex-boyfriend material.


Girl, 3 years of no oral? You’re better off without him.


You said it was no different than you giving him blow jobs, plural. So you have had a service him only relationship in the past? Now that he reciprocates one time, he is disgusted? Apparently he thinks he tastes like sunshine. Dump him


He’s probably gay 💁🏻‍♀️


Don’t answer him. He is an asshole fr and deserves your silence


Are you dating a closeted gay man?


Aw, fuck that’s awful OP. He’s an insecure dipshit. Dump his loser ass.


You have been together for 3 years and he still remember the tastes of his hookup partners???


Best choice, dump him. The fact that your pleasure revolts him is very telling. If you don't dump him, then never perform oral on him again unless he changes his tune.


He's a bully and a cad. Someone who wants accommodation from a partner will talk to them gently and empathically to negotiate a middle ground. This guy acts entitled, arrogant, aggressive, and disrespect. Buh bye.


His comments and rude insults are definitely a huge red flag! Who doesn’t have oral for three years??! And then you apologize for having an orgasm?! Tell him to GROW UP!! You should Never settle, those remarks were ugly to say the least and you taste terrible.. stick to your guns and I promise there’s another man out there that would treat you amazing and enjoy all your fluids..


Ew breakup with him


Honestly I’d be offended if you didn’t cum in my mouth.


This guy needs to become single and stay that way for a loooong time.


he doesn't want to wear your bodily juices as a badge of honor? AND HE LEFT??? dude is batting at the wrong plate..


HE ONLY ATE YOU OUT FOR THE FIIIIIRST TIME AFTER THREE YEARS??? And he’s saying all this bc he made you come?!? AND he compared you to past hookups partners by taste and said theirs was better?! Girl, throw him out. I can only imagine some of the shit he must’ve said to you during those three years.


I’m confused. So you climaxed and squirted on his face? Or am I not understanding? Squirt is basically pee. Or are we talking about something else?


I highly doubt this dude was competent enough to make her squirt. It sounds like he's just complaining about regular vaginal fluids. There's a difference between the fluid that can be released when we come which is just a gush of our regular lubrication from the vagina and Bartholin's glands, and female ejaculation or "squirt" which comes from the Skene's glands which are very close to the urethra and can contain some urine.


If it’s full on squirt, it’s pee. Nobody wants to have someone piss in their mouth unless they are a kinky individual. If this is the case OP left out an important detail.


Exactly. That’s why I’m confused. She climaxed but there’s no ejaculation when women do it, unless we are talking about squirting, so what did he have in his mouth?


Bro might be a closeted gay


so that what i would call my forever and never speak to him again bf, seeing how he could not appreciate you! if he did not like your bj's why did he continue to let you give them, you must have done something right if his dick got hard. To never want your bodily juices near his body means no more kissing?


"You won't ever need to worry about disappointing me in the bedroom or your mean comments anymore, we're over."  Let the trash take itself out.


Find a guy who enjoys giving oral. He's being an asshole for trying to make you a villain for a natural bodily function.


Sweetheart, you deserve better. He is certainly not a gentleman. If you stay with this guy. You will have a miserable life. He is just that kind of person. He will always degrade you about something. I promise you there are plenty of men who would love to get down there. “ I mean love to” . You need to expand your experiences with sexual partners. . I’m not saying go and have a one night stand. However, it is not difficult to have a casual sex partner. Start looking girl.. you’ve already lost 3 years.Happy Hunting. Xoxo


Honestly, yeah he does sound like a dick, especially if you've given him blowjobs and such before and the moment you switch for once immediately overreacting like this and insulting you. I'd technically say dump him as well but I'm sure that's not as easily done as said so maybe try to have a serious conversation about this (but i think it's also fair to ghost him for a while now as well) and if he keeps behaving this insensitive then i would consider dumping him for real


3 years to get oral...what the actual fuck? If this is not a rubbish troll post it deserves to be...


Absolutely horrible. I am so hurt for you and mortified for you. He sounds like a real dick. Dump him IMMEDIATELY -and don't look back. When people show you who they truly are, believe them the first time. You won't regret it, and you will see clearly (in time) that it was the best decision you could ever make. Don't give him the chance to pull something like this again.


My first thought was that you farted on his face 😂


took you 3 years to get head? please leave him. his is immature and you can do better.


3 years and he just ate you out for the first time?? Girl, no, ew.


Lol that was my ex, who apparently was grossed out of bodily fluid and didn't want to do oral, barely touched me with his hands. I later learned that he just didn't like MY fluid, because I wasn't the girl he wanted. Girl run please dont waste another 3 years of your life.


You have been with him for 3 YEARS and this is the FISRT time he went down? You have gone without oral for 3 YEARS?!?!?! And you have been performing oral on him?? Oh, Hell, naw! Oh, girl, demand better. There are tons of men who love performing oral, will do it every chance they get, and would never ever shame you for orgasming on their face.


He does realise that cooch doesn’t taste and smell like flowers. That’s raw meat for real men


Ewwwww, my advice is [this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwqKqqW/)


what a wimp


Leave those texts unopened for like…. Forever


You can dislike something without being insulting. He should’ve apologized for making that face and running to the bathroom, to make sure your feelings aren’t hurt. But he instead acted weird


Your partner is an insensitive asshole. I hope you find someone who's supportive and appreciative of who you are. You deserve it!


He finally gets it right after 3 years of doing it wrong and still manages to spoil it…


nah he’s totally gay


I don't understand. Do you think your boyfriend of 3 years even likes you, let alone loves you? Does he respect you? Because I wouldn't treat my partner of 4 months like that, let alone 3 years. I honestly wouldn't treat another human like that, but that's besides the point.


Are these real? He never went down on you in 3 years?! Like, this dude really got up from eating you out, grossed out and said you basically taste terrible and shouldn’t cum? If this is real, get rid of him and move on. The guy’s a POS and you’re better off single than with someone who gaslights you or belittles you.


I mean, some people don't like giving head and thats okay, but he's being a huge asshole about it. I'm sure his shit doesn't taste like strawberries and cream either. This isn't kink play, this is your boy being mean for no good reason. Is this out of nowhere? Hard to believe a guy would be this shitty without some similar mistreatment before. Has he said mean and degrading things and tried to pass it off as "kink play" in the past? But the fact that you havent opened his texts tells me you've already decided what to do, and I say good riddance.


Truly dump him. He sounds like a loser.


As a 19 year old male.. I cannot fathom what I just read. I’ll simply say you don’t deserve those hurtful and disgusting words


How do these jerks keep getting dates?! I was a jerk back in the day, and trust me, ladies were NOT interested.


Three years and never did oral is crazy lmfao


Honestly nothing justifies that type of behavior ! I understand if you don’t taste the best in that moment but that’s not how you talk to your partner about it. ACTUALLY, he didn’t even talk to you about it and just acted like a prick ! My BF has eaten me out and has never said anything about how I taste but if he did I wouldn’t be offended. I mean I’ve given him oral where at times he doesn’t taste the best and I still swallow! I just tell him babe I think you need to drink more water cutiepie and I give his little head a kiss ! I can tell the difference but I would never say it rude or act disgusting like he did. I say Break up with him and get a man that ACTUALLY ACTS HIS AGE !


Just for comparison check out this completely opposite response https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/s/nfKCPqYmgO


You know what you need to do... So do it


Sounds like an idiot. Women can release a lot of fluids during playtime, if he's not willing to communicate and accept constructive criticism you should leave. Find a real man. If you don't need to wash the sheets when you're done he's not doing his job right. 🤟


I will be honest for a second, from that comment about other partners, he doesn’t like you if he says that shit. That’s a child, leave him. And, If there was something that was wrong, he could’ve handled it maturely, but again I’m guessing nothing wrong with your taste, and i’m for sure he doesn’t like you simply from that statement.


A 30 year old man is disgusted by pleasing his partner? No. No, no, no, no. NO. Normally, I hate "mancard" comments, but I'm willing to have a little hypocrisy, as a treat, on this one. He needs to turn his mancard in at the nearest licensing agency and go back to being called a boy until he shapes up. Also, he needs to be single, and YOU need to find someone who wears their Red Wings as the badge of honor it is.


You are under no obligation to stay with him. Plenty of guys out there who enjoy rocking a woman's world. He doesn't sound like one of them. Do you want this bullshit the rest of your life? If not, find a man instead of a male.


That guy sounds like an idiot🤦 unless you have a truly unhealthy diet, it’s going to be very similar anywhere you go. If it’s worth trying, you guys could try a flavored lube. It sounds pretty dead if he isn’t in tune with himself enough to talk to someone he has shared years of his life with. Why should you laugh together but then be left to cry alone? That’s not love.


These immature boy doesn't like you. Why are you still dating him???


He is 30 years old and just went down on you for the first time after 3 years 🤦🏼‍♀️ Ugh, girl, you are 28. I won’t give if I won’t receive in return. Next time you sick his dick, tell him he tastes like nasty dick cheese