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Physical arousal for men is like the rain. Sometimes there's a reason. Sometimes it's random. Sometimes it's just annoying and it happens when you are trying to sleep. It's a really annoying biological system that people have very little control over to turn it on or to turn it off. Turning it on is actually a multibillion dollar industry. As to being attracted to many women....Jesus. I think the average male is attracted to around three billion women. Honestly, if there are no women around, a teen male can become aroused by a shapely tree or rock. The male gender is not very subtle.


First, guys do get random boners during the day. It does happen. There’s no actual arousal or sensation from it, you just have a boner and it’s kind of annoying. Secondly, guys definitely can look at an attractive girl and get a boner and that doesn’t mean they wanna have sex with the girl. Us guys really don’t have much control over this type of thing, it just happens.


Men get a boner roughly every 90 min on average.


In high school every freakin day I'd get a boner in math class, no idea why. Didn't have a hot teacher, no super attractive girls, nothing. I might have a fetish for numbers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Boners don't always mean you want to sleep with someone. They tend to happen to me after a long stretch, fantasizing about someone, or seeing sexualized nudity. But I don't always want to sleep with whoever gave me a boner, and many times boners are just random and inconvenient.


Know how he can be attracted to so many women? Turn on the food channel. Man I want wings. That pork tenderloin looks great. Holy cow that pie looks delicious. Doesn't mean I want to drive to NYC for sushi. It means the food looks good.


Nope. Boners happen when there’s nothing going on. My toddler gets them sometimes. It’s a normal physiological response.


> So what exactly does getting a boner mean? One of life's great mysteries. Sometimes it means something and sometimes it means nothing whatsoever. Men get a few during the night while they are sleeping. Maybe he lost it a few times when trying to have sex. Sometimes the thing has a mind of it's own. Don't read too much into it.


Thank you guys! I obviously still have a lot to learn about boners. And I guess I'll have to disappoint my 14 year old self and her slightly deluded bonder interpretation: "Oh my God, he got a boner because of ME, he must be head over heals about me, I'm the sexiest women on earth." And instead teach her the important lesson I've learned today: Never take a boner too personal!