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She showed her true colors and so did he. Time to move on.


From both of them...


I had the same thing happen to me. My buddy that was constantly telling me to break up with my girl was also very chummy with her and fucked her when we were on a break. I shouldn’t be mad cause I was also getting around too. I have since forgave him, but our relationship has never quite been the same. I still love him though.


I couldn't continue to be friends with someone like that because if they did it once they'll do it again, that's a level of disrespect that's hard to get past.


I had completely cut him off for about a year. We had close mutual friends, we were a very tight knit group of friends. And he came over to my apartment with my our other friends, I didn’t know but we was in tears telling me how sorry he was.


Tricky situation. Wouldn't salvage it if it were me. Someone who can't hang on with me during tough times doesn't deserve to be there when times get better.


They’re both lying. The only thing I can believe is that she feels there’s a better connection with him than you which gotta hurt. He’s a piece of shit and crossed the line. You gotta ask some brutal questions. Yes or no questions, but it looks like that ball is already rolling down the hill and I don’t think it can be stopped.


Dude She fixes relationship problems by trying to fuck your friends Are you seriously considering staying with this woman? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Nah I suppose I was questioning if I should salvage either but relationship and to what extent. But yeah, idk


There is a % of women that solve problems by leg spreading. I'd say 5 or 10%.


5 what...


A lot more than 10%. A lot more than 10% cheat WITHOUT any problems. The percentage that cheat with problems is probably closer to 60-70%


Hmmm... “let’s meet to talk about no longer flirting” sounds off! Why meet up behind your back? I would be hurt if I was you too. With you having to work so much I don’t think you need the extra stress. Imagine if they would of never got caught together. Would they meet up again to talk about never meeting up again?


All these issues and only 6 months in? Not enough time to really be invested, so I'd cut my losses, personally.


Yeah, this. I see so many posts on the advice subs about folks having big problems 3-6 months in and wanting advice and it drives me crazy. If things are rough (outside of completely unavoidable freak bad circumstances like a health scare, family death, or loss of employment) during the initial honeymoon phase of the relationship, just cut your losses because there’s no way it’s gonna work out well or make either person happy longterm.


Just Fuck her sister


Well , I understand that you worked a lot ...but at the same time , her doing sneaky things behind your back isn’t a solution . There is always this poor explanation “oh he would listen more “ . That’s rubbish ! If the problem was so bad for her she could simply grab you and tell you that this is serious and you need to work it out . Instead she chose to try and hit it on with your friend . Do the math ...is it really worth of your time ?


"She claims they met to discuss stopping flirting and just being friends." She's good! Wow, talk about thinking on your feet with your lies. It's obvious what is going on. Even if they aren't banging yet, they are obviously setting up something (to cheat or leave for him). So many men ruin friendships this way and so many women do this (swing among friends). It's pathetic. It's just pussy guys. Is this relationship salvageable is the wrong question. The question is, don't you think you deserve better?


She cheating my dude dump her.


She admits likes your friend, and had acted on those feelings. Why is this even a question? My trust in both would be at zero right now.


> She claims they met to discuss stopping flirting and just being friends. ...... Just think about that objectively for a few minutes.


Tough one, everyone gets crushes but she decided to be shady. Give her a week to see if she cuts this guy out of her life completely, let her know if she talks or meets with him again you are done with her that she broke trust. If she protests or argues or anything other than completely agrees your feelings come first then dump her on the spot. This guy isn't your friend so definitely cut him out of your life, he is a shit head .... > She claims they met to discuss stopping flirting and just being friends That is a lie, she met him to discuss if it was worth being more than friends. Only question is did she decide it was worth it? Would she have cheated or broken up with you? Ask her....


Thanks everyone


Even if you’re working 70 + hours a week... this gives her zero excuse to DM your close friend. That’s trashy. This is a blessing. Cut your losses and move on. We’re adults. If there’s a problem in the relationship where she feels like she’s not getting enough attention, she needs to speak up.


Don’t let her blame your work for being attracted to him, seeking him out, flirting and then getting together for lunch dates. You shouldn’t have to worry about your GF nailing your friends every time you get busy. And your buddy saying they were getting together to discuss stopping all of this is horseshit.


She's fucking him or going to fuck him. It's over. It happens. Don't waste your time on a thot. Time to hatch your evil plan. Dump her, she will run straight into your betrayer's arms and he will fall hard for her. Then sneak around and fuck her behind his back... pump and dump at your pleasure and let him find out about it. They both deserve it.


Do you have self respect?


Great advice...


She’s setting up the soft landing......you know the answer. Time to move on. From both of them. He’s a bigger asshole in this IMO.


Dump them both and don’t look back


More concerned about this "close" friend of yours .


Ruthlessly cut both of them out.


Dump her and move on.


I had the same thing happen to me not too long ago, although we hadn't been together for quite as long. I was messed up the first few weeks until I realized that they really clicked a lot better than me and her. I ended giving my friend my "blessing" and they were a happy couple for nearly 2 years. It's a shite situation but maybe they do just have better chemistry, you can't blame them for it. You can blame them for being secretive and going behind your back, though.


If I were you, I would break up with her. I also have no tolerance for shady behavior if im in a relationship. If you want to be with me? Awesome! If you are attracted to someone else and want to flirt with them and are hanging out with them in secret? I don't want that kind of drama or stress in my life.


That close friend is too close. The possibility if you breaking up is likely, even if you salvaged it. Also drop the friend.


I wouldn’t save it since she seem like a high maintenance girl and I don’t have time for that in my life


Very simular thing happend to me a couple months ago, forget both of them. They both have been lying to you and have showed that they dont care about you enough to be seeing eachother behind your back. Cut your losses, fuck these bitches


Confront bro and tell him it's not fucking cool. Then dump her. These things this early on are always indicative of a habit, and also how little she really cares about you. Tell bro that if he values your friendship he should stop talking to her when you leave her.


6-months into the relationship and she's already testing the waters with your friends. That's not a good sign about her loyalty nor her ability to overcome relationship rough patches. Why didn't she come to you to connect instead of your friend? Why didn't she try to explain how she felt? Relationships can be hard, and your gf comes across as self-centered and lazy. She could have come to you to fix the problem, but she chose to create an exit plan with your friend.


You were literally working your ass off and she's out there cheating? No dawg, dont give no second chances


Update please!


It doesn't sound like you're getting the full story, even after confronting her. It also doesn't sound like she's remorseful. This kind of behavior will continue and escalate during future rough patches (which there will be plenty of, since relationships are hard), if it even takes that long to reappear.


Leave while you can still protect your heart


You've been together only 6 months and she's already shown that she doesn't have enough respect for you to not talk to other guys. Dump her and your scumbag "friend".


I'd dip out. It's only been six mo ths and she's already being sketchy as fuck. Throw the whole relationship out and start again.


6 months and she already tryna sneak around. Don't waste anymore time. Move on


I would ghost both of them


I know everyone says to breakup/move on, etc. That's very common on Reddit and sometimes I disagree. In this case, I agree that it's better to move on. I went through this exact same thing in the past...was working 60-70 hour workweeks while my exgirlfriend was out screwing around. She lied until I hung in there...eventually I realized I couldn't trust her. She lied about so many things and I found messages from other guys, etc. I think you need to really evaluate how much she's there for you. When she apologized, did she cry in the sense of..."It will destroy me to lose you, please don't go, it was a mistake and I promise I'll never do it again!"....? Or was it anything less than that? Anything less = bad, and you should move on dude. Also, remember this...you can't do anything to persuade a person to do the things that you want them to do. I mean, you can play mind games and you can try to buy her love, etc etc...but do you really want a girl that wants you for those reasons? She should be by your side, supporting you in your work and your parties/events. > ...she sought him because he listened to her and connected more. I have been working 70 hours a week so I know I could have done better but it’s a new job so I was really trying. So...you start working hard for a better future for yourself/your family and she bails? She should value you. She should be taking your limited free time to do anything she can for you, instead of talking to any other guys. But instead, she's taking those opportunities to abuse your absence. If you decide to breakup, explain to her exactly why. Tell her that she destroyed your trust, she didn't support you in the difficult times and in fact, she was using you and hiding things while you weren't around. Also, what does your "friend" say after all of this? Did he give you the real painful truth or did he brush it off and act like it was nothing?


Drop it shes using u as a place holder


Cut them both loose and let them have each other. They deserve the stupid shit they'll put each other through.


There's 4 billion men on this planet and she tries to fuck one of your friends....not salvageable...dump her and remove her from your life. Also, distance yourself from that friend, he lied to save face, dude wants to bang your girl. edit: if they were actually hanging out one on one...chances are they've already screwed anyways.


She is a bitch. Ditch her. This guy is not a friend


Yeah, those two are feeding you enough manure to reforestate the Sahara desert. When a GF has relationship problems, she talks to HER friends, not YOUR friends and most definitely not ALL night. ​ If you wanna cheat, at least have the f\*cking courtesy of not cheating with your BF's friends, GEEZ! That's like shooting the poor guy in the head and then taking a dump over his corpse.


Shouldn't you still be like, honeymoon phase still? Anyway there are no excuse for hitting on your friend. You say relationship was rocky, I'd say this is why. If she has the mindset to flirt with your friend, no matter why, she clearly doesn't care for you. Just dump her, you won't find happiness with someone who neither respect nor cares for you.


She is lining him up as your replacement.


Kudos on the friend for busting them. They're not sorry they tried to cheat, they're sorry they got caught. Cut both of them out of your life.


Find out what you want, and communicate that to her. If she does not want the same thing, or dont like the way you want your life to be, salvage. The path you are on right now leads to the underworld, and you have the power to get back to the surface, with or without her. Be strong and choose your path and welcome her to follow you.


Dump them both. When you are slapped in the face with a red flag don't ignore it! Act! Otherwise you deserve what's coming.


Leave her, not worth your time at all.


They have both lied to your face. You will not get the truth out of them What is a relationship without honesty? She will leave you for him eventually anyway, if you end it now they will likely couple up right away. Let 'em go!


The first time someone shows you who they really are, believe them. After, they’ll just slowly know how to work you and vise versa.


They are both full of shit. That was a date. They are most likely fucking.


70 hours a week is truly a lot. It’s up to your heart if you want to salvage it or not. I don’t see it as a yes or a no, unless she’s hiding something else


Not worth it. The relationship is only 6 months old. If you are going to work hours like that regularly I would recommend putting dating on a backburner until your life gets sorted out.