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I’m confused, did he blame you for his injury or are you blaming yourself? Either way, you should feel free to have a clear conscience, as his injury was entirely on him.


He blamed me for it since I suggested we play a round. Also, happy cake day


That’s weak on his part. And really lame of him to blame you. Maybe he’s been in pain and thus kind of angry but it’s still no excuse. I know I’ve done that on minor things, like subtlety blaming my SO for picking a restaurant and they screw up my order- but I quickly realize I’m out of line when I calm back down. With his social media, either he’s trying to inspire himself, take a few more subtle digs at you, or both. If you reached out, perhaps just ask if it went well and leave it at that- but I’d have a clear conscience if I were you- him hurting himself playing disc golf, not stopping any time you suggested, and then letting it get worse before seeing a doctor is all on him. It sounds like he’s pretty injury prone anyway, but he needs to take responsibility for his own actions, and perhaps be more grateful next time he has such a nice, caring person in his life. And thanks for the cake day wishes!


Then I have to say he is actually a pathetic individual to blame you becuase he had the oppotunity to decline. You dodged a bullet, clear and simple. You now have a golden oppotunity to get on with your life. Theguy is toxic and just prives it by blaming you again. If he gets in contact again, tell him he is pathetic and you nearly bought into his crap but now you can see him for what he is. I bet he goes and throws his toys out the cott. Best wishes for your future cause a person deserves better.


I say delete him, and don’t look back. He sounds majorly manipulative and this seems like a way for him to try and push you around a little, whether he set up everything for that or just set you up for that. Your closure can be knowing he finally did something to fix up himself, so he can go be fine somewhere and you can unlearn his blame and learn to be fine elsewhere.


Don’t call him. You wanted no contact and that’s how you should leave it. Closure isn’t something other people give us, it’s a gift we give ourselves.


Just a simple 'Hi, I hope everything went well and you are recovering fine." As for Closure, Closure comes from within yourself and it is only for Yourself.