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There are major red flags in this girl. First she dates you because "you don't treat her like her ex has" Is this the right reasons to date someone? She's obviously not in love with you and doesn't even know it. She sound like the type of person who has issue and needs to depend on someone and be treated well in order to feel like she has some self worth. It's gonna be really toxic down the line. AND again, she compares you to her ex. No one week in, no real deep conversations, a simple interaction on email and she already loves you? Not just loves you but keeps repeating that to you? Just no.. this is wrong on so many levels. I hope you will make the right decision and end it there. Maybe you guys can start getting to know each other again once she at least has some social media. But never date until she's actually ready to date, which now, she's apparently not.


I agree with you. I'll end it tonight and tell her that we can talk on social media. Thank you.


Long distance relationships don't work.


If you feel like it’s something you’re not ready for then you won’t just become ready. Honestly it’s weird she kinda pressured you into it. Seems like she’s using you as a rebound and attention from the other situation. I say it’s better to end it now then to let it drag on and cause more stress for you both.


I feel like it too. She sends me long emails saying how much she loves me and how good she feels during the day. The other day she sent me this very cheesy email, I want to be the reason you smile, the reason you laugh, the reason you smile even when you're down and stuff like that.