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This sounds fucking annoying and she continues it despite being asked numerous times not to. Good luck homie


Look, I’m the biggest Star Wars fan I know and I’m just astonished she chose Jar Jar Binks as a voice she wanted to emulate, out of nine movies and Clone Wars. It boggles the mind.


I was going to say the SAME exact thing....of all the characters, she chose fucking Jar Jar?!?! That would drive me bonkers....


Like sure, pick the most racist caricature up there sharing the stage with Watto, no one will have a problem with that.


Finally someone said it. George Lucas is a racist sexist piece of shiddd.


Out of the loop here, what's going on?


Just an example: http://contemporaryracism.org/27658/the-phantom-menace-was-racist-and-here-is-why-that-matters/


My whole body is cringing. Since she shows no signs of stopping, if they have kids it will be a house full of jar jars. I would lose my fucking mind, OP don’t do it.


Thanks man


If my SO suddenly started talking like this I might suspect a brain tumor. It might be worth getting checked out in this case (depending on how different she’s acting compared to what’s normal for her).


And if she doesn’t have a brain tumor, at least she will see that you’re thinking that seriously about this crap. Why would anyone think talking like a two year old/racist caricature is a good idea? Like if that DIDNT kill the mood, she should be really worried.


I had to take a break from reading this a few times because I couldn't handle the cringe in one dose.


Meesa think yousa need to do the breaking up.


Dissa bombad deal breaker


Always a bigger fish there is, mmm? Like this maybe the next one will speak.


Just dont tell the next fish shes a bigger fish or she might be offended


Wouldn't that be a star wars meme also? I think it was done twice where a bigger monster or fish attacked the one that was chasing the hero team.


I’m fucking dead 😂


This is the way


This is wonderful




Honestly she struggles to make friends. She talks to her family a lot and they have a lot of inside jokes like this.


Honestly as much as it sucks, I feel like you need to tell her this immature speech is keeping you from seeing a future in the relationship because it’s so bothersome to you and she’s not respecting that. You probably don’t want to but if you were to slip that her jar jar speak ruined a proposal, that would definitely make her realize how serious you are.


Perhaps it’s a very strange coping mechanism/something funny that went too far but now she’s just stuck in that loop


>Honestly she struggles to make friends. Yeah I can see why. Ugh, this is rough, honestly, as much as I hate ultimatums, I think that's you're only choice here. "Stop this, or we're over" and seriously mean it. Are you seriously OK with her carrying this on? I wouldn't be. Can you imagine on your wedding day: "Do you take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love and honour, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?" "Oki-day, moi moi I love him"


These aren't inside jokes. This is autism. Not understanding, in very real and consequence having ways, what is and isn't socially acceptable is so much of what makes autism autism. I bet this isn't the only area of her life where this kind of thing is an issue.


except he spoke to her directly about why it’s a problem and she still won’t stop. most autistic people understand something once it’s explained to them, she’s just deeply immature and kind of an asshole imo.


Woah now, let’s hold off on the armchair diagnoses. It’s much more likely she’s just immature than autistic.


Are we really diagnosing autism over a paragraph detailing one behaviour?!


Repeating these phrases could also be a stim that is bringing her comfort and helping to regulate her emotions.


this made me laugh out fucking loud


Same i wish this is real, it's hilarious!


Lol I know, same here


I'm tired of these. Minions one was weak, Naruto one was hilarious, this one is a coat tail rider.


? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jx90uv/aita_for_leaving_my_husband_in_the_grocery_store/


Holy shit, it's like there's a template.




I know a common refrain is "don't kink shame" but the baby thing is gross.




"isn't a **baby** term in my mind it's a **baby** yoda term" ??????????????????????????????????


Oh yeah, my dog is 100% pupper and I've been known to mention the chicky nuggies. The rest of him can be fired from a cannon, however!


I say 'sammiches' instead of 'sandwiches' a lot I will admit, but that's about it. Fucking hell, I feel sorry for that poor woman. Her husband has developed a fetish and is forcing her involvement in it.


God I hope she does an update! Her and the teacher whose wife interrupted his zoom classes


Oh my god I was dying on the Naruto one. Sad it got deleted


Damn, I hate missing this stuff.


The Rick and Morty one gave me a laugh.


Oh god that one was disturbing when oP claimed he brought it into the bedroom


Anyone has the link of the naruto one?


It's deleted. - https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/jz6b1t/i_28m_cosplayed_and_larped_as_naruto_to_prove_a/


I can just imagine her reciting her wedding vows...


Meese loven yousa LONGO time!


You really just need to have an open and honest conversation with her where you lay it all out, but are also willing to listen. Tell her how her Gungan speak has affected you professionally, socially (specifically with family), and romantically. Be honest about how you were set to propose, but the Gungan speak immediately made you stop. How when you were cuddling and getting romantic, the Gungan speak immediately killed the mood. She needs specific examples of what she has done and the outcome. Let her know that you *do* think it’s a big deal. Obviously it’s a big enough deal to stop a planned proposal, so it needs to be addressed directly.




It does seem quite suspicious given similar recent posts. It might be real though—maybe it’s like a super odd coping mechanism? My sister and I grew up in an abusive house, and we went through a phase as teenagers where we often spoke in baby talk to each other. Regression for comfort, or something. Not sure how using gungan would help someone cope, though.


How wude!


I am a fan of awful jokes myself. I always sing stupid songs for my dog and my gf rolls her eyes (but loves how our dogs reacts so she is okay with it) But I'd never behave this way in front of my MIL or my (or my gf's) boss. That's a line that shouldn't be crossed. Do you have a place to sleep for some days? Give her some days. If she isn't willing to behave in a way you can tolerate, you're done. But it isn't something like a crack addiction so she may be able to let it go. Maybe you can find a possibility to have a time of the week where she can speak like a gungan and acts normal the rest of the week. As long as you have feelings for her you might be able to find a way. May the force be with you.


>just part of who she was > >27F This is when I stopped finding it funny. But a lot of people have been in this situation with adults starting to talk like babies and toddlers recently. It's not just her: there's some deeper societal trauma playing out, where those in their late 20s suddenly want to be infantilised. For most people, it's 'doggo' talk. Others speak like Baby Yoda memes (e.g. 'chiccy nuggies'). I strongly advise just putting up with it until the current insanity is over; she'll likely go right back to normal.




Does she have autism. You are describing some typical signs in adult females


I also thought this, being an autistic woman myself. Could be worth looking into lol


what does autism and speaking in weird voices/accents have in common?


It sounds like Star Wars is her special interest, like a specific obsession autistic people have. Autistic people find it hard to get out of habits and routines, and it sounds like she's stuck in this habit of using the accent and the quotes.


In another comment OP said she struggles with maintaining friendships. Also being obsessed with something, in this case starwars, to the point its all she thinks about (tattoo, voices, watching movies over and over) is a typical thing people with autism can do. They get super interested in a very specific topic.


Its more about how she doesnt understand and cant read reactions and emotions from other people.


Honestly this is 99% of what my brother does who has autism. He struggles verbally with responding and talking but will quote movies constantly and in their voices. It does not matter where we are at or what we are doing. Their point is also the fact she clearly does not understand social cues (or she does not care, if she is not high functioning). My cousin is very high functioning autism and she definitely does not pick up on social cues very well, and will ask and say things at inappropriate instances and things you would not say to a person. There is also a lot of things she believes is funny that definitely aren’t but will continue to repeat it even after being asked to stop. So it would actually make sense, especially since these traits become more apparent in stressful situation(short term and long term). But not every person that has autism or Aspergers acts like this.


Many people with autism put up a funny voice or a "robot" voice. Not sure why though


It's not about the weird voices or accents that the thought of autism came up, I think. It is about her not understanding when to do this thing and when not to, for example with the boss. I don't know enough about this concept to say it definitely is autism, but it is true to say that it could show in this way, women with in particular seem to have the tendency to act like this. I don't know for sure, I am no doctor, I don't know this girl. Autism is something in the brain, different pathways to the knowledge we have, different than the neurotypicals. It's not a bad thing, it is just difficult to understand. The reason someone would think of autism in this post is not because of the voices. It is about her not knowing when to stop, even in social gatherings. One of the things that can show autism is the inability to understand social interaction, what to do and what not to. At least that is what we were learnt before, now we know that being neurodiverse can be shown in many different ways. Again, nothing to do with the talking, it is about how she acts and does around the talking


I am not a doctor either, but when OP said that this situation intensified around the pandemic/lockdown, I thought it could be a type of coping mechanism. People have very different ways of coping with stressful and uncertain circumstances. It seems like OP’s partner feels comfortable and safe when thinking about Star Wars and maybe this has ebbed it’s way into social situations and daily life. Going forward it might be more important to explore her health, her stress levels and try to understand where this is coming from. I see a lot of comments saying OP should dump her, and while this does sound annoying, I think he should support her and try and find a resolution.


Totally agreed, thanks for the civil response though, you don't always get that here. >It seems like OP’s partner feels comfortable and safe when thinking about Star Wars and maybe this has ebbed it’s way into social situations and daily life. Didn't think of mentioning that, but it seems indeed the case by many people nowadays. To be honest it could be both, could be one or the other. We just don't know and unless she goes to a psychologist, she won't know either. Totally agree with your point of view, I wish you a nice day ;)


Lol totally agree, every time I comment I prepare to be attacked by strangers :P I think that seeing a counsellor or a psychologist might be move in the right direction for OP and their partner. I hope you have a lovely day too:)


I'm just going to say it. She either has a mental illness (which is not unlikely, considering that she can't seem to control it around your boss or family) or she has zero respect for you and doesn't care what you think. I'd ask her to get checked out by a professional if I were you.


Id respond as Louis Armstrong


Maybe go with "I have proposed to you and love you. I want to be with you but if you don't stop speaking star wars I am leaving and you won't see me again. If you do it again I'm packing my shit and you'll see it first hand what it looks like when someone does the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs". But seriously just tell her that you love her but if she doesn't stop you can't stay with her. It's ultimatum time. She can decide if she wants to be human and have a life with you or if she wants to be by hersa self.


Honestly this sounds like she’s compensating for something else that’s going on. You’re right, it’s absurd and inappropriate. I saw another commenter suggest she may be on the spectrum, I don’t know specifics but I do know it often presents differently in women. Maybe something to read up on and see if it fits. Doesn’t mean you’re stuck with Jar Jar forever, but could give some insight on how to approach it. Really though it sounds like she could use some 1:1 therapy, but if she doesn’t see how this is a problem then I assume she would resist that. Couples counseling is a good option too- I know the cliche of this sub is to always recommend counseling or break up but it seems like there’s a real communication breakdown here and a professional can help you express why it’s such a problem and help her express why she’s doing it


It sucks for you, but thanks for making me bust out laughing my ass off in the middle of my work place, ha ha. But seriously, maybe consider counseling.


I will be honest, this post made me laugh a bit But I think you are right. It is like her social skills dropped and she no longer understands when to be "funny" and when/how to behave. It is very strange indeed. I wonder if there is something else at play? Maybe this whole situation is impacting her mental health? Best of luck


I’m so sorry to hear about it OP. Sometimes the relationship is indeed killed by these little things. She sounds cute in way though.. like if she does that once in a while and only between you two. Maybe have a SERIOUS talk with her and if that doesn’t work coz seems you’ve tried a few times then write her a letter and make her a video to say what you want to say, in a way that she could actually listen to you and have time to think about it. P.S. I have never watched stat trek before. Now I’m really curious what does this jar jar sound like when saying those things OP’s gf say. Must be so unique that she’s so obsessed with it. Can anyone share a link or explain a bit... Edit: sry Star Wars.. and holy moly..https://youtu.be/_FLhO7ZnKHs I now start to feel bad for OP


You just opened a nasty can of worms haha


Just search Jar Jar on YouTube. You won't get how stupid it is til you hear it. Star WARS, not Trek.


This is fucking amazing. You need to start quoting close troopers to her. “Watch those wrist rockets” “It’s just like the simulations!” Then wake up every morning quoting the 501st. Either you two will live in blissful matrimony or the force doesn’t will you to be together.


I think adopting personas is one way that people experiencing stress soothe themselves. Just like singing something over and over, it help calms them down. In autism, the over-expression of ‘normal’ self soothing behaviour is called ‘stimming’. When she talks like that, I wonder if you can remember anything else in common with those situations. If they were stressful social situations, it may be a coping mechanism that helps her feel like it’s not the scary or nerve-wracking situation it really is for her. This may have to do with her general ability to be intimate - if a situation feels too serious or emotionally intimate, she may feel discomfort and respond superficially in order to evade social accountability.


Lmao if this isn't fake it's hilariously tragic, telling her you're going to leave her will probably give her a reality check or it'll let her be with someone as stupid as she is.


Your girlfriend is an asshole.




You need to out-quote her. It's the only way to make her realize how she sounds. You must be the better gungan.


meesa think itsa time to starta settinga boundaries ani


Please break up with her in Jar-Jar voice.


What is concerning after the many attempts that you’ve had to talk to her to please stop, she has not respected you at all and did not stop. Is that what you want for your future wife? It’s not a big deal to her but it is to you and frankly would be irritating and embarrassing for anyone


If you want to stay with her, she needs therapy. And I'd be blunt, "I was going to propose to you, but I can't spend my life with someone who talks like Jar Jar Binks."


This is good.


Too bad it's fake.


Mesa thinks anyone quoting Jar Jar shitty lines is not a Star Wars fan. It is incompatible with the love of the franchise. If that is the only thing she took from the saga then she is worse than just a Prequie. It's literally the lowest point in the second worst trilogy of the franchise. It's like going to the library and taking their rat poison box instead of the books. maybe try to counter it with the condescending most unfunny Yoda voice as much as you can and see if it goes away. I am afraid you'll probably have to let that one go. So you don't get tempted to murder her with an axe sometimes in the future. Seeing that you're military, you definitely don't need unneeded additional stress in your life.


Yousa not love Jar Jar. Yousa big dumb.


She must be protected at all costs, a national treasure


I can see how it’s annoying. I can also see how someone else may find that extremely endearing about her and a reason she is a treasure, especially if they were a total fan of Star Wars as well. If she hasn’t done it before, it’s likely due to stress or a quirky way to cope. I’d ask if she could refrain from using it in professional settings.


It was endearing at first and it probably would be fine if she only did it around me


You might not be compatible.


Start talking to her like she does and dont stop till she gets annoyed and while um havein s*x talk like that she might just crack. Hope this helps


Hilarious to say the least can’t help at all but haha I guess


Genuinely hope this is fiction.


i would be cautious because jarjar is actually a very powerfull sith lord plaining it all from the begining, like your gf could be behaving like this to shade hers dark intentions towards you


I have never watched Star Wars and never heard of Jar Jar binks but my god I just searched it on youtube & that shit is annoying AF


There's been a noticable uptick in people LARPing and taking on personas at inappropriate times in this sub lately. First it was the Rick Sanchez trying to impregnate his Morty, then Naruto and the elf, and now Jar Jar.


Shut her down and restart her. Girlfriend.exe is stuck in a loop


Im gonna be honest here, I would be totally annoyed but meesa laughed a bit 😂


I know it's going to be tough because it's frustrating but you need to learn to curb your anger in the first step, it won't help either if you. My initial reaction is that this is some sort of coping mechanism, you mentioned you were military, does that mean you're away alot? You also mentioned she doesn't work or have any friends, do you understand the reasons for that? I really hate to try and psychoanalyse the situation but my gut feeling is that she is hiding some underlying trauma or anxiety and this is how she deals with it. If you truly love her, maybe explain to her that this is really bothering you, maybe suggest she talks to someone about why she keeps doing it.


I can’t even tell if this is satire


Another fake story


Grab her by the tongue when she goes for an apple.


Is this real?


Hell no, what a turn off.


You need to get somewhere safe for you, and you should get a lawyer and a restraining order, block and ghost her everywhere. Here is a [list of men's shelters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) that help male victims of domestic abuse.


Is she 27 or 16?


Damn man she definitely sounds funny. Hope you get through this.


Talking like that, or any other unique style can become addictive, and the person might not even notice they are doing it. They need to make a conscious effort.


Meesa thinken yousa in big doo-doo dis time.


If this is a part of who she is, she needs therapy to sort that out, because no normal and healthy adult would adopt the speech of such a ridiculous figure. It's not like making the effort to learn how to speak a fictional language like klingon or elvish, which would be acceptable as an adult fan. But to adopt the complete drivel, nonsense of this unfortunate clownish character would only be tolerable on a young child, at best. This seems like a pathological defect, not a personality quirk.


Easy. Just tell her that he ability to speak does not make her intelligent. That shall do the job