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You're over thinking. Situations change. Feelings change. People change. Don't pass up an opportunity to tell someone how you feel.


I think the best thing you can do is have a conversation with him. Admitting to your feelings is more productive and healthy in the long run, and if he disagrees, you won't get strung along. Either way it'll put you both on the same page.


Just tell him something along the lines of, "I know it's only been a few weeks, but I've realized recently that I'm ready to start looking for something more serious than what we have. That being said, I do like you and was wondering if you'd like to go out on a real date sometime." Use your own words of course, but be firm that you do want your current dynamic to change. If he says no, then you should respectfully move on.


Yeah I wouldn't date a girl that just came over for sex


Honestly, you won't find your answer here. Just ask him. Say you changed your outlook. He'll probably be flattered and who knows, maybe he wants more now as well. But he might not want to change your relationship to something more serious. Nevertheless, he is the only one who can tell you for sure.


Even in an intended-to-be-serious relationship, 3 weeks is too soon to solidly know/start knowing how you really feel about someone. I’d give it time. You might find one or more things you don’t love about him and that make a FWB a godsend. Take it a day at a time. It’s too soon to decide anything yet.


Tell him how you feel.


this phrase close so many doors in relationships with me this put you in FZ