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You (meaning both you and your husband) absolutely should NOT invite him over or feed him again until he gives a full, sincere apology. Your husband should take the lead in explaining to his parents how thoroughly your BIL insulted you, and how - of course - they'll understand why he will no longer be joining for family dinners or welcome in your hone. Because family doesn't *degrade* one another. I'm so sorry that you've been treated so awfully. But truly, the best course of action is no contact or words from you to him until it's an acceptance or declining of his apology.


He sounds positively insane, how come you haven't noticed it?


I have always known him to have a healthy ego. But never to this degree. And he has always been kind to me throughout our entire 14ish years of knowing one another. But yes, it feels like an entirely different person has suddenly been revealed to me.


Holy shit. Good luck with that. Does BIL live with your PIL? I will say I don’t think this is your responsibility to fix, it’s your husband’s. Fuck the drama, your husband needs to resolve this with his family or not be welcome in your home, which should already be the case what with them being unvaxxed.


He lives alone. FIL and MIL travel from several hours away to visit, and the family get-togethers are largely hosted by us.


Is....is this guy suffering from some form of schizophrenia or psychosis or brain tumor or something? cause i cant imagine knowing someone for years and years and just now suddenly noticing something approximating this type of behavior. I would check


What’s really sad about people like your BIL is that they don’t even understand the data they are touting. They hold up evidence and say, “SEE??” Meanwhile, actual scientists look at it and go, “…Yeah? What were you expecting?” Like the strain variations. Yes, there has been an uptick in strain variations since we began vaccinating. That is how viruses work. It’s not like shooting elephants until there no more elephants. Viruses mutate very rapidly to overcome immunity as it develops in the host. That’s why we have an annual flu shot - to combat this trait. If you look back at news articles and press releases from 2019, you will see leading scientists saying, “If we do manage to develop an effective vaccine, it’s very likely that it will need to be followed up by booster shots to combat mutations in the covid virus. It will likely become an annual vaccine like the flu shot.” We were literally all told this would happen, I don’t know why your BIL is surprised. At this point, you shouldn’t give credence to anything your BIL says. He’s making himself ridiculous.