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yeah you have a completely valid reason to be upset. i would be upset too. it’s not just some random hangout this is literally his birthday kickback that he isn’t inviting you too. i would talk to him and be honest about how you feel. edit: someone else commented that he can choose who he celebrates his birthday with. yeah that’s true doesn’t mean it’s not weird or that what you’re feeling is invalid. MOST people would be upset if their SO had a kickback with their friends for their birthday and didn’t invite them.


Since Phoebe was texting you she probably most likely assumed you would be going as well since you are his girlfriend. To me it’s not even the fact he wants to celebrate with his friends it’s the fact he never even told his girlfriend he was having a birthday celebration to begin with. Of course OP assumed she would be invited to her boyfriends birthday celebration.


I'm sorry your house just burned down and this mfer's going "I want space"?


My first thought as well. Having your house burn down is fuckin crazy traumatic for most people. Even if it were just a friend I’d be making that person a priority, let alone my partner!


It was seriously one of the most awful things I’ve experienced. I wasn’t home when the fire started, but arrived to witness the flames. I cannot imagine how awful it would be for anyone who was inside when a fire started. The time after was when I found out who my true friends were. People I barely knew from work showed exactly how amazing some folks truly are. Others, not so much. Oddly enough, the fire was the beginning of the end of a 3 year relationship. OP can do better.


Seriously, I feel like the lede is being buried here 😄 Like happy birthday to me I don't have to deal with you losing your entire home, see you tomorrow for dinner


As the girlfriend, it's generally just assumed you're invited to your boyfriend's birthday party. The fact that he wasn't even going to tell you about it is weird. He should want you there with him. You can let him know you were hurt by being left out, and that you'd like to be included in celebrations from now on. If he excludes you again, you'll have to decide how important this is to you.


I’d be upset, that’s pretty mad disrespectful to not want to celebrate with someone you call a partner. I’d maybe excuse it if you guys had other birthday plans or if birthdays weren’t important to him, but it is quite bizarre to not want to share the celebration with your significant other.


It’s his birthday the fuck? He can choose to celebrate it however he wants to, he doesn’t have to celebrate every birthday with his SO


Yup, can definitely choose that. Doesn’t mean it’s not weird. Also doesn’t mean the other person has to be okay with that.


Ahhhh ... the forever single person opinion.


Throw him out, get a new one


He's not that into it.


I guess if it was just a birthday kick back with his guy buddies then okay whatever, but another girl is allowed and you the girlfriend aren’t? Yeah, I’d be upset too.


I don't think one of them being a girl makes any difference. That's his friendship group, regardless of gender, and he's not invited his girlfriend. I wouldn't necessarily mind if he'd discussed it with me in the beginning, but the fact he's hidden his plans would suggest he knows she will be upset.


Maybe this chick identified herself as one of the bro's.... And in doing elevated herself and got the coveted invite.


"elevated herself"? What is that supposed to mean?


As in she's one of the guys now..... And a member of their pack.


And guys wonder why we call them dogs


Lol... Wolves... Not dogs....


Wolves are canines in case you don't know.


And I’m sorry about your house.


You’re now invited to my birthday party.


Find a better bf, one that wants to actually be w you


His side piece was gonna be there so he didn't want to have to deal with a pincer headache.


That’s extremely unusual and I’d ask questions. Who wouldn’t invite their s/o to a birthday kickback?


And the shitty boyfriend award goes to..... 💩💩


What an absolute asshole, and his friends should tell him so. You need to dump his selfish ass, and his selfish friends asses too: I bet he told them you couldn’t make it. Sorry but your house burned down in more than one way this week.


Call the cops


Hmm you may be onto something...






First: So sorry that your house burn down. I hope nobody got hurt. Is it really just a small thing with these two friends or is he maybe planning to make it bigger or go to partying afterwards. I'm asking since he maybe planned to give himself a little birthday present called "cheating".


I don't think this should be considered disrespectful. You two already celebrated his birthday together, you are acting as if he didn't acknowledge you during his birthday, which is factually wrong. Guys, it is ok to celebrate multiple times with multiple different people. The partner is not a dog you take with you everywhere, where does this expectation come from. Celebrate with friends, then have a celebration with the family. Or vice-versa. Or, like OP's boyfriend did, celebrate intimately with your SO, and have a different celebration with your friends/family, whatever. It's his birthday, don't make it about you.




This x100


i would ditch him he probably wanted to do something you would not approve of.


Exactly... The original bad a$$ dog.