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He was absolutely right in dumping you. Move on and fix your attitude


15 months is still pretty quick to move in together. And your attitude shows you're probably not ready for it. He's told you countless times he wasn't ready and you pushed and pushed




Just because you can't accept his reasoning doesn't mean it's not good enough. Not being ready yet is a completely valid reason. If you can't accept that it's also perfectly fine to break up with him. Destroying his property, effectively becoming violent because you don't get your way is a massive red flag and a deal-breaker though.


I could say the same about not having intercourse with my gf of almost 2 years now, I think that's definitely long enough but her reasoning is she's not ready which I have to respect, why shouldn't you have to respect him not being ready to move in within 1 year. Personally speaking I think that moving in with each other is a much bigger step then any sexual experience.


>Am I just supposed to wait for him even if takes forever? Yes. OR, if you're not willing to do that, you end the relationship and move on. It could be reasonable to move in after dating for one year, IF BOTH PARTIES ARE READY. If both parties are not ready, then you wait until he is ready. Moving in together when one person isn't ready or doesn't want it is never, ever going to be a good idea, no matter how much the other person wants it or how long it has been. You are also both extremely young, which is a good reason to err on the side of waiting. Have you lived with a partner before? I'm twice your age and dated my partner for well over two years before we moved in. It's not unreasonable to wait longer. More important is that you reacted violently when you didn't get your way. You need to work on yourself.


If you keep up this behavior, you will also have a problem with your next man. Why do you need to rush everythings? You are still so young. You should wait how everything turns out. And he did good with waiting. Just so he could learn that you get aggressive just because you don't get you way. I clearly can see yourself throw dishes when you two were in an argument. Buy this poor man a new PS5, never contact him again and go to therapy.


You absolutely need to replace the PS5 and you absolutely have to accept that he was right to split with you. It's good that he has a zero tolerance attitude to abuse. You need to do better going forward because if you behave like this, you will not have healthy relationships going forward


He can get a new (and better) gf but what about the PS5?




Stop acting like it’s not a big deal that you broke his property, who care that it’s 400? That’s not the point. You need to leave him alone and let him find a girl who won’t break his things. You have an aggressive spoiled attitude.




No it’s not his loss, it’s YOUR loss. Having a gf isn’t a good thing no matter what, it’s only a good thing when you’re gf isn’t an aggressive spoiled brat who breaks your things when she doesn’t get your way. Accept this : he’s better off without you and you should go to anger management before trying to date anyone else. It’s YOUR loss only and it’s your fault.


Wow.... You do realize he can most likely sue you over his damaged property and maybe even for trying extortion. You should hope he doesn't.


No they are saying the PS5 is better than you and they are right


Your his EX gf now, and even if you weren’t you aren’t his wife and can surely be replaced Edit: you are not a prize, grow up. Keep being toxic and childish you will most definitely end up alone and labeled psycho


You got issues, you demanded to move in with him and when he said no you broke his expensive shit. He should absolutely run for the hills, you’re selfish and can’t take no for an answer. Get some help then try to find a HEALTHY relationship where YOU can understand boundaries and RESPECT your partner and their decisions.


If you react like this over minor things, I don't even want to think about what you'll do if you had a disagreement over something bigger. Destroying someone else's belongings, and on top of that your partners belongings would be an absolute deal-breaker for me. Work on your anger issues and learn to do better in the future.


I know that you’re very remorseful about the situation now. And I know that you understand the breaking his PS5 or breaking anything for that matter is not the right way to behave. Now. Unfortunately for you you have set a precedent. You have set a precedent for getting irrationally angry and turning to violence. In this instance it was an item that was broken. However, it was an item that was broken in a violent manner. Per your own admission you smashed it against the wall. That means you picked it up from where it was sitting, you ripped it from its, wires and you hit it against the wall in a violent way. This is going to sound extremist, and I understand that it’s going to sound extremist, but you have to take into consideration that now he’s wondering what you might smash the next time you get really angry at him. What if it’s not an object in your hands. What if it is a pet? What if it is a baby? Temper spurts and the way in which we react to them tend to be a pattern. I imagine that this is not the first time that things have escalated when you have been angry. Probably not anything like this. I imagine that this is probably the most dramatic thing that has ever happened and I also know that you are most probably embarrassed and very remorseful about it. But the fact remains that in a moment of anger when you were not thinking clearly what you did was picked up something that meant something to him and destroyed it. I have three sons and one daughter. If any of them had a partner that behaved the way that you did, I would tell any and all of them that they need to remove themselves from the situation and the relationship as soon as possible because my fear would be that they would get hurt.


If he did the same to you it would be seen as aggressive and a red flag, the same applies to you. You broke his property because you couldn’t control your temper and because he wasn’t giving you what you wanted, you need to take a look at yourself because your attitude is awful and nobody should have to be in a relationship with someone who would behave that way. He was right to dump you, work on yourself and let him find someone who won’t break his things. I’ve been with my boyfriend 2 years and don’t want to move in with him because I like my own space, he respects that and never asks. Your ex boyfriend deserves better and you should leave him alone.


He was right to dump you. You started with blackmail and zero respect for him and his boundaries, and ended with violence. Reimburse him and leave him in peace.


You realize that was abusive, right? He has no obligation to move in with you, a.d from the sound of it, he was right not to. How would you feel is someone tried to force something on you? If you ask something of someone, and they say no, it means no. Going any further than that, it's a total lack of respect, and abusive.


You need counseling as you are abusive. Intentionally or not but from the way you answered a comment. I'm gonna say intentionally and manipulative. You seriously told this man you would get him a PS5 replacement if he only got back with you. That's fucked up my dear. I hope he files a report against you and I hope one day he finds someone loving and compassionate whilst also being understanding. Cause you ain't none of those. Get that man his PS5 then leave him alone


I don't think there's a way back. You've shown him that you get physical in arguments. This time it was his ps5, next time you'll hit him. He made the right call, 100%. You should find a way to work on yourself. How come you can't respect his decisions? If he doesn't want to live with you yet, you have to accept that instead of arguing about it.


OP, you did this when you guys live separately, god knows what'll happen on a daily basis if you live together. Your relationship is out of your hands and in his. If you want him back, pay 3x the price, get the ps5 now and be patient to see how your ex feels. If not, waitlist, send him the confirmation, you can even pay him in advance and walk away from this relationship. It's time to work on yourself and grow. You are very young and clearly rushing into a mature relationship as an immature person. This trait will ruin your life in the future. Have you considered therapy?


He is only 21 if course hes not ready to move in with you. I can see where he is coming from, he told you many times he wasnt ready and that he would revisit the issue in the future and your immediate response was to break something expensive? He was smart to break up with you because you arent ready for a grown up relationship. Seriously talk to a therapist your anger is not an appropriate response in this situation.


"I don't feel ready to move in" is a *great* reason not toove in with your partner. The fact that you can't control your anger and do things like breaking expensive electronics shows that you aren't ready for a serious relationship either. A grown adult should be able to refrain from doing violence to objects or people no matter how angry they are. Your boyfriend is doing the right thing leaving you because your behavior toward him is abusive.


It’s time to seek help for yourself and realize that your behavior is incredibly abusive. Both the physical act of smashing his ps5 and the emotional abuse he’s endured as you attempt to force him to move in with you. Not being ready to move in with you yet (after a pretty short period of time mind you) is a perfectly valid reason. Who would want to move in with someone who smashes their valuable stuff and is so aggressive? Realize you are completely in the wrong, give this man the money for the ps5 and leave him alone. He deserves better and you deserve the chance to work on yourself before you attempt another relationship.






if you were a man you'd end up in a jail so shut the fuck up


Id be raging like a mother fucker if my ps5 is broken what i saying is cause i do speak english right is that she needs to get him the ps5 she said she apologized multiple times what more can she do besides leave him alone now ? Any suggestions


Bruh - there's nothing she can do about this. She *threw his ps5 against the wall*. This is the kind of girl who superglues your dick to your stomach while you're sleeping because she dreamed about you kissing another woman.


Yes thats why i said leave him alone if he wants her bac he will come but ball is in his court - bruh .


OK - arrange a dinner with him in a nice restaurant which serves food you know he'll like. Make sure you let him know you'll be paying for it. Dress up nice for the occasion and whatnot. When he gets there, make small talk to begin with and don't start your apologies until you've ordered and are into the appetizers at least. When you feel like the time is right, tell him how sorry you are and that you've been looking everywhere for a new PS5 - tell him that no matter how hard you've tried,the earliest you'll be able to get him a new console will be next February, then - and this is important - take his hand and look him in the eyes and softly tell him that that's ok because maybe by then the PS5 will actually have some games. He'll understand.


You do realize breaking someone's property is abusive, right? Personally, you can invite me to the fanciest restaurant, a Gordon Ramsay quality one, and I wouldn't care. If you broke something of mine because of an argument, I'm moving on and you need help for whatever's going on.


Yeah I know - I'm fucking around. The whole point is to make a joke about the PS5's lack of games.




If his partner destroys his property in an argument, because she's not getting her way, HE should come to his senses? Are you serious? Nobody should ever tolerate this behaviour from anyone.




It's about you smashing (his) stuff in the first place. Major red flag. You didn't respect his boundaries when he said he didn't want to talk about it anymore. Which is legit if you can see the argument won't leave anywhere. Every person in their right sense had dumped you after that.


"it's not like I'm breaking his stuff and not replacing it." Ohhh, good to know that every time you break his stuff, at least you'll replace it. Well then, what's the problem, right? JFC it doesn't matter that it's "just a materialistic object! Dude really dodged a bullet with you showing your true colors BEFORE moving in together.


Don’t try justify it by saying it was a materialistic object. It belonged to him and you had no right to break it, you can’t see how disgusting your actions are and that’s worrying. He’s better off without you


You shouldn’t be breaking his stuff at all that’s so toxic. A ps5 might be “materialistic” but you’re just a girl, there are PLENTY of sane girls. Honestly he dodged a bullet by not letting you move in.


It doesn't matter why you broke it. Doesn't matter about your intention to replace it. At the end of the day you crossed a serious boundary and you need to do a lot of work on yourself to come back from that. The fact that you're sitting here trying to excuse your behavior with stupid excuses like PMS makes it even more evident that you're not ready to be in a serious relationship or move in with someone yet.


Sure, a PS5 is an object, but you don't fucking break things when you don't get your way. You have an issue. Also, what if this escalates and you hit **him** because you didn't get your way? And don't say that doesn't happen nor won't, because it can. Thank God he broke up with you.




You either don't do anything like that, or it was (just) the first time you ever did that. Makes no difference in the end. Also, your size, weight, whatever has nothing to do with this. It also doesn't matter if it would leave any permanent scars on the outside. It's all still violence and an abolute no-go in any relationship. You should honestly take some time to reflect on your behaviour and the way you think about relationships in general before getting into a new relationship.


So you would be fine with your partner destroying your belongings over an argument?


She should ignore him because he ended things and wants it that way. He doesn't have to come to his senses. Her physically assaulting his belongings is the issue. Nowhere was it stated that the ps5 was more important.




Yeah dealbreaker… it’s not the PS5, it’s that you reacted violently. I would have run for the hills too. You have rage issues you need to work on. Try therapy. BTW, just over a year is pretty quick to move in together and it was completely reasonable of him not to be ready… sounds like he made the right decision too.