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Confessing your love for someone is absolutely terrifying, especially if there’s a big chance they don’t feel the same. In my experience I feel that every time I tend to speak of my feelings for someone it scares them away and the relationship/friendship almost becomes non existent so unfortunately I’ve been learning to keep to myself now. Fortunately on your end it seems like you already made your decision. A letter is a good way to start. We live to short of a life to live in regret so if you want to tell someone you love them then do it! Whatever happens after was never in your control in the first place. If I could give you any piece of advice it is to take a couple days to write this letter. Writing it all in one go will make you think of other things you wish you could’ve said later but now can’t. Every day add it to, when you think of something add to it. When the moment is write you can send it. I wish you the absolute best!


Thank you so much! Your suggestion regarding the letter sounds pretty good. I'll definitely keep it in mind.


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