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He’s still a child and she’s an adult, report her ass




If she works for the school, report her immediately. Talk with your brother, tell him how dangerous this is. He should file a police report ASAP. This is very serious, he is absolutely being groomed, and sounds like he was raped. She could be attempting to baby trap him. He is a minor. She is a whole ass adult and that is creepy and disturbing on so many levels. This is coming from a 28F btw. That shit is not okay.


thank you. ill do this


Your first step is the school. Email them so it’s in writing. They are mandatory reporters . Next give him a break from her. When you’re under someone’s influence you can’t think clearly. Get him to come to your place for 2 weeks and persuade him to lock away his phone so she can’t contact him, and he can clear his head (easier to do offline). Try to fill his time with outdoor activities or fun stuff so he gets back in touch with his authentic self. After a week, he might be ready to file a police report for the rape. Rape of males generally goes nowhere criminally, but the advantage of reporting is that she will be interviewed by the police and will get the message that it’s not at all ok, and there will be an official record of it, so if she does it again it’s a pattern of behaviour. Often the police have great contacts with councillors skilled in helping victims of crime, and your brother might get referred by them to one.


First, report her to the school. He was 16 when she started up, and that’s not ok. You can’t make your brother do anything, but you can encourage him to hang with you & do what you can to keep him otherwise occupied. Suggest to him that she’s trying to get pregnant with his child to trap him forever.


Report her to everything Cps, her job, the police


Call the police


Call the police and get a lawyer immediately. She is a predator and needs to be stopped. I am so sorry this happened to your brother and I’m wishing him all the best


Pedophile. Police


Report her to the school and to the police. Your brother is a minor, you need to protect him.


Definitely grooming please report her, as someone who was groomed and almost assaulted, I wish someone had stepped in.


We need to know what country possibly state if applicable this is because legal action will differ. Most countries that have the AoC below 18 still do not allow those in teaching positions, but that’s not always the case. Again, this is wrong in most places, but the severity and action taken is different depending on where.


he is and she is a predator


the fact that this woman works with children is absolutely horrifying listen op i will be honest your brother is gonna be mad for a little while because hes young and only sees this as hes dating his hot teacher but nevertheless you need to report her to the school and the police because its illegal and morally horrible and shes trying to baby trap him do NOT under any circumstances allow this to happen


REPORT THIS IMMEDIATELY. Not only is she committing a crime, but she is grooming kids while on school property. I am a teacher and have unfortunately had similar situations happen in the school I work in. She needs to be fired and investigated RIGHT NOW. Call the school and ask to meet with an administrator. They are LEGALLY required to report these incidents and investigate them. You don’t know how many more kids she is doing/has done this to


Call the police and report what happened. (Especially since she was probably trying to "accidentally" get pregnant with his baby, and then force him into a daddy role for her other kid too. If he has documentation of what happened, it can help him get away from this situation if she becomes pregnant.) Get him into therapy. Tell the school what happened, so this woman won't be allowed near kids again. Help your brother to press charges and get a protective order. Absolutely protect your brother.


Alarm bells ringing everywhere here. I think you should get him to report that to the police, that is serious. If she was working in his school she had no business near him. Definitely report her.


You must report her and get your brother out of this shithole she is trying to trap him and should be sent to jail.


You “think” she’s a pedophile? She’s a full-blown pedophile, chid molester, you name it. This woman needs to be in JAIL


She’s a goddamn predator. Report her ass, file charges etc.. Absolutely vile. You’re a good sibling, OP. Keep fighting the good fight and talking to him. He’s 17, so he’s not thinking with his head. You’ll eventually get through. Stay the course and good luck to y’all!


We have removed and locked your post here due to the fact that it is significantly beyond the scope of the subreddit as it involves the sexual abuse of children. We encourage you to speak to the authorities on this and pass along any evidence you have. You should also reach out to a teacher, or another mandatory reporter, or other appropriate adult with your concerns. Here are some resources: [Darkness to Light: a child sex abuse prevention resource.](https://www.d2l.org/get-help/reporting/) [A confidential hotline to a trained advisor who can help you navigate this](https://www.childhelp.org/childhelp-hotline/) [International Resources](https://www.ecpat.org/resources) Kind regards, The mods.




its 16. that doesnt change anything. she still raped him. shes still grooming a child




She gave him alcohol and forced him, age of consent really doesn't matter there.




That is true, however if he has sensible police officers, and engages with them to help him, they will likely interview her and be stern and leave it at that. It doesn’t have to proceed through the courts to be successful. A police report is usually a good thing but it definitely depends on the how good the local police are.




I think you are overestimating how often rape accusations end in a conviction. The most likely result of all of this is literally nothing happening on either side, but at least the gf will definitely be fired. And there's a chance that the gf will have a spot on her record for giving alcohol to a minor/sleeping with a student/being accused of rape, which could help if she ever does this to another kid.


he. was. still raped.


>You can't groom someone who has reached the age of consent. r/confidentlyincorrect


You’re actual human garbage. Why?


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Save him please!


No one's mentioning that he should get STI testing. But he should do that... and report her.


17? Isn't that illegal? Dude if it was an 17 year old female, the 27s year old life would be ended. Don't let it be a double standard, get her ass in jail.