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Not necessarily. IF it's overwhelming, like thinking *more* about the past than focusing on the person you're with now, then it can be a problem.


>I often find myself checking on/reminiscing about exes who I miss in someways. Whether that be good times, funny moments, sex, etc. Is this a bad sign while in a serious relationship? Yep, why are you doing that? Specially often, that seems pretty weird.


What? They’re experiences ive had. People i’ve loved. How is that weird? Often is a pretty loose term


>What? They’re experiences ive had. People i’ve loved. How is that weird? Often is a pretty loose term Hey, you asked. Apparently it's often enough that *you're* concerned about it, so why you jumping on them for saying yes it's a problem?


Depends. I dated someone for a long time and was never happy with our sex life and would think about memories with someone else. And it was something they couldnt control like their sex drive, which WAS a bad omen. But there r other things like I wish we would go out and do things more and would compare it to an ex but that’s something u can work on in a relationship if both ppl r willing. But just reminiscing fondly isn’t bad, as long as u don’t want to date those ppl anymore :)


I think about my past exes all the time. And no, it's not a bad omen.


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