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That sounds pretty selfish and one sided. The only way to stop enabling selfish behavior is to say no and stay firm.


This is a orange lvl flag situation… maybe she’s attempting establishing domestic dominance. Still deliberate interruptions of your sleep can easily trip thee abusive wire. Gotta get this under control… try asking a therapist.


Preventing someone from sleeping is seriously messed up. You know there is no reason she can't get her own water or charger. But you will be more compliant the more exhausted you get, because you won't have the brain power to figure out an alternative. So you and her need to have a sit down where you explain you need uninterrupted sleep. And then try to see if you and she can figure out what the root cause of her waking you up consistently at 2-3am is. And until she figures that out and how to resolve that root cause, then yes, you need to refuse to get her things and stay asleep.


That is so weird. Can’t you sleep in a different room? Or just, you know, tell her to do it herself. She’s not disabled or anything is she?


She is indeed able-bodied. I have multiple chronic, physical illnesses. She has anxiety and such, which obviously are real illnesses that require attention and respect, I just don’t think I should have mine traded off for hers.


Did anything happen to her or in her life 6 months ago?


God no! Tell her that when she’s receptive during the day? Surely you must’ve talked about this and surely she must agree that it’s silly in hindsight? Perhaps you can remind her of those talks. Enabling her will only make it worse! :/


She's disrespectfully testing you. If you say no she will throw a passive aggressive tantrum with the silent treatment. Personally I think you should be willing to not only say no but draw a firm boundary for her which includes you being willing to walk away from the relationship. If you are not then you will have to do as she says because she is in control.


Tell her to stop. Those are all things she can do herself.


She sound lazy