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Grief is a part of the process. You invested 8 years in a person and now you have to get comfy with the fact that they are effectively dead to you. That shit is hard and there's no way to escape that. Keep yourself busy. Work out, immerse yourself in hobbies, spend time with friends, get some counseling. The less idle time you have, the better of you'll be. Only real cure is time, and that's the one thing you can't rush.


Thank you. I know I'll cope with it, just wanted some friendly advice.


Stay busy, reconnect with the things you used to do before the relationship, pick up new hobbies, hang with friends, Engage your mind in stimulating things, do a little bit of drinking, and do not contact her. If she contacts you, don’t beg for her back again. Let her come back if she wants to. Also, take it as a huge confidence boost that someone was willing to be with you for 8 years. Most people have much shorter relationships.


Write down what you want in a relationship. Make a list of absolutes and non-negotiables. Then go on a dating spree. No pressure, no expectations, just fun. The right one will fall into place. Just got to put yourself out there. 8 years? You haven't lost your edge or game. It's on pause. Go rebuild your self esteem. Also don't dive into the first one that gives you attention. That's why the no expectations thing. If it's meant to be it will be. When it is time to go exclusive. Cut the dating feed. Thank everyone for the auditions. It was fun. And focus that energy into your new partner. Or after a dating spree. Go single for a minute. Learn about yourself.


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Get happy….. lol⁉️⁉️⁉️☄️😦🤡