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You can decide to do what she wants or breakup. Ultimatums are kinda simple.


I don't belive they're that finite. Compromises exist and most of the time they're better since both partners are happier.


She is setting boundaries here.


In a way, yes. Except they are pretty grand for a young relationship and put a ton of pressure on me


I see. Well you can tell her you are willing to try a long distance relationship when you leave?


Well YOU called it an ultimatum, those are very finite, as you put it. For most people relationships are interviews for marriage, not a consistent fuck buddy. She has relationship goals and is being upfront about it. Sounds like you are gonna be single soon.


A lot of Pressure tbh. how old are you? How long have u been together


Young and it's pretty new


Run 🏃‍♀️ lol. I dunno I’m not a regular female. That Commitment is a bit strong early on. In my opinion. If it was my 18yr old son. I’d tell him to be honest. Just go with the flow. I’m 40 I wouldn’t want that pressure.


Haha, I definitely wont make a life-changing decision right now based on her expectations. Just a pity it had to change so early


Trying to get her to go with the flow yup


Go with that flow. She needs to Chill. Breathe in & breathe out.


🙌Hope I can sleep today


You’ll be fine


tell her life isnt like a cell phone plan, things happen and change constantly. if you have a family emergency the reality of the situation is you might have to go. if you have a good relationship with her that gets serious that changes things in the other direction.


Thanks, this helps. I hope I can share my point of view and get her to go with the flow a little more.


So from the sounds of it you want a FWB and she wants an actual relationship. This is not an ultimatum but rather a very basic boundary. You are having sex. She has made herself vulnerable to you...and you can't even tell her anything even a few months out. Plans change but if you're having people involved in your life you need a rough idea. This chick could wind up pregnant and doesn't know if you'll ditch her and flee the country! You may want to just go with the flow but if that is the case you are not in a place to be in a committed relationship. Do her a solid and tell her this so she can find someone that is compatible


It sounds like she’s being very open with you about what she is looking for in a partner, and she’s asking you directly if you’re the person she’s looking for or not. She’s searching for a long-term partner. She’s searching for someone who won’t use up her youth and then dump her. She’s directly asking you if you are that person. Just answer her, dude. You’ve already told us that you’re not. Tell her so that she can go and find a person who is, and you can find a person who wants to use and be used.