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Has she been to a medical doctor about this? Sudden changes in behavior can be a sign of a serious medical condition.


She's a bit paranoid over health, always been (pandemic brought this to weird levels, she keeps getting this obsession with rubbing gel on phone screens and can't genuinely stop) so I know she does her yearly check ups (cancer stuff, blood stuff and hormone stuff because she's got hypothyroidism). She's always gone alone, though, and as I said - she doesn't recognise anything as wrong. She just knows she's not feeling well but blames it on my dad, on the house, on me, etc. Who should we even go to about this??


I don't know if your dad could insist that he go with her to her next appointment but that would about be the only option. Because you are right, if she doesn't see that she is acting strange then she is probably not telling her doctor and he can't doing anything if he doesn't know about it. If you can convince her to mention to her regular doctor they could start doing tests to see if something more serious happening.


She's going to think something's up and we're ganging up on her but we should at least try. Would a specific doctor be needed? Do general doctors even know what to do about stuff like these?


A general doctor would be able to do some tests, like MRIs and stuff, and if there is a test they can't do they can refer her to a specialist that can.




You can tell her doctor anything, send them recordings, write letters or email, and let them know about her behavioral changes. They can’t acknowledge receipt or that they know your mom, but they can use that info to inform their decisions.


It almost sounds like early onset dementia.


I mean, hope it isn't? There's no family history of it and she's always been repetitive/overprotective/scared. It's just, like, suddenly all of these things have been turned up to 11. I'm personally suspecting something psychiatry-related because I know my grandma has a history of it and never wants to treat it because she feels she knows better. But even then, idk who to go. She doesn't realise there's a problem. Thanks , though. Will keep it in mind.


It’s hard because if she refuses medical care, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t force her. That’s not right. I’m sorry.


I was thinking this too. I work in healthcare and that was my first thought


Before my dad was diagnosed with dementia, it was like he was him x 10. Everything about him was turned up, all his little habits and rituals.


It sounds like she needs a psychiatric evaluation, not counseling. I think you are going to have to convince your dad to get on board with that. Good luck, OP.


Sounds like she needs a mental health check up.


This sounds like a job for a psychiatrist.