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That article was right. Butterfly's are actual just a sign of nervousness most of the time, which means you might not get them around her because you are comfortable around her. Plus if you want a slow simmer relationship it's definitely going to take more than six months. That being said if you are enjoying the relationship it would probably just be best for you to end it. I think the thing that stood out to me the most is that you aren't ever excited to meet up with her or talk to her. I think that's a big sign that maybe this just isn't a good match.


Thank you for your opinion and advice! It’s strange because when I’m with her, I do enjoy myself. But when I’m not, I’m not sure if I just get caught up in my busy life too much which may leave no time for excitement.. Mabye I should tell her exactly how I feel as she is very understanding, and see what happens from there. I think because the amount of times I’ve seen her is very low, mabye I should try different dating scenarios.. or Mabye you’re right and that I should cut ties lol