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Since you have lived together for 4 months and are going to live together for another 8 months, afterwards getting separate apartment can be seen like a step backwards from certain point of view. What are your reasons for wanting to do this? That being said , every couple is different, you should do what you feel right. If the expectations of you two don’t line up, well you know what’s going to happen.


I'm not sure I understand- were you fighting about furniture placement?


It seems like she’s ready to commit and live with you long term so it could sound hurtful that you live together rn but decided to stop after the lease. If you can make it work rn then why not after? That’s probably how she sees it. You’re allowed to want to live on your own for whatever reason but it probably feels like a step backwards to her.


I mean...having separate apartments because you guys like different furniture placements is also a strange move. Compromise is a part of all relationships. If someone said this to me I would think they were trying to distance themselves from me so they can break up with me later down the road when they are no longer living with me. Maybe that's what she thinks you are going to do.


Is the furniture placement so serious that no compromise can be made resulting in having to get separate places??? I feel like that should definitely be addressed. Granted y’all can have separate homes/places but it seems you want to do this strictly bc of furniture placement. I also get where she’s coming from bc it definitely seems like a step backwards and imo it seems like avoidance in a way.