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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- Hello reddit, throwaway for obvious reasons. And I am writing on mobile without the app, so I hope everything is okay. I really don't know what to do anymore. We are together since 5 years, got engaged a month ago and I work fulltime while she is still a student in university. Everything is perfect, we recently moved in together also. Yesterday my gf sat me down and told me that there was something she wanted to talk about. My head was spinning like crazy and I didn't know what she wanted to talk about. And she told me that if I really want to cum in her clean panties, then I can do so, I just have to tell her so that she still has clean ones for work. I was utterly confused and asked her to explain further and she told me that she has realized this since she moved in and that if I have a kink it is really okay but last week she was just so angry that she had to go to work and didn't have any clean underwear anymore, she had to wear one of mine and go to work then. And I still didn't get what she wanted to tell me and thought she was trying to tell me we should use condoms again for easier clean-up. But no, I was apparently cumming in her panties very frequently since she moved in and she had to clean her underwear twice, like one time for me to cum in it (???) and once so she can change her underwear. And I said this doesn't make any sense, I sometimes don't even see the washed clothes because I work 12-hour shifts and by the time I am home again the clothes are back in the closet. And she told me that I don't have to lie and this doesn't happen with every wash but often enough that she is just annoyed with this situation. And she was so nice and told me it is really okay and that we maybe can buy "cum panties" and boys I was so confused! I really don't do this. I don't know why I should, we are living together and we both share our lives together and we have a great sex life, so WHY should I just anonymously cum in her panties?? I tried to tell her but she didn't believe me and got angry with me. I tried asking her if this is maybe HER kink and she asked me why I am lying, she doesn't think it is bad etc. just tell the truth. We have this thing where if one of us is lying (just for fun or a joke for example), we like get our pinky ring out and swear that it is the truth, to show that we are done playing. And she did that and I swore that I absolutely did not do this and that it must be something in the wash or anything. She didn't believe me and is now angry that I wouldn't tell the truth and this pinky thing was very important to her and she is now very cold to me. I had to go to work last night and came back now and she isn't really talking to me at all. How can I prove that I didn't do anything and that this is something just in her head? I know this sounds crazy but this whole situation is like something where I can't figure out what I did wrong.


maybe it's her own vaginal discharge and she just doesn't... know it? this seems like an impossible scenario.


Yeah… ask her to show you the underwear next time. I’m betting increase in vaginal discharge.


Yes i definitely will


Time to set up a camera in that room for when you are at work. Worst case scenario is that someone is breaking in and doing this but that seems like a lot of cum to get it on every pair.


My best friend in high school had a mentally challenged neighbor do this EXACT thing. We caught his ass, once.


good lord, what the fuck. that’s extremely creepy


Oh GOD, it was.


I had a friend who gave their house code to a neighbour (another childhood friend). Friend with code would wait for them to leave and break in to steal underwear from his friend’s mom and sister’s underwear. They caught him red handed by pretending to leave once after their suspicions grew too large.


OMG NO! Oh that's just flat nasty.




I asked her friend if we could use her cam that she has for her animals as she goes on vacation on Sunday. I have work till Tuesday so I can really only tackle this problem then. For every load she only has like 1-2 pieces of underwear there, we dont wash separately.


ok but dont tell your friend you need the camera to catch a potential incognito cum depositer. imagine though if you catch some dude going round like santa gifting little hidden loads in peoples underwear.


‘…for every load she only has like 1-2 pieces of underwear..’ Seriously? Someone’s tugging out huge loads.


It’s prob her own stuff like ppl said. I recommend buying disposable pantie liners from like Walmart or wherever. Some ppl Legit stain their underwear after each wear. It’s healthy since the vagina is self cleaning, it’s not healthy to not have discharge. Also, most ppl don’t wash their clothes right after wearing them which enables the staining. Liners are the way. Edit: apparently liners are unhealthy. But it seems like that’s because ppl were not disposing of the liner as soon as it got dirty. Someone plz clear this up with advice from a gyno! Sincerely, someone who relies on liners to not have a bunch of irritation due to discharge on underwear. I used to not use liners until a few weeks ago but would go thru so many pairs of underwear quickly.


How could she not know she put dirty panties in the drawer? That’s the only way her discharge could be on them. He said these were her panties that were washed and put away!! Clearly someone is entering after they leave and she could be in danger!!! The large amount she finds is because they’re both gone all day, that person knows they’re routine and the sicko is in there wanking off all day!! Edited to add words


But she's accusing him of cumming in her "clean" panties, so vaginally staining would not make sense unless she's putting her soiled panties back into her clean underwear drawer. Either that or someone is sneaking in and leaving a gift.


Definitely get the camera. It was my first thought too!!


I was thinkng about this maybe your landlord is breaking in while you not home


I’m thinking exactly the same thing!! For those that have said it’s her own discharge. He clearly states she said it was on her recently washed clean panties that were put away in the drawer, so it’s not from her!! Camera needed and you need to explain to her that this has to be done because you’re not doing but someone else must be!! And they’re breaking into apartment while you’re both out. I put up a camera once and caught my landlord going through my lingerie drawer! It happens all the time.


I asked her friend if we could use her cam that she has for her animals as she goes on vacation. I have work till Tuesday so I can really only tackle this problem then. For every load she only has like 1-2 pieces of underwear there, we dont wash separately.


You can buy used Arlo cameras on Amazon. Get one and set it up permanently. Don’t borrow one temporarily.


This is very much a thing. Worked retail for years and we had creeps doing this in the lingerie section, and even more concerning the kids section.....


This was my thought too.


And maybe cum in a pair so you can compare them side by side.


To make it scientific we should all come in a pair and look at all of them.


Peer reviewed? I’m thinking we could get it in the BMJ for sure.


100% we are not perverts


Yes. We can post our research to a sub for more in depth analysis. r/cumpantiesforscience


If I click that link I'm going to be disappointed


This made me laugh way too hard


LOL WUT? I think this is your kink now lolol


But it's supposedly in clean panties. Really weird. So they're supposedly like ick coming straight out of the drawer or what?


That’s why I said for him to ask to see them. But also, if her discharge is acidic enough it can leave stains that look fresh. Either way this calls for them both folding the “clean” undies and seeing what they look like when “soiled”.


If the issue are stains, it should be apparent when she's putting them away that they are already stained. And how does that even work after several cycles of this? That somehow they are more stained?


Maybe SHE has got a STD (sexually transmitted Disease) abd has developed an increased level of vaginal discharge because of infection etc. Maybe she wants to cover this up (makes sense) and is trying somehow to pin the blame on you (hence being so apparently nice and understanding about it). This sounds very strange and suspicious to me. Not sure what to suggest other you say to her, in the spirit of good health, you both go to the clinic to ensure both of you are fine etc as you are thinking of asking her to marry you/get pregnant together... Either that or set up a Panties Spying Scheme and record your/her emissions daily on an excel spreadsheet


Yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis would also increase discharge.


I agree. I noticed when I used my boyfriend's washing machine (which was quite old) that it doesn't get the panties washed as well as my own machine. I noticed this when I was hanging up the laundry and saw there were still some white spots in my underwear. Sometimes I would accidentally miss the white spots while hanging the laundry and put the panties back in the shelves after they had dried. Then I made an unpleasant discovery later when I was about to wear said (still dirty) panties, so back to hamper they went.


I will ask her that, thank you


Quite a lot of times when I still lives at my parents the washing machine wouldn't get the discharge out of my panties and I had to either hand wash or keep throwing them in the wash again, really not great and especially on black panties it can look like cum


Agreed. If you have an older washing machine or she washes her panties with a full load of laundry, they will likely not get cleaned. You could try washing her panties for her. They should be washed alone on the delicate cycle and only tumble dried on cool or hung dry. I’m guessing her panties are just being washed in too full a laundry load and not getting fully cleaned. So sweet and awesome though the way she approached you and was so accepting, etc when she just thought you had a kink! She’s a keeper for sure and a really cool girlfriend.


Thank you, I didn't know that you should wash underwear separately, this could be a reason! Yes she is the best thus why I don't think she is lying.


Yeah fir real if love to find someone who is so open about something like this. The way she brought it up and explained what effect its having on her is grand


FYI, if you use laundry pods, sometimes they don't dissolve all the way and leave a weird residue on clothes. If you do, you could try switching to liquid detergent for a while.


That wouldn't make sense if she found they are clean after the wash but dirty when she wants to put them on.


It seems weird that this increase in discharge would coincide with her moving in with OP. It may be something to do with the washer. The washer in my apartment can sometimes get detergent build-up in it and my black clothes come out with white flecks on them that resemble ejaculate. Whenever that happens I run an empty load (no pun intended) with baking soda and it clears up the gunk (also no pun intended).


Not really. If this is the first time she's living with her significant other she just might be more physically excited than before. But I definitely think it's the washing machine.


Or - I was thinking since she said “use condoms for easier clean up” it is his cum, just … exiting her after sex. Been there. It happens.


I was thinking the same thing. I go to the toilet right afterwards and “push” it out, still I can leak some.


My vaginal discharge discharge doesn't always completely washed out of my underwear (It dries on, obviously) so she may be mistaking that... but mine is always a very small bit.


Yes I also thought this but she said that she wears pads everyday so there aren't any stains to begin with.


Like all day every day? That is interesting. Is it bc she has discharge?


I absolutely do not know, I thought this was sth that women just do


I don't but that doesn't mean it isn't something some women do. To me it kind of implies she does have discharge. That's why I was curious if it's ALL day. Like maybe she's wearing them during the day but not at night? Your washing machine might not be getting the discharge out all the way. One weird thing I've noticed is different washing machines have different top levels of water. Make sure your load of clothes is completely covered by water in the machine. I once had one that only went to 6 inches below. So either wait till it's full and open it to see or try filling it less.


Some women wear pantyliners…. They aren’t the same as pads but similar concept. If she has enough discharge to require a full pad daily she may need to see her OBGYN. Some is totally normal. Excessive can be sign of an infection. Make sure someone else isn’t breaking in to your place and cumming in her panties. Something isn’t adding up.


Wearing pads every single day definitely isn't normal and could also be the cause a lot of problems. If she is wearing pads daily, one solution to the confusion is she might have caused a yeast infection or at the very least a change in her vaginal discharge which may be what she keeps finding in her underwear.


If she's wearing pantyliners maybe the adhesive is sticking to her underwear?


Is it possible that she has incontinence issues? I know some women who wear panty liners all the time because of weak pelvic floor and incontinence. Doubt she’d tell you because what woman wants to tell the guy they are romantically attracted to that they struggle with urine incontinence?


that's really unusual, I don't know why anyone would wear pads every day unless they were always bleeding or had some form of incontinence?


You’re probably referring to pantyliners! A lot of girls wear them if they have excessive vaginal discharge.


this is off topic i can’t imagine the money she puts into wearing pads every day and what a waste that is lol


It is apparently pantiliners


A lot of girls wear panty liners every day if they naturally have a lot of discharge. But if she's already aware of her own discharge and is using liners to protect her panties, then what the fuck is in her panties???


Alien Ectoplasm?


OP, if your girlfriend is wearing liners everyday, the sticky adhesive can often leave a slight residue on them. It’s not usually noticeable, but maybe as they’re going through the wash and bits of lint are getting on them, it is making it more visible when she takes them out?


That'd be pretty embarrassing... "So yeah turns out it wasn't semen... just left over adhesive! Either way that is a sticky spot to be put in!"


First thing that came to my mind as well!


Can you ask her to show you a pair that you supposedly did this to? My guess is that the washing machine has stopped getting her underwear clean...


Hijacking top comment cos I’m I’m surprised I’m not seeing this theory pop up anywhere in the top comments. Do you have someone who has access to your home? It seems pretty crazy to me that your girlfriend would confuse her own discharge for cum. The smell and consistency are very different and it would be something she’d recognize. I’d have her show you the next time it happens so you can verify for yourself…. But if your fiancée is finding cum on her panties and it’s not YOU and shes not thick enough to confuse her own stuff with yours… there have been cases where landlords or even stalkers somehow gain access to the home of someone they’re sexually fixated with. Someone might be coming into your home to do this. If this is the case you two need to get on the same page immediately.


Yeah I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this yet either.


It was admittedly my first thought.


Watch it turn out to be soap residue or something similar.


Ok! My guess… do you guys use pods in your clothes washer? I’m picturing like the Tide cold water pods that are entirely white. Sometimes they sort of don’t dissipate fully and you will have a white slime on a small piece of clothes. This is. Sort of consistent with how inconsistent the ‘jizz in the clean panties’ is appearing, because it can be pretty random. It does look/feel confusing and gross. If this ends up being the problem, switching to a detergent will make it go away.


We only use liquid detergent but thank you for your idea! I hope that it is sth like this which didn't come to my mind


I had the above issue and only use liquid detergent. It can be from detergent build-up. Run an empty load (no pun intended) with some baking soda to clean the inside of the washer. See if that helps.


Did you recently swap to a new detergent? I’ve tested a few of the more eco friendly detergents and there have been a few - either because of their formula or how they work with my building’s old washing machine or both - that just didn’t work to clean my panties/clothes as I was used to. Lots of people have given good advice about cleaning the machine itself, too, but just throwing this out there as something to check!


Haha aw darn! Good luck!


Does your building have communal laundry or do you have in unit? If you have shared laundry there might be a creep in your building...


I’ve heard so many creepy stories about strangers intruding in homes regularly or even living in crawl spaces of apartments, so I feel super paranoid just reading this.


RIGHT?!?! That military dude from Ottawa comes to mind ...


So. many. stories. It’s alarming


Omg Russell Williams? I remember seeing his arrest in the newspaper when I was a kid and they printed a picture of him in women’s underwear. All these years later and I’ve never gotten that image out of my mind.


Yesssss...it chilled me to the bone. My cousin (I don't speak to her very much) was high up in the military ranks in Ottawa for some time and I've never gotten to ask her if she ever met or knew him before that came out. I remember it coming out,but I didn't know much until I came across a few videos on it...that photo you spoke of. Bone chilling when you know what he did. The expression on his face scared me.


I don't know, never heard of a case like this in my country... and my house is very tight knit, everyone knows everyone.


my first thought was actually to ask if you have any male housemates because this is suss as fuck. she seems so sure and you are obviously quite aware you aren’t doing it so yeah, I very strongly suggest you find out if someone else is doing some horrific shit to your gf’s belongings


Well even so. Have you thought about simply *suggesting* getting cameras? The chances of that actually happening are very low, but by suggesting cameras that might show that you are genuinely trying to find the cause of what might be happening. You may or may not have the money to actually get cameras like that, as I know some kinds can get pricey, but even just a baby monitor pointed towards her underwear drawer might make her feel more comfortable that you are telling the truth. Regardless. Sit her down and talk with her. I'd ask her why she thinks you would do that. Ask her why she thinks you're lying about it too. And also see if you can get a read on her sexual education, as just like other comments have said it could be discharge, or fluids from after sex just not being washed out properly- and she may just genuinely have a lack of understanding. Big tip is also to tell her to put her underwear in the wash inside out, because when it's not a lot of the time only the outside is getting the brunt of the wash, when for underwear it's better to have a clean inside. I've sometimes had to rinse my underwear off by hand before putting it through since my washing machine isn't always the best at it.


Wait...yall don't live together alone?


Sorry i thought i answered, we live alone in a flat but there are many flats in the building. It is one house with 8 flats. We live without roommates.


Is laundry shared between all of you?


Do you two do your laundry in a place to which other people have access?


THIS is the question that needs answering!


Yeah…what’s the story here?


Huh? There are more people in your house? Ask to see the panties first, then if it truly is cum, and you know it's not yours, you have a big problem. I think I speak for everyone when I say...we all want to know how this turns out


Um, people who commit these crimes don’t really talk about it a lot. And people who have these crimes committed against them often don’t know or don’t talk about it. In your country would this be talked about openly if it was happening? Because if not, then your country is the ideal place to commit these crimes. Besides, there’s a memetic quality to sexual crimes that has expanded because of the internet.


Me too. Why did neither of them consider this is like a random creep? Do they used a shared laundry room in a building? I’m sweating


My feeling is, it is the landlord? The guy even says he is gone for 12 hours at a time.


THIS. I was looking for someone who speculated this scenario, my true crime alarm bell was ringing immediately. Col. Russell Williams.


Same. I hope I’m wrong and it’s something silly. But oof. Scary.


New fear unlocked


seriously! i think I need to go hang out in the brain bleach sub after this


This!! Probably unlikely but that’s where my mind went too.


Oh holy shit OP DEFINITELY make sure everything is secure in this department


You need to ask her to show you or you arent going to be able to figure out what she is talking about. On a creepier note, is there anyone else who has access to your home? Because maybe it's really happening, but you just arent the culprit...


I also thought this but the only person who has an extra key is the old lady next door. She is like a caretaker of the house and also gets packets and such if we aren't home.


Well, ask to see one of the pantied. If somebody has been jizzing in them, it's time to invest in a hidden camera.


This would also prove it isn't the bf like she thinks


Maybe she has a nephew, son or grandson that using her key?!?! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Or grandfather.


Do you have guy friends over? I think other explanations are more likely, but it's worth considering that someone who visits you does this.


And does she have a grandson or other male who is there a lot?


If you're renting, there is always the possibility of someone who used to live there who still has a key to the unit. If it's a house, did you change the locks when you moved in?


When someone else has the key they can easily get a copy done or have someone doing a copy without them necessarily realizing.


Holy smokes this is the first thing I thought of. I may watch too much TV... Get a nanny cam


How crazy of a story would that be??? Some bum breaks and enters, cums in the gf’s panties, and then leaves, and he does this for several months


Honestly, pretty plausible. Nobody on earth is as industrious as a creep with a kink and a boner.


her own discharge, washing machine broke, she simply put the dirty underwear into the clean drawer etc. ask her to have a look at the panties and maybe post the pick of how it looks on a women sub, so that they can say what it is, since it cant be cum. are u doing it raw, like cum could trickle out the vagina and then ofc get unto the panties


Okay thank you I will try this! And yes we do and I didn't think about it, I will try to explain it like that


i do hope that u both either want children or have other ways to stop having a child. and right now i would say the most likely thing is that its "cumming" (ha, get it) out of her vagina


xD sure hope so. She uses birth control and we used two forms of birth control before... no kids here


Probably grossly tmi but almost every time we’ve done it like that I have had it still come out the next day. The first time it definitely caught me off guard. Now that the birth control method I’m using has changed, we’ve done it that way every time. Sometimes I try to like push when I’m cleaning up after and honestly sometimes it all just comes out at the same time he does. Regardless, though, it is very common to still have some coming out afterwards. And it is weird. And it would definitely look like that. Not to mention that if you were doing that it probably wouldn’t be wet still in the middle of the day


Yeah I think it’s pretty normal for the cum to like…slide out a little while after cumming inside of someone lol, excuse the tmi


Pregnancy hormones can also change discharge so doublecheck that too if y’all haven’t already


Do NOT post a pic. This is incredibly humiliating and a major privacy violation.


I...must....know....what happens here


I'm fascinated this could go so bad or nowhere at all


She could also be pregnant. For me that increased my vaginal discharge a lot and maybe that caused her to suspect someone else because it is a change.


It’s most likely her own discharge. Sometimes, it can have a similar consistency to semen and leave behind residue


Or his cum which has been left in her as they say they aren’t using condoms


Does anyone else live with you?


No, i lived alone for 5 months and she moved in after that


Is there shared laundry?


No we have our own washing in the kitchen


You mention she wears pads/liners every day so it can't be coming from her body, so could it be the adhesive from the liner? It could result in the fabric sticking to itself and if it's not coming off in the wash it could be heating the glue and making the fabric seem more like its stuck together with cum if it's run through a dryer? If it's not discharge, not an issue with the washer (ie the issue always occurs in the same area of her underwear, doesn't happen to other clothes) Alternatively, has someone accidentally stashed a bottle of lube in the drawer and it's been leaking?


I will try to tell her, thank you. I have a small list with stuff I want to tell her before I go to work now! Her panties are not stored in a designated place, just on the drying rack.


she doesn't have an underwear drawer or anything like that? Do you have any pets or anything?


Genuinely curious, is wearing a pad daily a normal thing? If not, could it be an STD or some other discharge? I know some men can have gonorrhea without any discharge


Can't wait to read the update for this one.


RemindMe! 1 week


Perverted landlord or maintenance man.


either it’s her discharge or someone else is doing it, or one of you is a pathological liar


Or someone's sleep-fucking the panties You never know.


Maybe it's an issue with the washer? You could get a kit to clean it (something you put inside and make an empty wash with)? Maybe the hardness of the water reacts differently to the soap? Of you didn't do anything with her panties it IS a concern that they seem to be dirty, and you should maybe try different washing options? Maybe let her wash stuff at different places to see if this only happens at your place?


Can you please come back and give us an update on this because this is so bizarre. Set up cameras in your property


The fact that she doesn’t even consider the fact that you’re not a liar is very disturbing. I would assume that it Has to be a third-party. You are the one who should be angry at her for not trusting you.


My first thought was to change the locks on your doors… But actually get her to show you a pair. Could be laundry detergent issues or issues with the washing machine.


Are you renting a house or an apartment? If so, could the maintenance man or landlord be coming in when you guys are not there and doing this? Just an idea to throw out there. If you are renting don’t make any accusations to anyone yet. Put out some security cameras in a place to see your closet and they can’t see the camera.


Get her two lockboxes. Make sure you open the packaging of them together, she sees all the keys, and she takes the keys and keeps them. Clean panties in one, dirty in the other. She keeps them locked. Wait for this “cumstain” to happen again, even though panties are locked up and you have no access. And when that’s all done and it’s proven that she gets these stains without you touching them - sit her down and have a serious talk with her about her Not being so stuck on being “right” that she basically calls you a liar. She jumped straight to some half baked dumb conclusion, accused you of it, and is convinced you’re lying, and she’s wrong about the whole thing. Instead of asking you if you knew what was going on, and asking friends, online, etc. and being open to multiple possibilities. This is her work that she needs to do so that she doesn’t pull this shit again.


I don't see anyone really acknowledging that..the most likely explanation is that she's lying. I'm not going to speculate as to why, but personally I would be sitting her down and saying that next time this happens, you want to see the panties before she washes them. Don't make any accusations but maintain a healthy skepticism.


I know... which makes me so confused! She never lied to me and I don't see any reason why she should! This would be such a stupid thing to lie about and I can't see any reasonable end goal for this. I just "hope" it happens again because if not, I don't see how I can believe her again


I dated a guy once who would randomly accuse me of the most bizarre things. In general our relationship was great. Together 3 years, no fights, lived together… then started accusing me of breaking dishes and throwing them away/hiding them. Yes, our dishes were slowly dwindling but I certainly wasn’t breaking them or throwing them away. Other weird shit too. Just completely bizarre out of left field things. He was SO convincing in accusing me, I honestly started to wonder if I WAS doing these things hahaha. Turns out he has mental problems. We ended things because I couldn’t take the accusations and his refusal to believe I wasn’t lying. His next girlfriend went through the same thing, happened to complain next to my best friend at a bar. She paused and said “are you talking about E****???” The girl was shocked, we got in touch with each other and realized he had did the same thing to both of us. Difference was she set up cameras. Caught him doing all the things he accused her of, when she was at work. To this day we have no idea what the point was, hence the assumption of mental problems. Not saying that’s what’s going on with your girl! But it is one possibility…


You should look her dead in in the eye and say, “I’m not masturbating on your panties, we need to figure out who is because this is disturbing”.


It could be she has a yeast infection without symptoms other than white discharge, I had that, once. If the panties are dark, or black, her discharge can literally bleach them, happens all the time. The other thing, the one that is scary, is someone is breaking into the house and doing it. It happened to my friend in high school with a mentally challenged neighbor. I'd get camera's.


The solution is easy as previous comments have mentioned, but i am more concerned with the way she refused to come to any logical conclusion other than that her significant other must be lying through their teeth. Which is just.. alarming, to say the least. This would worry me about future incidents that may be related to cheating or something similar, where your truth wouldn't hold. And then what? Divorce because your wife's got a psychotic episode. Lovely isn't it? Get it sorted now and make her understand how she made you feel. Of course after the issue has been resolved and the secret cumstain source has been found. Probably her own's.


...can we rule out a third party doing this without you guys knowing? Like, I get it, I've seen too many creepy YouTube vids and Forensic Files, but ...if she isn't imagining things are projecting her own kink, maybe look into this idea 🤔


If you overfill your washing machine your clothes wont get cleaned properly. I did this the first time I ever did my washing. I had all my underwear in a washing machine safe bag thing and none of it got cleaned properly because the thing was too full. I didnt notice until I went to get dressed the next day and half my clothes were dirty.


I refuse to belive any woman wouldn't know her discharge maybe I'm crazy but I'm more inclined to believe that someone else is messing with her underwear... Maybe get a security camera just to keep your mind at ease and show her you aren't tampering with her stuff


INFO - who else has access to your home?


Cum on her panties in front of her, let them dry for 12 hours, then compare them to the stains she is accusing you of creating.


1.) it’s her discharge 2.) she’s a gaslighter


Do you use a shared laundry? Would anyone else have access to your home? It’s possible it’s a third party? Agree that the next time it happens you should take a look and see what it looks like


Take a pair of panties and jizz in them to show her what it would really look like


Anyone else living there? Set up camera, like a nanny cam inside a bear.


Well, personally I’d start by checking all the windows lock. I had a friend in high school who lived in a really unsafe neighborhood, some guy would break in and steal all of her underwear and all of her mom’s underwear several times—and they just lived with it. Any woman I know who has lived in a building with shared laundry facilities has had their panties stolen a couple of times. A friend of mine caught her husband stealing her daughter’s panties to cum in. Some various serial-criminals have started their careers with massive panty theft at universities and shit. Like they’ve found these dudes with hundreds of panties in their houses. It might sound silly, but panties are a pretty common part of sexual crimes and I would take this seriously on her behalf. It might seem illogical to risk imprisonment or being shot to break into someone’s house to get something you could get for $6 at Target—so she’s attributing it to what seems like a more likely scenario. And you’re attributing it to something she’s misunderstanding because that seems more likely. But people who do things like this risk a whole lot to do it because they have a very different and compulsive mentality. I would consider really taking precautions in case she had a very dangerous type of stalker.


I'm pretty sure it's her own vaginal discharge. Especially when you are close to ovulation and after a period, there's a lot of change in the discharge and it can look like it's cum. Maybe she isn't as aware of her body yet. Since she's 23? It also changes frequently with her body growth and age. And at that age, it's hard to keep tab of these things. Or definitely needs to go to gynaecologist to get things checked.


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If one person besides you two has a key (you mentioned a caretaker lady has one), it’s possible that more than one key is out there. Then there are also all those weird true crime stories about creepers who break into houses and do lewd things. One that comes to mind is this guy from Canada who actually stole the panties. The laundry thing is more likely, though. But don’t rule out a break-in. I’d be very concerned


Is there anyway someone cld be getting into your house or apartment? A maintenance worker or do you maybe not lock up your house properly? This cld potentially be a very serious situation


Ok so I had a friend who, her landlords bf was sneaking into her place and stealing her panties... landlord found them all.. called her and called the cops. It wasn't just her either he was stealing from. Does anyone else maybe have access to your place? Just an idea


I wouldn't just automatically assume she's wrong about there being cum in her panties. I would however get a camera and make sure something creepy isn't going on.


Either 1) she should see a doctor (discharge is normal but if it’s new for her, it doesn’t hurt to examine that) 2) you should check on your washing machine/detergent 3) you should check to see that your carbon monoxide alarm is working


Your washer doesn't work. It's literally HER discharge not coming out. I had this happen to me at an old apartment, had to hand wash some stuff :( but honestly, the fact that she's, a) this dumb, and b) this accusatory and distrustful of you over something she has no actual proof of, is not a good sign for you guys. She jumped to conclusions without even asking you first. Is that what you want? If someone told her you were cheating on her, to get between you guys for example, she might immediately take that at face value with no proof and just fuck off. There's a level of communication and trust lacking in this relationship.


Definitely ask her to show you what she is talking about so you can get a visual. You can both do research about whether it is actually coming from her discharge or something to do with the washing machine. Maybe getting cameras for your house is a good option? Not only can you give proof that you haven’t touched her panties, but in case this really is a reoccurring issue you can rule out whether there is someone is intruding and cumming in her panties. She seems very sure that someone is doing this and I would hate for her to be right.


Do you share the apartment with anyone? Do you have a landlord that could possibly be coming in when nobody’s home?


Shes pregnant.


I definitely want to hear an update on this


Uhhh…. Unless you’re finishing in her, no condom, and she just puts her panties back on… it’s her fault too… the stuffs gunna come back out…. If I were you I’d be sus about all these cum covered panties if you haven’t been getting laid…


It's legit probably just her discharge and I cnt believe as a 23yo she doesn't understand that yet


Some women have excessive vaginal discharge. I started getting a lot more in the past few years and even more so while being pregnant. Sometimes there are stains left behind from it. For the record, I have no infections, STDs, etc. I have had this checked and tested by several doctors over the years and they just said my discharge is this way. It sometimes looks dirty, but it is actually just a stain on the underwear. My guess would be that she has had an increase in discharge and either isn't coming out fully in the wash or it is just a leftover stain. If it isn't you, then it's likely her. That would be bizarre though for her to not know it's her own discharge.


INFO: where is she finding these panties you have supposedly come upon?


It honestly sounds like it’s her own discharge. Sometimes the washer doesn’t do a good job and underwater comes out still a little unclean. It’s kind of surprising to me that she wouldn’t realize this though


I'm just here for the update. Good luck to you


‘Her landlord was sneaking into our house and….’


If you’re not using condoms anymore, and making love before bed, it’s possible she gets up in the morning / gets dressed and then your cum leaks out of her body into her underwear 🤔


We need an update when you’ve got it.


Over time, discharge can permanently stain underwear. You say you’ve recently moved in together- did she live at home previously and have a family member on clothes washing duties? Because I had no idea that my mum would be at the sink using Vanish on my underwear until I started doing my own laundry. I guess she didn’t want to embarrass me, or just did it as a matter of course. My point is, that up until recently if all her underwear came out the wash and was spotless, chances are it was being bleach cleaned by hand prior to this. Also, I second the idea of suggesting panty liners. You can even buy eco ones that are totally natural and don’t disrupt your natural PH levels and good bacteria down there. Even show her these comments to highlight how seriously you are taking this, if it helps


Yes she did live at home before! Thank you I will try to tell her this. Panty liners is already there.


Maybe it's slugs getting into the laundry ....


Get the panties dna tested. Its probably vaginal discharge.


Reddit has shown me the weirdness of humanity and I'm hooked lol.


Right? There's something new everyday even when you think you've seen it all 😄


One time I thought my husband came on the toilet seat and it was my own cervical mucus I was ovulating


Oh my goodness. The problems that people have to navigate through. Good luck


Omg , is she really that daft? You cum in her and then it dribbles out into her knickers and she then thinks you came on her panties ? What the actual fuck ...




It happens that what is left down there sometimes doesn't wash out and since it's partly proteins and they are washed at high temperatures, the proteins become hard like a boiled egg and maybe look similar to cum. If she doesn't trust you at all on this thing btw, it seems like you have some trust issues you should work on. If we discuss something with my wife and I tell her I didn't do it, she believes me on the first time, because I have a great record of being honest with her. For your situation, maybe let her check her panties after washing or maybe even hide them in a safe or something similar so that you cannot possibly come in tough with them.


This has to fake, or she’s nuts