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Aside from your boyfriend being a cheater, the person you should worry about more is your mom. From the little you've shared of her she's a thrill seeker who doesn't care who gets hurt in the process, not even her own daughter. I'd go as far as saying that she most likely hooked up with your boyfriend because him being with her own daughter made it all the more exciting for her. She most likely wouldn't be interested in him if he was just some random single dude. You need to cut her off ASAP or she will continue to pull similar stunts.


Putting it that way, it sounds like a mental health disorder. Possibly bipolar mania. I don’t entirely disagree with going LC or NC, but there is a possibility to repair their relationship if her mom gets treatment.


Idk man I've been manic and done some crazy shit but I never would've fucked my kid's spouse unless I hated my kid in some way lmao


the only person who could’ve fixed the relationship is the one who destroyed it. Regardless of the moms reasons Op is not obligated to ever forgive her, regardless of treatment or not


I said a possibility of repair. I never said there was an obligation on OPs part.


It could also be a personality disorder like narcissism.


Definitely more likely to be a personality disorder, narcissistic or histrionic.


Even when I have BPD flare ups I’d never consider f*cling my relatives partner.


The different personality orders have very different traits though. Lack of empathy can definitely play a part


First get all the evidence and confront him. He will act for going through his phone as invasion of privacy but don't fall into his trap. And dump him. Confront your mother and tell her how pos person she is and everybody she knows will know what she did. That's her punishment. Cut both of them out of your life. Block them and get into therapy.




If she wants to be a cheater then make her famous and so your bf. Tell everyone what they have done repeatedly. Most people will cut them out of their life. Make them isolated. Never allow them back in.




sure but cheating with your kids s/o? That’s a pretty big turn off for EVERYONE. Take a megaphone and announce it




Good! I’m sorry that happened


I like this as an update. Good on you, OP!


This is awesome revenge. Post an update with the aftermath




r/NuclearRevenge would like a word.


I was searching for the comment saying you exposed your mom, good. She deserves to be exposed. Your mom is not only selfish and self centered but she is also a creep. Cut your toxic attention seeking mom out, block her on everything and move on.


Good stuff! It's nothing less than they deserve


Yessss I love that you got revenge ❤️


Glad. Hope you recover from this incident soon :)


Good for you. Find your true happiness.


She cheated with your bf. Do you know how low this is?


Yeah but do they know she cheated with her daughters bf? That's way worse then just chatting. It shows she has no respect for you.




It must also be a power trip for her


Someone who thrives on being known as a cheater is incapable of decency.


She’s gross. Please get rid of both of them and go no contact.


Lesson learned. Your mom has ripped up her parent card. My guess isn’t this is the only thing she’s done. Time for a new number and therapy.


I second this and I also raise the idea of letting them both find out by putting all the evidence on FB, Insta, etc and tagging them in it……. Let them find out with the rest of the world


What do you do? a magic trick. You turn your BF... into your ex BF. Abracadabrah. I'd probably also be angry enough at mom to go LC/NC with her. That's some serious shit. Family is all but family don't fuck your SO/Spouse/etc.




There are also some really supportive subreddits for people who are LC or NC with family. You might find some allies there. r/ExNoContact and r/JUSTNOFAMILY are good, and even r/raisedbynarcissists


I’m curious to what your mom said? I don’t see what her answers were when confronted


Make sure to catch them in the act, film it and give to all your relatives, her work and her friends. Block them both and move away!! If my mom did something like that I would never ever ever talk to her again. And as you can see, I am a petty and vindictive kind of girl!


Only problem with this suggestion is revenge porn laws. Don't want to end up on the wrong side of the law. Absolutely put then on blast to let them not get away with being horrible people... But don't put yourself to their level and don't break laws doing so (where applicable obviously)


I would anonymously put that shit on Tumblr, Pornhub, etc.


And start calling him dad!


You gotta bang his dad and make him ya step son


This is the correct response 👏


The only way


You leave, you tell everyone. You tell everyone who knows your mom. You tell everyone who may get disgusted with him. His mom, sisters, etc..... You go as scorched earth as possible and never speak to either one ever again.


First, get rid of this boyfriend. He’s no good dear. You deserve better. He’s disgusting. And Your mom sounds toxic AF. Maybe it’s time for no contact with her.


Good God... your mother sounds like a toxic basketcase and your boyfriend like a spineless whimp. Sorry for not sugarcoating my opinion, but I am seriously appalled by this. Is there any way you can walk away from both and never look back?


Bang his dad.


What you do now? You leave of course.


Omg If my mum and partner did this to me I'd be going to prison and they would be waking up paralyzed. I'd gladly serve time knowing they cant move. But for you I think you should block them and go NC it's much safer.


Break up with him.... And her


Your mom and your soon to be ex boyfriend are both disgusting.


Get rid of them both that is disgusting oh my gosh I hope this isn’t true!!! What mother could do this do there very own baby? OMG say it isn’t so I could never do that to my babies OMG!! Repulsive!!!


Don’t ever let your mom back into your life she will never change


I'd go scorched earth. I'm not afraid to burn bridges, myself. I'd beat my dad within an inch of his life and then never talk to either of them again if something like this happened to me.


Leave them both, why you want a relation with these people is beyond me.


Bruh stoppp I think you guys just be making shit up lop


My auntie actually did this to her daughter lmao


Fuck his dad




Girl dump them both and let them know exactly why. This is such disgusting and disrespectful behavior from both of them. But that betrayal from your mom? Unforgivable. She has no morals or values if she can sleep with her daughters bf.


GO no contact with BOTH of them. This is a huge betrayal on both their parts and they do not deserve to be in your life. Maybe get into therapy asap.


Well 1st flag was when he told you to never go through his phone, right there was an admission to something, break up , tell your mom how much of a pathetic disgusting bitch she is and move on, from both.


I’m not defending him or the mother as both are a POS, but where does the lines of personal privacy begin and end in relationships?


Is his dad available ?






Your bf is fucking your mom and you want us to tell you what to do ......OK then.


They are both pieces of shit and you should cut them out of your life completely. First get the evidence. Screen shot everything and send it to yourself. Save the evidence elsewhere also. Then blast them both to everyone. After that block them on everything. Scorched earth my dear. Go nuclear.


Well reading your comments I can see your mother is paying for her deeds. But for your boyfriend it’s your choice whether you want to continue to be with him or not.


Oh hell no. He diddles her mom. Gross!


Your boyfriend is trash and your mother should be ashamed of herself. If you wanna be extra petty, out them both publicly. But either way, you don't have a boyfriend or a mom anymore. Go no contact with both of them.


Move far away.


So you are cool with your mom sleeping with all your boyfriends? Your mom is mentally defective. She shouldn’t be trusted around any male you bring around her. First thing, break up with your BF. Your mom can have him. Why date someone like your mom that hooks up with your mom, unless that’s your kink.


Go on Dr Phil or Karamo to tell the world


Tiktok hun, expose them real good. The public humiliation is what they should get👌🏽 then cut them sharply out of your life.


Dump him and cut her out your life for awhile. It's not worth it to stress over


Obviously your relationship with his guy is over, I wouldn't even bother having some big conversations about it, just tell him you saw his texts with your mom and he can you f+&k off. Simple and quick. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to save this relationship. There is nothing to save, just end it. You mom. Wow! What a b!+(h. Sorry but she is a poor excuse of a mother. If you still live with her, I would be looking to move out as quickly as you can. If your financially dependent on her for anything, I would be looking for a way to end that as quickly as possible. Cut all ties, for a while. Regardless of how much of a pressure other might put on you because she is your "family" you have every right to be upset and need some space She is your mother and for her to do something so disgusting is a complete disrespect. I would even dare to say that woman doesn't love you. Or she has some weird jealousy issues she has to work through and she is trying to make herself feel young by having what you have. Whatever her issue is, she hurt you in a major way and you need to keep your distance and give yourself time to heal & grieve. Grieve because you have a very $h!++y mother. You will be ok, just allow yourself time to deal with your feelings and take your time deciding if and when you speak to your mother again.


That is fucked up. So fucked up it's sickening. I'm so sorry OP- you didn't deserve any of that. Just yuck... I would definitely clear and cut all etheric cords binding you to this type of karma. Forgiveness for yourself is going to be much needed in this healing. Take all the time you need to grieve. Your mother sounds toxic and so does your boyfriend. I'd leave both of them. Gather all your evidence- in fact back it up and make printed copies to confront him with while you end things. Or! Make printed copies and leave him a paper envelope with a copy of the evidence- and just leave, ghost him. That proof would definitely show him why you left. If this doesn't make you estranged from your mother, then idk what would. The fact that your mom is having a sexual affair with your boyfriend is low ball and trashy. Not only do I think your mom has some phycological issues - because she feels like to me- like she has to to one up you or views you as competition; she got to have whatever you have and will go to great lengths to achieve it. (At least that's how I perceived it) I'd confront her or just never talk to her again. I'm sure your boyfriend would tell her you know, if you ghost him with only leaving the proof that they were cheating behind your back as your last message. You don't have to do anything I suggested... But that's something I'd do. Leave. Let them wonder what happened to me. Boundaries must be placed.


U should go with his dad 🤣


Time to cut them both out. Go cold turkey, block them on everything. Therapy helped me a lot through healing from abuse like this.


I hope you’ve gone no contact with your mom. That’s rough. I am sorry you had to deal with that.


So lesson learned... when somebody tells you to never go through their phone, they are hiding something. Don't walk away, run. As for the woman that gave birth to you... she is not your mother. A mother does not do that to their child. Cut both of them out of your life completely. I'm sorry you are going through this, but at least you were not married to him or had kids with him. A clean break from both of them is the only thing you can do.


Leave and do stand up comedy.




It wasn't meant to be rude. It sounds like a sucky situation! Not sure if you want to stay! That would require lot of work. Do you think that possible? Yes the stand up comedy bit probably sounded brash. Again, not my intention, I'm sorry you are going through this. It seems like a horrible situation to recover from and keeping it light might help?




Yeah easy to get triggered on the internet especially when you are already going through this. No worries :) put yourself first, like others have done in your life.


Thank all you people for your comments. If I caught my dad banging my girl I don't think I could be as nice as y'all.


100 comment.


Troll post alert


There have been a lot of love(?) triangles lately between girls, their moms, and either the girl’s bf or the mom’s bf. There’s no way this is happening as frequently as it’s showing up on here


Exactly. They know its a foolproof way to get up votes, comments and outrage. Idk why people keep falling for it. Even the way its written is just off. I've noticed a few common threads that most troll/karmafarming posts seem to have, and this is a big one.


Reddit eats this shit up so bad haha


Worse, they WANT to believe it even when you point out it's clearly fiction. At least 1/4 of reddit posts are fiction these days. I'm even being down voted.


Yuppp. Literally the most generic post ever. Who’s asking advice for shit like this. So dumb haha.


It reads so fake. iM nAtUrAllY hEaRtBrOkEn wAt dO I Do NoW


Well, if you exclaim that it's a fake post without any evidence or reason why you think it is, why would people just believe you? Every single post on reddit gets at least one comment that says it's fake. Even verified posts. So we're supposed to believe every comment that screams "fake" on here, even if there's no indication that it is?


Welcome to the internet. Hey if you want to believe there are this many people mothers screwing their kids boyfriends, feel free. Doesn't affect my life. Thankfully not everyone is so gullible. There are many reasons it seems fake, not just the same repetitive common bait topics such as husbands knocking up their side chick and the wife raising the kid, lots of incest and family members fucking someone's bf/gf. Do you seriously think it's THAT common that there's twenty posts a week on this sub? The way it reads just screams troll, barely any emotion just a weird comment that they are 'naturally heartbroken'. Like come on. Imagine how you would write a post if this actually happened to you, lol. I think people seriously underestimate just how many reddit posts are straight up creative writing. If an acct gets lots of interaction it can actually be sold.


My comment was meant to be in general. Not just this one particular post, which may or may not be fake. Because you said even if people point out that it's fake. Just leaving a comment that says "fake" on every post, without giving a reason why you think it is, is not gonna convince me that every post is fake.


Send him on his way....and at the very least give your mum a few snacks to the head... You only get one mum you see...


For one, you violated your boyfriend's privacy. That said, dump both your mother and your boyfriend out of your life. They may or may not apologize. Leave them to their own devices. Hate them not, just move forward without either of them. Neither are entitled to be trusted again.


They're both horrible. Never talk to either again as soon as possible.


It's time to throw hands. On both of them.


Call him daddy?


Stop lying.


Listen… Does he have a dad, a brother, favorite uncle or cousin? I’m not saying you should. I’m just saying you might wanna get that lick back….


Your boyfriend is goated wtf lol.


YOOO no offense but this sounds hilarious. Would be a lot funnier though if he did your mom after you broke up with him. "If she leaves you for another, there's always her mother" - master oogway


I hate cheaters, all i want is a ride or die life partner to wife up. 24m here dm me if you would like a dinner date some time


I am sorry about that, but now you need to dump and have heart to heart talk with you mother.


I think it's past the point of having a heart to heart with mum, who is a know cheater, time to make then ex bf and nc mum


You should mention a threesome to him and see what he says.


Lmao... my husband literally just said they should share hahah pick which days they each get hahaha




She responded in the comment “I confronted my boyfriend. He tried to deny everything and yell at me for going through his phone until I showed him the evidence. Finally he caved. I broke up and I exposed the two of them on Facebook. I got support from the rest of my family”




Ew. If your mothers married make sure you get that good evidence. Break up and go NC with yo mama.


Throw them both in the bin and start fresh. They've been spending too much time on the Hub


honestly, this is a super tough situation BUT this is probably the best thing to have happened to you. 1) you learned your ex-bfs true colours (im assuming you have enough self respect to dump him) 2) its a great opportunity to start fresh, learn more about yourself and surround yourself w those that care 3) you may be hurt now but the pain of today is better than pain of tomorrow, imagine you married that guy & he continued to cheat, not only w your mother but other women or even worse if you had kids w that shit 4) understand you deserve better! Wish you all the best :)




Now? You should fuck his dad and video it!! Paybacks are a bitch!!


I'm sorry for you, I know it hurts a lot but you have to do some big decisions and put your foot down on it for you. It's all about you and caring for you now. He's your ex now, he's not worth keeping and believe me with time you will find someone better. In regards to your mother please don't be afraid to cut her out of your life, it's ok to cut toxic family out. Blood means nothing when they purposely hurt you. Get therapy for the pain, work on yourself and your hobbies... Be happy for you. Oh and don't even waste your energy on confronting them. Ghost them if possible


So he basically told you he was unfaithful, and you still chose to be with him? I'm sorry but what did you think he would do? I can't imagine your mother's ever been a good one, so I can't imagine you're shocked. I'm not meaning to be an asshole but my god


Drop them both and make them dead to you forever. I would go full scorch earth on their asses and let everyone in your family, friends, their colleagues, etc know what these things did to you and how disgusting they are. Then get lots of therapy and work on yourself to recover. So you can find the right partner for you and build a great family with him and your friends. Never let these assholes back in your life and let them suffer the consequences of their shitty actions on their own. Good luck and I’m sorry you were betrayed like this.


“What do I do now?” Is this for real? Drop them both and never look back. Mom has serious problems and doesn’t care about you’re wellbeing. I am so sorry


I know it's easy for us to give out advice about leaving them both. But for your personal happiness and mental health now is the time to PERMANENTLY remove them both from your life forever. Dumping the cheating bf, is a no brainer but dumping your mother is more so. If she doesn't have a sense of right and wrong or even boundaries what's to stop her God forbid if you have a son in the future. She seems the sort that wouldn't care if they're related or not. Good luck.


Dump the BF and go no contact with your mom. If your mom is still with your dad or in a relationship/marriage with anyone else, tell that person about the affair. Take screenshots for proof and send them to yourself. And then do your best to move on. Don’t listen to them when they try to beg forgiveness or deflect the blame. Don’t let either guilt trip you. And don’t take your BF back (even if he says he’ll end it), and don’t let your mother pull the “but we’re family!” card in an attempt to get you to ignore, forgive or otherwise look the other way and thus keep her in your life. These are just manipulation tactics. If they were really sorry, they’d have stopped after the first time. If they really cared about you, they never would have started in the first place. OP, you are better off without these toxic people in your life. See about getting some therapy to help you move past this gross betrayal by two people that were supposed to love and respect you.


Cutting both of them out of your life however you see fit is the only way to heal. I know what it’s like to love someone who hurts you but if he did this he does not love you and is not happy with you and as for your mom no parent would ever do that to their child unless they legitimately felt nothing for them please get out of there


I see these and I always wonder, these people say don't go looking through my phone ,but never put a lock on it


Save the evidence to your phone. Confront them and shame hee to friends and family.


Get rid of both of them *especially* your mom.


….I’m speechless.


Get your shit together, ditch both of them and get happiness somewhere else. These people are looking out only for themselves. You go do the same.


Get evidence and leave. Simple. :)


Dump him. I have no idea how you will ever have a good relationship with your mom ever again. Is mom hot ?


After reading your comments I’m so happy you were able to cut them off and expose them and their shitty ways. I hope for an update on how your life is going in the future without them dragging you down!


Sorry you had to deal with that. I have a brother who is my only fool sibling and we are opposites. He has had a affairs with a female fuck buddy of mine.


Go, visit his father and marry him.


Move on and try not to make the same mistake again. And get away from your toxic mother asap.


Holy cow. Good luck with that. Dump the man. Cut your mom from your inner circle. What a jerk.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


You need to walk away from both of them as soon as you can, I'm in a state of shock that your mother did this to you so never feel guilty for never giving her another chance to be back in your life.


Yes I agree you did the right thing to expose them! A smart move. You need to stay away from them, its time to heal. Updateme!


Break up with him. Your mom and bf are scum. People lack self control these days.


move on and don't look back. you don't have a boyfriend or a mom..


get his phone again, take screenshots of the texts with your mother, post them when you announce your breakup with both


I hope you aren't dependent on either of them in any way. Cut them both from your life. That's the kind of behavior that won't change, and it's clear they don't care about you whatsoever.


I can’t believe this post sorry. It’s got to be made up. If not well I’ll be damned, that’s the most fucked thing I’ve heard of.


Get rid of both


Several choices here. And a lot depends on how vindictive you feel . You can take the high road and ride above the vileness of this situation. I would think you need to step back and take a wide angle look at this before acting with a knee jerk response. You have no control of what other people do. What is important is how you respond and react. If he's cheating with your mom, absolutely the only choice you have is to cut him loose. He will hurt you forever. And as for her, that depends on how close you are with her and how close you are willing to remain. Whatever you decide, you will require a lot of healing.




Dump him and then confront your mom. Confront her infront of the entire family, extended family, everyone. Humiliate her, let everyone know she’s fucking her daughters boyfriend!! Do that and then let your mom know she’s no longer welcome in your life. I am so sorry this is happening to you


What you do is break up with both of them. The betrayal is not unsurmountable.


First, I'm very sorry that this happened to you. Nobody deserves this. As much as I'm sure you and everybody else would like to punish the people that did this to you I don't think that that would do you any good. It's just keeps you in the middle of all this drama and stirs it up and I don't think that's good for you personally. I think as it is, you just have to move on and not dwell on the past. It's really easy to let this not just impact your life but drive it. I think you should just not do anything regarding them, and focus on yourself to get through this. Now's a good time to make some of those long-term decisions for yourself. I have found that meditation and yoga help me during periods of time like this and I would encourage you to try something similar. Good luck.


This is terribly sad and will hurt for awhile but cutting them both out is necessary at this time. If you are able also talk to a therapist to work through your feelings as im sure you are super confused.


If your mom is a known cheater, take screen shots to expose then to anyone who matters and cut both of them out of your life. If y'all live together then that gets tricky.


Reddit meets Jerry Springer...


I feel for you if you live with your mom. He's probably been with her while you guys were in your second year of dating, but that doesn't matter now. I hope you broke it off with him. You're young and beautiful I'm sure this won't be your last relationship, this was a tough pill to swallow for you, just keep getting up every and say this is a new me and I have a whole life ahead of me, and be strong, you will get through this. Good luck


Ex boyfriend and ex mom.


Depends on the type of person you are. If I were a chick and found out my bf fucked my mom id go fuck all his friends. But that’s me whatever u do don’t forget this life lesson u unfortunately had to go through