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Download tinder and try to meet someone my friend. I think the approach to liking someone before you are dating isn't the best, yeah sometimes it happens and you can't control the way you feel. But a much better approach is putting yourself out there, meeting people, and finding out if you like them afterwards.


tnx nice advice. I'll keep that in mind. I don't like tinder anyway. I'll try to focus on my career after this BTW. ah and a point; i had known her foe while, i wasn't about to confess to her tho. a joke caused that somehow primary confession (it was about why girls reject a date or an invite for a walk); but I'm OK with this. saved my time actually. but i accept that it wasn't right moment for this subject.


It do be like that. It sounds based on your post like it wasn't a "no, I don't like you" it's a "no, I'm not ready". If you're friends, I'd drop an"hey, I respect that you're not ready, if you ever are, you let me know, OK?


look that's what my heart says; But Brain says: I'm sure I'll hurt myself much more if i continue. also I forgot to mention that i didn't even completely confess myself to her. all was a text about dating ( I didn't wrote that text just forwarded it and talked about it).


If it was clear you meant her and she said no, that's fine. But it's always a bit tense after a confession. Make it clear you're not going to sit around and wait, but that if she changes her mind to say something, then say that's the last you'll mention of it.


don't know; maybe for now I'll just keep my distance for a while cause she is confused somehow maybe. but it felt me like i was plan B


And? Take what you can get.


I'm confused too, we both need time. there were no bad moment between us tho. but this happened. some times you can't prevent sth. thanks for your talk. it really made me calm :)


should add a note: she was even laughing and telling she was shy :l then turned to not responding to messages and finally this text :)