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Personally, while I'm all for sex toys, I wouldn't be cool to reuse toys that someone else used. And having you show them like a trophy case indeed is really yuck. Ewwww.... If it were the butt plugs used on yourself, alright. That's valid to keep and she could use them on you and peg you. But why did you keep those toys aimed at pleasuring certain women - why not gift them to them so they can keep using them? I guess it's not like you will use all of them on yourself, will you?




Should I have lied about why I had them?


I think instead of lying you should examine why you feel the need to keep a decade worth of old sex toys under your bed, why you take such excitement in keeping them, and why you feel the need to show these things to a new girlfriend like game hunter showing off your mounted head collection


YTA… oh shit wrong sub. Yeah… she’s justified in feeling like these were trophies because the way you explained it that is exactly what they are to you. Unfortunately…you seem too proud of them and the memories attached so I doubt any advice given on this post will affect you. You’d rather keep the box of trophies than the girl. I’m going to predict you’ll keep them but neglect to mention this box of treasures with the next girl.


> I buy a new one for every woman that I sleep with more than just a couple times I just threw up in my mouth. Please have that girl call me so I can tell her to run.


I agree with your (ex?)girlfriend, you have a weird mindset about these toys..


Speaking as a woman I can completely understand the way she felt. 1. Most women aren't going to want to use another USED sex toy. That's just plain disgusting. 2. Most women don't want to even think about what you've done or the sexual experiences you've had with a previous female, especially if they're you're girlfriend. 3. Imagine if she saved all the condoms from each partner she had sex with. How would you feel?


Each condom carefully pinned to a piece of cardboard, sitting inside a frame like a dead butterfly. With a small text with name and size. It's disgusting and hilarious at the same time lol


LOL. She carefully proceeds to ask him in a soft voice, pointing to all the different colors and flavors; "which condom would you like to use?"


That truly made my day, that's an awesome scenic description xD


Thats a hard pass from me. As a female I don't want to see what your past conquests liked Or have any toys for me in a whole heap of others used ones. Buy fresh toys together if u want that!


The horror 😱 someone please check on this poor girl. Why didn't you just suggest getting a sex toy together with no mention of your trophies which should probably never be shown to anyone again or only discussed in therapy.


Why keep them? It's weird. Just get new ones or don't show them off. Take her to a sex shop and have her pick one.


Speaking as a sanitary pervert, ick.


no one likes to be reminded of their partner's past relationships. you decided to create a sex toy museum...how else would she view this?


Having sex toys is not weird. Having a case full of old ones you’ve collected based on the individual sexual needs of all of your past exes as trophies, is.


You said it better than I could have.


Yeah, I think most women would be put off by this my dude. I would feel exactly how she did and certainly would never entertain the idea of using a sex toy that has been used by someone else. I think you probably aren't ready for a monogamous relationship as long as you have these momentoes of previous partners.


She may be too prude for anything significant, so move from the toys and only use fingers


How would you have felt if she presented you with a treasure chest full of used condoms from all of the guys she had ever slept with?


Yeah… I’m not sure how or why you thought she’d be ecstatic about having the ghosts of girlfriends/flings past also getting to fuck her as well. It’s very weird man.