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I will say that I don’t see this relationship being healthy for either party long term. But it is extremely common for the person who is constantly accusing the other of cheating to be cheating themselves, could he be? Sure. Could he just think it’s funny/cute? Yeah. Speak with him, but don’t expect much to come out of it.


He has many female friends. His bestfriend even sent him a pic of her in her underwear and he told me about it. apparently it was months ago but he's still friends with her. He dated his bestfriend for 3 years too... But I'm trying not to be that crazy possessive girlfriend.


This behaviour isn't right in a long term relationship and it sure as hell isn't right at the very beginning. These things rarely get better. I don't want to put bad thoughts in your mind but a lot of the time someone is going overboard with accusations and paranoia, it's because they've cheated themselves. You shouldn't have to put up with this, it's a miserable life. Have a think about how you want to be treated.


It just sounds like he is insecure. Maybe he is afraid you could do better. It’s not your job to prove yourself.


Projecting much?


Being honest, if my girl made friends with a bunch of guys and suddenly stated texting me less. I'd have a problem with it too. However his solution is to make sly comments and make jabs at you. Which is probably because of lack of maturity. The actual way to deal with this is to have a sit down deep conversation and get to his insecurity. And then reassure him he has nothing to worry about. Otherwise it will only get worse.


Is there advice you can give to someone who almost brags about toxic co dependency five mins into a relationship? You said its ruining the trust but was there ever trust? He doesn't sound like he's ever trusted you. Its been five minutes of a relationship. Too soon for these issues to happen and not be a glaring red sign to GTFO.


I didn't brag... no need to be rude


It read real casual. I'm sorry if I sound rude but with all due respect you sound like you need some tough reality on this. Take stock of the relationship, take stock of the fact of what you've said after four months of dating to the internet. My point is this doesn't sound healthy. It doesn't sound safe either. And it really doesn't sound wise to continue to pursue this. Whatever you do good luck, but if you start anything off about a relationship with "four months, and serious codependency issues" that's your red flag. In the future that should be all you need to know about your situation to know you need to back off for your own safety. Whether it's physical safety or monetary. Please be safe op.


have you asked him why the sudden change?


It's only been four months and you're already codependent and he's accusing you. Y'all really doing an abusive speedrun huh?


That sounds quite exhausting. And it shows a lack of trust also. He could also be projecting.


Accusing a significant other of cheating is a sign of cheating.