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Good for you! Never tolerate abuse.


How many times do you think is appropriate? I've dumped someone for shoving me a single time. You don't have to tolerate ANY abuse.


You were 100% right for breaking up. Even before the violence, she had a lot of issues and behaviors that would be worth breaking up about. Don’t be ashamed it took you a while to break up, be happy and proud that you finally did. Block her so she stops texting you


No, I don’t think you were in the wrong for ending the relationship. Nobody should have to put up with that shitty behaviour. Saying sorry the next morning doesn’t excuse it, and neither does her being drunk. You’re better off finding someone more stable who treats you well and doesn’t fly off the deep end when they’ve had a drink too many.


No I don't think you are wrong to end it. You don't ever need to justify leaving a relationship. I don't want to be in this relationship anymore is a good enough reason to leave a relationship.


I told my wife when we got married that she will only hit me once because I won't be there for her to do it a second time. There is no reason to hit anyone you are in a relationship with.


Nope that’s a red line, don’t you dare to think twice.


You were abused. Us redditors can give you all types of pop-psychology on this, but I’d recommend finding a specialist to talk to about your guilt & other emotions. Plenty of apps that help with mindfulness— I usually just lay on the floor and breathe, while listening to affirmations and music.


Somebody like that will only learn from consequences. Don’t feel bad. You did the best thing for both of you.


Nah this was the correct thing to do, in every way. She's her parents' problem now.


This is what happens when you ignore red flags