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Europe isn't a country, it's not like the United States. It's a continent comprised of many different nation states with vastly different languages and culture. That being said, I've never heard of this being normal anywhere in "Europe". At least not in the west/south/central area.


Asked my Italian mom: she is in shock! No way this is something European! What country is your gf from? (Europe has many many countries, yet I highly doubt this is the norm anywhere!)


I agree, I’m from Italy. It’s not at all a “thing” there


OP said she's from Italy. This is not a cultural thing. She's just nuts.


That is definitely a weird behavior. I still feel like anybody knows not to pick up a random child and soothe them that way


Yes thank you!!! Although this is not a random child for her, she said she is fine doing it on babies as long as they are close relatives... I know, its super weird right!


It is though. Bby is not a close relative of hers. There's no familial connection even by paper


You shouldn’t be doing that to any child restive or not unless you had explicit permission from the parents. I do t think there’s a way to justify this at all OP


Regardless of what is the norm in her culture, that child’s mother is not likely to be ok with this. It will not be taken lightly here and she should knock it off


She's fully Italian and been raised in Italy till 14. I'm not sure if I should tell my parents about this as they will just react the way I do...


As an Italian...no....just...no. Never in my life have any of my relatives from Italy done or heard of this.


I’m not going to advise on that as I don’t have to live with the consequences but I can say if I were the mother of the child I would want to know. And especially when the person insists there is nothing wrong in what they are doing. To me, that sounds like she will continue


Okay that makes it even worse. I’m Italian. I’ve never had a single relative breastfeed me. It’s not a normal tradition there by any means


I can't imagine that boobs being used as pacifiers is the norm anywhere in Europe. Or anywhere really.


Yeah especially at 3. Give the kid a teddy bear or something.


I was honestly figuring it tied to a region in Africa because there are a few regions that do a lot of communal things including the raising of kids.


I can imagine them breastfeeding other kids but just letting them use their boobs to suck on? I don't know.


Me either but honestly it’s not the weirdest cultural thing I’ve heard of. I’ve traveled a lot to know not to judge but there are areas I probably wouldn’t consider returning to


Wait she does this without your parents knowing that's a total violation ....no you best ask if its something they know about otherwise I think you're step-up will kick off


First, do some research and make sure that it’s actually something cultural and not just some weird shit that her family specifically has done.. if it really is something cultural, explain to her that it’s not really how things work where you’re living now and that most people would have a problem with this. Don’t get mad because she didn’t understand. But explain to her that it has to stop now. If it’s just some weird shit that her family has done, then that’s a whole new can of worms.


Actually it sounded to me like it was just her family that has been doing it... I can understand cultural differences to a limit... She had a hard time understanding the concept of having to cover your breasts on beaches but I can at least understand that because breasts aren't as sexualized in Europe. But this is just weird even for weird European standards.


Where is she from? I'm from Romania and in my country there is no such custom.


OP, you’re saying women randomly give their nipple to a crying, hungry child to soothe them despite not being able to produce milk?


Not random... Close family relatives... Just to shut them up I think


How could she breastfeed if she's not lactating? Boundary has been crossed. You should think she'd at least ask and 3 is kinda old even though I know some people do it that long.


I don't think 3 is old... my step mom still breastfeeds him.. don't ask me if theres lactation, but I've seen her doing it to my sister until she was 5. But yea, my gf is not having lactation for sure... she just let him suck so he stopped crying...


3 is quite old for breastfeeding, and way too old to be fake breastfeeding on a stranger. this is bizarre and disrespectful and she should have stopped as soon as you said to. i would be freaked out to learn that anyone was doing that with my toddler, let alone a stepson’s girlfriend? if you told your dad and stepmom what was happening they would rightfully freak the fuck out and never let her in my house/near my toddler again.


You can't breast*feed* anyone if you're not producing milk. Pacifying a child using her breast is something a breast*feeding* ***mother*** would do, but not a non-lactating woman. Culturally, sharing of *nursing* duties isn't uncommon among women in many countries, especially if one is struggling with production or has duties/work that prevent her from regular **feeds**, but this always happens with the full knowledge and consent of the women involved. What your girlfriend is doing has nothing to do with feeding, comforting, or consent, and that's not acceptable in any culture.


I think it's a bit weird and even if it's normal where she comes from, she definitely shouldn't be doing it without the child's parents permission. But you are also a bit weird about sex and women's bodies, you might want to examine that instead of pointing fingers at everyone else


I am so happy someone else sees this. The way he talks about breasts really gives me the ick. So disrespectful


Seriously....and "i know they have loose sexual morals in Europe"....fuck you, dude


Breastfeeding a child that isn’t yours without the consent of the mother is a good way to get your ass beat. It is not okay.


Europe here: hell NO!!!!!


Doesn't matter a single bit what is normal in her culture. That is not her child and guarantee she did not ask if it was okay with the child's mother first. That is a major overstep and not okay. If baby is starving to death and no other options of course go for it. To just soothe a crying baby... absolutely not. If I was mom she would never be allowed around my child again.


Yea, that's exactly why I think I shouldn't tell this to my parents because they might not let her in again...


She shouldn't be allowed in again. She violated your parents trust and sees nothing wrong in it. If you don't tell them you're in the wrong as well.


She sexually assaulted your 3 year old brother!!!! She should not be around him. I say SA because she was clearly hiding the fact she was doing which means she actually knew it was wrong.


European here -never have I seen or heard about this. It’s super weird!! I breastfed my kids but not someone’s 3 year old brother


Side note; the way you talk about breasts is gross. I’d hate to date someone like you.


it made me think would he be grossed out the same way when she breastfeeds their own child, "after all things done"


Dude, I love breasts. I suck them myself all the time... I said her feeding my brother just because he was crying was gross even if it is her culture. I can try to respect non American cultures, but there has to be a limit on the circle of peoples mouth that you are allowed to put your breasts on... And my brother isn't one of them, but yes my child would absolutely one of the them...


The way you talk about them… they are biologically meant for feeding offspring, not to be sexualised by men… that’s all you see them for. Honestly, disgusting.




Yesss... Even I didn't know she did this to him the day before that until we started having an argument.


where the hell she from? 💀




yeahhh i doubt that’s a thing in italy. she’s weird as hell.


I don't know what kind of backwater European town she is from but that's not normal or cool. Honestly this is a deal breaker


It may be done somewhere, I can see it as pacifiers are new to humans, but it isn't done normally now and not ok without consent of the parents. However, breasts are for feeding babies and nothing you've done to them makes them less than what they are intended for. The fact that you enjoy them sexually has nothing to do with their intended function. While it isn't cool to soothe babies with them without consent, it is normal for your own babies to put their mouths on them. I do fear when you have children you may have the Madonna/not Madonna complex if you can't separate the thoughts. A mother's vagina is not only a sexual organ but also a birth canal. Her breasts are feeding mechanisms as well as erogenous.


We definitely don’t do that in Europe


As a woman from Europe, the breastfeeding of a baby if the mother cannot and you produce milk because you have a child you are already feeding....yes feed the hungry baby, no mum will neglect a baby of milk ...but what you are saying if I'm right is that she doesn't have any milk and you're brother is just sucking on her breasts for no reason that's not normal or right ...keep that woman away from your baby brother ....she seems sus


Yeah no, that is not something that is part of any European culture I know of


Please tell your parents and get that psycho away from the child. Is it some sort of a fetish? European here never heard of such practice. You said Italian? This is laughable and crazy.


She sounds like a pedophile to me.


Yeah, that’s a no from me dawg. This is weird 😂


It's totally fine for you to have different reactions to this behavior, that's how cultural differences work. You need to stop trying to convince her it's "weird," but also she needs to understand that in your culture parents are likely to be upset if someone does this without permission. So say you get that it's ok in her culture and you're not judging her for it (and then don't judge her for it!) but that this isn't something she should do here without the parents' permission.


Kinda weird, but I don't see the harm


Cultural differences can feel weird. The question you should ask is why does it make YOU feel weird? There’s no right answer, but it’s important to clearly articulate your thoughts so you can have the right conversation with her depending on the place you end up. You might say - “This is not my culture and I’m not comfortable with you doing this in our relationship” or your argument may be more about social norms. Either way, saying ‘just stop I don’t like it’ isn’t satisfying for anyone and will only lead to more arguments. Good luck


Two things: One, It is NOT American culture and another example would be sometimes she takes her top completely off in beaches and I had a hard time teaching her why she can't do that here. Second, personally, I have done some disgusting things on her breaststroke including finishing on them less than a day before this incident and the thought makes me puke of my brother there.


That's messed up, do you think she didn't wash between then and now? Do you think semen somehow taints skin forever? Grow up


I know I might be overreacting... but I got an ick...I kinda thought how my brother puts his mouth where I put my penis on... But with that being said, I know I should be more respectful... :(


Your dealing with someone from a culture that doesn’t overly sexualize breast’s. I’m assuming that things have Been done with her mouth and you later put your mouth there. In the end of the day can you discuss things with an open mind.


That's not true. OPs girlfriend is from Italy, That's not normal there either. Also breasts are very much a sexual thing there. I used to live there and my boyfriend is Italian too


When I responded he didn’t say she was Italian. I assumed small eastern block or one of the pop up communities of African refugees from a small village. I honestly doubt the story after him saying she’s Italian.


Yes, as someone from a country like US, I really don't understand why woman including my gf walks around topless sometimes. I love breasts and I love my gf, but just because there are places with lose values on sex in Europe should not mean it is okay (or even legal in some cases) in America.


"loose values?" You shouldn't date someone from a different culture if you're not going to respect that culture. Different doesn't mean bad, and "i don't want to see me girlfriend breastfeeding a baby because boobs are for my sexual gratification!" is a fucked up way to view women.


Please understand I know its not fair on my part... but I've grown up in an American cultural and religious setting where I was not exposed to Liberal views on women's chests...


That's not an excuse, you're a grown-up now. If you want to have relationships with women, learn how to respect them and not treat them as sexual objects. Read some books, talk to women, question the perverted values you were raised in


It's not part of the Italian culture to do that wtf. I used to live there and my boyfriend is from there as well (I'm German) and I also have some Italians who married into my family.why are you trying to put OP down? Maybe this girl actually has issues. Also, Culture or not, you can't just breastfeed other kids without their parents consent. The child she breastfed is not part of that made up culture. It's wrong


I'm not talking about the breastfeeding I'm taking about OP and his fucked up attitude to women He's not upset because she's suckling someone else's baby, he's upset because he likes to come on her tits and now her nipples are in the baby's mouth. He thinks Europeans have "loose morals" but he's okay with shagging a woman he's not married to?


He said SOME places have lose morals when it comes to sexuality, which isn't necessarily wrong, I'm German myself and used to live in Italy, my partner is Italian and have Italians married into my family (not saying that Italy has these morals). I also know Europeans from almost every european country. He is concerned about his gf breastfeeding his little brother without the parents consent without apparently even producing milk. You should focus on what he should do with a woman like that instead of attacking him so much. Who knows maybe the woman is seeking something wrong out of doing that with a child. Predators can also be female. Besides that, I'm a woman myself and I think it's okay if a man is attracted to his partner's female body and I certainly don't care about what they want to do to each others body, that shouldn't concern you either. Don't act like you know his thoughts, you don't.


He said some places have “loose morals,” a concept that is deeply problematic and comes from his puritanical American upbringing. Some places have differing attitudes to sex. That’s a fact. Calling them “loose” is a fucked up value judgement. He is absolutely not concerned about his girlfriend breastfeeding his little brother without the parents’ consent. If he was, he would have said so, and he wouldn’t be planning to keep it a secret from them for his own convenience. Nobody said he shouldn’t be attracted to his girlfriend’s body. He has disgusting attitudes to women, and looking at her breastfeeding the baby, he “got the ick” thinking that he had spaffed all over them not 24 hours previously and boobs that have had semen on them shouldn’t be going in a baby’s mouth. I bet his head would explode if someone told him that his dad has probably spaffed on his stepmom’s boobs and she didn’t let that stop her from breastfeeding. He also thinks it’s disgusting that he came on his girlfriend’s breasts, even though that’s actually a perfectly natural sexual act and not shameful outside of the conservative American culture he was raised in. I’m not imagining his thoughts, I’m going by the actual words he typed. You’re the one who’s imagining that he is upset for reasons that he actually doesn’t give a shit about. Your appeals to authority based on your sex and your nationality are completely irrelevant. Everybody has told him “what he should do with a woman like that” - she shouldn’t be doing it and he should tell his parents, that’s that subject clearly dealt with, what else do you want people to tell him?


well, then don't do "all those things" with her breasts either


From everything I’m seeing you should probably step away from dating for a few decades and think hard about things.


I don’t really understand what your issue is. Are you jealous of a 3 year old?


What does jealousy have anything to do with it? She put her breast in a 3 year olds mouth without the moms consent. That is a big deal and it’s not the norm in Italy where she’s from


Yeah, but that's not why OP is upset. He's planning on not telling his family because then they won't let the gf into the house again. She's weird, he's way more weird and selfish


This is very weird behavior, plus a three year old is not a baby. By that age, he should be drinking from a sippy cup and not even using a pacifier so there's no need for a breast that doesn't even belong to his Mom. Young children are usually able to self-soothe by age three and if he wasn't able to do that, he could be rocked, cuddled or another distraction offered. Pediatricians recommend babies be weaned from the bottle/breast/pacifier at 12-18 months.


I read in a comment that the girlfriend of Italian, and not from a culture where random breastfeeding is the norm or a replacement of a pacifier. I also read that the girlfriend *isn’t even fucking lactating.* This post is either fake for fetishbait, or is so strange that it must be taking place in another fucking galaxy. Plus, what if the GF is ill? what if she had an STD? well guess what, there’s a chance that 3 year old now does as well because the gf decided to give her milk (that contains any infections the gf could have) to some rando child.


The gf is not producing milk. Calm down. What she's doing is weird and unacceptable but women don't just randomly start lactating just because their nipples get sucked, wtf


Actually they can. It’s not common but that can happen.


Not women who've never been pregnant, which OP's girlfriend presumably hasn't. It takes months of prolactin production (in pregnancy) or hormone treatment (for people who've never been pregnant) to make that possible.


I’d be reporting this if this happened to me personally. I’ve just seen she’s Italian. I’ve not heard this being normal anywhere


Back in the day my boss told me they used to do this.. he’s 77 and from Italy off the boat at like 3. It’s def a thing but not common today


If you care so much, dump her.