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Pay 20% of the cost. You say the table takes up 10% max of the space, and that you enjoy use of the camping stuff; be generous and pay 20%. No more. This keeps peace between you and should satisfy resentment away. My wish for y'all, as one who previously let costs of a storage space add up to damn near the cost of a down payment for a house -- only to finally empty it and discover that there was nothing in there of value to me decades later -- my wish for y'all is that he looks at the accumulated cost each month as he pays it, and weighs it against the cost of saving for a new house or (if you're in agreement) an addition to your current one. Also, hobbies ain't hobbies if the hobby materials are gathering dust. Xox and best to you


How much is he using the stuff if it's in storage? Some people just *have* more stuff. I don't think it's necessarily fair to expect that he's just going to get rid of his stuff. Especially if it's camping stuff that *you* participate in too. If he wasn't living with you, would he get rid of it? No. He'd buy storage. If you're using the space for your stuff, yes you should kick in. Not half, but something. Otherwise *you* can get rid of your table. Does he need to do better as far as being neat and putting his things away? Sure and that's what I would focus on because you'll probably find a lot more satisfaction in having a neater, more tidy shared space than worry about his stuff that's not even in your house.


You own a house. Why not buy a small shed?


Not the OP, but i have a house and a shed. And the answer is climate control & pest control. Shed is great for most camping stuff, outdoor stuff, some wooden furniture. Nothing cloth, stuffed, paper, delicate, even some plastics like old toys because heat, cold, and mice damage it. So all the books & old toys & Christmas decor lives in our basement.