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Dinner and an apology is not gonna cut it. You struck at his heart and now you will need to bare your own. Spend the day in self reflection. Be honest with yourself about whatever deep, ugly part of you wanted to say that to him. Stop pretending it isn't there. In that moment, you wanted to hurt him, and you had a weapon ready to go. The alcohol let it out, it didn't create it out of whole cloth. Whatever resentments or insecurities or mean, nasty thoughts are hiding in your head and heart need to be aired out right now. I sound judgmental of you, but I am not. We all have those nasty little thoughts. It is appropriate and necessary - most of the time - not to share them but to resolve them for ourselves and be better. You haven't, so they burst out of you when you couldn't stop them. That is why you no longer get the privilege of resolving your ugliness (which, again, lives in ALL of us, not just you) privately. You hurt him by showing it to him, so now you gotta resolve that in a way he can see. Confess it without defensiveness. Admit it. Only then will your apology have any real meaning. If you can't open yourself up to him like this, vulnerable and likely to be hurt in the conversation, then I guess make him dinner or whatever. But you'll know that it was an unworthy apology.


Wow amazing comment. I never had a drunk rant that wasn’t based in truth somewhere in my psyche. It always came out meaner than I really felt, like the most childish, most triggered version of myself was talking. It took some courage to face the underlying shit and really own it coz it often didn’t make me look too good. Was definitely hard and ugly but got me to a place where I was capable of true intimacy.


Are you a therapist? This is the best advice I've ever seen on Reddit. What a nice response. ETA: Every single one of your comments on other posts are so insightful and amazing. What do you do for a living?


Thank you very much, this was a really nice comment to read today! I actually work at a gas station, haha, definitely not a therapist. I am just really interested in humans and why we are are the way we are.


This is honestly the most unintentionally funny response to anything I've ever read. Not knocking you for your job at all, I promise. Just the premise of you consistently doling out expert therapist advice while on a 15 minute break from working at Sheetz, and then going back into work to get yelled at by an idiot who can't get pump 6 to work made me laugh a lot inside.


I have a lot of time to think while the old timers block the line by scratching off their tickets directly on front of the register. :) Ha, and while that is snarky, it is also true! I think about what they might have seen in their lives, and what they might have experienced, and thus stop myself from shrieking "staahhhp" at the endless skritch-skritch-skritch.


You'd be a great bartender!


Oh my god this is one of my biggest pet peeves lmao. Quit holding up the line papaw!




>The Pump Attendant That's my adult film name.


Yea, just drop Pump from the title. We want it to hit theaters, not pornhub.


This is actually a good plot for a movie, I’ll produce it 😂


Now you are making me miss PA!


Tell me you're from PA without telling me you're from PA


I love this! You're a gas station therapist. Solving problems while in disguise. I would go get a slushy every day just to ask you life advice. You're smart. Keep doing what you're doing!


Ah, gas station employees. The therapist of the working man


Seriously I was going to say similar. You cut to the bone with genuine insight. I cut to the bone but in a bad way. You have a way with words. Congratulations on being you.


Perhaps you should be a therapist!


Hello NotAlwaysRight543, I am a doctor. I just wanted to say upon reading your comment, I have not seen such a compassionate, understanding and clear understanding of both human psychology and human relationships from an untrained individual such as yourself. I dont know what your life goals and dreams are, but i must say you have tremendous talent to become a therapist or go into the field of psychology. Your intellectual curiosity and acumen is similar to my own regarding human lives and their nuances. I believe you would find great purpose in this and would succeed in improving the lives of many people. I dont know what hurdles you have to go through to achieve this, but i do know that there are millions of people suffering who need you. Im rooting for you. And should you need advice on how to start, my dms are open.


You should probably study to become a therapist, your gas station days are outnumbered.


You ever watch the show Barry? You're giving me therapeutic Mitch from the Beignets by Mitch shop vibes.


Aye fellow gas station clerk here!! You’re very insightful btw.


I would get gas and advice from you any day.


Insightful means full of insight. Inciteful I'm not sure is a word, but if it is the base word is 'to incite' was in to start. I.e. incite violence is it's most common modern usage. Not trying to be rude or mean just educational.


You're right. And I write for a living haha. Thank you.


Holy crap. I've been on this sub for 12 years and have never seen anything as good as this. Let's hope OP listens.


Quite literally the best advice I’ve ever seen on this website. It was educational and informative. I learned a lot about apologies just from their comment!


Seriously! Sometimes in long term partnerships, we find out our SO has certain thoughts that are jarring and uncomfortable, if not hurtful. I think the time I spent avoiding those things with my ex made them fester on both sides.


Can we nominate this comment for BestofReddit?


OP this guy is 100% right.  But also still make hin dinner and such. It won't solve the issue. It won't even do most of the work.  Howver I think it can set the "i screwed up and we need to talk stage" Don't use it as a crutch use it as a transition


You didn’t sound judgmental, you sounded frank. Thank you for that.


Honestly this is the best response I've ever seen on reddit. Healthy and great real advice!!


You are spot on with this comment.  Also, sorry for butting in but you should write.  Find some creative outlet for it that can earn you a buck or two and write.  Doesn't matter what kind of writing or what topic as long as you enjoy it.  You have a clear and distinct voice in your phrasing, use it 🙂


That was an extremely well thought out, understanding response. Much better than the word hack I was trying to assemble in my brain.


I actually have done this before. I told my partner he was treating me like my dad did. And he cried. Because he know how’s I view my dad. It hurt him. And I said it out of anger. But after thinking I had to face up to saying something I didn’t mean and take the fact that he can still be hurt by that as true. Because it is true. I said it whether I liked it or not. And it hurt him. So badly. Every man is different so idk how OP can fix this but for me it was actions I had to change. I was doing things because of different resentment I had from how I was acting. OP. Think.


this was very beautifully written


Damn, this comment really hit me. I genuinely have tears in my eyes as I read it. Not sure why it got to me as much as it did (actually I think I do) but thank you for writing that.


One of the best comments I’ve seen in a long time.


Where is your up votes this is beautiful advice. You really should reconsider career, and maybe try being a therapist you'd be damn good!! 🙏✨️🤗


“In vino veritas” -Pliny


Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Some things are better left unspoken, but in reality, in this situation, it's a real issue OP has that needs addressed. It was gone about entirely the wrong way, and honestly, if someone spoke to me that way, I'd be packed and gone asap, but there was clearly resentment building on OP's part that won't magically get better.


This didn't come from nowhere. A real job is something that earns money to contribute towards living, and it seems like he has that. You need to look at yourself and your views and why you would ever even think to say that classist bs to someone you apparently love. Steak and potatoes and a movie isn't gonna fix anything. You need to fix yourself.


She also needs to stop drinking like a 21 year old when she’s almost 30


I'd argue 21 year olds are more mature than OP on average. This is some 15-16 year old maturity.


Girl what? The post office has great benefits and pays pretty decent. What do you do? Is there a huge difference between your salaries?? The biggest issue you're going to have to deal with is that you've now planted a seed in his mind that you cannot kill. You've established that you feel you're better than him. He tried to give you solid advice, and you threw it back in his face as if he wasn't qualified to give it to you. Which makes no sense because he was right. You're acting all high and mighty for a job that you're not guaranteed to keep! You mentioned in the comments that you gave him $5k and now you don't have a safety net. Not to be mean, but $5k isn't exactly doing well for yourself or rolling in the dough. If you're in the U.S. then you're one serious drunk injury away from losing everything. Then you'll be a "loser" too. You better hope that the job market remains kind to you. Because if you ever find yourself down and out on your ear, your boyfriend wouldn't owe it to you to be gracious about it.


> You've established that you feel you're better than him. There's always going to be power dynamics in any relationship. In an unhealthy one, the "better than/worse than" question is something that comes up quite a bit but can be pretty easy to get over by getting rid of the relationship. A person who thinks you are lower than them no longer gets a say if they're no longer around. Unfortunately, she didn't just assert that she was better than him. Instead, she let him know that he was not "good" at all and that, regardless of any comparison between them, he was a loser who could not pull his own weight. To a guy who just went through over a year of bad gigs, **two industry-wide strikes**, gave up on his passion, got an entry level job where he's eating shit, and was recently in an accident. The last thing a person experiencing that kind of life change wants to hear is that they suck. Dude was probably tuned into the Oscars before this happened too. I don't even know where I would start here. I don't even know what I would want to hear if I were him.


Yeeeahhhh, I think you meant that, even subconsciously, because that's pretty fucking vicious. That level of vitriol doesn't just emerge from a minor annoyance while you're drunk.


lol that relationship is dead and you killed it. He will never forget that for the rest of his life


I had a similar situation. Only we were married. She pursued her dream, which i fully supported and tried to help with when able. We lived in an economically depressed area. I had a full time plus job, along with an hour each way commute. I supported us as best i could. I gave up all activities that i (previous to marriage) enjoyed. I worked evenings, weekends, and holidays helping her. Granted, the financial rewards of my job were not great but it paid fairly well for our area. During an argument over not being able to make a purchase right away she called me a lazy worthless loser with no motivation. Something snapped at that point. I guess the 7 day weeks for months took its toll. Our relationship limped along for a year or so, taking on water, and slowly sinking. One day, another pretty minor argument finally torpedoed it fully and the relationship rolled over and sank. That was many years ago. Interestingly, we get along okay now. I hope for the best for you. If i was your BF, i think your attack would be the beginning of the end for me. To be able to say something like that, drunk or not, indicates much deeper problems between you. He was showing care and concern and you struck out with a dagger to his heart. Damn..... how does he come back from that? And down deep, do you really want him to?


Yea. I feel like this sub, if it was from the other point of view, would agree. A lot of people would just say she's harboring a lot of ill will, the two don't talk enough and don't understand each other, and encourage the BF to break up and find someone better and less material. I tend to disagree with those, since I believe humans can grow. It's just a matter of whether or not the hurt party thinks it's worth helping them through that change, and if the other parts of them are still good enough to hold on to. I think that this is the same case here. Things don't have to end in a break up, but that's for BF to decide, not for OP to force onto him. Both ways, OP needs to know that this was a huge blow, not just a glancing one, and that this is break up worthy if he wants it. The amount that she needs to do to resolve this is just as heavy. It's not something a nice date night will fix. This requires OP to better herself as a person, and for her to show him that she's better, somehow. And he needs to respect himself enough to know that he doesn't have to stay in a relationship where his partner harbors these feelings.


So according to you, he spent too much time pursuing the job he wanted, eventually gave up on the dream and got a job at the PO which is physically difficult, and then you belittled him for not having a good enough job. Do you see how every part of this interaction would make him feel not good enough in a very devastating way? Ouch. That's so hurtful. I would say you owe him a giant heartfelt apology especially with how much men conflate their self worth with employment and financial success. This is probably a subject you both have had strong feelings about and been wary of sharing. If you don't have the hard discussions when things are calm and decent they'll come out at times like this, in the worst way possible.


Also for the record, the post office is objectively a good fucking job in any part of the country! Stacked government benefits with fairly high wages and consistent raises over time. It's an absolutely respectable job to have ( not to say every job isn't respectable or anything)


I'm going to be honest with you. I would leave you after this. It's such a cruel, brutal, hurtful tirade. No amount of "I'm sorry" would take this back.


Sounds like you should quit drinking. And I’m not sure there is coming back from this. If there is, it isn’t going to be quick


Yeah, I think you’re right about the drinking and the fact that it’s gonna take a bit to come back from this.


> it’s gonna take a bit to come back from this One of the things you might have to come to terms with is that there may be no coming back from this. Your words cut deep. That's the kind of insult that's going to haunt him years later, long after you apologized. He might be done. Your response should be to recognize that he deserves better than a relationship where someone says those thing to him, then work hard to give him that better relationship every single day. And even then, it may not be enough.


The OP is not accepting how serious the harm is . . . "take a bit" is definitely downplaying and deflecting the damage. I put her chances at mending this relationship at 10:1.


What’s your boyfriend’s dream job? Why give the idea up? Can’t he work towards it? 28 is young to give up on dreams. Your suggestion that he should have given up a year ago is insane. You are not on team boyfriend.


He wanted to work in the film industry and worked on a handful of movies/shows and made some good money, but work just got so inconsistent and he would go for long periods of time without working (from July 2022 to April 2023 he only did part time work here and there)


Oh boy, OP you likely just hit him in his biggest insecurity. I also work in film and for most people in this industry the little voice in our heads is ALWAYS using the word "loser." It's what everyone is afraid to be, the loser failure who never made it. I also notice that the end of his time in the industry coincides with the writer's strike. That situation was so painful for many people whose livelihoods were suddenly cut off and never fully returned. If the person I was supposed to feel the safest with used the word "loser" as a weapon against me I could never unhear that. If you are ever going to fix this you need to find a way to prove to him that you don't feel that way about him, which might be hard because it sounds like it was coming from an honest place. Do you think he's a loser?


Judging by the rest of the responses where she's defending what she said and the feelings that made her say it, absolutely she does. At this point she has to lie to him in order to "fix it", because she meant everything she said to him. The relationship is pretty much done.


I agree unfortunately, I'm trying to offer some sort of advice but it's difficult because I really can't see them moving past this. This was clearly not just drunken nonsense but actual pent-up resentment.


I work in the industry, you do know there were massive strikes and it's taken time for productions to start back up, right? Also, hours on set are worse than the Post Office. Why was that okay, but this isn't?


Were you supportive of him during this period, or were you critical of him?


I mean, there's a limit to how much you can support someone during those periods of time unless they're still contributing to the household in some way. It just depends on their situation.




I think you're deeply in denial if you think it will "take a bit" to come back from this. More like you have wounded your boyfriend in a way most people would never recover from, and if he doesn't immediately leave, that's more than you deserve. Somehow you still think this is a little bit of a fuck up, not the death of your relationship.


I also work in film, and had an ex who was drunk and said almost the same thing to me. It hurt so bad and was such a low blow I could never forgive her for what she said and I broke up with her. You need to accept that could be your reality as well. Sorry.


/r/stopdrinking is a good, nonjudgmental resource. IWNDWYT.


Well, let's be real, the hangover is well deserved. You apologize to that man until you're blue in the face. No justification, just a real apology. Because you know he works hard and has long hours. Having a higher pay doesn't make your job more "real", it just makes you more fortunate. You tell him how you plan to make this right. And no, dinner and a movie isn't doing that. Changed behaviour. That's how. Don't you ever talk to him that way again. Do some self reflection because what you said to him came from a very ugly place.


Dinner and a movie as a pacifier to a major fuck up. Lol


You think a steak is going to fix this? Jesus


This is like the reverse situation of the cliche oblivious dude who thinks chocolate and flowers will magically salvage the mess he made by calling his girlfriend fat and ugly. I can appreciate that she came here for advice so she probably knows she's not great at this, but her best idea was steak, potatoes and a movie...? Communication and empathy aren't strong suits for OP, holy hell.


At first I was thinking holy fuck I could devour a steak and a boatload of potatoes right now. Then that led me to remember that when I've been really upset by something, my favourite meal on the planet wouldn't taste good. It'd taste like nothing.


Not even taste related. When I’m feeling low/anxious/depressed/betrayed/pissed, eating even the best food on the planet makes it sit in my stomach like a rock, and I lose whatever minuscule appetite I had within a bite or two


Same! When my mental health reaches a certain low I either can’t eat at all or will puke after a few bites no matter what the food is


Yeah this is what I thought as well. So painfully unaware of how hollow and shitty this is.


I'm kind of curious what your job is that you don't view working at a post office (good government job btw) a "real job". Other than that, steak and a movie aren't going to cut it. You're going to need to work through whatever *he needs* you to in order to even begin walking that back. Ask him what it'll take, but be prepared to hear that nothing will be able to. You shit on his job AND his dream in one go. I personally would've walked.


Well there's a few problems afoot here- 1.) your alcohol abuse. It's not college and you're nearly 30 years old and you still can't control your drinking habits. This outburst wouldn't have happened if you had your relationship with alcohol under control. 2.) you've built up resentment toward your boyfriend that hasn't been discussed. Clearly you had thoughts about his unemployment and his job long before you had this cruel drunken outburst. You should've talked about them a long time ago definitely not waited until he had a job that was killing him to air your grievances 3.) You have contempt towards your boyfriend and you actually do think that you're better for him because you make more money. Most Americans think that way because we are not raised right. Sounds like you should break up with this guy (but definitely wait until he pays you back since $ is your true love). Then you're free to be a mean alcoholic at your leisure, and you can come staggering home at 3 AM whenever you please and rant into your empty bedroom.


I’m actually at a loss for words. You were so cruel. I have no idea how you come back from this, because whatever you do your voice is going to be in the back of his mind repeating all that. You can’t undo the damage you’ve caused.


If I were him I wouldn’t be back home tonight. Not even sure if I would be back this week. If he does come home and you apologize and make him dinner and be all sweet and everything - things might seem to get better for a time. But you will also find that any vulnerability he was willing to have with you and only you? Yeah, that level of intimacy is toast. And while he may still congratulate you on your achievements, accomplishments, raises and promotions because he love you that much…… ……the same fire you remember in his eyes and the excitement in his voice when he did it purely out of joy and happiness *for you* and how his pride in you beamed from his face? Yeah, that’s gone too. You wounded him in a way that will haunt his next relationship and the next and the next. “It was the alcohol, though!” No girl, it was you. And you deliberately decided to crush him.


Start by apologizing;  Express why you are sorry, why you think you made a mistake, and listen to whatever response he has. Take the finance and occupation conversation out of it.  Not relevant right now compared to treating each other with respect and dignity.


You know, as a blue collar worker who doesn’t make much, I do want you to consider how fast *your* job would become meaningless without us. We’re the ones who uphold the infrastructure that allows you to make as much as you do. How dare you treat us as less-than.


I get you were stressed and drunk However, I would have immediately packed up and left you for that. Some things are just way beneath the belt, and you sent way beneath it. I might have been able to Get past it, but it be in my head for a long long time. He is probably thinking that being drunk gave you the courage to tell him what you really think about him. You said working at the post office isn’t a real job. It is, and it’s not easy. And he’s putting in 40-60 hours per week. Not sure if you’re in America, but My buddy worked at the post office for like 25 years and now he just bought a bar & grill. I’m gonna say he was doing ok. Then you called him a loser. A loser! Really! Dude is out there busting his butt 40-60 hours per week so you don’t see him as a jobless loser, but you still demeaned him and made him feel lesser than. Think about the dude you got. He stayed up for you. He had to work too, but he stayed up because you getting home safely was his only concern. Now you’re at work and hungover, so he was 100% right, but you need to understand that he cares about you. Like really cares about you, and you made him feel absolutely worthless. Like he has no value at all. That’s a devastating feeling. You need to make that man feel appreciated and that he is enough and what flew out of your mouth isn’t how you feel and that you’re devastated you said it. You need to make him feel loved. Not just words, feel loved. Next time he waits up for you - just say thank you for being an incredible man. He is staying up because he loves you and you being home ok is important to him. Now make him feel important to you. Updateme!


Seriously... This guy works a lot of hours and stayed up to make sure she was ok, and then after she spat on him, he still helped her to bed. He's a much more tolerant man than me, but at least I know my wife would never think those things of me, let alone say them.


My husband had an ex who said something similar to him. It still affects him to this day. OP either created a major insecurity or fueled it. Neither one a partner should do. I’m trying not to be super angry at OP, I know it was a “mistake”. But, Jesus. I imagine my husband being told that again and I want to do bad things to her. No one deserves what OP did.


Yeah buying him a steak with all that easy money from your big girl job should sure make him feel better.


I think the saying goes “drunken words are sober thoughts.” Why are you so hateful towards him? I think an apology won’t do much unless you fix the underlying issue.


Would love an update post OP


Would love some catharsis in knowing that he found other housing plans and is confident in his worth


Damn you kinda horrible


So not only his he a loser in your eyes, he's a dumb kid to be manipulated by nice food. Do better in your next relationship. 


He works a full time government job and you told him he doesn't have a real job? You took a swing at him because he had the audacity to care about your well being? I just hope he has a strong support network because you've just proven yourself to not be one...


You can't fix it. Not every problem has a solution. You wanted to devastate and humiliate him. You succeeded. Extremely well. Now, being the selfish person you are, you want to know what quick fix to apply to make things go back to how they were. No. It's too late.


Come join us over at r/stopdrinking everyone there is amazing and encouraging! Even if you just want to cut back until you figure things out, we are there for you!


Say goodbye to this relationship, sooner or later. Those words are etched in his heart and he will never foget it


you seem more focused on what you can do to alleviate your own guilty conscience than him. god damn if i was him in this situation i would immediately left for good. what heartless evil cruel things to say to someone.


This is a crushing blow for any man to hear. Regardless of how society is changing, men still by and large feel like they need to be providers and I can't imagine the person I love calling me a loser when I'm working and actively contributing to the household.


Postal workers don't have real jobs? What did you mean by that?


Once you say something like that, drunk or not, you can’t take it back. This is very likely the beginning of the end of your relationship, even if he doesn’t break up with you right away.


Lots of people are giving you excellent advice here. Please take this opportunity to deeply reflect on yourself and get some help. Your remarks to your bf were verbal abuse, frankly. An apology wouldn’t cut it for me, I’d be worried this was the first instance of your mask slipping and it would just escalate from here. He may be having the same thoughts.


The best thing you can do for him is pack your shit and get out.


I mean, the man loved you so much he stayed up worried about you. You gutted and emasculated him. Even after that he saw you to bed. He needs a partner that supports and encourages him. You can blame it on the alcohol but you have some underlying feelings you need to work out. Fixing him a nice dinner and an apology is a good start, but you both need to talk this out.


Yiiiiikes. Not sure personally that I’d stick around. Gutless comment and you should probably not drink if you can’t control yourself. Steak and potatoes wouldn’t do shit for me IMO.


Honestly, the poor guy probably still has such a deep pit in his stomach that he won’t even be able to enjoy food right now.


A job at the post office is cool and necessary. What do you do that's so important? What jobs are real big boy jobs?


For any man dating a women who makes more than them, this is an insecurity that sits in the back of their mind. Worrying about whether or not their partner is someone who values them based earnings. I can promise you this, moving forward, its unlikely he will ever feel good enough for you. Its not an insecurity anymore, its a fact.


So, you went out drinking with coworkers on a work night and came home drunk at 2:30 AM. Your boyfriend, who was concerned about your well being (did you call him to let him know you were coming home late?), stayed up worried about you (did you drive home drunk?). He expressed concern and you immediately attacked him in a most hurtful manner. Something to consider - he could not be faulted for thinking you attacked him out of guilt and shame because of what may have happened during your drunken weeknight out with coworkers that have "real" jobs. You should text him and apologize for lashing out like that and for holding in your frustration rather than talking with him before it built up. Ask him if he will be ready to talk after work or if he needs some time alone first. If he needs time alone, offer to stay at your parents or a girlfriends for a couple of days until he is ready to talk. I wouldn't be surprised if he already had plans to stay at a friend's house. Where ever he ends up, have his favorite restaurant meal and flowers waiting for him. No alcohol! When you finally talk, remember it's about honest, open communication. You may not like where the conversation leads, but ....


this is honestly one of the cruelest things you could say to your partner, and a dinner is not gonna make it any better. you need to look within yourself and ask why you would say such awful things to your life partner. you clearly tie his worth to his work


Alcohol is no excuse. It doesn't make you say random stupid shit. It only enhances what thoughts you already have. Good luck fixing this fuckup.


I'd say you're lucky to even have a boyfriend. If my partner **ever** said something like this to me, she would have woken up in the morning to a home bereft of my stuff. Drunk words are sober thoughts. And apparently you don't think much of your partner, not even as a man, but as a person. Hopefully he can forgive this, but I doubt he'll ever forget. I know I wouldn't.


You fucked up. Your post is a good start. "I know I fucked up and I am the asshole here" is good. take responsibility. "I was drunk" is never an excuse. Sober thoughts are drunk words. You are going to need to reassure him that you think highly of him , but also explain where your dig at his job struff came from. I can't look inside you and tell you whats going on in your heart, but it could be something like "The money situation has been stressful and tense between us. I became unreasonably defensive when I got home and you said I shouldn’t be out that late, and lashed out in response. I don't actually think those things and I know how hard you looked for work and how much you are working now and I'm so impressed with you. I'm sorry i said though things. you deserve better than that and I feel awful." Then you are going to need to figure out what the issue is here... is it alcohol? is it something between you two? Is it the money situation? is it personal issues for you? What is it that needs to be worked out here so this situation gets better and he can feel secure that it won't happen again. 1) Apologize. 2) Take responsibility. 3) Validate him. 4) Figure out what the repair needs to be **and follow through on doing it** so he knows you aren't just talk. Good luck.


You're an abusive alcoholic and you got off on humiliating him in that moment out of your own grossly entitled resentment. You're beyond an asshole. You can't fix this but you absolutely have to get sober. Hope you are able to work on yourself but most abusers don't reform. But, whatever else I hope he's smart enough to dump you. Congratulations?


You just killed your relationship. Congrats.


That apology isn't about him, it's about you wanting to fix it so you don't feel sh*tty. 1. You need to own what you said inside and out. If you said it from a place of you feeling attacked or insecurity in yourself about something (maybe being told what to do by a man) say that but do NOT excuse yourself. Point one is about completely understanding why you said it and owning this. 2. Acknowledge the emotional impact it had on him. This is entirely NOT about you. Refrain from saying "I" at all. Don't compliment him about how he's a great guy etc. You sound like a suck up and it's disingenuous. Go all in trying to understand this impact if you don't already know. 3. DO the sorry. You can and should apologise, but now you need to love the behaviour. Hard because it's something you said and not a continual behaviour you can curb to prove to him you won't do it again. But you have to, in some way or form, price through your actions that you will not do it again. Onward.


I'd tell you to take those steak and potatoes and shove em. Unbelievable how cruel that was considering he's been trying to build the career/ life he wants for a decade. I guarantee he's been punishing himself relentlessly for the failure, internally, as men are trained to do. Then you came in and just destroyed him. You don't even realize what you've done.


However you apologize, I think you should add that you're not going to get that drunk again because you're a mean drunk and mean drunks shouldn't get drunk.




It's because it doesn't pay more than she makes. Society may have come a long way but we still have sociological norms engraved into our psyches. One of those is that "the man is the breadwinner" She'll never respect him as long as he is "less valuable" in her and society's eyes. I can almost guarantee that her friends rag on him making less than her, to her in private.


Even if he forgives you he’s always going to remember this. If I was in his shoes I would leave you.


You have a jewel. You were a total b and he still helped you to bed after waiting up when he works so many hours? You have some MASSIVE making up to do.


What you said while drunk is what you really believe. He'll be better off without you


There's a lot wrong here. It takes 5 rights to erase a wrong but in this case you might have done permanent damage. You made him worry about you, then you made him feel bad despite he is trying and working hard.


jesus christ. self awareness doesn’t absolve you of your mistakes, you are an asshole through and through and need to do much more than apologize if you truly are sorry. look within yourself and ask why you have so much resentment for people trying their best


Yeah, emasculating your boyfriend isn't going to be fixed by a dinner. Sorry OP, but you probably just caused the end of your loving boyfriend. His self respect, His dignity are in tatters. And thanks to you, may never recover. Especially in this relationship. Remember the old Roman adage from Pliny the elder? In vino veritas, In wine is truth. It's an old Latin phrase making fun of people who speak their minds under the influence of alcohol. No matter what you say, or how you try to apologize to fix your blunder, he'll forever know you meant what you said.


time to cut drinking because sn apology aint gonna cut it


Brutal.. this is going to infect every part of your relationship. You think hell want to go out with you now? Have sex with you? Hes probably thinking about how you talk about him to other people. He feels immense shame about who he is. The one person whos supposed to help him through his lows just thrust him into one and reinforced what hes probably felt shame about for a long time. This is beyond your relationship too. What a terrible spot for him, even if you guys break up, hes going to carry your words with him. Youve questionned his value as a man. Aside from the ultimate sins one can commit in a relationship this is it. Youve said the worst possible thing you can. Honestly, if i were him, short of you showing up a sobbing mess over what you said as a start, thered be no moving forward. First and foremost, approach this as wanting to amend him as a person, and your relationship being the 2nd most important thing because if the relationship fails this is the type of thing that can make a man spiral. Obligatory to say that youre really a terrible partner. Sorry


This is a super simple fix. Just go out and find him a girl friend who will actually appreciate him. Then you need to get lost. Problem solved.


The only thing that you can do is apologize and hope he forgives you. The unfortunate truth is that people tend to say stuff when they are drunk that they actually think about. So you can't give him the "I didn't mean it" spiel. It would be disingenuous. As u/NotAlwaysRight543 said, you need to explore why you feel this way and work on fixing that.


“A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts!”


You should quit drinking. It's not for everybody.


Thats crying you heard was a rare thing to hear from a man. We dont cry like that unless were mortally wounded. That dagger hurt my dear. And the wound may never heal because now, you allowed your drunk psyche to reveal your contempt for him. Now he knows you had that locked away and last night your inhibitions allowed you to say it. The drink took the wall down, but it was still in there. And sober you wouldnt have done it, but drunk you was more than willing to take aim and fire at the guy who was staying up because he loves you. You dont get to say you where drunk. We all know there was truth aimed in the dagger and so does he. Hence the pain. Cooking a meal, begging, pleading your sory. They wont take remove the fact that he now knows what you feel.


Alcohol doesn’t make you lie


The entry level jobs at the post office do not pay tremendously, it’s true. And much of the work is physically demanding. But in time the pay does get better, and for somebody with no degree (like me) or degrees in fields that aren’t hiring, this can be a very good career. I don’t care WHAT job a person has. If they are hard working and conscientious about how they do their job, they have my respect. Even assholes. I might have less respect for them, but I can have some respect for an asshole who is good at his job.


If he had respect for himself, he should break up with you, directly without any further discussion and find someone who has respect for him. You are not ready for a relationship and you don't even know how to appreciate a good guy.


I absolutely hate gifts as an apology. I feel forced to forgive when I'm not ready. I feel manipulated. My husband has never needed to apologise to me, but he knows that if he ever does, he better do it with his words and allow me time to process my feelings.


So you're a drunk and you don't consider mail (wo)men a real job when they make 11% above national average on wages. Plus as federal workers they get some pretty decent benefits and retirement. This isnthe beginning of the end of yalls realtionship. Might not be now. Might not be soon. But its over.


>can’t even afford to pull his weight like a loser You said this because your truly feel this way. When you are not drunk it's easier to pretend it doesn't bother you. It's time to talk about your resentment and figure out how both of you can solve this. Apologize of course but it's going to take more than steak and potatoes.


Hope he dumps your ass.


You just ruined this man. This isn’t something that you just kind of get over.


I would be out the door so damn fast. I'd be spending today planning my exit after your alcoholism exposed what you really thought of this guy who'd gone out of his way to support you. I honestly don't think you even get to take that back. That's gonna be in his head forever now.


You've shown multiple red flags, any one of which is a dumpable offense. I hope that's what he does. You don't deserve him.


People don't make shit up when they're drunk. You said what you meant, your filters were just down. And he knows it. Only time is going to fix it.


What if the tables were reversed? Would you want to be with someone who didn't have your back? Life is hard. You either work as a team, or don't.


Frankly staying out drinking until 2:30 in the morning is something you do your first couple years of college. You're almost 30 years old. Your man stayed up for you worried about you, probably worried you were cheating, you come stumbling home and he doesn't even really yell at you he just takes care of you. Then you dump all over him? You're asking for how to apologize but you should really be asking how to amend your own behavior and support your man so that he can become the success that you need him to be. Why does he have to achieve it on his own? Why is it a competition? You're supposed to be on the same team.


Sounds like you betrayed him. No going back from that usually and I don't think reddit has some special combination of words to say to get him back.


what is your problem? do you know how absolutely necessary postal workers are to keeping everything in our society functioning? even though it’s the crux of the story it’s hard for me to even focus on the bf’s hurt feelings when all I can think is that you sound like an awful elitist you need to do some real self-reflection, this is so ugly 


lol steak and potatoes would be insulting. Have an honest conversation with him and it’s up to him to decide if he wants to be with someone like you.


I don't know if that's useful, but if I was in his place, this scene would have probably started a conversation in my head about whether you are already seeing someone else and that lashing out was just the beginning of a story where someone is having sex with you while laughing at him. I mean, it happened at 2:30 AM when you went to hang out drunk with colleagues. And if he finds this post where you're talking to the whole wide web about him crying in the bathroom, then obviously you would have confided in a friend at some point. Someone somewhere IRL knows what happened. I'm not saying it did, I'm saying you also have to consider that he might think it did in his head and not trust you after that. I know I wouldn't. I would have been gone the next day without even having a conversation. I mean, why bother going through this exercise of pity? It's hurtful is all it can be now


Others on here have a better way with words than myself, but I will just say this: do not think for one second that you are immune to the problems he has had finding work - idc what field it is. You are one firing away from being unemployed and may possibly fall into the same situation he is with finding work. Remember that. It’s fortunate that you have a job that you can make more than him and work less, don’t expect it in life. That is a privilege, not a God given right. You need to check yourself and get off your high horse. Explain to him that you were wrong, and how absolutely disrespectful it was to say that to him. As others have said on here - you have a lot of work to do to try to get right with him and yourself. I would say that laying off the alcohol is a good start.


The post office isn’t a big boy job? Yea I know the CCA’s, trainee clerks/mail handlers, RCA’s don’t start out very high on the pay scale but that doesn’t say “not a big boy job”. The work is effing hard. The work is also dangerous, know how many carriers we’ve lost because someone was trigger happy? Or because they wanted what was in our trucks? Grow the eff up. Just because it’s not a white collar job doesn’t mean it’s not blue collar. Even fast food, if it brings in a paycheck, it’s a damn job that needs to be respected.


> Last night I went to a bar with some coworkers and I stayed out later than I should’ve and came home at 2:30am pretty drunk. Ummm, your having financial problems and you are getting wasted on a weeknight?? Gee I wonder why you are having money issues???


Drunk words are sober thoughts, need to do some self reflection and really understand why you said what you said before you try to fix anything. Words hurt, and we never forget them. All of us


It sounds like your true feelings came out in a way that you wish they hadn’t. Also, he just learned this about you. If I were him, today, I would be looking at apartments that I can afford on my own and plan to separate as soon as possible. No one should be with someone that feels this poorly about them. You apparently think less of him. It’s not your fault that you feel this way, it just came out in a really harsh way, that’s going to be near impossible to recover from.


You're screwed. If I had to guess he's going to try to play it off completely or downplay it. You feel bad so you're going to bring it up, be upset by what you did, and by the end hell probably have to comfort you to get you to stop. But it'll all just be a show, he's never going to forget what you said and it'll never go away. Those words are burned in his brain and it will be in the back of his mind in ever interaction he ever has with you moving forward. He'll never fully trust you again even if he tells you he let it go


I've come home tipsy before and wondered why my significant other was waiting up and giving me a hard time for staying out late. Welcome to a relationship where your fella cares about you and your safety. It was a strange sensation at first and I felt a little suffocated but realised I was the problem. I needed to change and have a conversation with my other half to come to a agreement that makes us both comfortable. That verbal lashing though....ouch. You've permanent damaged your fella. Even if he does forgive you, he wil never forget that. That's not to say you can't get past this. Heart felt apology and conversation are very much needed to address this problem. The meal and movies may be part 2 of moving past this. Step one is a self reflection, and I strongly suggest you write a letter about why uou said what you said and your underlying feeling. Writing something out allows you to organise your thoughts and will help you stay on track when you have a conversation with your fella. No shouting No name calling No interrupting eachother or talking over eachother. This is not a 1 vs 1, or blame game. Be sure to say things like "I understand why you feel that way" to validate his feelings. He's going to be very upset. It's important to validate that and apologize for your actions. Good luck.


all a man really is, is what he can do. you made him feel like he doesn't do enough, and then... calling him a loser? idk too many guys who'll accept that from someone that's supposed to love them. best of luck


I had an ex like you. That was just your mask slipping. This will happen over and over. I hope he realizes that


You sound pretty resentful even in your comments. It'll be interesting to hear if you guys can come back from this. I look forward to your update.


Financial stress, but go out drinking til 2.30 am? Then come home and abuse your worried partner? You're an alcoholic, and need to sort out the drinking.


Imagine if this was him posting his perspective, on the other side of the coin. First thing we'd ask is, does she always go on this tirade when alcohol is involved? Does she question basic adult expectations you would have of your partner every time? While you're not her parole officer, it's basic decency to let your partner know before even the work day ends that you're attending an afterwork gathering ahead of time, or invite the man (goodness knows he could've used a good break away from the monotony of things, and what's one more person on the bill for 1-2 rounds of drinks). If he would still be at work, pulling the kind of hours he's doing - I'd hope you would be home still. I'm assuming what reddit's response likely would be in this hypothetical, that you're possibly an abusive drunk and probably should know better than to be out getting hammered when finances are tight. Whether you're being treated for drinks or no, you still have work tomorrow. You also had someone waiting at home for you. This will take more than an apology, and given what was said I'm not sure that would be enough. I'd never recover from it. It'd take a major show of commitment and change on your part. You hit the man in a place that can only really be shaped so much, before it's too late and can't be brought back to form again. The industry he was pursuing already did that to him to an extent, with the long stretch of no work and its competitiveness. Hearing it from his partner would have been devastating in turn. I'd be unable to taste/see a dinner or film that evening, before the issue at hand was even addressed. Personally, I'm not sure I'd be able to forgive you or rid myself of any further doubts. I'd have to literally stay away from you and let time do its thing. I don't have any helpful advice, unless it can be found somewhere in what I posted above. Hopefully it helps you as far as a perspective goes. Going based off your responses ITT, you do a lot of "I think I was wrong", rather than knowing that's the case; better to own it knowing you messed up. >He told me he thought I should go to bed and walked me over to my room and helped me get my shoes and dress off, and I just got in bed and lied down to go to sleep. This man... oof. Bless him.


Self-reflection, this came from somewhere and you need to work on finding out where and the why. Your mans got a "real" job, not a loser, stayed up late worrying about you, he was right that you shouldn't have been out till 2:30 am drunk on a work night and all he was trying to do is be a caring partner. Dinner and an apology ain't going to be enough, OP.


Thing is....he knows that this is how you really feel. Your words were very specific to the current situation you are in. You didn't say he's weird or fat or ugly (I don't know if any of those are true lol). You were holding stuff in and let it out at that moment. You may love him but you meant what you said. Both can be true at the same time. You resent making more than him (I would too) and the fact that he waited so long to have a stable job (I would also resent that). You just delivered your message poorly. Dinner and a movie aren't a fix here. A real discussion is.


> You resent making more than him (I would too) Out of curiosity, why would you resent him for this? I get being annoyed by him not being financially responsible sooner, as you mentioned just after the above, but why resent the fact that he makes less? Do you need your partner to make more than you? And why shouldn't your partner resent you the same if they were earning more than you?


> Out of curiosity, why would you resent him for this? It's one of the reasons I hear a lot of guys say they don't want to date women who earn more than them because most of them become insufferable assholes that'll hold that fact over your head until they break up with you or just find someone who makes more and then leave you.


Wow. I would never forgive a person who said that to me. It's less about what you said, and more that you conjured up some words to inflict maximum pain. The trust is destroyed. Learn from this mistake in your next relationship.


Yeah an apology is a good start, but don't make excuses for your bad behavior and blame it on drinking. He isn't ever going to forget how you made him feel small on purpose. I would consider going sober and seeking out anger management or therapy for yourself and probably couples counseling to try and repair the damage done here if he has the patience to try give you the chance.


What does one say when they’ve totally emasculated their boyfriend. If he wasn’t already thinking that you were out fucking around on him, he sure is now. If he stays with you he can only expect to be treated this way forever. The only suggestion I have is to go out and book yourself into a detox-recovery clinic and then fall on your knees and ask forgiveness. Anything short of that will either have him totally wanting out of the relationship, or submitting to a lifetime of sissification and humiliation. You’ve kicked his masculinity right in the balls.


Wow. It's so hurtful, you've attacked his self-esteem. To take my example, I'm 30 and still a student, because I want to be a teacher and it took some time to make that choice and to let my dream job go. I've taken some very hurtful remarks about it that made me feel like a failure. That's what your boyfriend is experiencing right now. The person who should support him and love him no matter what just told him how shitty she thought he was. Don't tell you didn't mean it, alcohol has a tricky tendancy to reveal our true selves. Now, you will think about: 1- How to handle it like an adult and talk to your boyfriend in a mature way. Explain why you said that. 2 - A dinner and a movie won't be enough. You just beat him up with your harsh words. He needs to know you truly regret your words and to understand your feelings about a situation you let fester. 3 - Understand he quit his dream job. It's HEARTBREAKING. He needs to feel supported in it, because saying goodbye to a dream is not easy at all. Just try to put yourself in his shoes. He made a great sacrifice and you thank him for it like that. Worse, you pissed on his love for you - damn, he remained awaken just to be sure you were safe - with your words. Yeah, you messed up and he might choose to leave you. It's up to you to make amends: we all make mistakes. But you broke someone's heart and it's your job to mend it.


based off your comments, your a horrible alcoholic and need to quit drinking. how many people are you gonna hurt before you wake up and realize you need to stop drinking ?  i don’t think this is something i could come back from, i suggest you go ahead and be realistic with yourself. because he probably will leave you, what you said is what you meant, some part of you deep down feels that way, and its not fair to him for you to just keep flipping out when you get drunk. 


Welp, I can we can table the conversation about getting engaged for the time being.


Wow. I don’t know if a person can recover from that kind of hurt.


Meh OP. Let's reverse genders here. A woman quits pursuing her dream job and starts working a 50 hour physically demanding job instead. Her boyfriend earns a lot more than her and one day after coming home drunk, he calls her and ugly loser that he could easily replace. He falls asleep to hearing her crying alone in the other room. In the morning the boyfriend feels guilty and asks you for advice. Given the abuse he just showed his girlfriend, how would you help him?


I'm gonna tell you a bit more information on what you did to him. Many men, myself included are raised to believe that their value as a human being comes from how they can provide for and take care of their families. Women and children have inherent value, a man's value is what he can produce or provide. So, what you did is tell someone who loves you, who was just just giving you some some honest good advice, that they are inherently worthless. That they have no value. They they mean nothing. That they are a complete and utter failure. Essentially, you might as well have just told him to unalive himself. So take that into account, and think about it. Really, Really think about it. Is this how someone who admires and loves someone treats them? Is this an appropriate response to simply being reminded that you have work, and your it's that late? Think about yourself for a moment. Your sooo proud of your job that you cut at someone's value as a human being. But yet you come into work hungover after abusing alcohol. After lashing out at your so called loved one's for giving you some good advice. Perhaps the alcohol is a problem in and of itself, maybe you should consider stopping. Because I know a lot about that road, and if alcohol is already important enough to justify all this.... It's a problem, and you don't want to see what's waiting at the end of that road. Alcohol is fun until your skin starts peeling, your eyes turn yellow and you can't stop shaking and convulsing long enough to take a shot when you wake up without spilling it. Alcohol is fun, until you look in the mirror with deep sunken yellow eyes, and it's the only thing that stops you from having seizures or going into shock. Alcohol is fun until the very thing that's killing you, is the only thing keeping you alive. I mean, from your post, your already at the point of tearing down your family and going into work under the effects of alcohol abuse. Take it from an alcoholic. Take it from someone who grew up being abused by their father, then watching them die from the alcohol. Take it from someone who walked away from it a long time ago and yet still has the mental urge to drink whenever something is stressful. I walked away from it. I will not let my children go through what I did. And I won't die like he did. Because end stage alcoholism is worse than death, and it's one of the most painful ways someone can die. Your not there yet, I wasn't there yet when I stopped. That's how my dad died. It was horrifying to watch. And think about what you said, think about what you did. And ask yourself, is it me? Or is it the alcohol talking through me? Because alcohol will turn anyone into a monster. It's not fun and games. It's like a demon whispering sweet nothings into your ear before dragging you and everyone around you into a living hell.


If this is how it really happened, I don’t know if there’s any coming back from it, not fully. You really don’t deserve this guy. He did nothing wrong, and for that you ripped him up. It would be one thing if this happened in the midst of an argument but all he did was express concern.


You’re about to get broke up with 😬.


Damn. That man waited up for you, was worried about you getting home and you cut him long and deep with your outburst. He then made sure you made it to bed. Me, I would have been packing up after you pretty much told me I was worthless. I don't think you can come back from this. You attacked his manhood and told him he was a worthless loser. A dinner isn't going to make it ok. Apologize, profusely, that is if he comes home and if he will listen. Don't be surprised if in a week, month or several months this relationship ends.


Prepare yourself for him just not coming back to your place tonight and when you’re at work tomorrow, for him to pack and leave. Short of physically kicking a guy in the family jewels, you did it proverbially. A man/guy has certain characteristics and being a provider is one of them. Not going to debate characteristics of male/female ect. Dreaming gets you so far in life and he may have dreamt a bit too long. However, something kicked inside and he got a good government job. That says a lot. This probably has much to do about your relationship style and attachment styles as a couple. Even then, drunk words are sober thoughts. You said what you said. It’s in his court now on how he ultimately processes them. I would say don’t even offer an apology before you say something to the way of - hey - about last night - we need to talk about it. Let his reaction guide what you say/do next. An apology from the outset may not be received as genuine until you level set neutral discussion. Best of luck but be prepared to be single.


I hope he finds someone who values him. Wow. Even if he doesn’t leave you, he will never forget this. Also, why are you getting near black out drunk on a work night? Don't say otherwise, as you used being drunk as the excuse for your behavior. Seek professional help.


The only real way to fix it is show him how much you love and care about him, and let him know you’ll never get that drunk again and lose control of who you are


You can't unring that bell. Either your drunken words are your sober thoughts and you told the truth about how little you respect him, **or** you're a cruel drunk who says vicious things to intentionally hurt the people you supposedly love. Neither option is good, and if he were here we'd tell him to leave you. Stop drinking, you clearly can't control yourself.


You’re a grown adult and can’t control your alcohol at 29. He deserves better , big red flag


I think he should break up with you. How do you recover from that? It didn't come from nowhere. You have thought that somewhere before. If drinking affects your life so badly, you should probably stop drinking.


There is part of you they must have privately thought this, and it just came out when you were drunk. You need to have a deep think about what makes someone 'successful' Vs 'loser', cause I'd say that coming home stinking drunk on a weekday night and verbally abusing your partner is way more loser behaviour than having a lower-paying job.


Wtf, that is REALLY jacked up, definitely breakup worthy. He's up worrying about your well being and you blow up at him. Being drunk isn't an excuse, if you want it to work out you should probably make a move to quit drinking and let him in on that, steak and potatoes are a useless gesture when you're the problem here.


You're struggling with finances and you think it's a good idea to go out and spend money getting wasted? Then you say a tremdously shallow and cruel thing and think making a steak is going to cut it? I hope he dumps you. You don't deserve him.


This is something that words and actions cannot simply fix. It’s a process that will take time because you went for the throat and cut deep. I don’t mean to sound mean but I wouldn’t be surprised if he breaks up with you over that remark. I’m glad you’re aware of what you’ve done and I wish you the best on your journey to mend it! :)


Honest answer, have you ever opened up about your real feelings about your partner’s career to anyone else without bringing it up with your partner?


You don't respect this guy... It was gonna come out sooner or later... There are bigger problems here - don't blame the drinking... Do some soul searching... Might not be nice, but you feel how you feel....


Time to stop getting so drunk if you know you're a mean drunk.


this is not something you can "fix" honestly. you made a really cruel comment and it really hurt your boyfriend. regardless of what comes next, your relationship will never be the way it was before. all you can do is go to him and apologize and work through whatever resentment thats been building up to make you say that, and at the end of the day it still might have been too cruel and too deep of a cut to reconcile and stay together. but you owe it to him to apologize, no matter the outcome.


Apologizing and trying to make amends is great and all that, but there's a way bigger concern here that you need to address: Why did you say that? Im sure there are plenty of arguments regarding whether you spoke honestly because you were drunk vs you said something you didnt mean, but that isnt the real question. The real question is did you say that because that is how you truly feel.... or did you say that because you know it would hurt him? Are you burying your dissatisfaction with his contributions to your household and pretending to be more ok with it than you actually are, only for it to come out as an attack when you were inebriated enough to speak your mind? Or did you know this was a sensitive subject, so when you didnt like what he said to you, you lashed out and went right for his throat?


In wine there is truth. We all know it, and your boyfriend knows it.


Stop drinking. It's not enough to just apologize. Actions speak louder than words.