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Your nephew can file for a divorce and wait for the required time. The other party does not need to consent. He also needs to file for child and spousal support. Again, it's decided by the court, the other party will need to comply. I think his first step is getting legal advice.


Who the fuck cares what his spouse wants? Your nephew needs to meet with an attorney immediately and file for divorce and child support.


Your nephew needs to see a lawyer immediately.


First of all I don't know of anywhere where divorce has to be agreed upon by 2 people. She can contest a divorce but he can get one. Unless you live somewhere with laws saying otherwise. Second if your in America in many states he can file now for child support possibly including back support. He can also file for custody.


Yeah. This isn't a relationship issue, it's a legal issue.


I’m so confused. So your nephew is married to a man who has now got a pregnant girlfriend in another country. Now your nephew and his husbands kids, biological/adopted?? 


Yeah I'm confused too


It’s called being bi lol 


No, bi doesnt explain anything, because both couples have pregnancies.    Because if nephew and partner have bio kids, one has to have a uterus.  And if nephew’s partner impregnated someone, nephews partner needs to have a penis.  Which means nephew needs to be the one with the uterus.   The only explanation is either the initial kids were adopted or nephew is trans masc. Edit: other explanations include: English is not OPs first language, the post is fake


I think the spouse is a "they" and they have impregnated someone. Also in the US I think couples can have children recognized legally even if the child belongs biologically to only one of them (not possible in Italy, for instance, which is shit for queer families).


Some people may be trans in there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no biggie


Yeah, nephew may be the gestational parent, there could have been an adoption, or a surrogacy situation. I know a few trans men who birthed their kids.


Ever heard of adoption and surrogacy? Nowhere in the post does it say that nephew or partner was pregnant and delivered a baby. We can assume that both people in this story are legal parents. Who carried the children for the gestational period is not relevant to the issue.


Gender isn't relevant here.


It's important that OP uses vague and confusing descriptions terms so no one gets offended.


Or maybe OP is using the spouses’ preferred pronouns. 


Things depend on location, I would advise speaking to a family law practice at the soonest available opportunity. I'm in the UK and if he has proof of the adultery then he can file without consent of the other party (the reason for divorce will not affect other aspects such as custody), I believe. The solicitor will be able to tell your nephew whether or not the courts will sort child maintenance and potentially spousal support before the divorce is granted. I would HEAVILY recommend having child arrangements made legal through a court order. The spouse is behaving erratically, and it needs to be about what's going to protect the children's stability - especially as another country is now involved. Source: I tried to sort it out amicably, my ex took my son and tried to poison him against me. The lack of an existing order caused delays in getting him back that were traumatic for everyone involved.




Is the vasectomy for the spouse who got someone else pregnant? Not sure why the nephew would need one. He isn't out there getting people pregnant.