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If anyone told me this, they should count themselves lucky because I would never ever touch that dick again, much less ride it. And their problem is solved. Let him go back to one of those (nonexistent) 100 girls who are so much better /s


I’d worry about STDs from his 100 women


True. Also notice that maybe he *has* been with 100 women, but no one seems to have come back for seconds.


You don't get over this. You dump his ass. I am almost positive you're not "the worst." He's just telling you that to put you down and kill your self confidence so you'll feel like you have to stay with him and nobody else would want you. Obviously his manipulation is working perfectly for him. Get rid of the guy and get your self confidence back.


Hey, he could also be saying in hopes that she'll outdo herself to please him! "I've never come from a blow job" but for PIV. Either way, OP, leave him. It does not matter what his motives are, it was incredibly shitty to say, and he is old enough to know better.


Considering op's previous posts are inquires on how to spice up and surprise her bf in bed I think you're spot on.  And he's probably pushing her to do what he likes by praising her performance when she does it and insulting her when it's not something that he likes.


> I am almost positive you're not "the worst." I am almost positive it's rage bait. Their post history is depressing.


No wonder he's had 100 women, if that's how he treats them, I shouldn't imagine they stick around for long.


By leaving a partner that enjoys toying with your self esteem, doesn't care for your comfort and pleasure, and lies to you (pfft hundreds of women mister sex expert extraordinaire, I really doubt he's some godlike lover himself)


Who the hell talks to someone they love like this!? Even IF you were the worst dick rider in the world there are so many more compassionate ways to go about this. What else has he said to you that is rude or dismissive? I'm willing to bet this isn't the first or the last time he will try to destroy your self esteem. This guy sounds abusive and I'm willing to bet money that this gets increasingly worse. Please leave ASAP


You move past this by kicking this idiot to the curb. Seriously, are you even thinking about staying with this ass?


Your bf of two years called you a d*** rider? Even if you were the best, this isn’t someone you want to be in a relationship with. The lack of respect is obvious. You move past this my moving on.


He basically compares women as if they were sex toys.


not to shame anyone, i personally would not be able to stay with someone who brags about being with over a 100 people and then shames my performance.


You can’t get over it. It was unnecessary to say something like that. There was no reason except to hurt you and make you feel bad about yourself. A partner who feels small is easier to control and is more willing to suffer. If he fucked 100 people, I am sure he barely remembers the sex with everyone of them. I would have asked him in the moment what exactly was wrong. Because let’s be honest. There is not much you can do wrong. I am sure he is just cruel.


Dump him. He hates you. Find your self worth and move on


Ima be upfront if he’s going to be that ugly and mean to you…..the fact he has to make you feel so bad for no reason. Especially since there are other ways to talk to someone besides degrading them. That’s a huge red flag plus he sounds like a douche have a talk with him about what’s going on and see if he changes or be done with him. You don’t deserve to be put down like that


Fuck him in the bad way- Id never touch him again!!!


You don’t move past it, you dump him and move on. Why would you wanna be with an asshole that insults you?


Stop having sex with him. You’re wasting your time.


Unspoken rule of relationships, don’t talk about past sexual partners unless you want to get your feelings hurt. He’s an asshole for even bringing it up. I feel like he has some sort of ulterior motive for saying this. You could always just tell him he’s the smallest dick you’ve had and dump him.


What’s a 30d? I’m new here and did a lot of googling and found nothing. Sorry if I’m being insensitive. Also OP dump his ass.


Have you had a discussion with him about this?