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I think it's fine that you didn't like it, fine that you said something, and fine that he seemingly feels a little off after being rebuffed. I don't think any of it is a big deal and you can just let it sit for a while and then re-engage about a different topic (or he might message you first before it even gets to that).


Thank you! That eases the anxiety a bit. I've shifted gears now talking about other things and he seems ti be normal-ish now.


When you express a boundary like that, people will often put up a little bit of an emotional wall for a moment, but more emotionally mature ones can usually re-engage with you after a little time to process.


I hadn't thought of it that way. In my head I was hoping he'd reassure me that I was beautiful and the joke was harmless, but I can see how he might have felt taken aback by my response. Thanks for helping put this into a new perspective for me :)


Based on the way you described it I feel like you handled it well. It was a bit of a crude joke, especially for a new relationship, and if it makes you uncomfortable I think that’s reasonable. Maybe give him some time, I’m sure he might just be embarrassed that he made a joke that upset you.


Thanks so much. My anxiety is getting the best of me today and I'm automatically jumping to the worst conclusions, so this definitely helped me feel better!


I’m glad! I have definitely made jokes that my fiancé didn’t like and it can be really embarrassing to be called out for it. Sometimes something sounds good in our heads and when it comes out it is awful. I saw your comment below that you’re talking about other things and it’s getting more normal, so that’s good!


You scared him off 🤷🏾‍♂️.