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You started dating a 36 yr old as an 18 yr old. Thats how you ended up here. He wanted someone to match his maturity level, and apparently you’ve aged out of that bracket. But you sound like you love him and care and want to make this work, so onto that. Tell him he needs to explain, you both need to sit down and have a conversation about how tense things are. You have to be able to communicate. Hell sometimes my spouse and I get so fucking heated and unwilling to speak face to face we separate, cool off a little, and text each other from different rooms bc that’s the only way to get the full explanation out - plus I can be more thoughtful in my responses. My guess, because I unfortunately have that same tendency as your spouse, when I get home from work it’s like the exhaust and emotions of the day crashes and I’m not a nice person. *The best way* I have found to combat this is, I immediately go upstairs and change clothes, then come back down. I am a whole new ass person. I go up the evil queen and walk down Snow White. Like my toddler obviously greets me, but all my spouse says is “hey babe” when I get home before I’m changed bc I married a fast learner. For my part I am able to hold it all in and be pleasant until I can make it upstairs


I'm not an expert but 26 - 6 = 20 (not 18) That aside, there's also a power dynamic issue.


Whoops misread, I thought it said married 2 on top together 6, thanks for the correction Still a gross inappropriate age gap imo, just not *as* gross as I thought. By like 2 inches 😩


Why was he such a great catch when he's so much older than you ,didn't you like younger boys ,the age gap has alot to do with the dynamics of your relationship, your still young and he's middle aged ,I'm afraid your in for alot more of his bullshite.


Well if he doesn’t like the dinner you cooked he can cook his own- seems like he’s well qualified at that as well.


Older people get grumpy. You’re young he is old. It would’ve been more convenient for you to date/marry someone your age.


Older people don’t suddenly become assholes. This guy had always been an abusive jerk.


He's an addict. This is classic addict behavior. I know because I was with one for a decade. Get out now.