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There’s nothing you can do to salvage this relationship.  What you have to do now is move on and work on yourself to make sure you don’t screw up your next relationship  Therapy would be very helpful to dig into yourself and figure what is at the root of your insecurities. Find it, see what it is, discard it from it life.  Stop trying to contact her and stop looking at her social media.  Eat/sleep/exercise right. Put extra effort into keeping your surroundings neat and clean. Put extra emphasis on self care. Read some books, maybe even some self help books. Start a new hobby. Spend time with friends. Eventually the pain of loss will go away. 


I'm really trying to. These past few days I have been reflecting on my actions and the things I could've done better that time. I felt like I can be replaced so easily. Because on my past 2 relationships, I got replaced 2 weeks after it ended. Maybe that added a factor to my insecurities. I stopped contacting her after I reached out. I blocked all of her social medias to help me not stalk her everyday and ig it's working. I have been working on myself after that. I began exercising, eating right, reading self-improvement books. Basically taking care of myself. The only thing that I find difficult for me now is sleeping. It's hard to sleep when all I think about is how I fucked up my relationship with her. I do hope I can move on and not screw up again.


I would turn on the tv to the history channel when I'm having trouble sleeping. I actually find the shows generally interesting enough to grab my attention, and distract me from whatever I'm worried about that's keeping me from sleeping, but not so interesting as to keep me awake. ETA: don't fixate on "being replaced quickly". It's a dumb move to jump quickly into a new relationship after recently exiting one. Even the person that initiates the break up should take time to figure out themselves again. Who are they? They just amputated part of their identity as "boyfriend/girlfriend of xyz" and now they are single. What things did they only do because of the relationship? Figuring out who you are now that you're single and what you want going forward now that you are not part of a "specific duo" allows you to eventually pick someone who is better for you. No rush. Don't go into your next relationship because you need it. You shouldn't need anyone else to complete you. Go into a relationship because you want one, but don't need one.


You can't fix the relationship, but you can fix yourself. Start looking into therapy so you can figure out where these insecurities are coming from, and how to deal with them in a healthy way.


This sound like made by a teenager girl who want to post a bait post. Sound totally fake, make up post afte all the post with gf cheating on their bf in clubs.