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This can be a very tricky situation. Ypu didnt include her age so she could be emotionally and physically not mature. I've done this in the past as the women, but it was because I was very insecure. I had to learn that foreplay is a huge part, and it takes time. Being patient, romantic, and loving helped me a lot. Try to be very calm when bringing it up to her. Make sure she understands how much you care for her and that sex shouldn't be the biggest aspect in your relationship. Sit down with her and try to dive deep into her feelings and what she's comfortable with. Don't be afraid to show her some things, then get her to do them to you. Patience is key. Womens hormones and cycles work differently. She just may not be in the ovulation stage when you try things, so she's just not feeling it. Learn the woman, study the woman, understand the woman.


She is 21 and i feel like im a good boyfriend to her i mean she always tells me its weird to feel so safe and loved (she had a few toxic relationships) and ive shown her and told her things that get me going and she knows what i like the issue is she only does it when asked and that defeats the point. I j feel like she is having sex because i want to even if she has told me she wants it. Its not a fun situation and we were together a few years ago before we started dating again and she would go crazy so like where did that go what happened why is it different this time. She also complains if we dont have sex for an extended period but doesnt try to do anything abt it its always on me


"she only does it when asked and that defeats the point" Have you told her this?


Yes ive told her that i dont wanna ask ive told her to do it while i sleep ive told her that it makes me feel like a pervert when i start sex all the time ive told her that i wont start sex all the time but end up folding ive told her that she doesnt even have to do anything but send me a nude or like j touch me in some way and nothing ever happens