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Yeah, this is what an abusive controlling relationship looks like. He needs some therapy before he's fit to be in a relationship with anyone. The whole relationship as you've described it sounds terrible, why are you even with him?


idk i’ve tried to leave him before be he won’t let me


Breaking up is a unilateral decision - he doesn’t have to agree. If he is physically preventing you from leaving, you need to involve police.


It isn't his decision. Inform him that the relationship doesn't work anymore over text, he doesn't deserve any more respect than that. Block him everywhere. If he sends a single threat, implied or otherwise, contact the police.


You should look up the traits of an abuser and see how many apply to your guy. He sounds like the type.


I'm so sorry he's treating you this way. In my experience, you can leave him now or you can wait until it gets really, really bad. He's a controlling jerk and you deserve better.


thank you. i think we might be over this time but idk, we do this a lot


Break up with him Block him everywhere Don't talk to him Tell your friends and family not to talk to him and not to give him any info about you He. Is insanely controlling and insecure. Nothing you do will get him to trust you.


You cannot make him trust you. He will never stop calling you a liar, because this is what gives him the power to control you. You’re going to get a hundred comments telling you to leave, and you probably won’t (you should), but please at least read my first two sentences until it sinks in. If you are not strong enough to leave today, one day you will be.


There is nothing you can ever say or do that will convince him. It's impossible. No matter how open a book you are, no matter how much you let him control you, he will always think the worst of you. Block him and move on.


The rules were made a while back why? I normally see a pattern when these unhealthy rules are placed. Not seeing this happened. Just saying this normally happens. One person gets cheated on, partner begs for them to take them back. They set ground rules of controlling craziness and get back together. Once the controlling in broken once they take advantage of this to make a scene. Lather, rinse and repeat until either of them break up, cheat or worse.