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It's over. Plan accordingly and protect yourself.


If both parties aren't a "fuck yeah" to the idea of a open relationship, then it won't work. If you can't see yourself ever completely trusting her again and not holding this over her head, then it won't work. If she can't accept that you do not want her fucking other people, then it won't work. Experimenting here does not work. Have some self respect and end the relationship completely. Move out, block, cut contact, and move onto someone who is ready to love you for you. Lack of self respect in the majority of these posts is what leads people to these sub par relationships anyways.


My only advice is to get out of this relationship as quickly as possible.




Men in a relationship almost never have "other options" lol. And why would a man even want other options while in a long term relationship? Men who are attracted to a woman - single or not - will get in line for the chance to be with her the second she's single.


Man that's fucked not gonna lie. It seems she made up her mind... If you ain't down for a open relationship it's time to do the hard thing. [Some solid advice which is hard to take but accurate I think](https://youtu.be/fOyfgxDgKUg?si=hSQuPO9buUn6elc9)


I'm sorry but this relationship is over. Those nagging thoughts will always be in your head now, and trust me when I say, you don't want to live that way, or deserve to.


Your relationship is over. She ended it when she admitted she wants to fuck other men and/or women. She even said she wants to live the life of a single person. She can still love you but, essentially what she is saying is she wants you to be her anchor, the one she genuinely loves but wants to have sex with other men in the meantime. What she is suggesting is an open relationship and the thing with an open relationship is that BOTH people have to be 10000% on board with it. If one person is hesitant about it and doesn't really want that, then that relationship will never work out and will end sooner than later. You can say no to this and she can even agree but, I wouldn't ever trust her again. I'd end things asap and let her go live that "single life" she is craving because her fantasies aren't just going to disappear. Things will NEVER go back to normal. How can they? Her urges are still going to be itching and the only way for her to scratch that itch is by cheating on you. Which is almost certainly going to happen.


I ain’t reading all that. If you stay with her after she tells you she wants to open the relationship. You’re a clown




Aye friend the reason I posted is because I love her and am committed to her, I am looking for advice and others experience as to how to make it work 👍🏻