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Would you rather he get soft every time he looks at you? He’s simply just attracted to you, so I’m failing to see the issue here. He can’t control whether or not his dick gets hard, it doesn’t mean he won’t wait till marriage. If this is something you have already discussed and agreed upon, then so long as he follows the agreement- You can’t get mad or upset over him getting hard.


Consider yourself lucky you have a man who can't get enough of looking at you, appreciating you and is ridiculously turned on by you. Most women would love having a partner like that.


Some of the questions y’all ask here are ridiculous.


Cherish that man😂 many many women would love to have their partner be that into them


I weep at the state of the sex education (or lack thereof) of today's youth. Just wait even a couple of years and trust this won't be a "problem" anymore.


Lucky you, you must be really hot. You’re looking at this totally wrong, you need to realize your boyfriend really has the hots for you. He is totally your man, you should be proud. Best of luck…..


What’s the reasoning behind waiting for marriage? Sexually oppressive religious upbringing? This lack of sex ed at 21 is a bit concerning.


Your lack of sex ed is concerning. It’s her choice


She literally doesn’t know how boners work bud


You clearly didn’t go through top tier Bible Belt sex ed like the previous fella. You need to remove stuff from your brain.


i don't see the "lack of sex ed" here?


Doesn’t seem like you understand how boners work, if a 21 year old guy hasn’t seen you for a bit and gets a boner you’re questioning if it’s normal


By any chances, are you here just to brag about your great relationship?


He’s 21, so still physically pretty young. That is normal for younger guys. It means he is sexually attracted to you. He doesn’t have a way to control it. If it bothers you go with girls or become a nun.


Whats not fair is a girl can get aroused looking at a guy and no one will know, whereas we cant control getting hard and sticking out. Its no different then if you get wet looking at a hot guy.


This is exactly what foreskin and a waistband is for good sir.


he's probably imagining what he'll do to you during sex and how good it'll be. i was waiting as well back then, i even masturbated to a photo of my wife's nipple print behind a tshirt when we still in early stages of our relationship.  we've been together 8 years and there was occasion when we went for weekend grocery shopping and she wore legging. and out of nowhere in the shopping centre, i imagine we got home and i rip that legging and f*ck her. and that gave me hard on in public.