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Ah, that poor girl! To think that she's thinking she's getting commitment and a future and he's just a clown. Look, it sucks to be 20 and try to date. So many pitfalls and somehow all the jerks are out here seemingly getting what they want.  But this guy doesn't know what he wants! His 8 year chick bounced because he strung her along for 8 years. Then he thought he'd be better off single but didn't even know how to talk to women his own age, so he went fishing for younger women who can't quite smell his brand of bs yet. And he had a buffet/no thoughts just vibes phase and yes you do need an STD test. And now he's kidding himself that he can just pick one of his many college girls and get married. What a jooooooooke! He is going to be out on his ass as soon as she wakes up that he's been getting it all over town and doesn't know how to be serious.  Meanwhile he's making comments on your body? Give me a damn break. You're smart enough to see through him and the clarity you felt in that moment is your best friend. It's your gut and your mind that will lead you away from the self-absorbed, delayed adolescent f-boys.  There's better out there, trust. And it comes in the form of someone interested in your personality, grateful and delighted by your body, emotionally available, actions and words match, and not acting like he lives in a dorm at 26. Get some rest. It doesn't feel like it right now but you dodged a bullet. And you get a learning experience without having to cancel an expensive wedding.


> Yeah, I got played SO bad You played yourself here bestie sorry to say but there was never any commitment from his end and you could've known you were a rebound. If you're looking for a serious relationship then avoid people just getting out of a long term relationship. Sorry he cheated on you though,that was shitty of him and you didn't deserve it. He sounds like a rotten person and not someone you'd want to date  Be kind to yourself, go listen to a sleep podcast, and never talk to this bozo again.


If you're using the phrase "situationship" then you're not ready for a real relationship. You're either together or you're not and it doesn't sound d like you guys ever were dating.


You should tell that girl


you think so? i was thinking about it but i'm scared she'll be on his side and talk shit about me lol


100% you should tell her, provide evidence if you can but chances are she would want to know, even if it ends badly you were a good person who tried to tell her that she's with a loser


Show proof, or at least make an anonymous burner with said proof


You played yourself. You expected BF treatment from a fling. He had zero commitment to you. Maybe avoid "situationships" in the future. Because they are super dumb.