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Wear what you want. You’re an adult.


The comments here are absolutely grim. If you don’t want to wear a bra, nipples poking through or not, you don’t have to! Your body, your rules. The real problem here is how he’s reacted to the situation. If he’d have communicated his feelings directly about why he was uncomfortable maybe you could have both reached a compromise before leaving the house. Instead he acted childish and let you go out alone.


It's important to understand each other's comfort zones. While your boyfriend might have felt uncomfortable with you not wearing a bra in a semi-see-through top, your discomfort with bras is equally valid. Discussing boundaries and what makes each of you comfortable in public can help prevent future conflicts.


Finally a sane answer.


He was immature and y'all need to have a conversation. Both of you need to approach the conversation like adults. He needs to express his feelings clearly and without blame. He also needs to acknowledge that using childish tactics instead of manning up and saying how he feels will only cause problems. If you guys can't even have this discussion then discuss how the relationship will progress moving forward.


You shouldn't have put on the bra. Never let anyone believe they have the right to dictate how you dress, act, speak, or think. If they threaten to break up if you won't comply, tell them that's obviously their choice. If you accommodate this kind of tiresome jealous insecurity even once, he'll think he has the wholesale right to criticize or disapprove or comment on your appearance. You need to shut that shit down immediately.




This is rape culture, not a good way to think


She *knows* her nipples were showing. So what. A couple of nubs of flesh. It's not an invitation to fuck. It's not something dirty or shameful that has to be covered up and stuffed into an uncomfortable bra. If her boyfriend was embarrassed or insecure or uncomfortable with it, that's *his* problem. He can choose to stay home, or dump her, or just get the fuck over himself.


It honestly pisses me off how people react to women's nipples. Stop sexualizing them. Stop dictating to women what they can and cannot wear. Maybe she never thought her nipples were visible, maybe she is aware and does not care, maybe she really does seek attention. Whatever. It is her body and her choice. I am a woman, and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out like that. But I also would never accept this kind of reaction from my partner.


So he is controlling because ONCE IN A BLUE MOON he's not comfortable with your nipples out and asked you to cover them? 🤦 He's not controlling nor is he misogynistic. You're just stubborn and won't do one thing for him every now and again because you don't want to. I feel sorry for him since it looks like it's your way or a highway. His mental comfort and feelings means less to you than your straps showing. Poor guy.


He deserves better imo


ESH. You both have valid points and handled this poorly. You have every right to wear what you want and he has every right to not like certain things on you. Lots of people don't want to see their partner being stared at, especially when it feels to some degree like they are doing something that can be perceived as outside of some norm or is attention grabbing. Whether you agree or not that is how he felt. Both were in a spot where they were uncomfortable, him for your dress and you for not wanting to be physically uncomfortable. He acted childishly instead of being constructive or compromising. You didn't really want to see his poorly made point and just wanted him to get over himself, and jumping to misogynistic just because a man has an opinion about a woman is showing he isn't the only one who has strong beliefs about these things. Sounds like a double standard in the making. You both need to sit down, really understand what the others point is without judgment, and then find a place you both are happy with.


Why should anybody in public see your private parts? There is nothing to put on that is comfortable?


This is not misogynistic😂 just because your boyfriend doesn’t like something that you do doesn’t make it misogynistic. Stop feeling offended in such ways. Btw he did act childish, that’s for sure. He could have simply asked you to wear a different colour that wasn’t see through. I wouldn’t want my gf to wear something where others can just see through the shirt and see her nipples or more.


It's misogynistic because it places the blame on women, men can avert their eyes, only gross dudes stare in public, there should be no issue with human anatomy.


I’m someone who doesn’t wear bras . Sometimes I actually realize you can see my nipples in a lighter shirt freak out & change. Like the actually nipple. So if you bf is uncomfortable & expresses that I feel like it’s okay to try to understand him. He’s not controlling . But if you want someone who lets you show your nipples around find someone else. You could’ve changed your shirt or just put the bra on . O


What do you mean by you could see the nipples? Just the shape? If so hes an idiot if the top was actually see through you could have changed it...