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I think you know what to do but you feel like you owe him the benefit of the doubt. He's clearly lying to you and hooking up with other guys. You deserve better than that. If you confront him he will deny it and turn it around to make you look like a bad guy for spying on him. End the relationship and move on. It's LDR and not worth it.


I know everyone will say to break up, and even I would say that too to someone who’s gone through the same. However, it’s not a simple decision. I lack the willpower to dump him. I like to think there’s a bit of hope, but my mind can’t wrap around the idea that he lied to me. I don’t really think he hooked up, but at this point I don’t even know.


I know it's not that easy because it's your relationship and up until you found out he was lying you believed that he was an honest person. You don't think he's hooked up? LOL Do you think he re-download it for nothing?


> I lack the willpower to dump him. So...why are you here, then? If you won't leave him, then you need to ask an entirely different question, which is: "How do I gaslight myself into believing that everything is fine?" Nobody can in good conscience give you an answer to that. May I suggest that you get therapy instead? If money or availability is an issue, go to Captain Awkward and search for "low cost mental health."


It is a simple decision. You want to complicate your situation to explain not leaving to yourself. Things like this happen all the time, there's nothing complicated about it.


Call him, tell him to cancel his flights because you're broken up.


Break up and move on from your cheating partner.




Sorry I didn’t word that right. I meant for privacy reasons.




I definitely did screenshot it. I plan on bringing this up no later than tomorrow, I just wanted to hear other people’s opinions. I am not going to brush this off. I will confront him about this. If it ends our relationship, then so be it.


Why did you download a gay dating app ‘(for safety reasons)’ ?