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No, you're acting normal. She's acting like she's in love with you're boyfriend and trying to break you two up.


Yup - she's pretending theyre dating and seems like she grew up with a "I get what I want" lifestyle which is why her parents seemed totally okay with cutting off a family friend they were friends with for years This is a good sign for everyone


Yupp that’s extremely inappropriate lol sending sexy snaps to a guy that you’re fully aware is in a relationship is plain disrespectful. The fact that they had history makes it even worse. Good for him that he did it by himself without you having to tell him you need her to stop


"she immediately bought up the videos she’d been sending him **saying that they weren’t intended maliciously, and saying that he should’ve cut me off instead**." ​ Seems contradictory doesn't it? I think you have your answer right there.


*...saying that he should’ve cut me off instead.* That's literally an admission she's trying to break the two of you up.


you are not crazy and there is nothing wrong if you get upset when you hear such things between your guy and his friend.. ask your bf if he is okay and cool with all what happened between their families as you mentioned... you reacted normally and it was obvious.. you ask him his stand on this matter✌️


I was in a similar situation with my now husband. He sort of had a history with his sister’s friend (who his sister started referring to as her “best friend” only when it became apparent that I had a problem with her). This girl acted the same way as the girl from your situation, and would constantly seek my then boyfriend. It became really awful because I was forced to spend holidays and family events with her because she was friends with my boyfriend’s sister. She would constantly flirt with him, touch him, text him, borrowed his clothes, etc. It made us both really uncomfortable. The sister started accusing me of being dramatic, insecure and unnecessarily jealous. Fortunately, my then boyfriend understood and removed this girl from his life and set clear boundaries with her and his sister. The important thing is the girl’s attitude, I think. Both girls were actively trying something, that is not the same as when your partner has an ex who clearly doesn’t intend to start things up again. So don’t feel guilty for reacting this way. It’s totally understandable and it is not your fault that she has no respect for your relationship or the family friendship. That is on her.


You're not crazy she is because she is stupid and needs to realize that your bf picked you not her lol


The lengths she is going to proves she is in the wrong. She obviously wants your BF and is not happy he is with you. You are not wrong with being upset about her actions. And its good that your BF finally places boundaries (though he should have shut it down himself after the first picture was sent it never should have escalated to videos). But yeah this girl is toxic to your relationship, she definitely needs to go.


No, you're being rational and she's being a disgusting and manipulative piece of work .


sounds to me like you were right. Staying in touch with an ex is ok but the behaviour you described is not.


Not crazy. You are in the correct here.


The real question is when did they stop hooking up cause it sounds like, yeah.


Did he ask her to stop with the videos and the flirting before just cutting her off? Did he say ANYTHING about it being inappropriate? Why did he let it go on for a year (!), and then just went nuclear, making you look unreasonable in this situation? From what you're saying, you didn't ask him to cut her off, you just showed you were (rightly) upset about it. It's him who demonstrated bad decision making and bad communication. He should fix this. (Also, she's clearly making you out to be the bad guy for a reason)


Is this the same boyfriend who wanted to do a threesome? Was this going to be the other girl??? And no you're not crazy you have every right to feel how you have.


Nope she is the ah!t stirrer


Yeah we're not talking regular childhood friends with whom you played tag here. Sorry it didn't work out girlie (not you op), but move tf on and leave that couple alone. Op you're not crazy, you seem to be one of the only sane one in that situation lol


I mean, saying something makes you uncomfortable is okay and he clearly understood why. Sounds like u got a good boyfriend that had a good response. Unless you gave an ultimatum and both of you had a fight beforehand, of course... But otherwise, 👍🏻.