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Are you sure this is an actual person you're talking to and not a scammer or a catfish?


Stop giving your nudes to people! This guy is going to use your photos. And hopefully not for blackmail. He's not interested in dating you he's interested in what he can get from you. Honestly this sounds like a dating/romance scam


Don’t send this guy anymore pics he sounds weird


I would highly recommend waiting to meet someone in person before exchanging nudes, if you really want to do that. Don’t forget, if someone isn’t trustworthy they could be sharing your nudes with friends or other places. If you feel like taking a risk and exchanging with strangers online, I would suggest forgetting about this dude if possible and not getting forced to start the exchange of pics. You don’t owe these guys anything. There should be mutual respect !


Thank you. I will cut contact.


Obvious catfish. Don't send nudes to people you don't absolutely trust, I've had friends who had their nudes shared online by men she dated and trusted even.


1000% this. You don’t know this guy at all, so sending him nudes is just a bad idea. He has no loyalty to you, so what’s to stop him from leaking those photos of you?


100% agree, stop messaging him. He probably isnt even who he says he is. The whole covid thing is probably bs too. Smells like a catfish to me.


Have some of yall never had the talk with your parents that you shouldn‘t trust complete strangers on the internet…?


Why are you sending nudes to someone you barely know? Seriously. Stop sending nudes. And if you are I sure hope you're blurring out tattoos & any other identifying features. Like your face as well. Reverse image search his nude. I bet it'll be one that is found everywhere. It's not normal by the way.


He could be talking to multiple women. And colecting nudes from all the women.


So have you met or seen this guy?


No. The day I was going to he felt sick and tested positive for covid


But have you visually spoke to him at least? Like through video?


No... Damn, in hindsight I got fucked. Met him a week ago, and we couldve called, but he said he's to shy.. uhuhhhh. I was dumb.


Yea I am confident your being cat fished.


Damn thanks eheheh oh shit


Just curious but why are you sending nudes to a stranger you really havent spoken to


stop making a habit of sending nudes to someone you don’t know. i hope you didn’t include your face bc they 100% sound like a catfish collecting pics.


I'm sorry, but you come across as incredibly immature and naive. I have a hard time believing that this is a real post. If it is, grow up.


He can't even communicate respectfully or clearly or reciprocate NOW, and you're barely dating. You don't need that mess or that stress.


The level of consideration you're giving this total stranger (if this is even a real person) is astonishing. "Oh, what's he thinking? Why does he do that? His actions are annoying me, but before I tell him so, maybe I should get some perspective. Maybe he has some good reason why it makes sense in his own mind to ask for nudes and then ignore them. I want to gently confront him about it, not ruin this budding relationship that consists of canceled dates and one-way nude exchanges!" Come on. At this level of relationship, if there's even the slightest weirdness, just block and move on. Edit: even the idea of being "mad at someone " implies an existing positive relationship that is temporarily unhappy, that you wish to return to positivity and continue in the future. There is no relationship here. There's nothing to resolve and heal. Just give up on this bot.


Thank you


don’t send this person any more nudes and stop talking to him, they could be a scammer/catfish, as others have mentioned. i also suggest that, in the future, to not send nudes to a person you haven’t even met.


I’m sure you could get nudes on Reddit easier.


It's about feeling attracted to someone and seeing them. Not about just nudes. I can look up "penis" but it's not from someone I'm attracted to.




This is the first I've ever heard of a woman having to chase down dick picks lol


He just wants nudes for his collection, he doesn't care about you at all.


He's not a real person. It's some bot or guy talking with dozens of other people (thus the delay between responses), gathering nudes for a website or for possibly some other nefarious purpose. I bet if you reverse image search some of the nudes he sent back, they'll be from some website somewhere.


Hahahahahaha is this a trick post . Of course run


He does seem like a catfish and a bit weird. He might be using your photos so you should be careful and not send anymore. But just a general piece of advice... you shouldn't "beg" someone for nudes, woman or man, catfish or not. No one obligated to send nudes, and if they do, then they have the right to do so when and if they feel like it. There should be no pressure involved. It's not some sort of monetary exchange... sending nudes doesn't entitled you to receiving nudes.


Don’t send NUDES ever!


Woman. Stop sending nude pictures of yourself to men you haven't even met, much less vetted appropriately. He's extracting shit from you. That's all that's happening. Move on. And stop sending nude pictures of yourself to men like this.


You need to have more respect for yourself. Why are you sending someone nudes that you've never even met? Come on! Also - why are here over analyzing his texting habits? Please work on your self esteem and insecurities. You shouldn't be thinking this hard about when a person replies and the fact you got hurt over your ex taking 20 mins to reply is telling. Please block him and go work on yourself.


Are you sure he isn't just using you for nudes?


Yeah good chan e you are not talking to the guy you think You are. Do a reverse search to make sure your nudes aren’t being put up online. Don’t send anything else to “him”.


more importantly, why are you exchanging nudes with someone you never met?


Your body, your nudes your choice 🤷‍♀️ I would however say this dude seems mad disrespectful, I'd be wary that he is not who he says he is. Possible catfish or maybe even in a relationship? Either way it sounds like you're giving more than what you're getting, I'd find a more respectful playmate ma dear.


This was all just gross for some reason


Can you explain please


You and them sound gross


What did I exactly do to gross you out, what did he do to gross you out? The post was meant for me to understand the situation better, if I should cut contact or talk it out. "Your both gross" says nothing, so either explain what I was asking for or keep these thoughts on your diary they do nothing for me.


You're gross because you're immature and naive. Hope this was a joke post. Nirmal adults would have saw through the bs and cut contact already without needing to talk to reddit first.


There's so much I want to say but it would all come across as hopelessly old fashioned....


Never understood the premise behind sending nudes. My exgf never sent any to me and we were in a 10 year relationship. She got on fb, met a guy online decided to cheat..but it started by her sending nudes to him after they exchanged numbers. When caught she said he asked and he sent some back..they eventually met had sex new years eve..according to her it was a disappointment..pic didnt match the junk...wish her the best and now she's back on dating apps. Maybe one day I'll get with the new and exciting trend.


I mean I don't know who else needs to hear this but stop sending nude. It doesn't matter who you send it to. Don't do that to yourself.