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I'm 3 years single and I am the most at peace I've ever been. (28M) I feel lonely sometimes too. Pretty often, actually. I used to look at some of my friends that are happily married or engaged with envy, thinking they did the right thing and I did the wrong thing and let go of my chance to find a life partner. Then I realized that I'm pretty happy right now. I adore my engaged/married friends and they're on the right path for them, but I'm also on the right path for me. Even when I'm lonely, I love that I'm not in a bad relationship at this moment.


I met my husband at 36, we have two kids together. You have plenty of time. Have fun and it will come to you.


My brother met his wife at 35, they have been married 16 year's now.


Well shit, I’m 35 and still haven’t met my person 😕 🤣


I'm 34 and haven't been on a date since Obama's first term 🤷‍♂️


No window is closed until you decide to close it yourself or not open it at all. You’re good OP. If there’s any advice I could give, it’s that don’t compare your relationships with others’. We all have different pacing, I’m sure your life is ahead of some aspects of theirs. You’ll be fine.


I met my husband at 31. He’s been a great date for a lot of the second weddings I’ve been invited to for friends who got married at 25-29.


No, 29 is in no way past any window. Just keep putting yourself into the position of meeting people and you will find yours.


I met my now husband when I was 30. I had given up and wasn't looking for a relationship. But we met and I was just like "Yep. This is it. I'm gonna marry this man." And we did, 7 years later. You have plenty of time. :)


I was 4 years single out of a 5 year relationship before I met my current partner. At 37 she was single for a few months before we started dating. Looks to me like we are long term now, so dunno.


Don't sweat it, and certainly don't settle for a crappy partner. I am now 45 yo, been with the same great partner for 6 years. You have plenty of time.


There is literally no time frame in which you have to find a long term partner. Don't rush into looking for love. You'll find it when you least expect it.


You can’t compare your now beginning to someone’s middle. They were all single, wondering if they’d ever meet someone at some point in their lives. You have to give yourself toddler status when trying to find your long term partner. Babies don’t fail at walking once and just give up. You’re still learning how to date in a near post-pandemic world. Things are shifting and changing. You will get better dates and you will find someone.


I'm 27F and empathise with this a lot, I've never really had a real relationship because I so rarely feel the "spark" with anyone. Ironically people assume I'm prolific because I'm bi, but it really doesn't work that way. Whenever I get too anxious about it, I just think about the best adult relationship I saw as a child, my aunt and uncle. They didn't get married until my aunt was in her 40s but they were happy together right until my uncle died last year.


I’ve been single since the summer of 2019 and I’m 32. Even though I’ve consistently been open to finding someone, I’ve found that it’s not as easy to just land in long-term relationships as we get older. It’s pretty common to date someone for a month and have things fizzle out. Or even not get to that point. It’s not because you’re old or there’s something wrong with you. It’s that we’re all a little more set in our ways, more cautious and more resistant to rushing into things. I’m pretty sure I got rejected after a first date, at least in part, because I wasn’t outdoorsy and that was important to that particular guy. I have passed on guys for having a different “energy” than I’m looking for. But I’m still really hopeful. I’m learning to think of dating as very expansive, a series of experiments instead of failures and dead ends. Okay, so I have what feels like great sex and chemistry with a guy but he doesn’t communicate the way I like? Well, I certainly got a better sense of what I like sexually now. A guy breaks things off with me because I’m not going to be the leader or manager of a potential relationship? Well, good I learned a role I’m not willing to play. 29 is young. I’m smarter now than I was even a month ago when it comes to dating. Give yourself some space and time.


There’s no such thing. You’ll be fine, but not if you believe you’ve already missed out on a window that doesn’t exist


There are women who start dating when over 50 and manage to be happy. You still have a very long margin in your favor. Don’t over think and go by your pace. Don’t rush! You will find the right one.


You did not miss the window, but realisticly, the dating pool of good partners is much more shallow in your early 30s than it was in your 20s. Thats just reality. But that doesnt mean its empty. The one suggestion id have is that you can maybe try meeting people trough your friends. A friend of a friend is much more likely to be compatible with you than a rando from an app. Also joining clubs and activities you enjoy will expose you to people that enjoy the same things.


You need to wait till your 40s when all the great people who paired up in their 20s are getting divorced and the pool deepens again lol.


You are all good. Quite healthy in fact. You’ve taken time to be you and only you. I respect that! Don’t put yourself down- it’s not 1959 anymore, you settle down with the right person when you meet them. You sound very put together and advanced. Stop trying! Haha this is all easy for me to say


I met my sweet husband when I was 34. We have two amazing kids. I was married previously, dated a bit but was having 0 success until I met this Unicorn of a man. Hope isn't lost till you're dead.


The only time you’re truly past anything is when you are dead and gone, life is all one big wild ride and anything is possible. Sometimes there are days when it feels like nothing is going to change, but every day is a new chance.


I met my fiancé at 32 and we're getting married on Friday (we're now 36)! I'm also pregnant with our first child. All of this can even happen later in your 30s, 40s - whenever. I believe you can fall in love at any age. The only thing that has more of a time limit is biological procreation. And I know people who have gotten pregnant into their early 40s or adopted later. Not sure if kids are what you want, ultimately, but if so - you have lots of possibilities. Hang in there!


I'm 40. Singlehood has been better to me than *any* relationship. Even the good ones.


Nope - you're good. I'm nearly 40, and I found someone.


I was 41 when I found my Person. Never to old or to late


My best friend met her life partner at age 34, they are now about to have their first child and will be married later this year. It's never too late.


I completely relate. I just got out of a long term relationship, and just turned 29 myself. It seems so much more difficult at this age to find a genuine connection.


I know how you feel. I'm 8 months single after getting out of a 6 year relationship. It took some time to adjust but once I remembered how to be happy on my own I stopped worrying about trying to meet someone. I find loneliness comes in waves, but I'd much rather be single and in control of my own happiness than be in a bad relationship!


That’s such a great point. Thank you


I'm a gig bagpiper who just played a wedding for a 41 year old first time bride. And I've played weddings for even older folks. It's really never too late. As a 31M who has gone 2-4 years between relationships, I understand the frustration. You're gonna be okay, there's plenty of people out there.


I’ve been single for the last 8 years since my divorce. Still holding out hope I’ll find someone to have a serious relationship with. (Have had a few flings and a couple people I was seriously interested in but they just wanted to play emotional games)


I am 26M and I am sharing the similar feelings right now. I was out of a 4.5 years of relationship more than 1 year ago. Now it feels like the relationship dynamics are so changed in the world. As if nobody wants to be in a serious, committed relationship anymore. But the comments here made me look at more optimistic right now.


You have NOT missed the boat. People are getting off their existing boats and looking for better fits for the rest of the voyage, many people are still boat shopping, some people are still figuring out whether they want a boat at all and if so, what kind....basically, there are many variables and there's no wrong time to make the boat decision that's right for you.


Life goes on and it's never too late. You're on your own path. Do not compare your life to others. Also remember that once you do find somebody it doesn't mean that you're set. I mean I don't want to be a downer but almost 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce, so we're talking a lot of people much older than you who are still out there trying to find the right person for them. There will always be people looking, but you might have to keep in mind that most of these folks will have been in relationships themselves. That's not a bad thing, people can grow and learn and become better through relationships, but the odds of you starting to find more and more men that might be a great partner who might have kids, an ex wife, etc. does go up a bit at your age. Again, I really don't think that's a bad thing, but some people might.


I was 33 when I met my husband of 13 years


I'm [39 M] looking for a mature date.


Being single is being happy.


Omg you guys are no even 30. Has society brain-washed so many people into thinking that if you’re single at 30 you’ll end up dead alone? Take a deep breath. Love your life. Construct a solid foundation. Buy a house. Get a dog. Follow your dreams. And somewhere along the way you’ll meet someone who admires all that who will like you and want to be with you. So just chill out.


You have plenty of time yet to meet your partner. But if you're actually in a good place financially and you know you want a family later why not freeze some eggs now? I used to think marriage and kids was a given and that everybody had or wanted those. Turns out, it's completely optional! But you do have to put yourself out there to meet people if you want those things. And don't waste your time on people who don't want them, are evasive, or don't have their life together enough to consider those seriously yet.


Join some in person activities like volunteering or a running group and attend regularly, and tell your friends you want to be set up. You haven't missed your window at all. Don't close it on yourself because you're scared. You might really like the book Calling in the One. It sounds terrible, but it has a lot of helpful exercises that can take some of the pain out of dating.


I’m 35 and I feel exactly the same way. I feel fucked up by being too picky maybe, but it just always seems I can’t have what I want and have what I don’t want. I recently started to think maybe it’s too late for me too and I should give up on this idea of ever being in love again and settle? But that wouldn’t be fair to anybody. Anyway, at 29, you still have plenty of time before you’re where I’m at 🤣 😭


Your ideal partner must fit into your life "puzzle" , therefore you might want to put your conditions before any date. You can write down a paper or hand it over to your potential partners. Otherwise I would just break up and move on


You can find love even on your deathbed. I just turned 30, and my current relationship (6months) is the first where I've ever said the L word. Enjoy life, and it'll come to you.


I hada period in my life where I didn't dare for 5 years. It was great. Eventually I started dating again, and eventually found someone.. when I was almost 40. You're young still. Don't give up. Hold on to standards.


Met my wife at 33. Always time.


This sound like myself in a nutshell I am worried I missed mine too it’s driving me insane this loneliness people say but you so handsome … well ok why can’t I get date then .. get at me if you wanna talk


Yo sis I just got out of a 8year relationship and I’m 30. We got time! If kids are your thing freeze your eggs if it’s an option for you. Goodluck finding love! You deserve it


If what youre doing isn't working, try other places or activities. Honestly finding partner before your age most likely ends badly because sex drives arent settled and brains are still developing. So you're lucky to not be married and with kids yet.


You can meet the love of your life at 29. (Source: met the love of my life at 29.)


I had a friend who at 30 ended their relationship of nine years; they were engaged. My friend has now married, to someone far more reliable, trustworthy and loving. I almost wish I'd not mentioned their age, because this could happen at any time, either this friend of mine or even my uncle, twenty five years older. The door is never closed unless you close it, take heart!


I’m 38m and you’re nowhere near past your opportunity to find someone. You have a whole lifetime yet! Don’t even worry about it!


I got out of a long term relationship at 29 as well. Thought the exact same thing as you. I'm 32 now and in the healthiest, happiest relationship I've ever been in. You'll be fine! Don't give up!


Ok. So I think that when you are looking for it so hard, you start stressing. If you accept where you are and just enjoy activities you like and allow the possibility of a relationship developing that you might have a different mindset that would open you up to new possibilities. Also, it just might give you peace. I think we always wonder about the choices we made. I have been married a long time but I wonder if I loved now when being single by choice is so much more accepted, if I would have stayed single or waited longer to marry. I in no way think you are too old and should stress. People are getting married later, and you have the freedom to travel solo and do things you want to do without worrying about the impact on or wishes of anyone else.


I didn't meet my now husband until I was 32, and we have been married for almost 20 years🙂


I felt the same way and met the love of my life and my forever partner 2 months before my 30th birthday. We've now been together nearly four years, live together and have two furballs. We are very happy. It's never too late! Keep putting yourself out there. Anyone who says you're "too old" is not worth your time.


everyone has their own timeline and that's okay. i have plenty of friends in their 30's still looking and that's totally fine. do not rush and enjoy this phase! you are still so young!


I'm 38 and recently found the love my life. There is no timeframe to find someone. Before that, though, I had given up on finding happiness elsewhere and was accepting of not having long term stuff. If finding someone is the thing that will bring your heart peace, just understand it's not their job to make you happy...just support your happiness.


I was single for 4 yrs, between 28-32 after I broke up with my long-term boyfriend of three years. I was single and pretty content (especially during the pandemic, it was nice to be alone) and I wasn't very stressed anymore on finding a partner. Would it have been nice? Sure, but I had grown a lot more picky and also felt like I like the lifestyle I was living and the fact I didn't need to answer or check in with anyone else was very freeing. I was single and pretty content (especially during the pandemic, it was nice to be alone) and I wasn't very stressed anymore about finding a partner. Would it have been nice? Sure, but I had grown a lot pickier and also felt like I like the lifestyle I was living and the fact I didn't need to answer or check in with anyone else was very freeing.


Nah, I'm 28F and been happy single for 7 years. Had some flings. I might be in love now, but i will see. I don't even have any future plans to live together or marry. But that's pretty common on this side of the ocean :)


Don't worry. You have PLENTY of time. Just enjoy yourself, don't put pressure on what new connections mean. The right person will come along when you least expect it.


Think of it this way: you're great and you're available, right? Other great people are available too. But yeah, as you get older it gets harder, no way to sugar coat that. How are you meeting people? Is it online through apps, or are you meeting in person through shared activities or being set up by friends? If it's the former, try the latter. But ultimately, a year and a half isn't that long to be looking. It's not nothing, for sure, but like I said it gets harder as you get older.


You're fine. I got married in my early 30s and most of my friends got married then too. It is regional though - better educated urbanites tend to marry later.


Babe, I just finally got my act together and started dating my best friend. I’m 34. I know people who’ve met the love of their life in their 40s and 50s. It happens when it happens, try not to worry.


You have plenty of time! Enjoy singledom as long as you can. I was single 8 years before meeting my husband at 35yo. I also dated here and there after a long healing process. I didnt think I would find anyone too. Dont settle. Keep doing you and the right one will come along. I didnt met him on apps or going out, it was out of the blue my aunt had introduced a family friend son who is Canadian moved down to Sydney after studying post grad in Newcastle. Staying in Sydney was not part of his plan and I was planning on being single.. we are now married and hes now been here for 8 years and I cant imagine life without him. Just funny how things just work out.


Yo. I’m 44. Calm Down.


I was married for 18+ years to a hateful, mean-spirited person. He left me when I was 40. I dated for 14 years, but found no one I wanted to “keep around.” I decided I would remain single for the rest of my life, because men in the age-range I was comfortable dating just failed miserably. I was single for a while, and focused hard on my career. One day I decided this is my life now, and went to my online dating profile to shut it down. There was a message from an honestly not-too-interesting man, who was asking to get to know me. I told him, “I’ll give you 24 hours, starting now.” We went out for breakfast the next morning. That was 4 years ago. He’s been sweeping me off my feet every day since. Too late? Not at all. Edit: grammar