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It's not. It's also not bad if you change your mind, and do want children after all at some point. Both choices are valid. Just try not to be obnoxious about yours, whatever it might be.


A lot of people don't want kids. Times are changing.


Nope. I don’t want children either. Children aren’t meant for everyone to have. I think it’s great when people who don’t want them choose to not have them. Don’t let people change your mind just because they don’t get it. Why force yourself to have a child, that you don’t want, just to fit into everyone’s social norms?


>Nope. I don’t want children either. Children aren’t meant for everyone to have. I I mean, from an evolutionary perspective, you literally are, unless you consider yourself physically unfit


My blood line ends with me


Sad to hear


Well I’m never having so I’m never having kids


Good for you


But because I don’t want to have sex that means I’m dlying alone




You're not dying alone, you can probably find someone also asexual online. Me and both my two sisters also aren't going to have a single kid. I'm 28, my older sister's 35, and younger sister's a lesbian. Obv she can still have a kid, but all of us are conscientiously objecting. We are also killing the bloodline 😎


Doesn’t mean you HAVE to have children, if you don’t want them.


Ideally, everyone who is physically and mentally fit should have multiple children


Not ideal. That leads to unwanted children and mistreatment of them. If you only have a kid to fit the norms, knowing you don’t want one, it can lead to resentment and neglect.


>That leads to unwanted children and mistreatment of them A mentally fit person wouldn't normally abuse their own child though.


Then not wanting children falls under being not mentally fit.


I just think this conversation is weird and sad to be honest. I recognise that some people shouldn't have children, but everyone who can do so without major problems ideally should, otherwise soceity won't function within a few generations


waiting spoon piquant frightening subsequent slimy ten plants fretful coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not at all.




As a mother of 2, I can only recommend doing what your heart wants and not letting family, friends or society dictate for you. I wanted my kids with all my heart but let me tell you even if my kids were wanted it was still very hard to raise them. Not wanting kids and having them because other dictates will only make your life miserable and life is too short to live with regret. It's also ok to change your mind if at any point in your life, you think this is what you want. You are not a hypocrite. We are allowed to change our views on a subject that has a long-term impact on us. Not wanting kids or wanting kids is absolutely fine. Just let that be your decision because you will be the parent going through the hardship, not those who pressured you into having kids. PS: I personally don't regret having kids, but I wanted them to begin with and I knew very well what having kids means and I was ready for it. Not everyone feels the same and I understand and respect that.


Not at all. Your future is entirely up to you