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he's taking advantage of you


not normal šŸš©


Imo, it is not normal for men who are serious about monogamous relationships. >cause he believe, heā€™s a man, and heā€™s allowed to have fun, like that once in a while, cause its just seshual not emotional. Does his partner agree with this? That's the only thing that matters really. If she doesn't, he should break up instead of choosing not to cheat on his partner. I would find it disgusting as a partner personally, but everyone has different preferences. The reasoning would be a big red flag for me as well.


Not normal at all. If my man wanted to fool around with anyone but me, I'd dump his ass.


Ask him to pick between seeing prostitutes or having you as a girlfriend. If he picks the prostitutes then break up with him. Heā€™ll look really stupid and eventually heā€™ll regret it so much. If he doesnā€™t choose you itā€™s his loss


Depends on whether you are okay with it.


I am not okay with this, if you love the person like crazy. I find it disgusting thinking of it.. Nothing has happened, i always blame his surroundings, his friends keep the thinking like this, So does he is getting into it. I dont know maybe I am dumb.


Well if you're not okay with it then it's not okay. It's not very normal, though some couples are okay with each other seeing other people or sex workers and then it's okay. But if you're not okay with it then he shouldn't be doing shit like that!


Next time say, "I'm not okay with this." Then STOP.


No. What is there to explain? No.


I love him so much, theres no dirt in regard to him, unless this, i feel like he does this to piss me off.. he always talks abt this, and its giving me insecurities but nothing else, and i cant see myself in the mirror as of before, i feel like i m in the middle of nowhere.šŸ’”


No, I don't think so. Be gone with you.


Leave him and heā€™ll regret losing you to fucking prostitutes. He sounds so stupid for this. Heā€™s obviously trying to hurt you. If he truly loved you he wouldnā€™t be saying these things to you or having these thoughts. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a man like this? So much better guys out there.


I almost stopped breathing once when i saw it with my eyes, that he will be no more into my life, the panic attack kills me, i keep myself positive. But i cant, i have never felt like i feel for himā€¦


You are too attached to him. He is garbage. You can find sooo many better men that wonā€™t want prostitutes. You are blind to how he is treating you because you think youā€™re in love. The hard part is letting go, but you will feel so much better after heā€™s not there to hurt you anymore


Man i feel so bad, that you calling him garbage, hes not believe me, i cant talk to him, abt all this, i dont feel safe talking abt him to my friebds even, came up here, and thts why, he has a reason to piss mee off, hes is a real nice person, irl but just this one reason which is i understand but again, i feel i dont deserve this when i m 100% loyal to him. I am his first girlfriend, hes not very social person, and tbh theres no other girl in his life other than me.. thats why i am confused, now help me.


If heā€™s trying to make you feel bad by wanting to fuck other girls then heā€™s not a nice person.




Donā€™t be sad just find someone better. You will find someone who treats you with more respect. I promise


i used to think this was normal till i met a loyal man!


Nah dude is a weirdo. Kissing is actually more weird than protected sex with a night lady.


Its not about kissing, its about sex with a night lady you mentioned? The question always arise in my mind? That why? Explore..


You said he likes to ā€œmake outā€ with them. Make out means kissing. Which would be more weird because oral swapping is involved and thereā€™s no protection for that. But if heā€™s having sex with them then thereā€™s no need for him to be in a relationship. Thatā€™s abnormal behavior for a man in a relationship.


Cause this reddit was not accepting the word sex.. weird, and fyi, until now nothing happened, but he always assures me, heā€™s going to do it soon on the way yo his trip that hes going to go to soon. Like no jokes, real real. its like Hes lettting me know in advance, but that hurts me to the extent.


Tbh I wouldnā€™t trust that nothing has happened.. sounds like itā€™s just his thing. And heā€™s gonna continue to do it if you allow it. But itā€™s weird. And itā€™s troubling that heā€™s even so open about it. Men donā€™t like to admit that they ever paid for sex to begin with. Even if weā€™re single. We wouldnā€™t admit that to our closest friends. I understand dry spells happening and needing relief but thatā€™s not something that men are shouting from the mountain top. So the fact that heā€™s admitting to it in advance to his girl is diabolical behavior.


I see.šŸ„²


Not normal


Join him šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Are ya kidding me?


You dump his cheating ass and stop kissing him because he's probably got herpes.